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A Final Paige (Hidden Kingdom Trilogy Book 3)

Page 24

by L. Rose

  We entered in our little group, but with Xi and Kiered walking beside Alex, and Ezra at the back. The room was something like out of Harry Potter. It was circular and you stepped down at least twenty or so stairs into the middle where the council sat on a podium, leaving room in front of them on the empty floor. I wanted to snort at the thought of them wanting to be higher than whoever they spoke to on the floor. If they wanted to look down on me, that was fine. I would take it. I didn’t care, because soon they would be stopped.

  We slowly descended the stairs and stopped in the middle of the floor. Thorn and Nate moved aside a little, so they all had a view of me, and I had one of them.

  They ranged in people. Older, younger, and middle-aged. Four were women, six were men.

  I’d seen Gregory before on footage. He was the one who’d organized the kidnapping of the alphas. It was easy to guess who Jessica was. She eyed Asher like he was her salvation, even after everything they’d been through. Bet she regretted not giving him the time off now. My men could have been back working with the council if they’d done as Asher had asked. They forced my men’s hands by rejecting their request and then trying to apprehend Asher so he wouldn’t go anywhere since they knew, via demons, that the ghoul queen’s powers had resurfaced in the area they had been on a mission in.

  “Paige Alice, I would say welcome to the council compound, but unfortunately it’s under terrible circumstance. Asher Evans, Nate Felan, Alex Smith, and you are suspects in twenty murders of humans,” one of the middle-aged men said from where he sat in the center of the group.

  I tilted my head a little and studied him. I sensed he was a shifter, but I could be wrong. “Forgive me, you seem to know who I am, but I do not know you.” I knew all their names. I’d read the written files Alex had on them. I knew how each one was involved in something disgusting and why the council needed a clean slate of members, but I hadn’t put faces to their names.

  His jaw clenched. He didn’t like I didn’t know him. I had to hold back my smile from growing. He cleared his throat. “My name is Chryston Hem, alpha to the bears.” Right, no wonder Leon and his people fled from this alpha. I’d read he liked to spend time with the young women of his sleuth. He was a rapist. I blanked my features. “Beside me is vampire master Samuel Person.” He drank from people without ensnaring their minds. He liked his victims to scream. “Down his side there is Aaron Jilt, mage. Stephen Kinston, troll. Jessica Frank, vampire. Fiona Gemming, Valkyrie. Along my side we have Quinton Heil, wendigo. Gregory Kelton, vampire. Desirae Hunt, witch. Sapphire Wills, fae.” Aaron liked to play with young boys. Stephen raided businesses for money and supplies. Jessica… well, I just didn’t like that bitch since she was my men’s former boss. Fiona liked to eat people, literally, but not like I did. She did it while they were still alive. Quinton often joined Fiona and made a game out of it where they hunted the people down. Gregory sold women. Desirae and Sapphire collected men. Men who were weaker and didn’t have the power or strength to stand up for themselves. They used them however they wanted. Pimped them out to others, and then killed them after years of torture because they grew bored with them. They were also in a relationship together. I wasn’t sure how Alex gained all the information he had, but it was valuable, and it fueled my anger toward them. I had to remind myself that they deserved everything that would come to them.

  However, Alex hadn’t noted Sapphire was fae; he’d found witch on her file.

  “Cedrick, do you know her?” I asked into his mind.

  “She was sister to Lenora. Thought dead. Her name is different, used to be Leanna.”

  “Now you know our names and what we are. Can we move on?” Chryston asked with a smirk.

  I waved a hand around. “Of course.”

  “Before we move on, Chryston. I’d like to know the mates we haven’t heard of,” Desirae purred as she eyed Ezra and licked her lips.

  Rage surfaced inside me. I wanted to slap the bitch, rip her apart, and then spit on her.

  “Ezra, my hellhound. Cedrick, my fae, and Thorn, my ghoul.” I didn’t give them their last names. I’d hoped they didn’t know about the connection Ezra had to Lucifer.

  “Hellhound. I thought them mindless, killing beasts,” Stephen commented.

  “I’m sure he’s a beast in bed.” Sapphire smiled and then giggled with Desirae.

  Keep it together, Paige. Keep it together. They will get what’s coming to them.

  “All my men pleasure me in bed, but I wasn’t sure you all needed to know that.”

  “We didn’t.” Chryston glared down at the sluts. “Back to the matter at hand. Will the guilty party step forward?”

  “Guilty? We are not guilty of anything. You say we killed twenty humans, but where is this proof?” I demanded.

  “Kimberly, bring in the only survivor,” Samuel ordered.

  Kimberly scuttled out a door to the side of their podium. She rushed back in, her face pale. “He’s dead.”

  “What?” Chryston snarled. “How?”

  “K-Killed himself,” Kimberly stammered.

  All eyes turned on us. “You’ve done this—”

  I laughed and shook my head. “How? You’ve had people watch all of us since we arrived. I didn’t even know you had a witness.”

  “Because there wasn’t one, since it never happened,” Alex said loudly.

  “Lies,” Fiona hissed.

  “I would like to tell you my side of the story of what happened that night. If I may,” I asked. They all looked at each other, and I was sure they communicated mentally like I could with Cedrick. I wondered if it was a gift from Sapphire.

  “Very well. Speak.”

  I fisted my hands at my sides. I felt like barking like a dog, but didn’t. Instead, I told them, and whoever was watching through the broach, in detail everything that happened the night I became ghoul queen.

  “Why would demons come after you?” Gregory questioned.

  This was where I could throw them under the bus with the proof we had. However, I wasn’t sure it was the time.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Jessica said. “Asher, Nate, and Alex are under arrest for treason. No one leaves the elite enforcers without permission. No one.” She clapped her hands; the door to the left of the podium opened, and enforcers streamed into the room surrounding us.

  “Come peacefully and no one will get hurt.”

  “No!” I cried. “You cannot take them.”

  “Love,” Asher called, his hands on my shoulders. “We’ll go. It’s okay.”

  I looked to the floor, pretending to be lost in thought, but used the link to speak with with Asher instead. “What are you doing?”

  “Nate, Alex, and I will secure the room outside. You need to give them everything we know on them.”

  “Throw them under the bus,” Alex clipped.

  “But what happens if they do something to any of you?”

  “Angel, have more faith in us. We can take these guys on with a hand tied behind our backs,” Nate said.

  “You had all better come back into the room in one piece.”

  “We will, dove. Nothing will keep us away from you.”

  Finally, I nodded and straightened. Asher dropped his hands and he, with Nate and Alex, were escorted from the room with half of the enforcers while the other half stayed put.

  “Kiered and I believe they will attack soon. The guards who stayed behind seem to be ones who don’t like our group.”

  I took a look around at them and noticed their distaste for us.

  Thorn, Ezra, Cedrick, Xi, and Kiered moved closer to me. I lifted my chin and said, “You took some of my mates away. Haven’t you already taken enough, not from me, but from others?”

  Some of them laughed. “What are you talking about?” Aaron asked.

  Into our link, I asked, “Cedrick, if the guards approach, are you able to make them believe they’re stuck in quicksand?”

  “Kiered and I will work together. They’ll believe it.”r />
  “Fantastic. I need them held back until I’ve spoken, and then we can attack.”

  “Finally,” Ezra moaned through the link, while Thorn just smiled.

  Taking a step forward, I smiled sadly. “It’s hard being queen. So very hard because I not only want to protect my family and my mates, but I want to protect my people. Even the people who aren’t my own, but don’t have a voice or a say in any matters. Since becoming queen, all I have ever wanted was peace. All I have ever wanted was to live happily knowing that no matter who you are or what you are, or what strength and power you have, that you are safe and happy against those who wish to bully you, who want to corrupt you.”

  “That’s a nice little speech, ghoul, but what is the meaning of it?” Jessica asked, smirking at me like I was about to lose everything I held dear.

  “I’m talking about change. It needs to happen, in your life, in everyone’s life, but mostly in the people who govern over all of us.”

  More laughter filled the room. “And why do you think change is needed?” Chryston asked. Was he really so stupid to lead me into subjects that they wouldn’t want people to know about? Then again, they thought they had the upper hand since we were surrounded.

  “Because all of you are the worst. You’re all evil, vile people, and I’m willing here and now to stand up to you all.”

  “Foolish bitch, you have four. We have many.”

  I shrugged.

  “Why do you call us such things? What is it you think you know exactly?” Samuel questioned, as if he thought he was trapping me into telling them everything, where I wanted to in the first place.

  “I’m talking about what you have in the lower levels of the compound. How you kidnap those who are stronger than any of you to drain their power and life source. We know for certain about the lion and tiger alphas being taken. We have footage of it from Gregory’s computer before it got deleted.” I pointed to one of the guards. “I was sure I saw you on there.” Watching him tense told me enough. He was probably one of them involved, even when I wasn’t sure myself. But he’d been glaring at us pretty hard.

  Gregory coughed and choked on the water he’d inhaled.

  “Preposterous.” Stephen laughed. He slapped the table with his hand. “All lies.”

  “I haven’t finished. We have proof to show the people. We have proof over all your illegal activities. No council member should be involved in killing and kidnapping people or selling and pimping out women and men. Or taking little girls and boys and using them for their sick games. We have proof of it all, and it’s time the people knew exactly who they have ruling over all factors.”

  Chryston stood. “Even if you had something, do you think we’d allow the people to see it? You are more foolish than I’d heard about.”

  Jessica also stood. “We’re going to destroy you and your people, Paige Alice. I look forward to breaking the bond you have on Asher and claiming him as mine.” She made her way to the doorway my men had gone through. “In fact, I might go and try now.”

  “May I eat her?” Xi asked.

  I ignored his question and slowly leaked my power into the room. My claws grew inch by inch, my teeth lengthened, and I knew my eyes glowed.

  “You’ll not have him. You’ll not harm what’s mine. And I will protect anyone who wishes for it. This is the last day of the pain and destruction you’ve delivered on people. As of right now, my allies are infiltrating the compound.”

  Chryston roared. He pointed to Fiona and Samuel. “Go.” He gestured to a guard. “Contact the others. Bring them here.”

  The guards tried. He called them on their two-way radio, but no one replied. When Fiona and Samuel opened the door we’d entered, we heard the chaos happening on the outside.

  “The room must have been spelled silent,” Ezra commented and chuckled when they started to look panicked. Fiona and Samuel disappeared out the door. Two gone, now eight to go and the guards.

  “What have you done?” screamed Desirae.

  “I’ve brought people with me who have seen the proof, who know just what type of people you all are, and now they’re willing to help put a stop to it.”

  Jessica started for me, and I welcomed it. I was ready to rip off her head. But Desirae appeared in front of me. Her glowing hand pressed against my chest. I cried out at the sudden onslaught of pain. My mates swung to me, but Ezra was taken to the ground by Quinton. Thorn was thrown up into the air by Aaron, and Cedrick, along with his brother, were busy using their magic against the guards while Xi had shifted and was currently eating the screaming elite enforcers.

  I was on my own, and I didn’t mind at all.

  I grabbed her wrists, and using my strength, I snapped them. She howled in agony and fell to the floor. I spun to Ezra, who was in his hellhound form, just as the wendigo sank its fangs into Ezra’s hide. I sprinted over, grabbed the thing around the waist, and held on while it screeched and fought to loosen my grip.

  Something hit me in the back of the head. I stumbled forward, dropping Quinton in the process. I glanced at Sapphire. She stood there holding one of the seats in her hands, breathing hard.

  “Stop!” Chryston bellowed. “Fellow council members, please come back. Take a seat. We shouldn’t have to lift a finger to take down something like her.” They moved quickly, all smiling, like they knew what Chryston had planned, which they probably did. “Aaron, if you will.”

  “My pleasure.” Aaron’s power choked the room. It wasn’t like Alex’s. It was smooth and sweet. It stunk and I wanted to get away from it.

  “Blood magic,” Ezra warned.

  A portal opened, and a tall, smiling man stepped through.

  “Fuck, that’s the demon who worked with Grace. Rebellious,” Thorn told us.

  Shit just got real.

  Rebellious smiled at Thorn. “Ah, the ghoul I was promised. Where is my mage I was also promised?” he asked.

  “Capture them all first and we’ll give you who you’re after,” Chryston ordered.

  Rebellious glowered at the man. Chryston was smart enough to take a seat. Rebellious sniffed the air. “I want the girl too.”

  “No,” Aaron said. “I am your master. I called you here. You will do as we ask.”

  Rebellious turned and stared him down, but Aaron looked right back. Xi stalked closer to the demon. I wanted to call him off. I didn’t want him hurt. He was a pain, but a part of our family.

  Xi leaped. Rebellious turned, grabbed Xi’s snake head that was going in for a strike, and ripped it right off.

  “Xi,” Kiered cried. Cedrick quickly grabbed his brother.

  “No, stop,” I yelled. Xi dropped to the ground, and Rebellious kicked him hard enough his body went sailing across the floor, slamming into the seats. Xi tried to climb to his feet, but he fell back down.

  Rebellious laughed. “Really, Xi. We’ve fought before, and you’ve failed. I know your tricks, beast, so don’t bother.”

  Cedrick let Kiered go. He raced over to Xi and knelt over him, whispering things over and over.

  Rebellious scoffed. “Pathetic.” He turned back to Aaron. “Now, let’s get back to business. The girl is mine.”

  “She’s ours. You take the ghoul and the mage.”

  “You promised me riches and power like I wouldn’t believe. You said I would be stronger than the devil himself. The girl’s life will give me the boost I need. I’m taking her.”

  “I’m the one who controls the portal. I can send you back, and you’ll never grace Earth again, neither will your minions.”

  Rebellious dropped his head back and laughed heartily. In a blink, he was right in front of Aaron with his hand over Aaron’s face. Aaron screamed, and we all watched as his body shrank in on itself. Rebellious had drained him of his power in seconds.

  “Now I control the portal. Come,” he called, and demons crawled, flew, and raced out of the portal. Rebellious faced the other council members. “Shall we talk about a new deal?”

stood, her hands alight with her powers. “I can still send you back to Hell, demon.”

  Didn’t they know when to shut up and let him think he was getting his own way?

  “Alex, Asher, Nate?” I called, using our link.

  “We heard, angel,” Nate answered. “We’re trying to get back in there.”

  That was all I could ask for. I knew they would be dealing with a lot outside those doors.

  “You are not strong enough, witch.” He waved her off as if she were nothing. To him, I supposed she was. He turned to me, and my heart dropped to my feet. He smiled. “You smell delicious. I have a feeling I could drain your power again and again and you’d just get more back. I’m going to have fun with you.”

  “You’ll not have her,” Cedrick said. He moved in front of me. Thorn also stepped in front of me, and then Ezra, back in his human form.

  Rebellious paused. He glared at Ezra. “Why do you look familiar?” He drew in a breath. “You smell of home. Who are you?”

  “Paige, break the broach,” Ezra said through our link, and it was the first time I’d heard him so serious.

  Still, I asked, “What?”

  “Break the broach. Cut off the video, now.” His tone scared me.

  “Cedrick, can you make yourself look like a guard and grab me?” I asked. “I don’t want people to think I cut off the connection to the live feed.”


  I could still see Cedrick as himself, but I felt his powers around him. He grabbed the top of my dress, tore off the broach and held it up. “What is this sorcery?” He dropped it and stomped on it. His acting skills could do with some work, but it wasn’t too bad.

  “Answer me,” Rebellious roared. He still hadn’t looked away from Ezra. “Who are you?”

  I took a step forward. “You don’t need to know.”

  Rebellious’s eyes swung to me, and he smiled. “Maybe I don’t. You come to me, and I’ll forget all about him, little queeny.”

  “No,” all of my mates roared into my mind.

  Movement caught my attention. I glanced to the council members who were currently trying to sneak away. “If any of you take another step, you’ll be dealing with my mates.”


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