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Sugar, Spice, and Shifters: A Touch of Holiday Magic

Page 88

by Élianne Adams

  “I could eat,” she said as she leaned into him.

  “I’ll let you get finished with what you’re doing while I get some food ready. Maybe if I cook something edible you’ll let me have some cookies for dessert?”

  Stella excused herself, he was sure to give them some space, as well as go find Brycen. Once she was out of the room, he brought his hands down to her hips and pulled her closer. She gasped before shifting her ass against his growing cock. He stifled his moan in her neck, kissing her again.

  “I think that sounds wonderful,” She said, her voice soft and sexy.

  “Which, the food, or me,” he asked.

  “Both, but mostly you,” she giggled and rubbed her ass against him again.

  “Break it up, you two.” Jace said as he walked into the kitchen and headed to the fridge for a bottle of beer, but then did a double-take when he spotted them. “Oh, hey, sorry. I’m so used to hearing those kinds of giggles from Stella that I thought it was her and Brycen in here.”

  Maddie stiffened, and would have pulled away had it not been for the fact that he pinned her against the counter. “Jace, this is Maddie. Maddie, meet Jace, Stella’s brother.”

  He came up behind her and peered into the mixing bowl her hands were still buried in. “Can’t wait to try those,” he said. “Stella tells me you’re staying over Christmas. I’m happy to hear it. We’re going to cut a tree tomorrow, maybe you’d like to come along?”

  Maddie was nodding even before Jace finished his sentence. “That would be lovely. I’ve never done that before.”

  Luke wrapped his arms around her waist, and she relaxed into him. Every one of his clan mates went out of their way to make her feel welcomed. “We’re using sleds to do it, so you’ll have to borrow one of Stella’s snow suits. That is unless she thought to pick one up for you today.”

  Maddie laughed. “To be honest, we bought so much, I can’t even remember what I have, but if the number of bags we brought back here are any indication, there must be one in there somewhere.”

  “Great. We’ll look through them and get your clothes settled into the closet after we eat.” He kissed her neck again, noticing—and ignoring—the exaggerated eye roll Jace gave them. Luke grabbed the chicken from the fridge and got what he needed before getting to work a little ways down from Maddie. He wasn’t a great chef, but he could toss chicken in some spiced bread crumbs like a pro. Before he even had all the ingredients out, Stella came back, her cheeks flushed, and a small smile on her lips. He didn’t even want to know.

  “Oh, you making more food? I think Brycen will want to eat again, if you don’t mind putting a few more pieces in, I’d appreciate it. I made some potato salad earlier, and I’m sure there’s enough for the two of you if you want some to go with the chicken.”

  “Sure thing,” he said. He’d already planned on cooking extra. If the other couple didn’t have it, one of the other men would when they came in later.

  Once he had it in the oven, he gave Maddison a hug and a kiss before excusing himself. She didn’t need him hovering over her like a mother hen. Stella would take care of her. With that in mind, he headed for the front of the house. He had roughly twenty-five minutes before he had to take the meat out of the oven, which gave him plenty of time to stretch his wings a little.

  — — —

  Maddie didn’t remember the last time she’d had such a good time. Stella was funny as all hell. They talked as though they had known each other for years. Every once in a while she’d hear someone coming into the front part of the house, or some muted voiced, but otherwise, no one came in to bother them as they laughed and rolled out the cookies.

  When the chicken was almost ready, Luke came back, his hair was a little damp when she hugged him, and he had a fresh outdoorsy scent about him. Even though Stella had walked her through the entire main area of the house and shown her where the dining room was, they took their plates to the kitchen table where the other couple joined them. When it was finally done, and all the cookies were out of the oven, Maddie was dead tired. The entire day had been like something out of a dream. If she pushed the memory of the Diner and her apartment aside, it had been the best day she’d had in a very long time.

  The four of them worked together to square away the kitchen, then Brycen and Stella excused themselves for the evening. As intimate as they had been the previous night, and all they had gone through together that day, she shouldn’t be shy around Luke, but, doubt started creeping in.

  “You sure you want me staying in your room? I could take a guest room if you want.”

  Luke laughed, and she felt silly for asking. “Are you kidding me?” he asked. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather have you than right there with me. I want to go to sleep with you in my arms, and wake up wrapped around you every morning like I did this morning.”

  The following day, all geared up in her brand new snowsuit, and a helmet she borrowed from Stella, she accompanied everyone to get a Christmas tree. At first, she’d clung to Luke for dear life as the snow machine roared to life, but by the time they found the perfect tree, the exhilaration of the ride had made her almost giddy. Even the cold didn’t bother her when she was snuggled up against him. They followed it up with steaming cups of hot chocolate and the cookies she and Stella had made the day before.

  As much fun as the day had been, the night was even better. Luke took his time, discovering every inch of her body, and she explored him with her fingers and mouth, learning each defined muscle, and plane. His lovemaking, sweet and sensual one moment, turned wild and passionate the next.

  Christmas Eve, Luke woke her with the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee. They snuggled in bed for a while, talking a little, and kissing a lot. She could get used to the attention. When he left her to shower, she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. Being with Luke was like being home. Talking with him, laughing, just being together was… right. There was no other way to explain it. She had never had that kind of connection with anyone. She doubted she ever would again. More than that, she didn’t want it with anyone else. For someone who needed months to begin to trust people, she couldn’t imagine not having him there anymore. Luke had told her that some of his clan mates were already cleaning up and fixing her place, but did she really want to go back there? Would she feel safe on her own?

  With the master bathroom attached to the bedroom, she hadn’t bothered to bring in her clothes, so when she came out with nothing but a towel wrapped around her, she wasn’t surprised to hear Luke’s sexy growl.

  “So gorgeous. It’s amazing I can walk upright at all with you around,” he said as he came to her and wrapped her in his arms. He brought his hands to her bottom, pulling her in tight, proving how much her partial nudity affected him. She was so tempted to take advantage of their time together, but she had to get ready.

  She and Stella were going back to the village. They had made more goodies, and were delivering them to Marybeth and Gloria. Apparently the truck was loaded with gifts for all the foster children, too. She couldn’t wait to hear their squeals of laughter, and have their little arms around her. Gloria had told her of the horrors some of those children had gone through. It amazed her that they still laughed, and played, happy to be in a safe home for the first time in their short lives.

  “As much as I want to take you up on what your body is offering,” she gave him a long lingering kiss, “and I do want to, I have to go.”

  “What? You mean I can’t keep you holed up here in my bedroom forever? I promise I’d make it worth your while,” he teased.

  “I’m sure you would.” She kissed him again but then pulled away. “I’ll tell you what. Once I get back, I’ll be all yours for the rest of the day.” She went to the closet and picked an outfit. She and Stella had gone through each one they had bought and had organized them in sets so she would match and not have to keep asking for help to choose her clothing.

  “Deal,” he said when she returned to the room to get dressed.
“But before you go, I have a present for you.”

  “It’s not even Christmas yet. Why are you giving me a present?”

  “This is more necessity than something fun and frivolous, so it’s not a Christmas present, just a gift. I didn’t know what to get, so I got a few. Try them out, and if you don’t like any of them, we’ll return them all and get something else.”

  “I’m sure whatever you got me will be wonderful.” One of the reasons she was so happy to be going into the village was so that she could find a little gift for Luke for Christmas morning. She didn’t have a whole lot of money, but she could buy him something. She just didn’t know what.

  “Here, sit on the bed. I’ll get them for you.” He walked over to the dresser and came back. “Hold out your hand.” When she did, he placed a handle on her outstretched palm.

  “A walking stick?” She gripped the handle and stroked its length with her other hand. “Luke, that’s so thoughtful. Thank you. How did you get it here so fast?”

  “I had them put a rush on it, and when they wouldn’t deliver to Glen Farley, I had Matt fly to Denver to get it. Try it out. I have three more here. I had them customized to your height already.”

  Once she had tried all four, she chose one, but to be honest, they all felt like a perfect fit. “Thank you so much. They’re all wonderful. Any of them will do.”

  “Great, so we’ll keep them all,” he announced. “If you need more, let me know, the company will keep your information on file. Now when you’re in the village, you’ll be able to walk safely without having to be dragged around. And here too, I guess. Once you’re used to the layout of the house, you’ll be able to go wherever you want.”

  She didn’t know what to say. Luke, with his thoughtfulness, had given her her freedom back, limited as it was for a person without sight. She kissed him, with all she had, showing him how much his gift meant to her. When he finally pulled away, she was the one to protest, making him laugh. “You’re going to miss your ride if you don’t go.”

  Had it not been for Stella waiting for her, she would have gladly stayed right where she was for the rest of the day. “I know. But when I get back, you’re all mine,” she promised.

  “I’m counting on it,” he said, his voice so gravelly it sent a shiver through her at the memory of their lovemaking when his dragon rose to play. “Be careful down there. If anyone bothers you or Stella, I want you to come straight home.”

  “We’ll be careful.” She gave him one more quick kiss before going to the door, more confident now that she had the cane to guide her.


  Their first stop was the Woolridge house. The instant they walked in the door, they were bombarded with hugs and kisses. Even little Andrew, the newest addition to the foster family, came for a tentative hug. The women worked magic with the children, drawing them out of the shells they were in when they arrived, turning them back into the children they should have been to begin with.

  They spent the next couple of hours handing out gifts and munching on cookies. The kids laughed and played all around them. As much as she enjoyed it, when Stella suggested they get going, she was happy to go. She needed to do a bit of shopping, and wanted to get back to Luke, so the sooner they got going, the sooner they’d be home.

  After what felt like hours of shopping, Maddie groaned and hung her head. “I don’t know what to get him. I have no idea what he’d like, and even if I did, he has everything he could possibly want, or need.”

  “Can I be honest with you, Maddie?” Stella asked.

  “Please. I’m all out of ideas.”

  “There is only one thing that he wants. That’s you. You don’t have to buy him a thing. Let’s get him a nice sweater so he’ll have a gift under the tree, and we’ll see what we can figure out for your real gift.”

  “But he already has me.”

  “Not completely. Maybe we need to have a girl to girl talk so you know what to expect, and then you can figure out what you want to do.”

  They stopped at a small coffee shop, and by the time they were done, her mind was whirling. What she was planning was insane—beyond insane—but excitement rushed through her at the prospect. They made one last stop at the lingerie shop before heading back.

  As soon as the truck came to a stop, the door was ripped open, and Luke was there, helping her out. He didn’t say a word, but Maggie knew something was wrong. His touch wasn’t cold or impersonal, but he was coiled so tight, she thought he might snap. “What’s the matter?”

  He didn’t say a word, as he wrapped her in his arms, and held her—tight.

  “No problems in the village?” This time, it was Brycen’s voice she heard, and he sounded as anxious as Luke did.

  “No, not at all,” Stella told him.

  Luke shook against her. “What’s wrong? You’re scaring me. We’re fine. I know we were a little late, but you could have called—oh right, my cell isn’t working,” she said. She would have to have it replaced next time she was in town.

  “No, and Stella didn’t answer hers, either,” Brycen said with a bit of a reproach in his voice.

  “I forgot to grab it on my way out. I’m sorry to have worried you.”

  “Shit. Babe, please promise me you’ll bring it with you from now on. I can’t go through this again. My heart can’t take it.” Brycen told Stella, his voice thicker than usual.

  Luke had yet to release her. He took deep breaths, and when he finally was able to pull away from her, he gave her a soft kiss. “Let’s get inside and we’ll fill you in on what’s going on.”

  They hadn’t even sat in the living room when Jace rushed in. “Thank, fuck,” he said. His steps took him past her, then she heard a little squeak coming from Stella.

  “I missed you too, but I can’t breathe, Jace,” she said.

  “Where the hell have you two been? Why weren’t you answering your phone?” Jace came toward her. “And that goes for you too, Maddie. You’re important to Luke, so you’re important to all of us. You can’t disappear like that. It’s not safe.”

  The next thing she knew, Jace gave her a huge hug too. Wow, whatever was going on, it was serious to have shaken these big, fierce men.

  “Jace, they’re okay. They don’t know what’s been going on. Let’s get them caught up. When everything settles down again, I’ll get Maddie a new phone. Until then, if they go anywhere, they’ll have to be accompanied.”

  — — —

  Luke hadn’t restricted her before. She wouldn’t like it, but her safety had to come first. He hoped she would understand, but he wasn’t ready to compromise on that one.

  “Please, we’re safe at home. Tell us what’s happened.” She sat on the couch, and Luke sat with her, pulling her into his side. Any separation from her at that point was more than he, or his dragon, could handle.

  “I’m going to go down and get the men to come back. I’m glad you’re both okay,” Jace said before he left.

  “Where are the other men?” Stella asked.

  Luke took a steadying breath. “After you left, we had some company. Three men. A man claiming to be Maddison’s boyfriend, and two police officers came up here demanding to speak with her.”

  Maddie gasped. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Well, I didn’t up until a couple of days ago,” she protested, and his heart did a little flip. She saw them as a couple, which was great because he would never be able to let her go. If he had his way, she wouldn’t move back to the village at all, even when it was safe again.

  “I know, love,” he told her. “I could smell the lie for what it was, but that wasn’t all. After we denied them entry and demanded a warrant, they got angry. We suspect they’re hunters, but no one threatened us or attacked, so our hands were tied. It wasn’t until they were about to leave that one of the officers got a message through his radio. The last thing he said before they peeled out of here was that they’d found you in the village and that there would be no little dragons in the area anytime soon.”
Another shudder shook him, and he pulled Maddie closer still. If he thought she’d tolerate it, he’d pull her onto his lap to hold her, or better yet, drag her upstairs and keep her locked up until everything blew over.

  “Crap. I’m sorry, babe.” Stella said. “You must have been worried sick. I promise no one bothered us while we were down there. They probably said that to rile you up. Had you attacked, they could have hauled you in. You would have been killed without a trial.”

  Maddie stiffened and she turned her head in his direction. “Is that true? Could they do that to you?”

  “They could, which is why we had to stay behind. Do you have any idea how hard that was? Sending other men out looking for our mates? I may never let you go out without me again,” he joked. Now that she was safe, he could breathe again, but the fear of losing her had cemented a few things home. One, he was already so in love with his mate, that he wouldn’t survive if she denied his claim, and two, he’d do whatever it took to have her agree to become his. And the sooner, the better. As each of the men came home, they checked in on the women, their relief so obvious it was almost funny. Each of them had similar messages... never scare them like that again, and Luke wholeheartedly agreed.

  For the first time in ages, they all ate together. No one willing to leave the women unprotected, even though there were home and as safe as anyone could ever be. After they had eaten, a few of the men went to put the tree on the stand, while others brought boxes of ornaments down. By the time the tree was decorated, the men were happier, more settled, and started trickling back to their own quarters.

  “Getting tired?” he asked Maggie. He was more than ready to have some time alone with his mate. He needed to touch her and be with her in every way. It would soothe both him, and the dragon, like nothing else could.

  She stretched and stood. “I am.” She folded up her walking stick and held her hand out for him to take.


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