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Three Page 25

by Twyla Turner

  She didn’t answer him, just continued to look at him.

  “No, I don’t suppose you do. I’m sorry if you’re cold. I couldn’t sleep and I just wanted to look at you for a little while. You can cover yourself back up if you’d like.” Jackson offered. But for whatever reason Simone couldn’t seem to move under his intense gaze.

  Xander sighed heavily behind her in his sleep. He rolled towards her and laid his hand on her naked hip.

  “I’m so sorry, Simone. I didn’t mean what I said earlier.” Jackson continued. “I…I just felt so sick, seeing their hands on you. I was jealous and angry and hurt. So I overreacted. Though that’s still not an excuse for hurting you. I love you.” Jackson finished, his gray eyes cloudy and heartbreaking.

  Simone’s glassy eyes brimmed with tears. She slowly rose from the bed and walked over to him. Her skin glowing a deep rich butterscotch in the light of the fire. Reaching down she untied the knot in his robe and pulled it aside, baring his naked glorious colossal physique. She slid onto his hair roughened strong thighs. She raised her hands to push back the hood, exposing his soft chestnut curls. And she stared at his chiseled masculine face with watery eyes.

  “I do. I love you so fucking much.” He whispered fiercely.

  The tears that threatened the corners of her eyes finally spilled over at his words. He caught a few of them with his thumbs and he stroked the salty wetness over her lips and she tasted her tears.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve heard those words. Eleven years. And I didn’t realize how much I missed them…craved them, up until a few moments ago.” Simone said softly, and it hit her that maybe it was the same for him. “I love you, Jackson.”

  Shaky hands shot out and grabbed her face, smashing her mouth to his, catching her off guard with his intensity. Based off of his reaction Simone knew she had done the right thing by telling him how she felt, and this time not following words of anger and hurt.

  He kissed her roughly. The hairs of his five o’clock shadow abrading her soft skin. Clasping the large globes of her ass, Jackson lifted and pulled her closer to him. He lowered her over his immense width and her body stretched to accommodate him. His lips moved from her swollen mouth to her wet cheeks. His warm tongue lightly touched her skin, tasting her tears.

  Never getting enough of her, his mouth moved down to her jaw and kissed a path down her neck to her pert brown tipped breasts. He leaned her back as he bent forward to get more of her hard nipple in his mouth. All the while he guided her hips with his large hands. Helping her roll her pelvis to him. And Simone cradled his head in her arms, pressing his face against her chest. Her fingers finding their way into his sweet boyish curls.

  Her breathing became erratic as he stroked into her again and again. Her breath stirring his hair. Jackson wrapped her in a bear hug, tightly holding her steady as his hips lifted off the chair, bringing them closer to the edge pure pleasure.

  Simone’s core rupture suddenly. She threw her head back and cried out as stars burst behind her eyes. She collapsed onto his barrel chest and he held her tight as he thrust once more. His entire body shuddered with his release.

  Behind them Simone vaguely heard stirring in the bed. She looked back as Xander popped up on one elbow.

  “Hey, Si! Does this mean you’re not mad at us anymore?” Xander said with a radiant smile and deepening dimples.

  Jackson and Simone chuckled at his eager face, blond hair wild around his head, like he’d stuck his finger in a light socket and the tent that his erection was causing under the sheets.

  “Yeah, I think so.” Simone sighed against Jackson’s chest, mentally psyching herself up for round two.

  “Sweet!” Xander said as he leapt from the bed.

  He practically ran over to them, in his excitement and relief. He grabbed Simone and swept her up into his arms. He kissed her soundly as he walked back towards the bed. They tumbled into the bed amid tangled limbs, sheets and Simone’s giggles.

  Chapter 15

  Simone and Amber bumped along in Jackson’s truck down the streets of the Tanana land. Jackson had let Simone borrow his truck, somewhat reluctantly, he and Xander both pouting because she wouldn’t allow them to come along for support. She barely knew how to explain herself to her relatives. She definitely didn’t know how to explain the two of them.

  “Do you know what you’re looking for?” Amber asked, as she looked around.

  “Yes. When my mom died and I went through all of her belongs, I found some information on her tribe and some addresses.” Simone said as she turned a corner.

  The little town was old and somewhat bleak in the dark Alaskan afternoon. There was an old two story log building that acted as the Tanana city hall. A few sparse shops here and there. The homes were small and rundown. Some were made of logs and others wood siding. Many of them had skeletons of rusted old cars scattered throughout the yards, tires and other pieces of scrap metal. Giving the look of a massive junkyard, with some houses thrown in for good measure.

  “Why did I always think that there would be teepees or something like that?” Amber said, shocked by the reality of it.

  “I think it’s because that’s the image and stereotype we’ve all put in our heads.” Simone said sadly, finally understanding why her mother was so desperate to get away.

  Finding what she was looking for, Simone parked the car in front of a house that was a little better organized than the others. The yard had only one rundown car in it and no other nondescript objects sticking out from under the snow. The house itself was painted a pretty blue and looked welcoming. At least Simone hoped so.

  “So whose house is this?” Amber asked curiously.

  “My grandparents. That is, if they’re still alive.” Simone said taking a deep breath before opening the truck door.

  Amber stopped her with a hand on her arm. “No matter what happens, they deserve to know you exist and that your mom has passed away. And you deserve to know them too.” Amber said seriously.

  “Thank you, Amber.” Simone smiled nervously.

  She hopped down from the truck, slipped her hand into Amber’s reassuring one, when her friend came around to meet her on the other side and they took tentative steps towards the house. They walked slowly up the porch steps and when Simone stood in front of the door, Amber squeezed her hand tightly in support. She raised her hand and knocked softly, though the sound still rattled her nerves and sounded loud to her ears.

  They heard footsteps coming towards the door and Simone took a deep fortifying breath. The open swung open and a little old woman with bright white hair tied back in a bun, a deeply lined reddish brown face weathered from the sun and wind, stared up at them. At first she looked confused, but curious. But as her eyes focused on Simone’s face, her eyes widened and she softly gasped.

  “You have Halona’s eyes. Who are you?” The older woman asked in a strong gravelly voice.

  “Simone Dyani Staton. Your granddaughter.” Simone said softly.


  However Simone had envisioned the first meeting would go, she couldn’t have expected or been more thrilled with the actual reality of it. Her grandmother had instantly embraced her and wept, when Simone introduced herself. She led her and Amber into the cozy and cluttered house.

  Currently they were seated at the little kitchen table, drinking her grandmother’s apparently famous spiked hot apple cider. As they sipped on the delicious beverage, her grandmother bustled about collecting pictures of family to show Simone.

  “This is your grandfather Takoda Hunt, when he was a young man.” Her grandmother said, handing her an old framed black and white photograph. “He passed away two years ago, God rest his soul.” She said, dabbing at her watery eyes. “My name is Kohana Hunt.”

  “My mom told me that her name meant ‘of happy fortune’ and my middle name means ‘deer’. What does your name and my grandfather’s name mean?” Simone asked shyly.

  “Ah, yes. Dyani is a beautiful name. And su
itable for you. You are lovely. I see so much of Halona in you.” Kohana said stroking a hand down Simone’s face. “Anyway, your grandfather’s name means ‘friend to everyone’. And he was. Everyone loved him and there was a great sadness throughout the village when he past. And my name means ‘swift’. I came into this world very quickly.” She smiled.

  Simone agreed, because even for an older woman, she moved about the house with a swiftness that belied her age.

  “So tell me, how did it happen? Halona passing on?” Kohana asked.

  “How did you know?” Simone asked surprised.

  “I felt her leave this world.” Kohana explained. “I have the gift. Some would say I’m a medicine woman.”

  “Wow!” Amber exclaimed, and Kohana smiled at the redhead.

  “So what happened? It felt quick.” Simone’s grandmother persisted.

  “It was an aneurysm. We went to bed one night and the next morning I noticed she wasn’t up yet. I went to wake her up and she was cold and wasn’t breathing. The doctor said that it happened instantly.” Simone said with a wobbly voice.

  Kohana wiped at her eyes. “I should have never pushed her away. I missed so much of your life and the remainder of hers. We were just so hurt when she wanted to leave. You have to understand that Fairbanks is as far as any of the tribe move to. And usually high school is as far as any of us go in school. But Halona wanted more for herself. She wanted to see more. I’m surprised that she decided to make her life in Seattle. I would’ve thought that she would make her way to Los Angeles or New York or someplace like that. Your father must have made a good impression on her.” Kohana sighed with regret.

  “Yes. I think he did.” Simone smiled. “He died when I was five in the Gulf War, but I can still remember how they looked at each other. They were happy.”

  “Good. I’m glad he found her. Otherwise I wouldn’t have part of her sitting before me now.” Kohana grinned warmly at Simone. “So how long are you here? I’d love to spend more time with you.”

  “A week.” Simone said, refraining from mentioning to her grandmother that she had already been there for a week.

  Now that Simone knew she was more than warmly received by her grandmother, she felt regret at waiting so long to meet her. She’d had a wonderful week with Jackson and Xander, but coming to meet her family was the whole reason she had come and saved up for years for.

  “That’s not nearly enough time. But I guess we’ll make the most of it.” Kohana said, clasping Simone’s hand tightly. “In the meantime, I have to make some calls. There are a couple of people I want you to meet.”


  Simone and Amber blew out mutual breaths of exhaustion as they slammed the truck doors shut. They waved at the crowd of people that stood on the front porch, waving back in farewell. It was nearly dinnertime and looking at the clock, Simone realized that they had been there for six hours.

  “Who knew that that little house could hold so many people?” Amber said in wonder.

  “Yeah.” Simone said, overwhelmed at the events of the day.

  Practically the whole Tanana tribe had shown up on Kohana’s doorstep. And they had spent the next several hours regaling Simone and Amber on the history of the tribe and stories about her family. It had taken a ton of convincing and a promise to come tomorrow to turn down staying for dinner. Simone had noticed Amber anxiously looking at her phone, and assumed she was waiting with bated breath to see Ethan again. And from the sounds that had come out of her room last night and this morning, Simone knew that Amber had had a great time with Xander’s brother.

  “So are you happy with the way it all turned out? Was it what you imagined?” Amber asked grinning at Simone.

  “Better.” Simone sighed contentedly. “Oh my God! I have a grandmother, Amber!” She finally burst out in pure joy.

  “I’m so happy for you, Si. So…has this swayed your decision to stay?” Amber asked, solemnly, not wanting to lose her friend, but understanding Simone’s need for family.

  “I think it just might. Though I don’t think I’ll tell the guys just yet. I want to be one hundred percent sure before I tell them.” Simone said.

  “So you guys are alright? Did you kiss and make up? Cause you all looked pretty cozy this morning at breakfast.” Amber teased.

  “You have no idea. Let’s just say that I didn’t get much sleep. Makeup sex is amazing!” Simone smiled dreamily. “But let’s not talk about me. What about you Miss I-brought-the-roof-down-with-my-screams?” Simone teased her best friend.

  “Oh God! He was incredible! And his cock is just as big as his brother’s. Big packages must run in the family.” Amber proclaimed, fanning herself.

  “You’re sick, Amber. I did not need to know that…or to be reminded that you’ve seen my guys’ penises.” Simone rolled her eyes.

  “I’m just trying to keep up with you, my friend. Maybe I should see if Ethan wouldn’t mind if Chris joined in.” Amber said, the wheels turning in her head.

  “Amber! Don’t you dare!” Simone exclaimed.

  “I’m just kidding…kind of. You’ve got me so curious about having the kind of relationship you do. It’s hot and I’m totally jealous.” Amber admitted.

  “Well, I don’t know what it’s like to be with just one man, but all I can say is this relationship is all-consuming to say the least.” Simone sighed, thinking of her men.

  They rode the rest of the way home chatting about any and everything. Simone pulled into the garage and they heard the pulsing beats of music pouring from the house before they even opened the door to the mud room. They both looked at each other with frowns of curiosity.

  Forgetting to remove their coats wanting to find the source of the music, they peaked around the corner into the kitchen. And there in the middle was Xander in only a pair of long gym shorts singing into a broom stick to the song ‘Let’s Do It Tonight’ by Pitbull. The girls’ giggles made him look up. Without missing a beat, Xander dropped the broom, took a running start at the kitchen island. He jumped up and slid across it and landed right in front of Simone. He grabbed her like the singer instructed, spun her out and back, and then dipped her low. Her hair falling in a cascade to the floor. He snapped her back up and kissed her soundly on the lips.

  “My goodness! You certainly are happy this evening.” Simone said breathless.

  “Mmm…” He rumbled in the back of his throat as he continued to dirty dance with her.

  “Where’s Jackson?” Simone asked trying to ignore the hardness that was becoming noticeably fuller against her thigh.

  “Upstairs, cleaning the bathroom. Which he’s been sulking and complaining the whole time, because I bitched at him to clean it.” Xander smirked happily.

  “I see.” Simone nodded.

  “Wait here. I’ll go get him, so you can tell us both at the same time how your day went.” Xander said, kissed her on the lips quickly and ran out of the room.

  Amber and Simone looked at each other and burst out laughing.


  “So does this mean you’ll stay?” Jackson asked, sitting forward anxiously, on the couch in the living room, after Simone told them about her first meeting with her grandmother.

  “Well...” Simone decided she couldn’t hold it in any longer, against her better judgment. “Yes. Yes, I’m staying.” She said softly.

  Jackson collapsed back on the couch in frustration and at Simone’s expectant expression, he frowned in confusion. “Wait! What did you just say?” Jackson asked cautiously.

  “I said, I’ll stay.” Simone smiled shyly as his face lit up with dawning excitement.

  “Really?” He asked, not truly believing her. And at her nod of assent, “Fuck yeah!” He exploded and then grabbed her up in a massive bear hug.

  “Uh…Jax? I can’t breathe.” Simone wheezed out.

  “Oh sorry.” Jackson said sheepishly, as he released her.

  Xander stood up and kissed her on the temple. “I’m glad you’re staying.” He said
quietly, not as exuberant as Simone had hoped.

  Just then the front door burst open and the Drake siblings spilled inside the house, like déjà vu of the previous night. Ethan strode in cockily, walking up to Amber and practically sticking his tongue down her throat. And without so much as a backwards glance, grabbed her hand and led her up to her spare bedroom to do God’s knows what.

  “Alrighty then.” Xander said looking up at the loft where the couple had disappeared. “What the hell are all of you doing here? Did we plan something that I don’t know about?” Xander asked the rest of his siblings.

  “No. But do we really need a reason to stop by to see our big brothers?” Delanie asked walking over to give Simone a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. “Or our new sister?” She whispered in Simone’s ear.

  Simone smiled at the thought of having a whole new family as well as her blood relatives a few miles away. This could be a start to a whole new life for me.

  “I know you, Lanie. You’re up to something.” Xander said with a raised brow.

  “If you must know, Beth and I were at Chris and Ethan’s place. Ethan said that he was coming over to see Amber and we all decided to come, just to make sure you guys were doing okay, after last night.” Lanie finally explained.

  “We’re doing great.” Jackson beamed with his chest puffed out with pride. “Simone just told us before you so rudely interrupted, that she’s going to stay.” Jackson burst out, too excited to keep it a secret.

  “Oh my God! Really?!” Lanie exclaimed, jumping up and down and quickly hugging the three of them in between bounces.

  “Yes.” Simone said bashfully, still uncomfortable being the center of attention.

  From the looks of disbelief to horror to heartbreak and then finally pure hatred that flashed across Bethany’s face, Simone assumed that she had come along for the ride to make sure that there was still trouble in paradise. The look of hate in her eyes made Simone’s stomach knot with unease.


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