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Three Page 26

by Twyla Turner

  “That’s fantastic. I’m happy for you guys.” Chris congratulated them with pats on the backs for the men and a warm hug for Simone.

  “I can’t wait to tell mom and dad.” Lanie said ready to burst at the seams. “I know they were worried whether you’d stay or-” Lanie continued, before Bethany cut her off.

  “Well now that we know everything is just peachy-keen here, I’m ready to go. Besides, don’t you have homework to grade, Lanie?” Bethany said with her arms crossed angrily over her chest.

  “I teach kindergarten. There is no homework.” Lanie responded as if her sister had lost her mind. Bethany gave her younger sister a look that spoke volumes. “But I am tired.” Lanie said with a fake yawn. “Yeah, let’s let them celebrate in private.” Lanie winked at Simone.

  Lanie and Chris gave them final hugs before leaving. Bethany remained at a distance, unwilling to speak further or even look at them.

  “I guess, I’ll be seeing you soon.” Lanie said to Simone in farewell.

  “Yep. I think so.” Simone smiled, trying not to let Bethany ruin one of the best days of her life.

  The front door shut and the room was drenched in silence, aside from the cries of pleasure from above in Amber’s room. Simone looked up at her two men and smiled. Feeling that for the first time in eleven years that there was hope for her future.

  Chapter 16

  Amber spent the next couple of afternoons holed up at Ethan and Chris’ place. She said she was getting as much ‘sweet lovin’, as she could before it was time for her to leave and time for Ethan to go back out to sea for work. While Simone spent the afternoons with her grandmother.

  Simone had already called Dr. Roth’s office to let them know that she would unfortunately not be starting her nursing job with them, because she was relocating. And she had an interview at the local hospital tomorrow, and the day after that Xander’s parents wanted to have another Friday dinner with the family to celebrate her staying. And then on Sunday she was heading back with Amber to Seattle to pack up her things, sell her car, since it was not equipped to handle the treacherous Alaskan weather and ship her belongs up to her new home.

  She nearly bubbled over with excitement as she sat in her Grandma K’s kitchen, drinking her famous cider.

  “I am so happy you’re staying. I can barely contain myself.” Her grandma said happily, grabbing Simone’s hand across the table. “You’ll have to bring your men over soon, for me to meet.”

  “Men?” Simone said hesitantly, knowing that she had never told her grandmother about Jackson and Xander.

  “Mmhmm, unless you have only one with a split personality, because I definitely sense two people.” Kohana smiled knowingly. “I might be old, but I see more than most.”

  “Apparently so.” Simone said bashfully.

  “So tell me about them.” Her grandmother coaxed.

  “Well, their names are Xander Drake and Jackson Cole. And…and…I don’t know where to begin.” Simone shrugged.

  “I know of them. It’s not a very big town, especially with two strapping young men like them. They’ve done good for themselves and so have you for finding them.” Kohana said, seeing the blush spread across Simone’s cheeks. “And don’t be embarrassed. If I was a younger woman, I’d jump on that train myself.”

  “Grandma K!” Simone gasped, holding back her laughter.

  “I’m not blind or dead, child. A woman is always a woman, no matter how old she gets. It’s just more often than not, when you get older you find a man more for security than passion. But you still never forget what it’s like.” Her grandmother smiled wistfully.

  “Anyway, they love you. But there may be some trouble ahead. Just keep your head up and everything will work itself out.” Kohana cautioned.

  “What do you mean, Grandma K?” Simone asked with trepidation.

  “Don’t worry about it, honey. That’s all I can tell you though. I don’t know specifics. I just get a sense of things.” Kohana finished, patting Simone’s hand in comfort.

  “Okay.” Simone said unsure.


  Simone had woken up nervous for her interview, but Jackson and Xander had relaxed her in the best sort of way before sending her off in Jackson’s truck. Xander was dropping Jackson off at the mill before heading to the lodge, so that she could have free rein without worrying about rushing around town dropping off and picking up either of them.

  Their way of relaxing her must have worked, because she nailed the interview. Her once tense nerves, calm and her normally shy demeanor was pumped full of endorphins, making her more bubbly. Now she drove home feeling pumped. She turned on the radio and blasted ‘All About that Bass’. She uncharacteristically danced and sang at the top of her lungs to the song as she maneuvered the truck down the street toward home.

  Pulling the truck up the drive, she noticed a car that she didn’t recognize. She drove into the garage and looked at the car again, wondering who it could be, before closing the garage door. She entered into the mudroom and removed her coat and shoes. She slipped her feet into Jackson’s slippers and walked into the kitchen. No one was there, so she walked further into the house.

  “Hello?” She called out, but there was no answer.

  Checking the living room and the man cave, she found that no one was there. She made her way slowly upstairs and checked Amber’s bedroom, but it too as empty. As well as the other guest room. Finally she walked back to their shared bedroom and upon opening the door she found someone in their bed. What the fuck?!

  “Oh, hello.” Said the brunette from the bar, Simone recognized as the guys’ ex.

  She sat up in the bed with the sheet clutched to her obviously naked body underneath.

  “What are you doing here? And in our bed?” Simone said still in shock.

  “Xander told me I could relax afterwards, if I wanted to for a little while.” She said flippantly, as if they were chitchatting during brunch.

  “After what?” Simone tried to keep a tight rein on her emotions.

  “Why, sex of course.” Tracy said, lifting an eyebrow at her.

  “That’s bullshit! He would never.” Simone was starting to lose her control.

  “Wouldn’t he? Think about it. Jackson might be hook-line-and-sinker for you, but Xander isn’t. You know just as well as I do that he isn’t ready to commit. And he just proved it by fucking me senseless…in your bed.” Tracy said, snidely. “Look for yourself.” She said as she tossed her cellphone to the foot of the bed.

  Simone glanced down at the phone and sure enough, she could see a text message from Xander.

  God I missed u. Tasting u. Fucking u. I’ll meet up with u again as soon as I can get away.

  “Fuck you!” Simone screamed, clenching her fists at her sides. She had never wanted to hit someone so badly in all her life.

  “See you can’t even deny it, because you know it’s true.” Tracy said as she got out of the bed, not even trying to cover her slender naked body. “Besides he’d never settle down with some half-breed bitch anyway.”

  Simone wasn’t one for fighting, but she was suddenly blinded by rage. And before she knew what was happening, she walked up to the petite woman and punched her so hard in the face that she sprawled flat on her back, naked and spread eagle.

  “Get the fuck out of my house!” Simone screeched at the top of her lungs.

  “You bitch! You fucking hit me!” Tracy shrieked, holding a hand up to her face.

  “I’ll do more than that, if you don’t get the hell out.” Simone growled.

  “Fuck you!” Tracy wailed.

  Simone had had enough. She quickly squatted down, picking up all of Tracy’s clothes. She then walked up to the woman, grabbed her by her hair and started pulling her out of the room. Tracy kicked and screamed as Simone dragged her roughly down the hall, down the stairs and to the front door. At this point, Simone had several scratches down her arms and hands, but she didn’t feel them as the woman tried to fight her off. With
superhuman strength that she didn’t know she had, Simone tossed the screaming woman out into the snow and then threw her clothes out after her and shut the door with a slam.

  As quickly as the adrenaline had come, it swept out of her blood just as rapidly and she slid down the door with a heartbreaking sob. She didn’t want to believe the nasty woman, but she knew that Xander was resistant to fully committing to her. And her heart broke further, knowing that this relationship didn’t work without him. She loved him just as much as she loved Jackson. They both brought something to the relationship that would be left empty, if one of them was not there. So in the process, she’d have to lose both of them. Fuck you, Xander!

  Taking deep breaths past the erratic hiccups and tears, Simone got up and walked to the kitchen. She found her purse and pulled out her cell.

  “Am…Amber. I need your help.” Simone sobbed into the phone.


  Jackson and Xander walked into the house that evening, hoping to hear good news. They didn’t care one way or another if Simone got the job or not, but they hoped she got it on her behalf. They knew it was what she wanted.

  “Do you think she got the job?” Xander asked.

  “Oh, for sure. They were pretty impressed with her when we came in with Daryl last week. And I think they need the help, anyway.” Jackson said with confidence. “Simone?” Jackson bellowed, but there was no response.

  “Maybe she’s upstairs. I’ll go get her.” Xander said, making his way upstairs.

  A few moments later, he walked back to the loft and looked down at Jackson with an expression mixed with fear and worry.

  “What’s wrong?” Jackson said, sensing something wasn’t right.

  “I…I think she’s gone.” Xander barely said above a whisper.

  “What? What the fuck are you talking about, Xan? What do you mean she’s gone?” Jackson said incredulous.

  “Her things. Clothes, bags…everything is gone.” Xander said gripping the banister.

  Jackson didn’t hesitate. He took the stairs three at a time. At the top, he ran into the bedroom and then through the closet and into the bathroom. He realized that Xander was right. Everything was gone. He ran back out to the loft in a panic.

  “Check Amber’s room!” Jackson said, but didn’t wait for Xander to move and ran straight to the spare bedroom that Amber had been using.

  Her room was also completely empty. Jackson whipped around to look at Xander’s somber face. Jackson walked up to him and snatched him up by his collar.

  “What did you do? What the fuck did you do?!” Jackson roared.

  “I didn’t do anything. And maybe that’s the problem. I didn’t show enough that I cared…that I love her. And maybe that’s why she left.” Xander said, blinking rapidly, eyes glassy with regret.

  “But she was staying. She said she was going to stay! What could have happened between her going to an interview this morning and now leaving without a trace?” Jackson said frantically, finally letting go of Xander’s shirt front.

  “I don’t know.” Xander said, just as perplexed.

  Jackson stopped to think for a moment, then he grabbed his phone from his back pocket and pulled up Lanie’s number.

  “Lanie! Do you have any idea where Simone is?” Jackson said briskly into the phone.

  “No. Why?” Lanie asked, confused.

  “She’s gone. We just got home and she’s gone. All of her things and Amber’s are gone.” Jackson voiced started to rise a few octaves.

  “Oh my God! I don’t know. Have you called Ethan? Maybe Amber told him.” Lanie suggested.

  “Oh, yeah. Good idea. Call me if you hear anything.” Jackson said before hanging up. “She doesn’t know. I’m calling Ethan to see if he does.” Jackson told Xander as he pulled up Ethan’s number.

  “Ethan. Do you know where Simone and Amber are?” Jackson asked.

  “No. But Amber was with me when she got a call from Simone. I guess she was crying and freaking out over something and Amber left. I haven’t heard from her since.” Ethan said.

  “Shit!” Jackson spat out. “Call me if you hear from Amber.” Jackson said and then hung up.

  They stood there a moment, unsure of what to do next. Then in the distance they could hear the vague sounds of a phone ringing. Both men looked at each other and started towards the noise. They followed it into the master bedroom. The noise got louder as the came closer to the bed. And as it rang once more, Jackson saw an illuminated cellphone screen under the sheets. Quickly pulling back the sheet, he grabbed the unfamiliar phone. He tapped the main button and the screen lit up with a picture of Tracy on it.

  Jackson looked up in shock at Xander and Xander just shook his head in confusion. Luckily the phone didn’t have a code to get into it, so he swiped it open. He hit the back button a few times to clear the screen of missed calls. The last screen sent instant rage through his blood stream. Before Xander could say a word of defense, Jackson slammed his fist into his jaw, knocking his best friend to the floor.

  “How could you fucking do it?! With Tracy?! Are you fucking kidding me?!” Jackson roared over him.

  “Fuck, Jax! I didn’t send that text. I swear to God! I would never fuck with that girl again.” Xander said rubbing his tender jaw.

  Jackson knew his best friend almost better than he knew himself. So he knew that Xander was telling the truth.

  “Then how did this text get on her phone?” Jackson asked anyway.

  “I don’t…FUCK!” Xander shouted as realization hit. “I can’t believe that she’d do it, but…that’s the only possibility.” Xander shook his head angrily.

  “Start making sense, Xan. Before I crack one of your ribs.” Jackson warned.

  “Beth. She came to see me today at the lodge. We ended up having lunch there. There was an issue in the kitchen and I got up to fix the situation and I left my phone on the table. She must have sent that text while I was gone. My own fucking sister, man!” Xander cried out, feeling the stab to his heart as if she sunk a knife through him.

  Jackson held out his hand to help Xander up, feeling just as betrayed at Xander. And Jackson felt the guilt pour over him, because it was Beth’s feelings for him that had caused the mess that they were in.

  “I think it’s time for an emergency family meeting.” Xander said in a deadly calm voice.


  The Drake family, plus Jackson sat at the kitchen table, in the heart of the house. Everyone but Bethany was there, and they grimly awaited her arrival.

  “Are you sure that it was Beth, Alexander?” Gail asked again.

  “Yes, mom.” Xander said again, frowning in frustration.

  “I knew she was upset over your relationship with Simone, but this is just over the top!” Lanie shook her head in disbelief.

  Frank rubbed his face roughly, also finding it hard to believe that one of his children could be so deceitful. All of their ears perked up at the sound of the front door opening and closing. A few moments later Bethany walked into the kitchen. Her eyes quickly scanned the table.

  “Hey, guys! Where’s Simone?” Beth asked in a sugary sweet voice, with an equally sickening smile.

  “Why don’t you tell us?” Xander asked.

  “How should I know?” Beth asked with a nervous frown.

  Without a word, Xander slid Tracy’s cellphone onto the table.

  “Do you know whose phone this is?” Xander asked quietly.

  “No.” Beth said, then turned away to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge.

  “It’s Tracy’s.” Xander said to her back that stiffened at the woman’s name. “She told us everything.” Xander lied, waiting for her to call his bluff.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Beth said turning to face them, her face carefully devoid of any expression.

  “Don’t you? You and Tracy both masterminded this whole scheme to get rid of Simone. My only question is why use her to break us up? Weren’t you worried that if your plan
worked that we’d go back to her, and then you still wouldn’t have Jackson?” Xander said calmly, but to anyone paying attention, rage laid just beneath the surface.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Beth gritted out.

  “Don’t give me that bullshit, Beth! I know you took my phone and texted Tracy with that garbage so that she could show it to Simone!” Xander exploded, jumping out of his chair and cornering Beth against the fridge, almost nose to nose. “You were never this jealous before with our other girlfriends. But you knew this time it was serious, that Jackson was head over heels for Simone. And that scared you. So you cooked up this whole fucking lie to make her run. Now admit it!” Xander roared in her face.

  “He’s mine!” Beth screamed back into his face. “Yes, I did it!” Everyone at the table gasped at her confession. “What does it matter? You weren’t ready to commit to her anyway.” Beth tried to justify her actions.

  “You don’t know my mind! And you definitely have no right to decide for me. I am in love with her. And your stupid selfish actions just pushed me to realize it! So it backfired. And now what? You’d hurt you own flesh and blood to have something that’s never going to happen!” Xander exclaimed, driving a fist into the refrigerator next to her head.

  “Alexander! Calm down!” Frank spoke up.

  “Seriously, dad!? She just tried to ruin my life. And possibly succeeded.” Xander said in exasperation.

  “I know, son. But you can’t beat her to a pulp either.” Frank reasoned.

  Xander shoved away from Bethany, raking a hand through his already disheveled blond locks.

  “I didn’t think I was hurting you, Xan. I thought you’d be happy and then I could have a chance with Jackson.” Beth pleaded.

  Jackson’s fist came down on the table and it creaked alarmingly under to blow. He stood up to make sure that what he had to say was heard.


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