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Page 27

by Twyla Turner

  “It. Will. Never. Happen.” Jackson said each word individually to put emphasis on his meaning. “Do you understand? Never!” He bellowed and everyone shrunk back. He had never truly raised his voice at any of them in anger before.

  “But Jackson-” Beth started.

  “What did I say?!” Jackson interrupted, slowly walking towards her. “If we’re lucky enough to get her back, you will never speak to her in anything but a polite and cordial manner. You will smile in front and behind her back. You will not plot to do any harm to her. And you will go and find your own FUCKING BOYFRIEND!” Jackson’s voice raised to the rafters and Bethany cowered in fear. “Now, do I make myself clear?” He said quietly.

  “Yes.” Bethany’s voiced quivered and tears threatened to spill down her face.

  Xander walked over and grabbed the cellphone off of the table and walked it back over to her. “Now take this back to your new BFF and let her know your little ploy failed. And that we had better not see her anytime soon.” Xander shoved the offensive device in her hand.

  “Bethany?” Gail said quietly and Beth turned to look at her. “When you’re done, I’d like you to come back here. We need to talk.” Gail finished.

  Beth hung her head and walked out of the house.

  “Now…how do we get her back?” Xander said anxiously.

  “Does anyone know where she lives?” Delanie asked the room at large.

  “No.” Jackson and Xander said dejectedly at the same time.

  “Great.” Lanie said deflated.

  “Yeah.” They both said.

  Everyone looked around at each other, unsure of what to do.

  “Can you call her?” Lanie piped up hopeful.

  “She wouldn’t answer.” Xander said despondently.

  “But I know who would.” Ethan smiled, puffing out his chest. “And guess who’s got her number? This guy!” Ethan pointed at his chest with his thumbs. “Now who’s the annoying baby brother?”

  “You’re a pain in my ass sometimes, but you just saved our lives, little bro.” Xander said, grabbing Ethan around the neck, putting him in a headlock and rubbing his knuckles roughly through his hair.

  “Just make me the godfather of your first kid.” Ethan said pulling his head away from Xander’s assault.

  “Done.” Xander said.

  “Now call her.” Jackson order, not wanting to wait a moment longer.

  Ethan brought out his phone and pulled up his favorite redhead’s number.

  Chapter 17

  Simone felt awful. She went from feeling nothing, like a zombie, to feeling everything. She prayed for the zombie moments, because at least it was a break from the crushing feeling of heartache. And when the crushing came it felt as if she could crawl out of her skin. Her body felt like it wanted to splinter into a thousand pieces.

  And the tears, dear God the tears. When she thought there were none left to shed, more would come out of nowhere. Her eyes were constantly rimmed with red and puffy. Amber had finally went to one of the giant wholesale clubs to buy her tissues in bulk. And it had only been three days. She had no idea why people put themselves through this particular brand of torture.

  Now, she had to go through the torture of an impromptu party that Amber was throwing. She said it was a belated party for Simone’s graduation and her new job. But Simone knew better. She also knew that Amber meant well, but she was in no shape to party or be around other human beings.

  Simone currently sat in a corner at Amber’s parents’ house, trying to remain unseen. But it was like whatever Pandora’s Box that Jackson and Xander had opened, continued its affects back in Washington as well. Guys kept coming up to Simone trying to talk to her or get her to dance. Amber had her parents hire a D.J. and it seemed as if she had invited every available guy in a hundred mile radius. I think some of these guys are her ex-boyfriends. Jeez, she must be really desperate for me to snap out of it.

  Amber had practically dragged her out of their apartment for the party. But not before forcing her into the shower, which she hadn’t taken one since before her interview. After her shower, where she had basically just cried on the shower floor, Amber had brushed out all of the tangles in her hair and then flat ironed her hair again. She painted her face with a natural copper and gold eye and shiny nude lips.

  She dressed Simone in a two piece outfit. The skirt and top were made out of a pretty winter white embroidered mesh with a modesty lining of the same color, to cover up her private bits. The skirt was a tight fitting high-waisted pencil skirt that came to right below the knees, and the top was a crop top with three-quarter length sleeves. The ensemble showing off an inch of her midriff. To finish off the outfit, Amber forced her into strappy white heels. The whole time Simone complained that her ass was too big for the outfit, but Amber just ignored her and practically shoved her into her car and sped off towards her parents’ house.

  As Simone sat there watching people mingling, a vision of Jackson and Xander’s faces flashed in her memory. A wave of that crushing feeling hit her and her heart squeezed. Instantly tears clouded her vision and she felt like she was going to have a nervous breakdown in front of the whole party.

  “Oh no you don’t.” Amber said appearing in front of Simone with a drink in hand. “Don’t you dare ruin your face. Weepy Simone is not making an appearance tonight. Drink up.” Amber scolded and the tears instantly dried up as she drew strength from her friend.

  “Okay.” She said taking a fortifying drink. “I’m good. I’m good.” She reassured her friend.

  “Alright. Now let’s move around and mingle. Sitting here wallowing in misery is only going to make it worse.” Amber said taking Simone’s hand and pulling her up from the security of her chair. Amber guided Simone over to where her parents were, using them as a distraction.

  “Oh, Simone! I didn’t even know you were here. Where have you been hiding?” Amber’s mom exclaimed in surprise. “This party is as much for you as it is for Amber.”

  “I know, Vivian. Sorry, I’ve been anti-social.” Simone apologized.

  “So how was your trip? Did you find your tribe?” Vivian asked.

  “Yes, it was won…wonderful.” Simone faltered, her voice going wobbly and then she took a deep breath, sucking it up. “I met my grandmother and most of the tribe. She was lovely.” Simone smiled sadly. Feeling sorrow over how everything had fallen apart when she had thought she was going to get the life she hadn’t dared to dream of.

  “Do you have any plans to go back soon?” Bill, Amber’s father asked.

  “No.” Simone said gloomily.

  “You will, if I have anything to say about it.” A deep voice commanded, sending a shiver down Simone’s spine as she realized that the room had gone completely still.

  “I second that.” Another familiar masculine voice stated.

  Simone slowly turned. She saw Amber’s beaming face before she saw a sight that nearly made her collapse. Before her stood Jackson and Xander, unlike she’d ever seen them. Jackson was in a slate gray three piece suit, white shirt and dark charcoal gray tie. And Xander was in a pretty dark blue three piece suit with a white shirt and electric blue tie.

  Even their hair was combed to perfection. Xander’s was slicked back, reminding her a little of David Beckham. And Jackson’s curls were combed and smoothed back with some sort of styling wax, into luxurious shiny waves.

  “Wha…what are you doing here?” Simone asked, not exactly sure what to feel.

  “We’re here to bring you back.” Xander started.

  “But…” Simone trailed off, not knowing what to say and not wanting to cause a scene.

  “But nothing. I love you, Si. And I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you that before. I was being so stupid. Please forgive me.” Xander pleaded.

  “But what about Tracy?” Simone asked with a lifted eyebrow.

  “What about her? Beth and Tracy plotted that whole messed up scene to get you to leave us. Beth sent that text to Tracy’s phone from
mine when she came to visit me at the lodge.” Xander explained. “I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. If I’d have made my feelings for you know, maybe you would’ve at least stayed long enough to hear us out. You can’t imagine how torn up we were when we came home and all of your stuff was gone.” Xander continued, eyes glassy with unshed tears. “Say you’ll forgive us?”

  Simone looked to Jackson and he nodded his head. “It’s true, Simone.”

  “I…I don’t know.” Simone said shakily.

  “We figured you’d need more convincing.” They stepped aside, revealing the entourage behind them. “So we brought reinforcements.

  Behind them stood the whole Drake family and at the center was her Grandma K. Simone’s eyes widened in disbelief. Beth who stood off to the side, stepped forward.

  “It’s true, Simone. And I’m so sorry for hurting you. All of you. Don’t be mad at them when it was my fault.” Beth said and then stepped back.

  Simone nodded acknowledgement. Then she looked back at her two men and a tentative smile touched her lips.

  “Okay. Forgiven.” Simone said letting out a deep healing breath.

  Lanie peeked around Xander and beamed at Simone and gave her a thumbs up. Simone laughed to herself at the bubbly woman.

  “Good. We were hoping you’d say that.” Jackson said grinning ear to ear.

  They both dropped to their knees and the crowd as well as Simone took in a collective gasp.

  “Simone Dyani Staton, we know this is a little sudden, but we know that there is no other woman that can complete our trio better than you. I knew you’d change our lives the moment we saw you.” Jackson started.

  “We love you, Si. More than anything in this world. We would move heaven and earth for you. We’d protect you from a pack of ravenous wolves, bears and the occasional moose, if need be.” Xander continued, always finding a way to make a joke. And Simone burst out in a watery laugh.

  “Simone, will you marry us?” They both asked in unison as Jackson held up a stunning radiant round cut diamond ring, in a vintage style with little diamonds running down the sides.

  Simone was sure that everyone that didn’t know the story behind their unorthodox relationship, were probably shocked beyond belief and would tell this story until they’re were old and gray. But she looked up at the faces she knew and they all beamed at her.

  “Do it!” Ethan shouted out, cupping his hands over his mouth to make his voice carry further. “They promised I’d be the godfather of your first kid. Don’t take that away from me.” He persisted.

  Simone laughed and looked back down at her gorgeous men. She could barely see them her eyes were so filled with tears.

  “Yes.” She whispered, unable to get much else around her tightening throat.

  Jackson slid the ring on the ring finger of her left hand. They stood up and Xander grabbed her face and kissed her deeply. And as soon as he came up for air, Jackson stepped in and kissed her just as deeply. Simone could hear the women in the room murmur appreciatively.

  “Good. We were hoping you’d say that as well.” Xander grinned down at her, his dimples charming her as usual.

  “Who gives this woman away?” A man spoke behind her and Simone whipped around to see a man standing before her with a bible in his hands.

  “I do.” Kohana said loudly.

  “Wha…?” Simone looked around in confusion.

  “You didn’t know?” Jackson asked taking her left side.

  “This is your wedding party.” Xander informed her, taking her right.

  “Do you Jackson Mitchell Cole and you Alexander Philip Drake take Simone Dyani Staton to be your spiritually wedded wife?” The supposed pastor began.

  “We do.” Both men answered proudly and deeply.

  “Do you Simone Dyani Staton take Jackson Mitchell Cole and Alexander Philip Drake to be your spiritually wedded husbands?” He asked expectantly.

  “I…I do.” Simone answered disoriented, making it almost sound like a question.

  “Alright, may we have the rings please?” The pastor asked the room. Ethan and Chris stepped forward with two diamond eternity bands, handing one to Jackson and one to Xander. And Amber gave Simone two matching masculine titanium bands. “Gentlemen, repeat after me…”


  “Can someone explain to me what just happened?” Simone asked after the pastor had given them permission to kiss the bride and they’d kissed her senseless amid deafening cheers and applause.

  “You just got married!” Lanie screeched happily. “Congratulations, sister!” She said, pulling Simone into a tight embrace.

  “Oh my God! I’m so happy for you!” Amber came up and pulled Simone out of Lanie’s embrace and wrapped her in a hug. “Happy Simone is so much better than Weepy Simone.” She whispered in Simone’s ear.

  “You were in on all of this? You let me mope around for three days?!” Simone grounded out through her teeth.

  “Surprise!” Amber said brightly.

  “You’re a dead woman.” Simone grinned back at Amber, deceptively sweet.

  “Oh you love me. This was the best surprise ever. Admit it.” Amber brushed off Simone’s evil eye.

  “And I’ll weep, after I choke you to death.” Simone kissed Amber on the cheek, before being pulled into another affectionate hug.

  “See I told you everything would work itself out.” Grandma K said embracing Simone.

  “Yeah, I guess you were right. Though it didn’t feel so hot forty-five minutes ago.” Simone grimaced thinking of the painful squeeze on her heart, now just a distant memory.

  “You have to understand the pain of love lost, in order to appreciate what you’ve got.” Kohana grinned at her.

  “You’re just full of words of wisdom, aren’t you?” Simone teased.

  “You don’t get to be my age and not learn some things along the way.” Kohana winked at her.

  Simone was suddenly swept up into the arms of one of her favorite people.

  “Xander.” She said breathless, as he spun her around.

  “I need to speak with you…in private.” He whispered against her temple.

  “Alright.” Simone said nervously, glancing over at Jackson, who nodded in support.

  Xander carried her outside into the quiet chill night. He strode over to a private bench under a giant maple tree. He sat down keeping Simone firmly in his lap.

  “I just wanted to take a moment to talk to you, away from all the commotion.” Xander started, and Simone nodded. “I’m sorry that we bamboozled you into a surprise wedding. But we wanted you to know just how serious we are about wanting you in our life for good.

  “I truly am sorry I was so resistant at first. It absolutely does not mean that I love you any less than Jackson. I’ve just lived a charmed life, never really losing anyone. So I didn’t understand what loss felt like. You and Jackson have, so you both give yourselves freely and up front when you’re in love. I held back thinking that maybe something was better around the corner. I was a fucking knuckle head for even thinking that it was possible to find something or someone as miraculous and life-altering than you. And when you left, you ripped my heart out and did a little dance on top of it.” Xander cleared his throat trying to dislodge the lump that had formed there. “And now that I know what it feels like, I never want to go through that again. You’re mine. And Jackson’s. And I’m yours…if you’ll have me?” Xander finished solemnly.

  “Oh, Xan! Of course I’ll have you.” Simone exclaimed kissing him softly on his beautiful full lips. “I haven’t told you this myself, but I love you…so much.” Simone said looking at his tear filled eyes.

  At the same time they both started clumsily planting rapid kissing over the others face. Simone burst out giggling and Xander chuckled deeply.

  “Is there room for one more?” Jackson said walking up to them, coming to check on them.

  “Always.” Simone said sweetly.


  The whirlwind t
hat was Jackson and Xander had all of her things packed and shipped, her car sold and back in Alaska within a handful of days. As they finally pulled up to the house, Simone’s heart filled with so much joy that she could barely sit still between them.

  Once inside the garage, Simone started to walk into the house when they stopped her.

  “Not so fast.” Xander said with a hand on her shoulder.

  They stood face to face with her in the middle and they lifted her in their arms cradling her close to their chests and then they squeezed through the door, carrying her over the threshold.

  “We have to keep things traditional.” Jackson smiled down at her as they let her down.

  “As if anything we do is traditional. Our marriage isn’t even legal.” Simone rolled her eyes at them.

  “It’s as legal in my eyes as anyone else’s marriage.” Xander said seriously.

  “Agreed.” Jackson said, equally serious.

  Simone’s eyes welled with tears of happiness for the millionth time since they came barreling back into her life, like bulls in a china shop.

  “What’s wrong, Si.” Xander asked stroking a finger down her face.

  “I’m just so incredibly happy. I came here looking for my family and found so much more. Now my heart is so…so full.” The tears finally slipped down her face.

  Xander picked her up and walked through the house and up the stairs to their bedroom as Jackson followed. Inside their room the men slowly undressed Simone. Kissing paths down her body. Simone’s skin tingled with pleasure.

  “We have a surprise for you.” Jackson said after they had undressed.

  Simone admired as his enormous body bunched and flexed as he walked to the chest of drawers. He grabbed something out of the top drawer and walked back over to her, handing her a box. She unwrapped the box and her eyebrows bunched together in confusion.

  “What is it?” She asked perplexed.


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