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Page 12

by Twyla Turner

  “Guys stop.” Simone urged, pulling her lips away from Jackson’s. “You can’t attack me every time you see me. There is something called the ‘art of conversation’.” Simone scolded them.

  “Sorry. You just looked so beautiful sitting here. I don’t think we could help ourselves.” Xander apologized.

  “Thank you.” Simone smiled shyly. “So what’s with the tray?” Simone said, the delicious smell of the food wafting over to her.

  “We made you breakfast in bed, but you’re not in bed like we expected.” Jackson said, smiling at her.

  “Well I thought I’d get up and get dressed. I need to stop putting off meeting my mother’s tribe.” Simone explained.

  “Uh…you’re going to have to put it off a little longer. I don’t know if you noticed but there is a blizzard raging outside.” Xander grinned at her.

  “What?! Really?” Simone looked over to the closed curtains on the window.

  “Yeah, it started last night.” Jackson informed her.

  “Huh. I guess I was a little distracted.” Simone blushed to her roots. “In my defense I was a little incapacitated when it started. And speaking of, what happened with the wolves and how did I get out of the river?

  “Jackson jumped into the river to save you and pulled you to safety. I shot my gun off that I always carry with me on sled tours and the wolves ran off, but not before the alpha started fighting with Sampson. He sustained a few injuries and is now at the vet. And when Jackson pulled you out, you weren’t breathing so I performed CPR on you to get you breathing again. You asked if the dogs were okay when you came to and then passed out again.” Xander grinned at her and then expelled a harsh breath, remembering how afraid he was for her at the time. “Then we rushed to get you back here, before you died from hypothermia. And that’s about it.” Xander finished, quickly breaking down the day for her.

  “Holy crap! You both saved my life. Thank you so much.” Simone said sincerely, grabbing both their hands and squeezing tightly.

  “Anyone would’ve done the same.” Jackson said modestly.

  “No they wouldn’t.” Simone denied.

  Xander stood up and held his hand out for Simone to take and pulled her up off the floor.

  “Come on. Come eat before your breakfast gets cold.” Xander said before kissing her lightly on the lips.

  Simone sat at the dining table and Jackson came over to whip the tops of the tray with a flourish and ended in a bow. Simone just giggled at his lighthearted mood. Looking down she saw three fluffy pancakes, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon and toast.

  Simone looked up in shock at the two men as Jackson took a seat next to her and Xander across from her. “You did all this?” She said in awe.

  “Yeah. Well, Jackson is the better cook, so he made the pancakes and eggs. I did the toast and bacon, you can’t go wrong with toast, unless you have a faulty toaster and I don’t believe there is any man in the history of the world that has burnt bacon.” Xander smirked at her, deepening one adorable dimple.

  “Go ahead eat up before it gets cold.” Jackson said.

  “Well what about you two, aren’t you going to eat something?” Simone asked.

  “We already ate. We wanted to let you rest for a while.” Xander explained, as Simone tucked into her food.

  “Wow! This is really good guys. Thank you.” Simone said as she moaned around a mouthful of food.

  Both men swallowed at her moans and groans, Simone unaware of the affect she had on them. Simone looked up at them when she noticed their silence. She slowly stopped chewing as she recognized the barely restrained passion in their eyes that she had seen last night and this morning.

  “So…ah…where do you both live? I feel as if I’m keeping you from your daily lives.” Simone said, trying to distract them with conversation.

  “We live together in a log cabin that we built a few years back.” Jackson said, banking the powerful need he had to lay her across the table and feast on her. “And you’re not keeping us from anything. The storm has pretty much shut down the area. And besides we want to be here with you.”

  “Do you share the same room?” Simone asked, trying to figure out their strange relationship.

  “Only when we’re dating someone. We’re not gay Simone, we just happen to be best friends that are attracted to the same women and instead of fighting over them, we share them. There is a huge gap in the ratio of men to women up here, so we just find our way easier.” Xander explained.

  “Do your families know about this?” Simone asked curiously.

  “Well Jackson’s grandparents have passed on, so it’s just my family that’s left, and yes they know. It took them a little while to get used to it. I think for a while there, they thought we were gay too and were just trying to cover it up with a female buffer.” Xander ended on a chuckle.

  “So you said that your last relationship ended on a bad note, what happened?” Simone asked curiously, but not sure she actually wanted to hear about them with another woman.

  “I thought you didn’t want to hear about our exes?” Jackson said, giving voice to her thoughts.

  “I know…but I was just curious. I…I…I don’t want to make the same mistake.” Simone said shyly, looking down at her plate.

  “God you’re so sweet!” Jackson said, reaching over to grab her hand tightly. “It’ll never happen.” He said fiercely.

  “Basically we found out that she was sleeping with someone else at the same time she was dating us. I guess she figured that since we shared her, that it was okay to be with a third guy too. Two wasn’t enough, I suppose.” Xander said with a shake of his head.

  “Seriously?! The two of you individually are a hand full, so putting you together is the most mind-boggling experience of my life! I can’t imagine trying to throw in a third.” Simone exclaimed astounded.

  “So tell us something…why is it that you’re so innocent and went so long without a boyfriend or losing your virginity ‘til now?” Jackson asked curiously.

  “Uh…well…I…I don’t know.” Simone started bashfully. “I just wasn’t interested in boys…uh…men.” She said looking at both men, rephrasing her sentence because they were nowhere near boys. “My mom sheltered me from a lot of stuff because I was all she had and I guess she wanted to keep me safe. And I wasn’t a pretty girl growing up. I was…am awkward. My body grew into a weird shape, so I wore baggy clothes to hide it. I’ve worn glasses practically my whole life and when I reached puberty, my face broke out in God-awful acne and I wore braces all throughout high school. So my looks definitely didn’t inspire any sonnets, let alone invitations to go out on dates.” Simone said sadly, as she pushed around the remaining food on her plate, having lost her appetite.

  “And I definitely didn’t have very many friends, and those that I did have certainly didn’t have or talk about sex. So I just focused on school and kept my nose in a book. My interests were in biology, studying the human body and what makes us the way we are, but when my mom passed away, I decided to follow in her footsteps and went into nursing. So in college, while everyone was partying, drinking and having sex all over the place, I just concentrated on my studies. Guys never paid me any attention and vice versa.” Simone finished on a shrug.

  “God the guys must be blind down there! You’re not Clark Kent, your glasses don’t disguise your beauty. You don’t have braces or acne now. Your smile is beautiful, not to mention your ridiculously luscious lips and your skin is flawless. And no matter how hard you try to hide your hair, it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that it’s gorgeous. And you don’t hide that delectable body behind baggy clothes now, so what were the guys at your university thinking?” Xander burst out.

  “Well actually, I do still wear baggy clothes. It’s just that my roommate made me go shopping for clothes for this trip and wouldn’t let me buy anything loose fitting.” Simone scowled.

  “Well thank God for your roommate. But I still don’t think I, myself or Jackson would’ve let
you pass us by on campus without stopping to ask you out.” Xander stated emphatically.

  “Agreed.” Jackson chimed in.

  “H…have you ever been in love?” Simone blurted out quickly.

  “Close.” Jackson said without pause, looking at her with meaning.

  “Nah. We’ve just been having fun.” Xander stated unthinking, ruining the moment. “OW!” Xander yelped as Jackson kicked him under the table and gave him a murderous stare. “Oh…sorry Si, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.” Xander apologized, as he rubbed his shin.

  “It’s okay.” Simone replied, reluctantly smiling at Xander, a little sad that he didn’t appear to care for her as much as Jackson seemed to.

  Well duh, you slut! You mother always told you not to give it up to a man without marriage, and now you’ve gone and given it up to two without so much as a date! What am I doing?! God, I’m such a slut!

  “Why would you say that?! You are not a slut!” Jackson shouted out.

  Simone covered her mouth in shock and cringed.

  “I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.” Simone said as she put her face down on the table, hiding from the guys.

  Jackson looked at Xander with a death stare, knowing that Xander’s thoughtless comment made Simone feel bad about herself. He reached under her face on the table and lifted her chin forcing her face up to look at him.

  “No one in their right mind would mistake you for a slut. You are a strong, smart independent woman that deserves some pleasure in your life that you’ve been lacking. And there is no doubt that we care about you. Almost losing you yesterday scared the shit out of me. I knew that I couldn’t lose one more person that means so much to me. I want you in my life, our life. I want to know what makes you tick. I want to know what brings you joy and what upsets you so that I know what to do to make sure you’re happy.”

  Holy crap! He’s a man of few words, but once he opens his mouth he sure has a way with them.

  “And I’m sure that Xander feels the same way I do.” Jackson said looking to the man who had remained quiet during his speech, silently urging him to correct his previous tactless remark.

  “Of course I care about you, Si. The more I get to know you, the more I like you. I didn’t mean to imply that you were just a bit of fun for us.” Xander said sincerely, grabbing her hand and rubbing her knuckles soothingly with his thumb.

  “Thank you. I don’t mean to be so sensitive. I’m just new to all of this.” Simone said, feeling bad about making such a big deal out of a harmless comment.

  “It’s okay. You have a right to be sensitive. We should feel guilty for sweet-talking you into losing your virginity to two men.” Xander said guiltily.

  “We know that’s not normal, but we couldn’t help ourselves. We wanted you the moment we laid eyes on you.” Jackson added as he reached out to grab Simone’s hand. “Come here.” He said, pulling her onto his lap.

  Jackson brushed back her still damp hair, caressing her cheek with his thumb. He stared into her dark brown bedroom eyes, trying to convey how much he was feeling for her.

  “I know that we should give you a break and let you recover from last night and this morning, but I…” Jackson started.

  “It’s okay. I want to.” Simone encouraged softly, before lowering her face to his, giving him a soft sweet kiss on the side of his mouth.

  “Are you sure? Don’t do it because you feel obligated to.” Jackson said, restraining himself.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I don’t feel obligated. I never really thought about sex before and now I can’t seem to stop.” Simone looked down shyly at her hands folded on her lap, as she felt the evidence of his arousal for her on the side of her hip.

  Reaching up, Jackson gently turned her face to his with his index finger, letting it slide down her cheek and neck to the V-neck of her sweater. Simone’s mouth opened on a silent gasp.

  Grasping Simone around her waist in one fluid move, Jackson lifted her onto the edge of the table. Standing up he wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck, tilted her face up to his with both thumbs and seized her lips in a deep kiss. His tongue dipped into her warm mouth, stroking against hers.

  The intimate kiss unleashed the passion that Simone never knew she had in her until she met them. Her shy nature disappeared and she kissed him back with fervor. Her hands crept up to his face, caressing the coarse scruff on his jaw and slid back into his soft curls.

  The affectionate move struck a chord in Jackson and he wrapped his arms around her, crushing her to his chest and devoured her mouth. Reaching down Jackson grasped the bottom of her sweater and pulled up, and Simone catching the hint raised her arms up and Jackson whipped it over her head and tossed it to the floor. Jackson bent his head down and nibbled at her nipples through the cotton of another virginal bra.

  This time he was cautious not to rip the bra with his large hands like the caveman he sometimes became, especially where Simone was concerned. Reaching behind her, Jackson unclasped her bra and gently pulled the straps down her arms. The bra joined the sweater on the floor, and again Jackson bent his head down to flick his tongue across her hardened nipples and drew one into his mouth.

  Xander sat across from them watching intently, as Simone threw back her head when Jackson’s mouth covered her nipple. He patiently let them have their moment of intimacy. He knew that there was something they shared, the loss of family and being orphaned that he couldn’t compete with. He brought lightness and laughter to the triad that wasn’t suitable in this moment. Hell, it was my big ass easy-going mouth that made her feel like shit a minute ago.

  He knew that Jackson was falling hard for Simone. And Xander knew that he cared a lot for her as well, but he wasn’t sure if he was on the same page as Jackson yet. Love? Am I really ready for that? To settle down with one woman? Jackson lowering Simone’s back to the table brought Xander out of his reverie.

  “I had breakfast, but I’m still hungry for more.” Jackson said to Simone as he slowly pulled down her leggings and panties. “Jesus…what is this?! Hey Xan, it looks like Simone wanted to give us a little surprise.” Jackson said to Xander, as he caressed a finger over her freshly groomed mound.

  Xander stood up to get a better look at what Jackson was talking about. “Holy shit! Fuck that’s hot!” Xander exclaimed as he took in the landing strip.

  “Amber told me to landscape,” a blush spread across Simone’s skin as Jackson sat back down in the chair and gently lifted her legs, resting her thighs on his shoulders.

  “I’m liking this Amber girl more and more. Not that we didn’t like it before, this is just sexy as hell and we can see all of you now.” Xander said, as he leaned over to kiss Simone on the forehead.

  Xander then kissed each eyelid, cheek and her nose, saying ‘I’m sorry’ in every gentle kiss. Upside down, his lips made their way to hers. He nibbled on her top lip until she opened up for him. His tongue dove into the deep recesses of her warm mouth, tasting her and playfully stroking her tongue.

  Jackson caressed and kissed at her newly shaved skin. His finger stroked down the side of her soft naked labia, then stroked up the middle before dipping into her slick wet heat. The feeling of his touch was made extra sensitive against her now bare skin and she rolled her hips towards him reflexively.

  Drawing out the moment when his mouth touched her most intimate place, Jackson kissed up one thick thigh and then moved to the other kissing back down. Simone held her breath in anticipation of his firm mouth making contact where she wanted it the most.

  Jackson finally flicked his tongue against her swollen clit and Simone gasped into Xander’s mouth. Jackson’s tongue stroked her gently then retreated to blow cool air softly on her heated flesh. He alternated between soft laps and hard flicks.

  Simone felt the difference in both men’s techniques. Where Xander was aggressive, attacking her clit with vigor, Jackson was gentle, like he was making love to her tender nub. The differences shocked her considering their size a
nd demeanor. She would’ve expected it to have been the reverse. Both were wonderful in their own ways. Xander’s skill brought out her orgasm like a freight train, but Jackson’s delicate butterfly strokes slowly built up her climax like a slow wave washing over her.

  Her hips pumped up to Jackson’s talented mouth as her orgasm crested and crashed over her again and again. Xander swallowed her cries as he kissed her deeply.

  In his need to bury himself inside of her, Jackson stood up quickly, undoing his belt and jeans, hurriedly pushing his jeans and boxers out of the way releasing his massive erection and plunged into Simone’s tight recesses in one fluid move. Her slick tight canal squeezed his cock like a glove two sizes too small, and he grit his teeth at the delicious feeling.

  “Ahh…FUCK!” Simone cried out at the feeling of being so quickly stretched to capacity.

  Jackson grunted his agreement. He lifted her legs to rest against his chest and stomach, her feet bracketing his head. He kissed each of her ankles as he started to move, setting a slow easy pace. Xander released her full lips, kissing a path down to her supple breasts. Holding onto her hips, Jackson thrust into her with a swivel of his hips and her back bowed off the table with a gasp, giving Xander easier access to wrap his lips around her hardened nipples.

  “Oh my God! Again! Do it again.” Simone panted out.

  Obeying her command, Jackson rotated his hips as he pumped into her over and over. Simone’s cries became louder and more frequent as she lost all of her inhibitions. She gave herself over to the passion and sensuality coursing through her veins, not caring about anything else. It felt freeing to stop thinking for once, to be consumed by nothing but her emotions and desire.

  Simone sat up, forcing Xander to release her tender breast. She reached behind Jackson’s neck and pulled him down towards her, crushing her lips to his. She let go of his lips on a gasp as he rolled his hips into her again, she looked up at him with heavy-lidded eyes filled with need.


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