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Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust)

Page 18

by Carpenter, Maggie

  ‘I could not agree more,’ Lord Michael concurred wholeheartedly, admiring the deliciously shapely body leaning against the fireplace beside him.

  ‘Excellent,’ Sir Andrew mumbled around his fat cigar. ‘What a delightful picture she makes, and no mistake.’

  Elizabeth felt herself blush; she was being displayed for their gratification like an exhibit at a gallery.

  ‘Feet a little further apart,’ Lord Michael instructed, taking a sip of his brandy and then placing the sparkling crystal beside her splayed fingers on the mantelpiece.

  She obeyed, cringing inwardly at the way she was being manipulated, emotionally and physically, for the pleasure of the two men. Then she heard the soft chink of lead crystal being placed on mahogany, and the subtle creak of leather as the guest adjusted his position, leaning forward, and she held her breath, awaiting the inevitable.

  ‘I believe a degree of correction is required, my good friend,’ the man said, ‘for being neglectful of her duties upon our return from your club.’

  ‘And I would agree,’ Lord Michael said.

  There was a tense pause, when the only sound in the room was the crackling fire, and then a cold hand touched her bottom.

  ‘Such a splendid rump,’ he said, and Lord Michael nodded.

  ‘It most certainly is,’ he agreed proudly.

  Elizabeth was mortified; Sir Andrew’s chilly touch was crawling over her exposed bottom, and they were discussing her as though she wasn’t even there!

  ‘You’ve done a remarkable job in taming this one in such a relatively short period of time,’ Sir Andrew said, complimenting his friend.

  ‘We’ve a long way to go yet,’ Lord Michael replied.

  ‘And I would be more than happy to help, should you need a hand,’ he sniggered, amused at his pun. ‘Now let’s see,’ he went on, his demeanour serious once again, ‘I think a few good smacks,’ he decided, raising his hand, and Elizabeth gasped and clutched the mantelpiece tighter as it swept down and pounded her vulnerable bottom, the severe impact causing the tensed cheeks to quiver enticingly. ‘Her bottom is so much prettier when adorned with the marks of a just punishment,’ he commented, slapping her again, then building into a rhythm that had Elizabeth screwing her face up in anguish and rocking towards the mantelpiece with each fresh impact. But she gritted her teeth and withstood the onslaught, desperately wanting it to cease whilst taking the humiliating punishment with fortitude.

  ‘And for good measure, my favourite spot,’ Sir Andrew panted, his efforts rendering him a little out of breath, running the palm of his hand up and down the insides of Elizabeth’s thighs, ‘four good smacks on each side. And this will sting more acutely, believe me, young lady.’

  Elizabeth held her breath, and the palm that swatted against her inner thigh did indeed carry a fierce bite. The four spanks almost dragged the tears from her tightly closed eyes, but she fought them back, the creamy flesh of her thighs surprisingly more sensitive than that of her bottom, and by the time the eight smacks had been applied she was almost at the end of her tether, pushed to her limits by the lateness of the hour and the fact that it was not Lord Michael dispensing the punishment – the latter compounded by the fact that she instinctively disliked the arrogant bully.

  Having bid his friend goodnight and seen him out to the waiting cab, Lord Michael returned to the sitting room, sat down on the sofa, and told Elizabeth to kneel on the carpet before him, hands behind her back.

  ‘That was a big night for you, my dear,’ he said, brushing her fringe up off her flushed brow, ‘and you did remarkably well. I am very pleased and proud of you. Your training is not just physical; you are being tested at every level, mental and emotional, and you are progressing very nicely.’ He puffed on his cigar and finished the last drop of his brandy. ‘Now go upstairs and get to bed. I’ll be up shortly, but tonight we sleep. You’ve earned a good night’s rest.’

  ‘Thank you, sir,’ she said softly, rising with her usual elegant grace, padding across the floor in her stocking feet and leaving the room with a pretty backward glance at him.

  To date she had far surpassed all his expectations, and now she had just one more night to go.

  The following evening Elizabeth sat expectantly on the couch in the sitting room. He had told her earlier in the day her initiation was almost over, and to wait for him after dinner.

  She hadn’t seen him since then, dining alone and now feeling rather fidgety, awaiting his return.

  She heard the front door open and close, and caught her breath. Her pulse quickened as she heard him hand his coat and hat to Nancy.

  When he entered the room she wasn’t sure if she should remain sitting, stand up and greet him, or kneel, and so feeling unsure of herself she decided to take the safest route, and dropped to her knees.

  He smiled. ‘Excellent. Your instincts are improving.’

  ‘Thank you, sir,’ she replied, blushing with pride rather than embarrassment or shame.

  He sat on the couch in front of her and took her hands in his. ‘I have some good news, Elizabeth,’ he said. ‘Tonight is the final night of your initiation.’

  ‘I hope I will not disappoint you, sir.’

  ‘I am sure you’ll do very well. You’ve not let me down thus far, so I’ve no reason to assume otherwise now. Are you ready to begin?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she answered determinedly, though not sure exactly what she was supposed to be ready for.

  ‘Very well. You will go upstairs, bathe, and wait for me, kneeling by my chair.’

  She nodded and stood up quickly, a sudden wave of tension rendering her unable to utter another word.

  Upstairs in his bedroom she nervously began to prepare herself, wondering what lay ahead, what discipline she might have to suffer.

  By the time she had her lustrous hair brushed and lipstick applied her nervousness was palpable, her entire being tingling with anticipation.

  Lord Michael took his time, finished his evening paper, enjoyed a brandy, then leisurely made his way up the stairs and found her waiting as instructed. She looked appropriately tense as he slowly moved to his chair and sat down.

  ‘So, my sweet Elizabeth, you still wish to call me your master?’

  ‘Yes sir, very much,’ she said sincerely.

  ‘Before we begin, I want to make sure you understand that if I am your master you will be under my authority at all times, for as long as you serve me. Is that what you really want, Elizabeth?’

  ‘It is, sir, yes,’ she insisted.

  ‘You wish to be subject to my total control and discipline?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Do you understand that I will spank you when I wish, I will fuck you as I please, and you must obey me at all times in all things?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she said, ‘I do.’

  ‘For instance,’ he pressed, ‘if I become your master, you will not be permitted to wear undergarments. You’ve already experienced that for a few days, but I shall require their absence each and every day. I will have you naked under your clothes at all times.’

  The thought of constantly being secretly undressed sent a little shiver down her spine. It was such a wicked concept. She nodded meekly.

  ‘Although I may decide to corset you,’ he pondered.

  She was supposed to wear corsets for certain of her dresses, but had refused when living at home. She thought about the confining undergarment, and could easily understand why he would have her in such a thing; a corset worn for him would be a far different matter.

  ‘Very well,’ he said, breaking into her thoughts, ‘your last night of initiation will begin. If you get through the next few hours I will make you mine, as only a true master can.’

  She shivered a little; the last remark sounded ominous, but before she could give it much thought his voice claimed her attention once again.

  ‘First, my dear, you will learn the five positions. Position one, is what you are doing now. Kneeling, knees slightly apart �
� a little more than they are, please… that’s better. Hands behind your back, head lowered, eyes downcast. When I tell you to assume position one, that is what you do. Is that clear?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Position two, on your hands and knees, bottom facing me. Assume it now.’

  Elizabeth placed her hands flat on the carpet and shuffled around.

  ‘Very nice…’ he mused, admiring her bottom. ‘Now, position three, drop to your elbows and touch your cheek to the carpet. Make sure you dip your back so your bottom is nicely raised.’

  She did as he instructed, and he viewed the delicious sight with immense satisfaction.

  ‘Position four, reach back, hands on your bottom and spread yourself, my dear.’

  She cringed, for it still humiliated her to do this, but obediently she took her weight on the side of her face, placed her hands on her buttocks and eased them apart. So delectable did she look that he was unable to resist, and leant forward to inquisitively probe her tiny puckered star with a forefinger, enjoying her soft gasp, muffled slightly by the carpet.

  ‘Excellent,’ he said, his voice slightly thick. ‘You will be told to do this regularly, so you had better get used to it.’

  ‘Yes sir,’ she whispered, her voice tremulous. ‘I’ll try my best, sir.’

  ‘Position five, the last, is spread-eagled on the floor.’

  Immediately and gratefully she moved her hands and spread herself out.

  ‘Legs wider,’ he ordered, and she spread them as wide as she could, and then waited. ‘Have you memorised what I’ve just taught you?’

  ‘Yes sir, I think so,’ she replied.

  ‘Well, let’s test you, shall we?’

  He called out the various positions by number only, in random order, and Elizabeth moved into each one correctly and decisively. Satisfied, he had her finish with her least favourite, position four, telling her not to move until he gave his permission.

  Elizabeth was mortified by his command, but it wasn’t painful or uncomfortable, just utterly humiliating. She had to admit, though, that it did make her feel completely submissive, and recognised that was the important point. But then only when she felt the cool lubricant being applied to her anus did she realise that the intense sense of submission was only a small part of the agenda.

  ‘You will be accommodating this for a while,’ he said, and began to ease the dildo into her tight, resisting back passage. She tensed and he spanked her, causing her to squeal with the shock of the blow. ‘Relax and accept it!’ he barked.

  As always his command made the difference, and she felt herself accept the intruder. He moved it in and out a few times, then sank it deep and left it embedded there, the base just visible between her soft buttocks.

  He instructed her to kneel up and face him, and she saw he was holding two pieces of rope. One he wrapped around her waist, cinching it tightly, securing it with a knot. The other he tied to the first, and she realised that he planned to tighten it between her legs. She gasped as the rope dug between her pussy lips. He told her to turn around, and then he pulled the rope up. It pressed against the base of the dildo and he knotted it tightly to her waist rope.

  ‘There,’ he mused with satisfaction, ‘very nice, too. It is called a rope harness, my dear, and it holds the artificial penis in your bottom rather nicely, don’t you think?’

  ‘Y-yes, sir,’ she managed, mortified with shame.

  ‘It will also infuriate your sweet clitoris until I remove it,’ he elaborated. ‘Isn’t that clever, too?’

  The night was young – what else did he have in store for her?

  ‘Now then, I have three very good friends to whom I am going to introduce you,’ he continued. ‘Remain kneeling as you are.’

  Panic rose in her chest, catching her breath. The experience with Sir Andrew had been bad enough, three strange men would be unbearable!

  ‘Position two,’ he said, and immediately she moved onto her hands and knees.

  ‘This, Elizabeth, is my friend the strap.’ She breathed a huge sigh of relief. ‘Relieved are you, that I wasn’t talking about more of my male acquaintances?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she answered, knowing she had to be completely honest.

  ‘You understand, don’t you, that if I choose to share you amongst my friends you must comply? You do understand this, don’t you, Elizabeth?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she answered, blushing at the thought, ‘I do understand.’

  ‘But we are in danger of getting distracted from the matter at hand,’ he said resolutely. ‘We must continue. As I was saying, this is my loyal strap.’ He placed the cool implement against her bottom. ‘Do you feel it, my dear? It is stout leather, with rounded edges so as not to break your skin. I am told it has quite a smart to it. If I should become your master there will be occasions when I decide to give you a thorough strapping. It may be simply for good measure, or because you require such a punishment, or simply because I want to for my own enjoyment. Do you understand?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Good. Now I shall apply two strokes to your bottom so you may officially meet him. Are you ready, young lady?’

  She nodded, suddenly unable to speak again.

  ‘Remember, this is not a punishment. It is an introduction. Now assume position three.’

  She lowered to her elbows and placed her cheek against the carpet, dipping her back to lift her bottom for him.

  He stood up, and lightly tapped the custom leather belt against her left buttock. Then raising it, he lashed it down sharply. The leather cracked against her skin, creating an impressive sight and sound, and she struggled to suppress a hiss.

  He walked around her, placing it on her right buttock, then repeated the action, applying the same amount of force, and she fought the rapid evacuation of her lungs again.

  ‘What do you think of my reliable friend, my dear?’ he asked, almost congenially.

  ‘He is very effective, sir,’ she muttered, gasping against the sharp sting.

  ‘Yes, he can be. Now face me, position one.’

  Bottom smarting, Elizabeth knelt up, the rope rubbing between her buttocks and thighs, the dildo wedging tighter inside her, and faced him, hands behind her back.

  Bending a little and cupping one of her breasts, he lifted its firmness slightly. ‘They really are a perfect pair of titties, Elizabeth,’ he said admiringly. ‘And you enjoyed touching Nancy’s titties the other evening, didn’t you?’ Her coy blush only served to confirm what he already knew about the girl. He straightened and continued, reiterating, ‘Remember, Elizabeth, when I give you an instruction I do not expect to see any hesitation whatsoever. I expect you to obey my orders instantly and without question.’ There was a warning timbre to his voice and she nodded immediately, the rope around her waist and between her legs a constant distraction. Every movement caused it to stimulate her clitoris and gently manipulate the dildo in her tight rear passage, stoking her traitorous excitement inexorably.

  He toyed with the strap as he gazed at her naked charms, and Elizabeth eyed it with angst, her sparkling eyes following its movements in his grip.

  ‘Lift your chin a little, my dear,’ he instructed, ‘and present your breasts for me with pride.’

  Filled with trepidation she did so, knowing she had no other choice but to obey, pulling her shoulders back and thrusting her breasts forward to the mercy of whatever he desired.

  The leather strap lifted and then swept down with vicious accuracy, catching her directly across both her poor nipples, causing her to shriek with the pain and rock back on her heels.

  ‘Hmmm…’ he said pensively, watching the ruddy blotchiness tint her fleshy globes. ‘That looks delightful, my dear. Very pleasing indeed.’ And then the strap lifted a second time and struck her with a splat! that resounded around the room, the sound of leather on flesh and her squeal of dismay, and the sight of her quivering breasts and anguished expression, satisfying him immensely.

t,’ he mused, and then the strap struck again, and a fourth, fifth and sixth time. Elizabeth was in a state of emotional and physical torment, but he was delighted to see her hands remained clutched behind her back, not moving an inch to defend herself from the onslaught. Her demeanour was utterly obedient and submissive, and even her gasping protests fell silent.

  Lord Michael stopped the beating, laid the strap on the nearby chest-of-drawers, then rubbed both Elizabeth’s breasts with his cupped hands, a dreamy sigh escaping her lips.

  ‘That is very good,’ he murmured.

  ‘Thank you, sir,’ she whispered, her voice husky, and despite her self-consciousness she found herself engulfed by his attention.

  ‘And so, it’s time to move on,’ he told her. ‘You must now learn what pleasures your mouth and lips and tongue can afford me. But first I want you to assume position two.’

  Dutifully, totally submissive in manner, she turned around and rested on all fours, then felt him undo the rope between her legs. At last it was coming off, but rather than remove it he simply loosened and pulled it to one side. Taking hold of the dildo he began to move it in and out, and she moaned, dropping her forehead to the carpet as the hedonistic practices continued.

  ‘Wriggle for me,’ he commanded, slapping her red rump, and she obeyed again, squirming salaciously and rolling her hips.

  ‘That’s better. I want to see you enjoy this.’ He reached down and teased her labia and she responded, thrusting against his hand, pushing back against the dildo.

  ‘Good…’ he crooned, ‘just a little more. Show me how you can fuck it, my dear little slut.’ She cringed at the humiliating order, but dipping her back she ground her bottom onto the artificial penis, inwardly begging for more.

  ‘Good… that’s very good,’ he complimented her. ‘Now remain absolutely still.’ Elizabeth moaned as he slowly withdrew it from her, and then caught her breath when he declared, ‘Time to move up another size, I believe.’

  Elizabeth could not believe her ears! Surely he wasn’t about to penetrate her bottom again, with something even larger! She winced as she felt him apply some additional lubrication to ease the rude insertion, and a moment later he was pressing the stout artificial penis into her. She did her best to relax and accept it, but for a while her sphincter resisted, and then letting out a long deep breath, she felt it loosen a little and surrender. Slowly but surely he pushed, and soon her bottom was completely impaled again, stretched tightly around the inert trespasser.


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