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Jude's Magic

Page 3

by Hollis Shiloh

"I can assure you, Alfie won't care and won't interfere. He's gotten you into a lather, hasn't he? What did he do?" He reached out for Jude's arm, trusting him to help.

  Jude helped him up. Ferrous's legs were wobbling, but he managed to stand, leaning heavily on Jude's shoulder for support. He was a big man, about Jude's height but more muscular. He seemed very fit, despite being wheelchair-bound for so long.

  Jude was silent a moment, trying to think how to put it.

  "Go ahead," said Ferrous. "It's all right to say what you think."

  "Well, he said I had to obey. I mean he's very lordly, isn't he? And I get the feeling he's laughing at me sometimes. It's rather… uncomfortable. But most of all, he's used magic recently to hurt someone. I can tell," he said miserably. "I can always tell!"

  "You are sensitive to magic," said Ferrous, sounding startled. "I'll tell him to give you some space. And you needn't obey him, all right?" He gave Jude's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I'll keep him from harassing you."

  "Oh, he—he didn't. At least, I don't think he meant to. Please don't say anything," said Jude miserably. "I don't mean to cause trouble."

  "You're no trouble. Come on, let's go inside. I'm getting really tired."

  They made their slow, awkward way inside. A servant was waiting, and gave Jude a big smile. "Sir, I'll help you to your bedroom now," said the man, addressing Ferrous and moving forward smoothly to replace Jude.

  "But Jude…"

  "The gentleman is looking rather pale in the face, and his legs seem to be wobbling, sir."

  Jude flushed. It was true, but not exactly flattering.

  "Oh. Sorry, Jude. Yes, please do help me." He transferred his arm to the sturdy servant's back and looked in Jude's direction, squinting a little as though he could almost see him, but not quite. "I'll see you tomorrow, my dear. Sleep well."

  Jude colored up at the endearment, but it pleased him right down to his toes. His mouth tingled unexpectedly with the desire to kiss this sweet man. "Mm-hm," he managed to say, and stood back, watching their retreat.

  Then he went to bed himself, crawling shakily into bed and closing his eyes immediately, too tired even to change out of his clothes.


  He slept for nearly twelve hours and woke headachy and in pain. He'd definitely overdone the magic.

  Nothing was said about him missing breakfast, and at lunch nobody treated him differently, except that Alphonse didn't laugh or smirk at him, just ignored him.

  Ferrous was looking very good. He could clearly see better now. He didn't have to feel around for his food on his plate, for one thing. He also didn't require a wheelchair, just a shoulder to lean on.

  After lunch, a servant helped him out of doors and Jude followed, feeling very shy.

  This morning, Ferrous looked stronger and more dangerous, less crumpled in on himself and closer to being a whole, strong man.

  He also looked handsome in a way that made Jude's heart twist. He'd been so gentle yesterday….

  When they were alone, Jude sat down beside him on the bench and reached awkwardly for his hand.

  "Not today," said Ferrous. "I don't want you wearing yourself out again."

  "Oh," said Jude, feeling strangely disappointed. What good was he if he couldn't work a little healing? "But you're doing so much better."

  "All the more reason not to rush it. Tell me about yourself?" he asked, reaching over and running his fingers lightly down Jude's thigh, making him shiver.

  Jude bit his lip. "Um. There's not much to tell."

  "There's a great deal to touch, though," said Ferrous softly, and then put an arm around him and drew him closer to his side. "Why don't you let me touch you a little, and tell me if there's anything you don't like? Would that be okay?"

  Jude had the suddenly uncomfortable feeling that 'touching you a little' would mean his virginity, lost right here on this bench, given to this gentle, considerate man who seemed so enamored with him. He felt himself heating—and hardening. His entire body seemed to come alive, his skin becoming ultra-sensitive and his heartbeat quickening.


  "It's all right if you'd rather not. I'll stop right now if you tell me to. I'd just like to make you feel good. You needn't return any favors, I promise." Ferrous spoke softly against his hair, holding him close. His words were like a caress, and his fingers gently stroked Jude's side where he held him. "I'd like to thank you, and I'd like to touch you, and I think I could make you feel good."

  "I think you could, too," said Jude softly. "But you must know, I've never…" He fell silent, blushing.

  "Ah." Ferrous was quiet for a moment. "Well, we have privacy. Nobody would see anything. I could introduce you to as much or as little as you like. I'd be very tender."

  He was practically begging. He didn't even mind that Jude was a virgin.

  Jude gnawed the inside of his cheek, the intensity of emotion making him swallow. His eyes wanted to cry a little, but he told them not to. He wasn't sure what he was going to say, yes or no or something else. But he opened his mouth and the words just came out, "Very tender?"

  "Very," said Ferrous, a low, sexy sound, and then pressed his lips gently against the side of Jude's face. Jude closed his eyes, swaying under the kiss.

  On the bench, Ferrous touched and stroked him, fingering him, talking to him softly. His voice did as much as the touch, the sound of it so tender yet rough, changing timbre with his growing desire. It didn't take long before he was unfastening Jude's trousers, complimenting him sweetly on his body, and sticking a hand down in his pants, touching him.

  His hand felt so much better than Jude's clandestine self-touches ever had, he almost came from the first touch. He gasped loudly, bracing his hands on the bench, his body jutting up, thrusting against Ferrous's hand. Ferrous gripped him firmly and stroked his tip gently, brushing his slit with a tenderness that drove Jude slightly wild.

  "I shan't last," he gasped.

  Ferrous suddenly released him, and scrambled awkwardly off the bench, going to his knees. Jude's mouth went dry.

  "You'll like this," promised Ferrous. "Don't be afraid of hurting me, and don't hold back." He lowered his face to Jude's crotch very purposefully, pulled Jude's cock the rest of the way from his trousers, and sucked it carefully into his mouth.

  A little scream escaped Jude, and he gripped the bench hard, thrusting helplessly into the hot velvet mouth. Tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes. "Ferr—Ferr—please, that's just the best—! I've never…" he babbled. "Ferrous!" His eyes closed, and his whole body clenched, and indeed, he hadn't lasted long at all.

  He kept his eyes closed afterwards as little trembles ran through him and he struggled to get his breath. Ferrous petted him gently, moving awkwardly back up to the bench beside him, holding him against his side and giving him sweet little compliments.

  Jude didn't move for a long moment, keeping his eyes closed, even when Ferrous helped him cover up again. "Thank you," he said finally, in a hoarse voice. "That was…kind."

  "I enjoyed it at least as much as you," said Ferrous with a tiny hint of laughter in his voice. He reached up to play with Jude's hair, kissing him softly on the cheek.

  "I…I very much doubt that."

  "Oh?" He was laughing at him; Jude was sure of it. "Look at the front of my trousers."

  He hardly dared, but Ferrous was patient, and finally he looked, afraid of what he'd see: desperation, a favor he needed to return even though he wasn't quite ready yet. It was too soon; everything was happening so quickly. But instead of a demanding bulge, all he saw was… a wet spot.

  He looked at Ferrous's laughing face quickly. The wizard nodded sheepishly. "You got me off without doing a thing." And he kissed his cheek again. "Why don't you go to bed and lie down for a bit? You look ready to fall asleep any second, and sort of uncomfortable here."

  "You don't mind?"

  "Of course not. I can just sit and admire the garden. It's nice to be able to see it."

Jude hesitated. Bed sounded good; he felt so sleepy. But at the same time, he didn't want to leave the warm comfort of Ferrous's protective arm around him. So he settled closer, resting his head against Ferrous's shoulder, and didn't say anything further. He brought a shy hand down to rest on Ferrous's thigh.

  Ferrous's breath caught, and then his arm tightened around Jude further, holding him convulsively close. "My beauty," he said in a gruff, pleased voice, and kissed his hair again.

  Jude didn't say anything, but his throat was tight.


  He slept briefly, and they talked a bit about their families and their lives before heading back indoors. This time, Ferrous leaning on him felt friendly, not just from necessity.

  They paused just inside the door, the wizard's arms sliding around Jude, and kissed one another. It was his first real kiss, and he spent it returning clumsily the gentle, searching pressure of Ferr's mouth.

  Someone cleared their throat, and he startled, drawing back. Ferrous didn't release him, just continued to look at him with a hooded, heavy-eyed, appreciative look that seemed to say Jude was all his and extremely enjoyable.

  "Well, I can see you two are getting along," said Alphonse ironically, with a hint of laughter in his voice. He strode forward. "Shall I help you to your room, Ferr, or do you intend to wear him out further?"

  Jude's blushed deepened, his gaze dropping to the floor.

  "Alfie," said Ferrous in a warning voice, his hand reaching down to stroke Jude's side. Jude moved away from it slightly. He felt cheap and tawdry now, instead of the magical, floating, all-encompassing pleased way he'd felt earlier. Alphonse laughing at him could ruin even this. "Jude will go with me. And mind your manners," said Ferrous.

  Alphonse moved away, shaking his head and trying not to smirk, not very effectively. "The mouse and the dog," he said. "Don't worry, I'm not going to pounce on you, little mouse!"

  "Shut up, Tiger," warned Ferrous. "And mind your manners."

  "You're one to talk. Having him on the second day, indeed!"

  "Alfie!" growled Ferrous, but the other man was leaving now, laughing a little, walking tauntingly backwards, watching them. Jude stared at the floor, his cheeks burning as hot as if he was standing in front of an oven. Ferrous's arm tightened around him. "Don't mind him. He's being a jerk."

  "He's right, though. I was too easy, wasn't I?" He closed his eyes in shame. His father had called him some ugly names before he left. Whore, for one. Did this make it true? Being intimate with the man he worked for, and so quickly? All it took was a couple of gentle touches and some sweet talk. I'm too easy!

  "No, no. You were wonderful. I'm very grateful you trusted me enough…"

  "I…I do. I shouldn't have, though. I mean, we barely know each other. He must think I'm such a… such a slut."

  "It doesn't matter what he thinks, and he was just teasing," soothed Ferrous. "Now come on, take me to bed. Um," he added, at Jude's miserable blush, "I didn't mean it like that. Just help me there. Okay, pretty boy?"

  "You shouldn't call me that."

  "Don't you like it? Can I call you Silky Cock?"

  "Stop," said Jude, hiding his face against Ferrous's shoulder.

  "Silky Cock," whispered Ferrous, kissing his hair with soft, gentle lips. "And you taste so good. I'd gladly taste you anytime."

  "Please stop," said Jude, his voice trembling a little. "You shouldn't talk like that."

  "Shh." Ferrous pulled him closer into his arms. "I'm sorry. I don't want you to be embarrassed. I just want to…well I want to compliment you. Your body's perfect, and so is the rest of you. You're so sweet and desirable—and silky. How can I not want to say something about it? Please let me compliment you sometimes. Please?" He stroked Jude's side.

  Jude nodded against his shoulder, hard. His eyes were full of tears. "I just feel such an awful fool when he laughs at me."

  "He won't laugh at you anymore," promised Ferrous, stroking Jude's back with his fingertips. "Come on, dry your eyes and help me to bed. I promise not to tease." He raised Jude's chin, and kissed him on the nose, a gentle, sucking kiss that reminded Jude of another use of his mouth and made him blush harder yet.

  They made it to Ferrous's bedroom eventually.


  They didn't last long in separate bedrooms. Soon, Jude moved into Ferrous's. That way they could put each other to sleep by making love at night, and in the morning, Jude could work some healing magic on Ferrous when he was at his strongest magically.

  This often turned into lovemaking too, as Ferrous got turned on easily in the morning. Jude would be trying to fix him, touching lightly here and there, and Ferrous would wriggle and shift around and growl, catch his hands and kiss his palms, and make Jude laugh helplessly with his tickling kisses. It was very nice.

  The days began to blend together. Ferrous's mother was delighted with his recovery. "I just knew he was the one, my dear!" She looked rather smug as she gave both men air-kisses, and then left for a steamboat tour of Europe, waving a scented handkerchief after her.

  "Do you mind your mother going?" asked Jude, a little surprised by her departure.

  Ferrous's arm stayed warmly around Jude's shoulder as he glanced at him. "It's her life. Why would I expect her to stay? It was kind of her to be here so much when I was poorly, but I wouldn't expect her to stay forever."

  Alphonse stayed, though. He seemed to live here permanently with his cousin, when he wasn't at the courthouse or dining with clients. And he'd stopped giving Jude those faintly mocking looks, almost certainly because the cousins had words about it.

  Jude hated being the cause of disagreement, and still felt like the man didn't think much of him and found him amusing. But it didn't matter so much now; Ferrous thought the world of him, and showed it frequently.

  Despite Jude's shy, sensitive nature, trusting Ferrous came easily. He could see the warm regard in the man's eyes that said even more than his loving words did. And he was so gentle. Some men might not have liked to be taken care of so very thoroughly, but for Jude, each little act of tenderness, consideration, or deference meant so much—from letting him warm his feet against Ferrous's legs at night to kissing him all over and blowing him just the way he liked, to getting the door for him or putting an arm around him when he felt shy, or just listening to him as though he cared so very much what Jude had to say. They were all such new experiences, he soaked them up shamelessly. It felt good to be gentled, protected, and cherished. To be wanted and treated tenderly.

  And if Ferrous admitted to being in love with him, it was the same for Jude very, very quickly. Nobody had ever loved him before, and Ferrous's passionate gentleness opened the floodgates of his heart. Jude's sensitive soul apparently held a great deal of room for romance. And he trusted Ferrous, just trusted him so much.

  Because everything they did together held consideration and affection and tenderness, he could even trust Ferrous to put his cock inside him. The wizard was tender and patient, teaching him these different positions, taking him slowly and deeply, murmuring about each step of the process, explaining it, making it as easy for Jude as he could—and guiding Jude to reciprocate when they switched positions.

  He never could've trusted anyone inside him that way who wasn't so absolutely respectful and tender. It was such a vulnerable state, giving himself to Ferrous. But it was always good, cementing the thing between them, filling them with trust for each other and passionate desire on a renewed cycle of slaking and thirst.

  Sometimes he did card tricks and prestidigitation for Ferrous while they rested in bed together, shyly pleased to show off his skill. Ferrous always watched as though it fascinated him, occasionally reaching out to catch a quick wrist, planting a kiss on one of Jude's palms. "You have such beautiful hands," he said. "They speak a language all their own."

  Jude flushed, but he ate up the compliment, treasuring it close to his heart. Sometimes he glanced at his hands, turning them over, trying to see what Ferrous saw in them, in h

  Sometimes he just lay in Ferrous's arms, playing gently with his chest, or lying against it, talking to him in a quiet, confiding voice, saying all the things he'd never been able to confide to anyone before. Ferrous always listened, and often made love to him afterwards, even if they'd done it already.

  And every night, Jude fell to sleep in Ferrous's arms. He'd never been happier in his life.


  "Sir, you have a visitor," said the servant gravely. "A Mr. Theodore Lenard."

  "Teddy?" asked Jude, sitting up straight.

  Beside him, Ferrous put down his book and stirred. "Your brother?" he asked, turning to look at Jude.

  He nodded. Suddenly he found speaking very difficult.

  "Shall I send him in?" asked the servant.

  Ferrous looked at Jude.

  "Um. Maybe I'd… better go out to see him."

  "That's fine. Wilks, show them into the sitting room please? They should have some privacy there. And maybe refreshments?"

  Jude hesitated, then shrugged. He didn't know what his brother would want, or if he'd stay long enough for refreshments. He followed the servant to the sitting room in a daze and sat down, feeling too overwhelmed to stand.

  After a few minutes, Teddy entered the room, gazing around and looking uncomfortable. "Judy?" he asked.

  Jude grimaced at that old nickname. He'd never liked it. It was as though his brothers had zoomed in on his weakness and were calling him a girl each time they said 'Judy,' pointing out his sensitivity and looking down on him for it. He knew he was probably reading too much into it. "Ted."

  "You all right?" He came to sit down beside Jude, but not too close, not touching, a respectful move on his part because Jude had never liked being touched. It was different with Ferrous.

  "I'm doing well," he said in a strained voice. "How's the family?"

  "Oh, good, you know." He looked around, drumming his fingers on his thighs. He was jittering in place, looking around up at the walls. "Judy…"


  "Jude." He grimaced. "It's…it's Dad." He lowered his voice. "I know he said you weren't welcome any more, but… but he's in the hospital, Jude. He's hurting a lot. His heart. If you don't help him…" His voice trailed off.


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