Cooper Bad Boys of Dry River, Wyoming Book 3
Page 9
“Yeah boss.”
“Have Drew and Scott cut hay tomorrow.”
“Will do.”
Cooper moved further through the pasture, and then headed toward the west pasture. The summer would be ending soon. Living close to the Big Horn Mountains, colder weather and snow moved in quickly. He’d check on the bull, and then head in to get some paperwork done.
Jasper Nelson paced in his office. Why in the hell hadn’t he heard from Conrad yet? He was paying him fifty thousand dollars and he could damn well check in daily. He pulled his cell phone from his jacket pocket and called Conrad. When there was no answer, it took everything Jasper had not to throw the phone across the room. Striding around his desk, he sat in the leather wingback chair and swore. Damn him! His intercom buzzed. He was in no mood to talk to anyone.
“Mr. Nelson, Tyler Conrad is on line three,” his secretary informed him. Jasper snatched up the phone.
“Where the hell have you been?” Jasper shouted into the phone.
“I had to get another damn rental car. I was in an accident. I broke my phone too.”
“Where is she?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, Jasper,” Tyler told him.
“Don’t be a fucking smart ass. Of course you’re all right, you’re talking aren’t you?”
“I haven’t seen her today. I sat outside her parents’ ranch since eight this morning and haven’t seen her. I was pulling out to go get some food when I was hit.”
“You’re sure she was home all night though?”
“Yes. She never left the ranch yesterday at all and so far, not today either. I need you to send me some money for a new phone and reimburse me for the rental.”
Jasper sighed. “All right. I’ll have it in your account within an hour.”
“I’ll call you once I get a new phone.”
“Don’t let her out of your sight, Tyler. I mean it.”
“Jesus, Jasper. I’ve got it.” Tyler hung up.
Jasper slammed the phone down. If he didn’t trust Conrad so much, he’d fire him. But he needed him too much. Jasper couldn’t show up in Dry River on the far chance Kendra, or her family, would see him. He wouldn’t put it past Hudson Mattingly to shoot him just as he’d promised. Jasper shook his head. He found it hard to believe that Kendra told her father about him locking her in the bedroom and keeping her a prisoner in their home. He thought for sure she’d be too embarrassed.
Jasper swore when he thought of her loving Cooper Lang. She belonged to him and no one else. The minute he set eyes on her, he’d wanted her for the rest of his life, but then he found out there was someone else she loved all along. It didn’t matter that Jasper had other women during their marriage, it only mattered that Kendra was with him only. He was happy to find out she was a virgin on their wedding night. But when her mother sent that box of notebooks and her diary, he went a little crazy. Damn her! She was his wife and she was not allowed to love another man. It didn’t matter to him that it was years before they met. He hated the thought of Kendra, his Kendra, loving anyone else. Ever.
He’d never forget the look on her face when he showed her the diary. If the notebooks were embarrassing for her then the diary devastated her. She’d looked up at him with those tear filled hazel eyes and didn’t say a word. He knew then that Cooper Lang was the man she’d always love and want. Jasper picked up a paperweight and threw it across the room. It shattered when it hit the wall. He knew no one would come in to ask what happened. They all knew his temper and knew not to enter his office unless he gave permission. The only one who ever questioned him was Tyler Conrad and being Jasper’s right hand man, Jasper allowed it. They’d grown up together and Jasper trusted him completely. Jasper knew Tyler would do as he asked him without question. Unless it was something illegal. Jasper sighed. It may have to come to that, but he knew Tyler would bow out then. It was probably time to bring in someone else. Someone who had no problem doing anything for money, and Jasper had plenty of it. He sat in the chair behind his desk and picked up the phone.
“Gil, I need you do something for me.”
Chapter Eight
When Friday rolled around, Kendra knew every aspect of Cooper’s ranch and motorcycle business. To say the man was rich would be a huge understatement. Between the heifers and the custom cycle shop, he never had to work another day in his life. She finished the payroll and wasn’t sure what else needed to be done. Did the men get copies of their checks since they all had direct deposit? Sighing, she called the barn. She’d made it all week without asking Cooper any questions. She wasn’t vain, but she knew how to do her job.
“Yeah?” a male voice answered.
“Um, hi. This is Kendra. Is Cooper around?”
“Kendra? Oh! You must be the new bookkeeper. Yes, ma’am. Hold on, I’ll get him.”
She was about to answer when he yelled out Cooper’s name. She held the phone out from her ear.
“Hello?” Cooper’s voice said in her ear, making her shiver.
“It’s me. I have a question about payroll. Do the men get copies of their checks?”
“I’ll be right there.” He hung up.
Kendra stood and walked around the desk and knocked a cup of pens over. Groaning, she squatted down to pick them up. She got on her hands and knees to peer under the desk and saw a pen under there. She leaned down and reached for it. She froze in place when she heard Cooper clear his throat.
“Don’t get up on my account. The view’s amazing.”
She could hear the laughter in his voice as she slowly stood and turned to glare at him. She watched as he ran his hand over his mouth. Her gaze traveled over him and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from moaning. Dust covered him from the top of his black Stetson down to his well-worn cowboy boots. Bits of hay clung to him. “You look like you did some work today.”
“I work every day, darlin’. Let me show you how to print the checks out.” He strolled around the desk and was about to sit down.
“Stop! Don’t you dare sit in my chair.”
“Your chair?” Cooper grinned at her.
“It is now, Lang. Just tell me how to do it.”
Cooper told her how to print the checks with void on them. “Put them in envelopes, and then put them in the boxes in the barn.”
“Boxes in the barn?” Kendra frowned.
Cooper sighed. “It’s like a post office box. Their names are on the boxes. Just slide the envelopes through the slots.”
“I see. All right. I’ll do that in a few minutes then. Thank you. You can go back to work.”
Cooper chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.” He started to leave then turned back. “How about dinner tonight?”
Kendra smiled. “I’d love that. Here?”
“No. I think you’ve spent enough time here. We can go to Zellene’s if that’s all right.”
“I love Zellene’s. That sounds good. Do you want me to come back here?”
“No, darlin’. I’m picking you up. I’ll see you at six. After you get the checks done, you can go on home.”
“I’m the boss. Go home. Everyone likes to go home early on a Friday.” He leaned down and quickly kissed her. “I’ll see you later.” He strode from the room.
Kendra smiled and sat at the desk. Then she put her hands over her face and groaned when she thought of him walking in and seeing her ass in the air as she reached under the desk. She started laughing and didn’t stop until tears ran down her face. After she finished printing the checks and putting them in their proper envelopes, she headed out to the barn. The heat from earlier in the day was fading. It looked like it was going to be a nice late August evening and she couldn’t wait to spend it with Cooper. Her cell phone rang as she entered the barn.
“Hey Chloe,” she said in way of answering.
“Hey. Do you want to do something tonight?”
“I’m going to dinner with Cooper. How about t
omorrow night?”
“I have a date tomorrow night with Seth Riggs. Maybe next weekend. Although if you’re dating Cooper, it probably won’t happen.” Chloe’s sigh came across the line. “Call me when that man can let you alone for a girls’ night out.”
“I’m sorry, Chloe. Let’s plan on next Friday night.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. We’re going to your restaurant tonight.” Kendra smiled.
Chloe laughed. “Maybe I’ll see you there. I’m going to stop in and see how it’s going. Later girl.”
Kendra hung up, walked toward the middle of the barn, and spotted the box for the envelopes. Almost as soon as she slid them in the slots, men were beside her, opening the boxes. They all smiled at her but once they had their checks, they were walking out. It looked as if Cooper let everyone go home early on Fridays. She glanced around and saw Cooper leaning against a stall with his arms folded across his broad chest and his booted feet crossed at the ankles. He looked every inch the cowboy. She smiled, and watched him grin at her and wink. She knew she was blushing as she walked toward him.
“Hi darlin’.”
“Hi again.” She looked around. “It doesn’t take them long to get their checks, does it?”
Cooper laughed. “No. It doesn’t seem to matter they have direct deposit, they like the feel of those paper checks in their hands.”
“Do you let everyone go early on Friday’s?”
“Usually. I know the men are anxious to get home to their families or head to the Fireside.”
“I’d better get going. I have a hot date tonight.”
Cooper’s eyebrow rose. “Oh really? Anyone I know?”
“Some hot cowboy.” She smiled and waved over her shoulder as she walked away. “See ya.”
“Yes, you will. Later darlin’.”
She laughed as she climbed into her car and drove off. Six o’clock couldn’t come soon enough.
Cooper smiled as he watched her go. She was so beautiful and he was glad she finally trusted him enough to go out with him. After what she’d been through, with the asshole she’d been married to, Cooper was surprised she trusted any man. He pushed himself away from the stall and walked through the barn. He wanted to check on things before getting ready to go. Two hours later, he headed back toward the house. He needed a shower. He was sure he didn’t smell very good right now. After entering the house, he pulled a kitchen chair out and collapsed onto it. He was tired but looking forward to seeing Kendra again.
He slipped his boots off and stood to remove his jeans. He stripped them off, took them into the mudroom, and then walked to his bedroom and into the bathroom. Turning the water on, he stripped off his boxer briefs and stepped into the shower. Sticking his head under the spray, he watched as the water turned brown from the dust covering him. Reaching for the shampoo, he lathered up his hair and rinsed it before he soaped up his big body. He’d love to have Kendra in here with him. Damn it! His cock wanted to rise. He turned the water to cold and jumped back when the icy water hit his hot skin. Once he knew it had done its best to cool him off, he shut it down.
Cooper stepped out and dried off then wrapped the towel around his waist. He swiped his hand across the steamed up mirror so he could see to shave. He lathered his face and couldn’t help but grin when he shaved the dimple in his chin. He shook his head in wonder. Why had she asked him that? She had a great personality and he really enjoyed being with her. He wanted more time with her and he hoped it didn’t take her a long time to let him know she wanted him too.
He strolled into his bedroom and pulled out clean jeans and a light blue T-shirt. Zellene’s wasn’t a big fancy restaurant so there was no dress code, but it would be packed by the time they arrived. Cooper picked up his cell phone and called the restaurant. They didn’t take reservations but he was hoping Chloe was there. He lucked out.
“This is Chloe, can I help you?”
“I hope so. It’s Cooper, Chloe. I need a table and I know how crowded you are on Friday and Saturday nights. Can you help me?”
“Sure. I already knew you were coming. I talked to Kennie earlier today. What time?”
“Six thirty?”
“You’ve got it, and Coop? If you hurt her, I’ll do more than kick your balls.” She hung up.
He swore he felt them shrinking up. Clearing his throat, he picked up his keys and left the house to pick Kendra up. He hoped her dad was all right with this. He parked by the front of the house, and then walked up the front steps and knocked on the door. It opened and Cooper came face to face with Hudson Mattingly.
“Hello, Mr. Mattingly. I’m here to pick up Kendra.” He suddenly felt like a schoolboy.
“Come on in, Cooper. Have a seat and I’ll let her know you’re here.” Hudson Mattingly smiled at him and left the room. Cooper took a seat on the couch but almost immediately stood when Kendra’s mother entered the room.
“Hello, Cooper. I’m Kendra’s mother, Angela,” she said as she put her hand out to him.
“Yes, ma’am. It’s nice to meet you.” He took her hand in his. He could see where Kendra got her looks. Her mother was beautiful.
“You’re staring at me, Cooper,” she said laughing.
“I’m sorry. I was just thinking, I can see where Kendra gets her good looks and that’s not a line.” He grinned.
“Don’t flirt with my wife, Cooper,” Hudson said from behind him.
Cooper spun around. “I wasn’t...I, uh,” he stammered.
“Just kidding, son.” Hudson slapped him on the back.
Cooper wanted the floor to open up and swallow him. He sighed with relief when Kendra entered the room, but then he almost stopped breathing when he saw her. She wore white jeans with a red top, and on her feet were red heels.
“Are my parents torturing you, Cooper?” She smiled at him.
“I’d rather not say.”
“You two have fun. Kennie, we’ll see you tomorrow,” Angela said.
Kendra gasped. “Mom!”
Cooper watched as Angela raised her eyebrows. “What? I just meant we’ll probably be in bed when you get home.”
Kendra growled making Cooper chuckle. He cleared his throat when she narrowed her eyes at him.
“If you’re ready, we can go. I called Chloe to save us a table.” Cooper reached for her hand, which made him happy when she put hers in his.
“Goodnight, Dad...Mom.”
“Goodnight honey, and if you do decide not to come home, we’ll see you tomorrow then too.” Angela laughed.
Cooper could hear Kendra muttering as she walked out the door ahead of him. He smiled at her parents, and then followed her. She was already in the truck when he got to it. He climbed in and sent her a smile. “Your parents are nice.”
Kendra grunted. “I don’t know when my mother turned so evil.”
Cooper burst out laughing. “I think she enjoyed herself.”
“Oh, she did. I can’t believe she said that.” Kendra groaned.
“She’s a very beautiful woman. I’m glad she started teasing you because your dad was accusing me of flirting with her.”
Kendra laughed. “Daddy loves to do that to men who talk to Mom. He knows he has nothing to worry about.”
Cooper nodded. “I hope you’re hungry. It’s seafood night.”
“I love seafood and I’m starving.”
They rode in silence to the restaurant and found a place to park. Cooper walked around to open her door and helped her down from the truck. He kept his hands on her hips when he lowered her to the ground. He ran his gaze over her face and stopped on her lips.
“You’re taller again,” he murmured as he lowered his head.
“Five inch heels,” she whispered.
“I like them,” he said against her lips, right before he pressed his lips to hers. When her arms encircled his neck, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer against him. A car horn blew and they jumped apart.
Cooper grinned. “I’m glad they stopped us. We’d never make it inside.” When she blushed, he laughed. “Let’s go eat.”
After entering the restaurant, Cooper scanned the crowd. He smiled when he saw Chloe heading toward them. She smiled at them and hugged Kendra.
“Hi you two. Come on, I’ll show you to your table.” She led them through the tables to a booth toward the back. Cooper waited until Kendra slid in the booth then he slid in on the opposite side.
“Do you know what you want or do you need menus?” Chloe asked them.
“I want the seafood platter,” Kendra told her.
“Same for me,” Cooper added.
Chloe nodded and walked away. Cooper stared at Kendra across the table and saw a blush stain her cheeks.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he said quietly.
“Thank you,” she said just as quietly as she glanced around.
“Why are you nervous?”
She seemed startled by the question. “I’m not.”
Cooper leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. “Yes, you are, but I don’t think it’s me making you feel that way, so what is it?”
Kendra sighed. “I’ve been seeing a man around town and he’s always looking at me. He...scares me.”
Cooper leaned back. “Maybe he’s just passing through.”
“I don’t know.” She shook her head. “He was the reason I left the Fireside so early that night. I’d seen him earlier too, in Clarice’s. He tried to talk to me but I walked away from him.”
Cooper couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was genuinely scared. “I forgot all about asking you why you left early that night. You think he’s following you?”
“I do,” she whispered.
“Do you think he has something to do with your ex?”
“Yes. Chloe thinks I’m imagining things, but seeing him twice...” She shrugged. “It just bothers me.”
“If you see him again, tell Mont or Nathan. Or me.”
“I will. Chloe said to tell Mont or Nathan too. I’ve been looking over my shoulder constantly.”