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The Weekend

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by L. A. Ritz

  The Weekend

  A City Romance Series

  By L.A. Ritz

  Cover Designed by C. Koenig

  Photo by A. Smith

  Published by L.A. Ritz

  Copyright © 2017 by L.A. Ritz. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/ use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  A City Romance Series-

  The Weekend

  That Week

  A Year

  Chapter 1

  Red Dress

  Bethany Harte has been living with her virginity all of her life. It’s highly dramatic that she hasn’t given it away. She knows it is the one thing she must rid of. It’s a burden. It represents a weakness. It is an obstacle she must overcome for her to truly consider herself a woman. She is 22 after all. One might ask how a slender, fairly attractive brunette, with somewhat pert breasts, has gone through high school and three years of college without losing it, well she grew up with her father. Only her father. And she stays busy, most of the time. Plus, she has this whole self-respect thing going on; which is kind of odd considering the situation this weekend.

  She would drive to Seattle. Her best friend had a college friend whom mentioned that she knows a friend, who had this boyfriend, who was into this kind of thing. This kind of thing is a lifestyle, an activity to some, but for Bethany it was a place where she could lose her virginity. Hopefully to someone who knew what they were doing, and could give her the best, orgasmic, soul-touching experience with coitus ever. Yes, coitus. Yes, she watches the Big Bang Theory. She would have the best sex on her first time. She needed it to be the best on her first time, and it would all happen at the Kitty Amour club for sex.

  She packed one event-worthy outfit when she left her father’s home this morning. A velvet red dress she found in her mother’s belongings. It was from the 90’s when her mother had gone to prom. Before Bethany packed it she tore off the tulle that spun out from the knee. She wasn’t well-equipped in the sewing department, but it ripped off fairly easily, and only a few threads were left hanging, in which she trimmed down. This red dress was tight fitting and on Bethany’s body showed a quite sultry figure. If she had a little more hip and some colorful hair she might be mistaken as Jessica Rabbit. The slit up her left leg definitely had it going for her. Bethany briefly considered if this was the dress that her mother wore when she conceived her. Her mother did after all get pregnant in her senior year of high school. She wouldn’t dare ask her father, because her father wouldn’t tell her first of all, and secondly he would begin questioning why she needed that dress in her weekend bag to the city. Her excuse was that she was visiting Amber.

  Amber was given an internship at a law firm in the city because she was going to law school the following year. She had graduated the past spring and took the year to gain experience. She also was able to use one of her father’s accounts to obtain a hotel room at the Four Seasons for Bethany to use this one night. Bethany could count on Amber when it came to the combination of a certain secret and doing something scandalous. She couldn’t however count on taking Amber with her to this sex club, because her friend would surely get trashed and somehow sleep with the man that Bethany was interested in. That might be the reason why Bethany had no boyfriends in her few years of college. It didn’t bother Bethany.

  Amber may be literally slutty, in that she slept around a lot, but it didn’t stop Bethany from being best friends with her. Amber’s true problem was that she loved everyone fiercely to a fault. For Bethany, being loved fiercely was exactly what she wanted. Unfortunately for Amber, falling in love with every man that looked her way was a hazard to her heart, and a lot of men fell in love with Amber. She was drop dead gorgeous and had that rule-breaking, spirited personality that made mouths water. The two girls had been non-stop friends since they were five.

  After the death of Bethany’s mother, her father couldn’t come to terms with the kitchen. He cooked for shit. So the father/daughter combo would head down to the local diner for dinner. Amber grew up with her single mother who owned that diner. Amber spent most of her time there. The two young girls became quick friends over maple bars and French fries.

  Throughout the years, Amber was Bethany’s world to all things girly. Amber had a rich father who she visited four times a year. He was always giving his little girl whatever dresses, dolls and sparkles she asked for. Amber took advantage of it all and shared it with Bethany. In school, they were their own crowd. They were both beautiful, though Bethany’s beauty was a lot more subtle. Amber on the other hand had a boyfriend every other week. Certain moments required no boyfriends and Amber recognized this.

  They were sixteen. Bethany had not been involved with school too much that year, but she wanted to go to prom. Amber set a date up for her. They were supposed to do a double. A limousine was going to pick them up and everything had been set up. A few days before the big night Amber’s date asked her if his friend didn’t have to go with Bethany. Amber got defensive quickly, asking why. The date proceeded to say that Bethany wasn’t a sure thing and his friend wanted a prom date that he could make memories with. By memories, he meant awkward, fumbling, so-called, fucking in the back seat of his crappy Ford Taurus.

  Amber went on to tear her own date apart. “And what, you expect to make memories with me?”

  The kid shuffled around. “Well… of course.”

  “And you think Bethany can’t have sex.”

  “Come on.” He reasoned. “We both know she isn’t the type of girl to have sex with. She’s,” He paused, “different.”

  Well, Amber had about enough of him. She swung her arm back and punched the boy in the nose. “I wasn’t going to fuck you anyways. Because everyone knows you have a dick the size of a Twinky.” Amber had shouted this in the middle of the cafeteria. Many kids started laughing in the room. Some teacher’s aide attempted to get Amber in trouble for her poor word choices, but Amber pulled herself easily from it as she always did. Word got around of the ordeal pretty quickly. Bethany heard about it, even though she wasn’t at school that day.

  It didn’t stop the girls from going to prom. Amber had shown up that Saturday to get ready, and we will say the two girls weren’t wearing the prom dresses they had originally bought. Amber used her father’s money and quick ordered in two mini dresses. One was blue, Bethany’s favorite color. The other was hot pink. The dresses made the requirement of the hem touching just below the reach of their fingertips- but not much farther. The top was strapless. They were both sparkly. She also ordered net stockings in black. The shoes were gold high platforms, that Bethany continuously complained about the whole time they were getting ready. They had their corsages. The best part was the hair. No going to the hair salon for the girls, instead they wore two sharp platinum blond wigs. They were matching with straight bangs and a razor edge bob.

  Amber put all of her effort into making Bethany look like the type of girl who would put out on prom night. The most important part though was that even though they looked like sex on a stick, they were also untouchable. Their friendship wouldn’t break, no one could pull apart what they had, not even stupid high school insecurities. They danced the night away, standing out from the crowd of fruit-cake puffy dresses and ill-fitting tuxes. Bethany would never consider her friend slutty. No, she was just a girl who slept around freely. S
he was a strong independent person, who she felt completely honored to have as her best friend. Bethany loved Amber fiercely. So it is why she came to Amber for almost anything. Even losing her virginity.

  Bethany made the grade of Snoqualmie Pass and settled into the depths of the sound-side. Western Washington was the flip of her half of the hill. Where she saw endless, tumbleweed-dotted hills of vineyards, orchards, cow-yards, and brown land, the Seattle area was covered in this haze of rain and green. Bethany had made this trip many times and still she felt at unease. This time, coming into town wasn’t about appointments or the advantages of a city. Instead, her unease was whether or not she was making the right choice.

  She wasn’t backing out though. She kept telling herself this and she would keep on saying to herself over and over again that, “Yes! She will lose her virginity.” This little mantra even pumped up her spirits as she tried to drive her stick-shift vintage Mustang up the hills of downtown Seattle. Key word- vintage.

  Her first stop in the city was lunch at the Pike’s Place to meet with Amber. The market was crowded. It was the noon hour. Bethany was unsure as she saw Amber walking from the northern crosswalk. Amber was not unsure as she barreled into Bethany with a squealing bear hug. Amber couldn’t help herself.

  “You’re going to become a woman!” Amber chose these words to be the first spoken, and spoken very loudly. Bethany was mortified and looked around to see if anyone noticed.

  “Amber.” She scolded in her blush and embarrassment.

  “What? It’s not like everyone here knows that you are going to a sex club tonight to get your cherry popped.”

  “They do now.” Bethany retorted.

  Amber could only laugh and stick her tongue out at her friend. Bethany could only roll her eyes at her friend and accept her embrace as they hugged again in front of the fish throwers and violin-playing street performer.

  Amber grabbed her hand. “Come, hurry. I only get an hour for lunch.”

  “You got out an hour early.”

  “Yes, which means I can have two drinks and still have a little time to sober up before I have to get back.”

  The girls got a table at the Sleepless in Seattle restaurant. It was crowded with tourists, but they made good Bloody Maries and Tom Hanks was everybody’s favorite, even Seattleites. Their booth was weathered, but fitting as you needed to get up the well-used stairs to sit at it. It also looked out upon the sound. The rain came down, as it always does, and the fog hovered, like usual. The view was drearily beautiful.

  Amber quickly ordered two drinks before the waiter even got a chance to put down the menus. Then she turned to her friend. “How does your pussy feel?”


  “What? You got waxed two days ago. And it was your first one. Tell me, it feels different doesn’t it?” Amber waited for her reply with far too much keenness.

  “It feels like I am twelve years old.”

  “Whatever, it is not like you have had much hair down there anyways.”

  “True.” Bethany replied.



  “Does it make you feel hornier?” Amber asked this like she already knew the answer.

  “I am not telling you that.”

  “Oh, girl. I know. You don’t have to hide it from me. Wait till that sex-man tonight touches you there. It will feel all sorts of good.”

  Bethany twitched her nose. She was uncomfortable and she’d rather not think about her experience tonight being with a sex-man. No she wanted it to be a lover. She raised her head to change the subject. “How is the affair with your boss?”

  Amber scoffed. “Oh, you know. He doesn’t want to tell my father that he is seeing me.”

  The scandalous part about Amber’s internship, was that not only did she get it because the lawyer in charge of the law-firm was a friend of her father’s, but also that she was sleeping with that lawyer… the friend of her father. And he was forty-three years old. Amber acted all non-caring about it, but Bethany suspected that Amber was far more invested with her heart then she care to admit.

  “Perhaps you should tell him.” Bethany rationalized.

  “Tell him what?”

  “That you love him.” It was the truth. Anyone who truly knew Amber knew that she thought was in love with this man. Bethany was one of those few people who truly knew her. She also suspected that this man also knew that Amber was in love with him. Hopefully he wasn’t the jerk just yanking her chain and getting his kicks.

  Amber smiled. “And what? Be the laughing stock at the office. Go into law school as the girl who fell in love with her superior. I want to be taken serious as a lawyer.”

  “And you won’t be taken serious at all, if you don’t truly express what you want with this man.”

  Amber chose that moment to change the subject. “Let’s talk about your dress tonight. I have several options, or we could go shopping.”

  “I thought you had to be back at work after lunch.”

  “I have connections.”

  “Sleeping with the boss is hardly the way for you to be taken serious.”

  “I wouldn’t sleep with him.” Amber replied and Bethany could only raise her eyebrows at her friend. In which Amber continued, “I would just give him a blow job.”

  Bethany would not reply to that one, instead she said, “I have a dress already.”

  Chapter 2

  Kitty Amour

  Bethany walked around the city for a couple of hours, before heading to Amber’s place around three. She wanted plenty of time to get ready. She parked her car in the garage that came along with the fancy apartment Amber stayed in. Amber’s father spoiled her. As soon as Bethany settled herself inside the apartment, she pulled the dress out of her duffle bag. Because it was velvet it didn’t need ironed. She hung it up, but couldn’t stare at it too long. She didn’t want to change her mind. Instead she focused on getting ready.

  She showered, spending a long amount of time in there to shave her legs and thoroughly wash every part of her body. She had no worry about grooming her nether-regions, because, as already mentioned, she got it waxed. Everything was waxed, right down to her ass-crack hairs. It’s not like she needed hair down there anyways. But when the wax-technician pulled off that first strip, it sure as hell felt like the hair needed to be there. At least after two days, the swelling went away.

  Amber chose to show up about the same time Bethany was rubbing some Aloe Vera on the still slightly sensitive part of her body. Amber also had no boundaries and walked into the bathroom during the application of that cream. Bethany shrieked, gave some choice words to her friend, and quickly found a towel to wrap around herself. Amber waited for Bethany’s little modesty show to end and then ushered her out of the bathroom to get the girl ready for her night.

  Bethany slung on a robe on for the ministrations. Her hair was first. She wanted to leave her hair curly, but Amber took a blow dryer and curling iron to it to add a little more distinction and volume. They swooped and sprayed her hair to one side. Then they moved on to makeup. She used concealer under her eyes, foundation to cover her freckles, and powder to even out the complexion. Bronzer and blush added the right contortions and shadows. Smoky eyes and moist pink lips finished off her face. Her legs were lathered with lotion down to her blue-painted toe nails, because blue was the only color of nail polish she liked. The final step was her clothes. She left off her bra, per Amber’s instructions. Also part of Amber’s instructions was the only thong she owned. It was plain, yet black. She slid on her dress, strapped in her heals, and squirted on some perfume from Amber’s dresser top. She was done. Bethany was going to lose her virginity tonight.

  Amber hurried her out the door. She was already passed fashionably late. She had to stop at the Four Seasons to check in and leave her “special” bag in her room. She was even later at getting to the club.

  After knocking at the unmarked door that she was given the address to, the informant, a woman,
opened. She was wearing a long leather trench coat and disparagingly looked over Bethany as she approached. Bethany walked through the offered door and internally shrank from the short and sparse introduction the woman gave her. She followed her through a white hallway to a small room that held a school desk with the pop-up lid and two filing cabinets. Bethany wondered briefly if the room was a kinky student-teacher style room, but then the woman pulled out some paperwork from the now-unlocked filing cabinet. The papers were confidentiality and liability forms. Mrs. Leather-Trench-Coat stood over Bethany as she promptly and messily filled out the paperwork. She was nervous, so her hand shook. But she also was curious and wanted to get this part over with. The woman seemed to continuously get agitated, but accepted the forms when Bethany finished and stashed them away in the locked cabinet.

  They next went down the hall to another room which looked like a locker room. There was no one in there except for a woman in a white-tight leotard outfit. She was standing at the entry way. Mrs. Leather-Trench-Coat snapped at her. “Get Miss Harte a locker and please put away her jacket.” The woman annunciated “please” in a fake British fashion, as if she was trying to purr like an uptight cat.

  The rounded petit woman busied herself by pulling out the keys. She didn’t look up once while asking Bethany her full name. Bethany watched her write her name wrong, and corrected her, “It’s Harte with an E at the end, not in the middle.” The poor woman seemed to shake even more at her mistake and quickly made amends, then uncomfortably helped Bethany out of her jacket. Between the two of them there was a lot of quivering and fidgeting. They both settled and looked up to the Mrs. Leather-Trench-Coat. She was obviously the one in charge, or as Bethany thought briefly, the dominant. She did read about what she was getting into tonight.

  The dominant Mrs., or Madame, Leather-Trench-Coat glared down at the petit woman. “Good job kitten. Now go be ready in your play pen. I want to see how well you purr.”


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