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Helheim (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 2)

Page 12

by Debbie Champion

  She huffed and sat back down on her throne petulantly. "I need to get out of here," she moaned. "It's so depressing. All these dead people moping about all the time, I can't stand it. If you think I'm letting you go, think again," she said, pointing at Baldur.

  "Hel, please. My parents have been with you for centuries. Please allow them to return to Asgard, I need them," pleaded Sasha.

  "I needed my parents but Odin wouldn't let me return,” she said sulkily. “No they stay here. If you need them so much I will allow you to remain here."

  "I beg you Hel. What can I do to persuade you?" asked Sasha, falling to her knees on the icy floor.

  "You can stop wailing for a start. I get enough of that around here, it drives me crazy. Why people just can't accept they're dead is beyond me."

  "Hel, there must be something you want in exchange for my family. Please just tell me. I'll do anything in my power to help release them," said Sasha, her hands outstretched to Hel.

  "Oh you would, would you? That's interesting. I wonder how far you would go?" asked Hel narrowing her eyes.

  "Hel," Baldur warned. "Leave Sasha alone. Nanna and I know you will never release us. Just let her and her friends return to Midgard and we'll put all of this behind us."

  Hel ignored Baldur and continued to stare at Sasha, a calculating look on her face. She leant forward on her throne and steepled her hands under her chin.

  "Sleipnir," she said quietly, her blue eyes piercing through Sasha. "Get Odin to sacrifice Sleipnir to me and I'll let him have his precious son back," she smiled wickedly, delighted with her idea.

  "No," barked Baldur. "I won't allow it. We'll stay here," he said grasping Nanna's hand. " My father must never give up Sleipnir."

  "What's Sleipnir?" whispered Alex to Ellewen confused.

  "Odin's horse. Surely you must know that. He's got eight legs...can travel between the worlds...."

  When Alex looked blankly back, Ellewen sighed in frustration. "I'm going to have to buy you a book for dummies which has all this basic stuff in it to get you up to speed."

  "My mind is set. Sacrifice Sleipnir and you're free to go. I give Sasha two days to accomplish this and I'll even let my dear cousin help her. Odin will love you," she said, looking directly at Alex. "The first time he gets to meet his darling new grandson and you'll be demanding he sacrifice his favourite horse," she chuckled lowly.

  "Hel, this is enough. I don't want my father to sacrifice Sleipnir, I..."

  "Who says he will?" she cut in sharply. "Won't that be a kick in the teeth if he chooses not to give up his favourite horse for his favourite son? I'm going to enjoy this so much. Just wait.."

  "Hel, come on, stop being so mean," interrupted Alex. "I get that you hate it down here. It's enough to make anyone depressed; the cold, the fog, the wailing, all the dead people moping about. Why don't you do something to improve it down here and make death a better experience for everyone rather than making everyone miserable and setting impossible tasks that are just going to hurt people?"

  Static electricity started to spark from Alex's eyes and he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

  Hel stared at him, shocked that he would dare to interrupt her. "How dare you," she seethed. "How dare you tell me how to run my realm, you snivelling excuse of a demigod," she spat the last word at him.

  "I'm not telling you how to run your realm, I'm just suggesting that it doesn't have to be this way. You don't need to be miserable. Just accept it is what it is and make the most of it. If the dead annoy you, ignore them, just let it fly over your head. You don't need to get dragged down with them. Become a glass half full type of girl instead. I don't know, have a party, have a dance, let your hair down. Just let it all go."

  She continued to stare at him, her mouth turned down in displeasure.

  "I demand Sleipnir and because my cousin can't keep his mouth shut I give you one day instead of two. If you're not back here by this time tomorrow I will give Baldur and Nanna to the Nifs," she hissed between gritted teeth.

  Sasha gasped and looked at Alex in despair.

  "Way to go hero," muttered Ellewen under her breath.

  "Dammit Hel, you're seriously messed up, I..."

  "One day," she barked, slamming her fist so hard on the arm of her ice throne she chipped a piece of it off and it went skidding across the floor to rest by Alex's feet.

  "But," cried Alex.

  Becca gripped hold of his arm hard and pulled him back. "You're making it worse," she whispered urgently.

  "Sleipnir in one day," called out Sasha confidently. "We'll see you tomorrow Hel," she glared at the goddess on the throne. "Mum, Dad, pack your things. I'm going to get you out of here."

  "Sasha, I really don't…” cut in Baldur desperately.

  "No, this is final. I'm done talking and we are running out of time already. Hel please return us to Midgard and we will do as you ask."

  "Clever girl," said Hel, nodding her head in approval. "Stand in the centre over the symbol."

  Alex looked behind them to where she was pointing. A large circle was engraved into the grey stone floor. It looked like a serpent swallowing its own tail. Jormungand, thought Alex. He would recognise that beast anywhere. The serpent started to glow a bright yellow and looked like it was moving around in a circle. They moved towards the engraving and stepped cautiously over the writhing body of the snake. Alex realised Sven hadn't moved and looked over at him. He was standing next to Hel and she had a firm grip on his wrist, stopping him from moving.

  "Sven, come on," called out Alex.

  "No, Sven stays here. Another guarantee that you will do what I ask," she smiled coldly.

  Alex caught Sven's eye and Sven shrugged, then nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Alex nodded back accepting that Sven was ok with this.

  "We'll be back buddy. Hang in there man," he said, gutted that he had come so close to rescuing him.

  Alex stood next to Becca and reached for her hand. She was edging backwards away from the serpent. It appeared to be closing in on them. Suddenly the serpent started to whirl around them faster and faster. It's body became a blur and the yellow light became blinding. Just before Alex shielded his eyes from the glare he saw the body suddenly constrict and it crushed them together. They all gasped for air as the snake’s body squeezed them tightly. Just when Alex thought he would pass out, the serpent released them and they fell to the floor gasping. Alex rolled onto his back and the first thing he noticed was that the sky was blue. They were back.

  Chapter Nine

  Alex sat up slowly and rubbed his arms to get the blood flowing back into them. He looked around and saw that they were back at the henge. There was no sign of Alan or Nancy. Dvalin was up already and skipping around in circles whooping for joy and looking up at the sun.

  "Dvalin, don't look at the sun. You'll damage your eyes," said Becca, standing up and rubbing her chest.

  He poked his tongue out at her and plucked his straw hat from his pocket. He had shrunk it before he entered the Underworld. He muttered a quick spell and the hat returned to its normal size. He flopped it on his head and grinned at Becca.

  "Happy?" he asked cheekily.

  Alex stood up and the others gathered around him.

  "Sorry Alex but your cousin sucks big time. What a miserable cow," moaned Matt.

  "If you had kept your mouth shut I might have been able to talk her around," snapped Sasha, glaring at Alex.

  "What? You agreed as soon as she asked for Sleipnir. Have you never heard of negotiating?" asked Ellewen, her eyes flashing dangerously.

  "Guys, calm down," cut in Becca. "We can't change anything, we need to come up with a plan on how to get this horse."

  "Odin is going to be furious to be put in this position," said Ellewen seriously. "We need to play it carefully. If he's in one of his moods he'll start a war on Hel. I mean she's a complete psychotic pain in the neck but you can't help but feel sorry for her. It was pretty grim down there."

  "Yeah we
ll that's her choice," grumbled Alex.

  He couldn't stand people who felt sorry for themselves all the time.

  "Look, I'll go back to Asgard and find Odin. He won't be able to say no to his newest grandson."

  "No way. This has to do with my parents so I'm handling it," said Sasha, determined.

  "You're not going off to Asgard on your own again," said Becca, holding onto Alex's arm possessively. "We agreed to stick together."

  "You can't enter Asgard. Only gods, goddesses and Volvas are allowed entry," explained Ellewen.

  "Becca's right, we stick together. If we explain to Heimdal I'm sure he'll let everyone in. He's really cool," said Alex.

  "No, I’ve got a better idea," said Sasha. "We ask Odin to come to us. I've often seen him checking up on Alex and myself."

  "The raven?" asked Alex. "I saw him when I went to find Lexi, when Iduna wanted her back in Asgard to keep her safe from Hadron. He tried to warn her before Hadron turned into a bird and flew off with her."

  "Hadron's a bird?" asked Matt. "I thought he was a Light Elf."

  "He is a Light Elf. Many of them are shape shifters too. Most take the form of birds, though they can turn into any animal," said Ellewen.

  "He should turn into a slug," muttered Alex.

  "How do we contact him?" asked Becca. "I get the feeling he doesn't have a mobile phone."

  "No, he's a bit old school, though his wife Freyja, keeps trying to persuade him," said Ellewen. "I can summon him but I'll need another Volva. It's quite risky. If he's not in the right mood, he could wipe us all out in the blink of an eye. Yes I know you're his family," she said to Alex as he was about to interrupt.

  Suddenly a shout from the edge of the woods made them all look over. Alan was hurrying towards them, carrying four packed plastic bags.

  "You're back!" he shouted across the clearing. "Nancy said you would probably be hungry so she sent me over with provisions," he said, dumping the bags on the ground in front of them.

  "How did you know we were back?" asked Becca.

  "Cassie called, she foresaw what would happen so forewarned us," he said, cheerfully.

  "Shame she didn't do that before we left. Would have saved us a whole lot of trouble," moaned Alex, diving into the bags straight away. He was starving.

  "Yes well, that's how Volvas work....not that I'm saying that's a bad thing," he said hastily, looking at Ellewen who was scowling at him.

  "Cassie should be here soon. She knows you need to summon Odin. I must confess it's all quite exciting. I've never met the big man myself," he said, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

  "Alan, you can't stay. It's too dangerous," said Sasha, worried.

  "I agree," added Ellewen. "I can't begin to tell you how angry he's going to be. We need to think of damage limitation."

  "Nonsense, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. He won't harm me, I'm an Asguardian, without people like me to protect his secrets, Midgard would be lost."

  Suddenly a loud popping sound echoed across the clearing and a wild mini tornado sprung up just to the side of the henge. When the wind died down, a girl with long red hair and bright green eyes stood glaring at Alex.

  "You are a failure," she snapped, pointing a long elegant finger at him. "Sven is still stuck in Helheim, I'm never going to get my gold bracelet now. I paid him a fortune for it already and he hasn't delivered the goods. If that isn't bad enough you've made a deal with Hel that is going to have Odin spitting fire and I mean that literally. You had a simple job to do and you messed it up."

  Her eyes flashed dangerously and the spell masking her looks started to slip as she was so angry. One moment her eyes were bright green and the next they were black fathomless pits.

  "Calm down Cassie, it's not our fault. Hel would have been difficult whatever I said. She's just a really horrible person," said Alex, shrugging.

  "Goddess," spat Cassie. "She is a goddess and a very powerful one at that."

  "I don't know about powerful but she's the most miserable being who ever existed. Oh and don't get me started on the smell," cut in Matt.

  "Be quiet boy," Cassie snarled.

  "Cassie, it's cool, we'll fix it and just think if we can persuade Odin to part with Sleipnir, Baldur and Nanna can return to Asgard. That's good right?" asked Alex, using his most charming smile on her.

  She calmed down immediately and her eyes returned to a bright green again.

  "If, being the key word. I don't think any of you understand what that horse means to him. He won't give him up easily."

  "What, not even in return for his favourite son?" asked Sasha shocked.

  "Look times have moved on. Baldur has been dead for centuries. Odin dealt with his grief a long time ago. Sleipnir on the other hand has always been there. Imagine being told to kill your favourite pet?" said Cassie.

  "Oh come on, his horse instead of his son?" asked Alex.

  "Sleipnir is a special horse, there is no other like him. There's also the added complication that he’s Loki's son,"

  "His son? Sleipnir's his son? How many weird kids does this dude have?" asked Matt.

  Cassie glared at him and he took a step back out of her sight.

  "Just after Valhalla was built the gods decided they needed more protection for Asgard. A passing builder agreed to build a wall around the city but in payment he asked to marry Freyja and he also asked for the sun and the moon..."

  "Ha, not much then," cut in Alex.

  "Do you want to hear this or not?" she snapped.

  "Sorry, my bad," he said holding up his hands apologetically.

  "The gods agreed but set him impossible conditions to ensure they wouldn't have to pay up. They said he had to complete the wall in three seasons with no help from any man. Alex you have seen how big the wall is, impossible right?" she asked him.

  Alex nodded in agreement. "There's no way anyone could do that on their own."

  "Well the builder was a bit of a sneak himself. The gods only said no person could help him. He had a horse named Svadilfari, which was extraordinarily strong. It could do the work of hundreds of men, dragging the big rocks to the site for the wall. Three days before the three seasons were up; it became obvious to the gods that he was going to succeed. Loki stepped in and said he would sort it out. The gods had turned to him, as he was the one who had persuaded them to hire the builder in the first place. The next day when the builder turned up to finish the job Loki turned himself into a mare in heat. Svadilfari was a stallion in his prime; he chased the mare around for the whole day and didn't help with the work. The builder didn't meet his target but the wall was virtually complete. He went crazy and revealed his true self, which was a Jotnar giant. As soon as Thor found out he smashed his head into pieces with Mjolnir, his hammer. Thor's got a real thing about giants. Anyway some months later Loki turned up in Asgard with this eight-legged grey foal and said Svadilfari got him pregnant when he was in the form of a mare. He gave the foal to Odin and said his name was Sleipnir. It's been his ever since."

  "You know what, after all we have been through and seen, I am not in the least bit surprised my uncle gave birth to a horse. You seriously couldn't make this stuff up," said Alex, rubbing a hand through his hair.

  "Look, we're getting distracted. Cassie we need to speak to Odin. Can you summon him for us please?" asked Sasha.

  "You're joking right? I'm not summoning Odin. He'll kill us," laughed Cassie.

  "Why are you here then? You just want to give me a hard time about Sven?" asked Alex angrily.

  Sparks of electricity started to shimmer down his arms and he shook them to calm himself down. He didn't think electrocuting a Volva would be the best idea right now.

  "I had a text from Nancy to say there was a Ditto here," she said, pulling her phone from her back pocket.

  "A what?" asked Alex.

  "A Ditto, you know, the really rare Pokemon. Once I get that one I'll only have a few more to collect," she said looking at her phone and moving around i
n a circle. Dvalin moved out of the way behind Sasha's legs.

  "Not you as well?" Alex slapped his forehead with his hand and shook his head. A Volva playing Pokemon Go, the world was truly mad.

  "It's fun and I'm getting a lot of exercise.....Dammit," she cried out in frustration. "There's nothing here. Oh well at least we got to catch up," she winked at Alex. "I can't say I'm too happy about you promising Maggie a date though. I thought you and I, well you know," she batted her eyes at him and stroked a slender hand down his arm, making him shudder.

  "Cut it out Cassie. I promised her a date to get her help. I didn't think I would survive getting the sword so didn't think it would ever happen."

  Cassie laughed hysterically. "Oh boy are you in trouble. You won't get out of this one. She's waiting for you to call."

  "Yes well, she'll just have to wait," snapped Becca, standing next to Alex possessively.

  "Ah, you're still alive then?" said Cassie, looking Becca up and down disdainfully. "You really need a wash."

  "Well excuse me. I have been to Hel and back. Give me a break," cut in Becca angrily.

  Alex curled his arm about her waist and drew her close.

  "Cassie, if you don't summon Odin, then we'll never get Sven back and you'll never get your bracelet. Please help us," pleaded Sasha.

  "No, I'm serious, I'm not going to summon him. It's too dangerous and you should know better," she glared at Ellewen.

  Ellewen rolled her eyes and muttered "whatever" under her breath.

  "Alex, you and Sasha will need to go to Asgard and speak to him. I suggest you pick up Lexi on the way and get her to do the talking. Odin's a sucker for Lexi. She's his golden granddaughter, the apple of his eye," she laughed seeing Becca bristle next to Alex.

  "We don't need Lexi," he cut in quickly, aware of how Becca had stiffened at the mention of her name. "Sash and I can handle it."

  "I'll come too," said Ellewen. "I'm still bound to protect you, so you're not going out of my sight. I agree with Cassie, we’ll need Lexi. If anyone can sweet talk him it's her," she grinned wolfishly at Becca who threw daggers at her with her eyes.


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