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Page 22

by Twyla Turner

  “Oh, his voice sounds like melted butter.” Amber said batting her eyelashes.

  “Amber, stop talking like he’s not even in the room.” Simone said rolling her eyes.

  “Oh yeah, sorry. It’s nice to meet you too, Xander.” Amber finally released the Kung Fu grip she had on his hand.

  Xander took her flirtation in stride. Brushing off her comments, he walked over to the baggage carousel, and grabbed the many bags that the tall redhead pointed to. And as Xander managed to carry all of her bags to the truck parked in the parking garage, Amber marveled over his strength.

  “You landed a fucking hottie! I can’t wait to see the other one.” Amber spouted crudely.

  “Amber!” Simone shouted at her friend.

  “Sorry, sorry.” Amber cringed. “I’m just so proud of you. You even look different.” Amber stated.

  “I do?” Simone asked, surprised as she slid into the truck. She smiled shyly at Xander as he held the door open for her and Amber.

  “Yes! You look more relaxed and at ease, less uptight.” Amber said and then whispered the next as Xander made his way around the truck to the driver’s side. “Like they laid some good pipe. You’re even wearing your contacts instead of your glasses! You have to give me all the details.” Amber bounced with excitement in her seat.

  “We’ll talk later.” Simone said to her anxious friend.

  The ride home made Simone’s head spin as Amber asked Xander a bazillion questions. Xander also being a happy upbeat person, answered all of her intrusive questions without pause. And before she realized it they were already pulling into the garage. They got out of the truck and Xander grabbed Amber’s bags to carry into the house.

  They kicked off their boots and hung their coats and walked into the fragrant kitchen. Jackson stood at the island cutting up potatoes, while sautéing chunks of beef in a skillet on the stove. Amber’s eyes nearly popped out of her skull at the sight of the massive bear of a man in a tight black t-shirt, low slung jeans and bare feet. He glanced up as they appeared around the corner and a sexy crooked grin graced his face.

  “Holy fucking shit, Simone! Seriously?! You get both of them?!” Amber practically screamed in shocked awe, as Jackson failed to keep his composure like Xander did. An adorable blush spread across the burly man’s cheeks.

  “Jackson, this is my rude friend, Amber Holt. Amber, this is Jackson Cole.” Simone introduced with a shake of her head.

  Jackson wiped his hands on a towel before holding out an enormous paw to Simone’s friend. “Nice to meet you, Amber.” Jackson said deeply.

  As his hand enveloped Amber’s, she tittered like a schoolgirl. “Dear Lord, your voice is sexy enough to make my nipples cut glass.” Amber groaned.

  Jackson choked and started coughing roughly, as Xander exploded with laughter and Simone moaned in embarrassment.

  “Did I say something wrong?” Amber said innocently.

  “Excuse me guys, while I remind my friend that she was raised with manners.” Simone said grabbing Amber’s arm and towing her from the room forcibly.

  “What?” Amber exclaimed at being manhandled by her best friend.

  “What? What?! Amber, do you have to embarrass me? You need to put the whole out of control sex kitten crap on lockdown!” Simone uncharacteristically shouted at her friend.

  Amber stepped back a few steps in shock. “Oh. My. God. My big sister from another mister has finally found her voice! You’ve never yelled at me before. I like it. It’s hot. No wonder they’re so hot for you. Aside from your smokin’ body and exotic face, you now have this feistiness about you.” Amber said with a smile and slow nod of her head in affirmation.

  Simone rolled her eyes, unable to stay angry at the tall redhead. “Could you just please contain your comments? Please?” Simone pleaded.

  “Yeah, sorry. I was just shocked. I know you sent a pic of them, but it just didn’t do them justice. They are gorgeous, Si! Are there more like them up here?” Amber asked hopefully.

  “Actually, Xander has two younger brothers. Chris and Ethan. Both are around the perfect age for you. And the youngest, Ethan wants us all to go out tonight so that he can meet you.” Simone smiled as Amber started to do a little dance.

  “Do they look anything like their older brother?” Amber asked.

  “Yes, actually. The whole family has that whole tall blond Anglo-Saxon look to them.” Simone answered.

  “Fantastic. Momma’s getting some ‘D’ later.” Amber grinned devilishly. “But after lunch I need a nap. I need to sleep off this hangover so I can rally for tonight.”

  “I have a feeling that I’m going to need a nap myself, just to prepare my body for the ridiculousness that is going to commence this evening.” Simone sighed wondering how she was going to contain the force of nature that was Amber and Ethan combined. Not to mention Delanie.


  Jackson had homemade beef stew on the stove, slowly cooking for dinner. For lunch he had laid out fixings for sandwiches, buffet style. They all chose what they wanted and then sat at the kitchen table for lunch.

  Amber watched the dynamic between the two men and her best friend. Granted they were hot, but she wanted to make sure that she didn’t have to break out a can of whoop-ass on their tight perfect asses. But all she saw was affection and adoration between the trio. Though Xander was a little more reserved with his affection, choosing to disguise it with humor.

  She was surprised and impressed to find that Simone handled both men very well. She juggled showing both of them attention flawlessly. And they doted on her like she was a porcelain doll.

  Amber didn’t want to lose her friend to these two men, but she couldn’t deny that Simone had blossomed under the hands of Jackson and Xander. And it had only been a week. She also couldn’t imagine how her virginal friend could handle both huge men. She felt dizzy looking at just one. So she definitely couldn’t envision having both of them at the same time.

  “So. What are your intentions towards my best friend?” Amber asked both men with a raised brow.

  “Amber.” Simone warned.

  “No. You’re my best friend and I want to make sure their intentions are good ones. No one is going to fuck with you, so long as I’m around.” She said looking at both men seriously.

  “Our intention is to love her…if she’ll have us.” Jackson spoke up, zero doubt in his voice.

  Simone whipped her head to the left to look at him in astonishment. Apparently shocked at the use of the word ‘love’.

  “And do you feel the same?” Amber asked Xander, singling him out.

  “Amber, this is all new to me. And I’m trying to decide whether or not I want to stay. So you can’t expect them to commit themselves to me when I haven’t decided yet. Just like I need time, they need time.” Simone stepped in, pulling Amber’s attention to her instead.

  “Alright then. I’ll back off…for now.” She gave them the stink-eye in warning. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need a nap before tonight.” Amber said as she rose from her chair.

  The three of them let out breaths of relief, knowing the initial test was over.


  Amber woke up from a deep sleep. So deep that she almost didn’t even know where she was at first. She couldn’t tell how much time had passed since it was dark all day everyday this time of year. Looking at the clock, she realized that she had slept for quite some time. It was nearly dinnertime.

  Getting up, she started out of her temporary room and headed downstairs to find Simone. Stopping once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard distant voices from a room nearby. She headed towards the sound.

  She reached the doorway and started to open it to what looked like a media room, or the more aptly named “man cave”. A large flat screen television, a huge couch that almost looked like a bed, a bar and pool table wasn’t what stopped Amber in her tracks at the entrance as she opened the door. It was the trio stripped down to different degrees of undress.

nbsp; Jackson and Xander were shirtless and they had a very naked Simone stretched out on the pool table. Her skin shone like warm butterscotch under the dim lights above the pool table. Amber’s breath caught in her throat. She knew that she should back away from the private moment between her best friend and her men. But like passing by a car wreck, a weird curiosity and the hopes of seeing something she probably shouldn’t, kept her rooted to the spot.

  She watched as Jackson kissed down Simone’s stomach‘til he reached the apex of her thighs. Putting her legs on his shoulders, he buried his face there, lapping up her opening and flicking his tongue against her clit. Simone’s back arched on a cry and Xander took advantage of her raised breasts, taking a hard little brown nipple into his mouth. Amber clenched her own thighs together as her clit began to ache watching the hot threesome.

  Jackson’s curly head continued to bob up and down as he pleasured Simone thoroughly. Simone wreathed under their loving ministrations. As her cries became more frequent Xander’s mouth took hers in a scorching kiss. Amber could see hints of their tongues dancing together as he absorbed her moans.

  Simone’s hands that had been clawing at the green felt of the pool table, dove into Jackson’s hair and she held onto him as she pumped her hips up to his eager mouth. As Simone’s back bowed off the table in release, screaming into Xander’s mouth, Amber crossed her legs trying to calm her throbbing sex.

  Jackson came up for air on a gasp. Standing up straight, he pulled a small bottle of lube out of his back pocket before unzipping his pants and dropping them to the floor. Jesus, is he a sex magician or something, pulling random bottles of lube out of his pocket on a moments notice? But before Amber could dwell on the thought for too long, her eyes focused on the sheer size of the large man’s erection. Holy cannoli! My girl has hit the giant cock jackpot!

  Amber watched with her bottom lip between her teeth as he drizzled the clear gel over his impressive girth. Xander came around to the other two, apparently already having stripped down naked while Amber was mesmerized by what Jackson had to offer. And she realized that Xander too was remarkable in the penis department. He was only somewhat smaller around than his counterpart, but a bit longer. Amber quietly fanned herself in anticipation of what was next.

  She was not disappointed. She observed as Xander lifted Simone, her calves draped over his arms and her back rested against Jackson’s chest. Slowly, Jackson guided his shaft to Simone’s back entrance and gradually they eased her down his lube-slick length. Simone’s nails dug into Xander’s shoulders and she gasped at the intrusion.

  “Fuck! You feel so fucking good.” Jackson growled deep in his throat as he stroked in and out of her, his muscles straining as he held her.

  Finally on an outward stroke, Xander plunged in. The men started working Simone like a well-oiled machine. They pulled her back and forth between them. Dipping and diving into her deep recesses. Simone’s hair spilled over her breast and Jackson’s shoulder like a thick black curtain.

  “Jax! Xan! Please!” Simone begged.

  At her plea, they started to speed up their pace. Their powerful hips, driving into her with relentless abandon. Amber’s chest rose and fell rapidly, matching Simone’s. And Simone thrashed and clawed at her men as her climax built.

  “Aah…God!” Simone screamed as her body tensed and her orgasm ripped through her.

  Her feminine come sprayed against her thighs, Xander’s tight abs and plunging cock. Xander kissed her fiercely as he came hard inside her rippling core. And Jackson bit her shoulder as his manhood pumped his seed into her.

  As the tension eased from the bodies, turning their limbs to liquid, they all collapsed on the floor in a heap of hot sweaty body parts. Amber too, slumped back against the wall after quietly closing the door.

  “I need a drink. And a hot beef injection.” Amber whispered to herself as she tiptoed back upstairs to her room for a cold shower.

  Chapter 13

  “You’re my hero.” Amber said to Simone as she applied makeup on her normally bare-faced friend. She had convinced Simone that tonight she needed to knock the guys out. So Simone sat on the counter of the spare bathroom as Amber’s guinea pig.

  “What are you talking about? Why am I your hero?” Simone asked scrunching up her face. Amber tapped her foot on the tiled floor impatiently. “Oh, sorry.” Simone relaxed her face so that Amber could continue.

  “Well, first I just wanted to say in my defense that it was by accident.” Amber hedged.

  “What are you talking about, Amber? Just spit it out.” Simone rolled her eyes. “OW!” Simone yelped at being poked in the eye by the eyeliner pencil in Amber’s hand.

  “I told you to hold still. So anyway…I…I saw you.” Amber said hesitantly.

  “You saw me?” Simone frowned, not following her friend.

  “You know. I saw you…them…together. On the pool table.” Amber said bracing herself for Simone’s reaction.

  “You…WHAT?!” Simone screeched.

  “It’s not like I meant to. I woke up from my nap and came down looking for you. I heard you guys talking in the man-cave, so I opened the door and…and Jackson was going downtown on you.” Amber quickly explained as Simone turned nearly purple in mortification. “And well…it was super hot…you were super hot. So I kinda watched ‘til you finished.” Amber ducked her head in shame.

  “AMBER!!!” Simone bellowed, jumping down from the vanity counter, ready to storm out.

  “Wait!” Amber exclaimed, grabbing Simone to stop her. “I’m sorry. But I was just so curious to know how you could handle two huge manly-men after holding on to your V-card for far longer than normal. And I was also curious about how this type of relationship works. I wasn’t sure if they were into each other as well as you. But anyway, I’m really sorry. I know it was an invasion of your privacy. It was like passing by a car crash…you can’t help but look.” Amber pleaded with her friend.

  “God, this is so embarrassing!” Simone said hiding her red face behind her hands.

  “Don’t be. It really was hot, Si. And you were magnificent! You’ve blossomed with them. You’ve turned into this lovely sexual creature and it’s beautiful. And if all of your careers don’t work out, you guys could definitely make a killing in porn. I’d buy it! God, I got so hot and bothered. I still am! If Xander’s brother is as good looking as him with a matching penis, I swear I’m going to fuck his brains out!” Amber proclaimed.

  “Jeez Amber, what planet did you come from? I think you should’ve been born a man.” Simone shook her head in frustration as she let Amber guide her back on the counter to finish her makeup.

  “I know, right?! I’m always so horny.” Amber said with wide golden eyes.

  “But I swear to God, Amber…if I ever find out that you’ve done something like that again, I’ll stick my foot so far up your ass that when you smile my toes will show.” Simone said with a completely straight face.

  “Damn! Yes, ma’am.” Amber looked at her friend with genuine apprehension.


  Simone stared at herself in the full length mirror in Amber’s temporary bedroom. Her mouth hung open in shock. One thing she had never let Amber do was give her a makeover. She never really had a reason to. But she wanted to look nice for her men, so she had conceded to her friend. And now, looking at her reflection, she was glad that she had.

  Amber had straightened her hair to a stick-straight curtain of glossy onyx that reached her tailbone. She lined her downturned eyes with black kohl and gave her lids a seductive smoky eye. She enhanced her skin with a shimmery bronzer that made her caramel skin glow. And she painted her wide full lips a deep blood red.

  But her face and hair was just the tip of the iceberg. Amber had designed and sewed a sweater dress for her the moment she told her about Jackson and Xander, hoping she’d have a reason to wear it when she came up to meet her. The dress was a dark charcoal grey with a cowl neck collar. It had long fitted sleeves that hung to her knuckles and
had a holes at the ends for her thumbs to go in. The top half of the sweater dress molded to her body like a second skin and the bottom half stopped a few inches above her knees and had a slight flirty flare to it that complimented her wide hips and ass.

  But the most dramatic part of the dress was that the cowl neck came all the way up to her long throat in the front and plunged down to the top of her butt-crack in the back. A sparkly delicate chain attached to either side across her shoulders kept the sweater from falling off her body. Another chain hung from the middle of the first and dangled to the middle of her back. And at the very end was a glittering rhinestone that swung daintily when she moved. Amber rounded out the dress with black sheer thigh high stockings with lacey tops and black knee high boots.

  Bra and panties were not an option with the dress and Simone blushed with embarrassment and she hadn’t even left the room yet.

  “Amber, I really don’t know about this dress. It’s a little over the top for Fairbanks, Alaska. This would be more suitable for L.A. or New York. And really…no panties or bra? I’ll end up with icicles hanging from my vagina!” Simone whined.

  “Simone, you’re a woman now, with two gorgeous men that adore you. Every now and again you have to throw them off their game, just so they know what they have and what they’ll miss if they lose you. It also doesn’t hurt to make them a little jealous too. And trust me, other men will notice you tonight.” Amber smiled deviously.

  Amber herself was decked out for the evening. She wore skintight low-slung black pleather pants, a sparkly crop top that showed off her flat tummy in the front and hung lower in the back. Bright red high-heeled ankle boots finished off the sexy ensemble. She had curled her hair in big messy sexy curls. She went with a nude shiny lip and dramatically lined eyes.


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