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HIS Return (Hamilton Investigation & Security: HIS Series Book 3)

Page 24

by Sheila Kell

  Trying to hide her smile, she pointed the knife she was using to slice the bananas toward the pantry. “I had Mrs. K. pick up an extra box.”

  “Hot damn!” AJ bolted from the room, ignorant of the smiling faces and shaking heads left in his wake. She wondered how Megan kept that man fed.

  Jesse stuck his finger in the pudding and earned himself a slap on the hand. He’d been damn lucky she’d just finished cutting a banana and that hand was free, or the odds were fifty-fifty whether the hand with the banana or the one with the knife would’ve connected with his.

  Emily set the cutting utensil on the counter and wiped her hands on the apron she wore while she collected her thoughts. They’d arrived en masse. It had to be for a reason, and she knew it wasn’t to have an early taste of dessert. They didn’t like the banana pudding that much. “What is it you want?”

  AJ walked toward them, his hand stuffed in a box of wafers, and stopped close to her. Brad, Matt, and Devon pulled out bar stools across the counter from her. Jesse brought up the other side. Damn. They’d closed her in like penning a wild animal. They weren’t letting her get out of this. Whatever this was.

  Her legs wavered. Please let this not be them coming to give her bad news. “Has something happened?” She wanted to race up the stairs to check on Amber but somehow knew she needed to hear them explain first.

  “No, nothing like that.” Brad reached across the counter, pulled a banana slice out of the pudding and tossed it in his mouth.

  She didn’t care at this point. Maybe it wasn’t her baby, but something was wrong. “What is it then?” Maybe Jake?

  Jesse cocked a half smile. “We need to know your plans.”

  Confused, she could only repeat him. “My plans?” What was he talking about? Now? Later today?

  “Yeah.” AJ tossed a wafer in his mouth. “Your plans after this,” he said around chewing.

  Those plans. She and Jake hadn’t really spoken in depth about what they’d do once they left Oxford. Truthfully, they hadn’t spoken more than generally about their future. She was embarrassed to say that she had almost married the man and had no plans past the day. Actually, she wasn’t embarrassed. They were in love. That was all that mattered. The rest would work out.

  “Um, Jake and I haven’t worked everything out yet.”

  Since he’d be working for her brothers, they’d live somewhere near Baltimore. That she knew. With his having nearly four years of paychecks that had banked, buying someplace shouldn’t be too hard. If it did, she had some of the trust fund from her mother remaining. She’d spent some on college. Her plan was to leave what was left to Amber and any other children they had, but they could draw from it if necessary. Amber needed a home.

  They didn’t need anything fancy. Sure they’d grown up in a nice home with lavish things, but the two of them never needed those things. Actually, none of the kids needed them. They lived around things their mother had put in the house that their father refused to remove or change. They cherished the items but never wanted anything so grand for themselves.

  She cocked her head at Jesse and drew in her brows. “Why?” She reached out her hand and slapped Brad’s, who she’d caught in her peripheral vision snagging another slice of banana. Mother reflexes. They’d learn not to mess with her. She turned her head to him and narrowed her eyes in challenge. “Mrs. Kessler, would you be so kind as to finish making this pudding for me?”

  Brad’s jaw dropped open and then he looked to almost pout before a sullen expression appeared on his face. He watched the housekeeper carry the dessert dish off as if he’d not eaten in a month. Emily shook her head, pleased to see something other than anger on his face. She wished she could heal the pain that had dug deep inside him.

  She returned her attention to her oldest brother.

  Jesse was having a terrible time suppressing a laugh at Brad’s antics. His eyes brimmed with it. He straightened and looked at her. “We want you to come work with us.”

  A stroke of anger flew through her. How dare they? “I don’t need you to feel sorry for me. I’ll find something on my own. I don’t need you.” She turned away, only to bump into AJ’s chest.

  He set the box of wafers on the counter. “This isn’t charity, Em.”

  “Let me pass, AJ. I appreciate you helping me with this problem. I couldn’t have done it without you, but I don’t need you bailing me out of every little situation.” This was why she’d moved away, well partly. Part was memories of Jake, and part was her overprotective brothers. They didn’t think she was capable of doing anything for herself. Now they didn’t think her capable of finding employment after she’d screwed up her career in New York City.

  She spun around on her three brothers at the counter and pointed her finger. “I think you’ve forgotten that my name has been left out of this situation. Only a few people have any idea that I was involved. This will not impact my ability to find work. And until I do, Jake can take care of me and Amber.”

  Matt cleared his throat. “Em, this has nothing to do with what happened, except the fact you showed us what you can do. You blew us away with your skills. We need that. Dev can manipulate data like no one’s business, but he can’t break down the financials like you did. Do you realize how much asset work we do? How much financial research we do?” He leaned forward on his forearms. “Em, like AJ said, this isn’t charity. We truly need you on the team.”

  Choked up at Matt’s words, she looked at her brothers. They thought she was good? She’d blown them away? Why hadn’t they said so? Maybe they had said something, but she’d thought they were pandering to her at the time.

  From what she’d learned from Kate, Emily would love the jobs the team worked. She’d get to play with the types of financials she enjoyed. Solving the types of problems that intrigued her. But she’d have to work for her brothers. It was a quick pipe dream shot down to hell. “I don’t see how it would work.”

  Devon’s wide eyes locked on her. “What do you mean?”

  She shook her head. “I want a job where I’ll be treated like a colleague, a partner, not like a kid sister who needs help with everything. That’s how you guys treat me. I wouldn’t enjoy that day in and day out. So, I can’t do it.” A hand squeezed her heart. It would’ve been fun working beside Jake, her brothers, and Kate. She knew she’d be inside with Devon all the time, and that was fine with her. The others could keep the fieldwork.

  The men laughed. Actually laughed at her. Fucking assholes. She spun and pushed at AJ’s chest. She’d had enough of them.

  He grasped her arms. “Calm down, Em. You misunderstand. We’re laughing for a good reason.”

  Emily snatched out of his grasp, harrumphed and then put her hands on her hips in anger. “What is it then?”

  “We want you as a partner. You know, part of the Hamilton in Hamilton Investigation and Security,” Jesse said.

  Stunned, she stared at him, her mouth agape. Did he really just say partner? A partner with her brothers. Not a kid sister, a true partner. She scanned their serious faces. Each one turned to a welcoming smile. “Truly?” she asked in awe.

  “Actually, your name has been on the business as an owner since we started it. Everyone in the family was. Dev, Matt and I wanted it to be a full family business when we started it, and we knew that each family member would join when the time was right for him, or her. The time is right. Say you’ll join us, Em.”

  Jesse made one hell of an argument. That was for sure. They’d wanted her from the beginning. Why the hell hadn’t they said anything? These damn men were confusing as hell. But she loved her brothers.

  She threw herself into her oldest brother’s arms. “Yes.”

  “Hey, it was my idea too,” AJ whined from behind her.

  Originally, she’d thought that she would discuss a job opportunity with Jake before taking it, but she was pretty sure he wouldn’t
mind her taking this one. Since they’d both be owners, he could kiss her ass if he did have a problem with it.

  Each embrace from her brothers lifted the worry clouding her mind. She and Jake were meant to be back in the fold of the family. Things were going to work out the way they should.

  “What about Trent?” Em asked.

  Brad chuckled. “Funny you should mention him.”

  She looked inquisitively from Brad to Jesse.

  “We wanted to talk with you a second and then go ambush him. We just needed to know your take. The six of us, Jake included, want to offer him a partnership. We think it’s bullshit what happened to him. We know he had a great life, but he is a Hamilton. You’re a partner, so you have a vote. You have to agree since it’ll split ownership and profits.”

  Shocked, she couldn’t believe he’d ask her such a thing. “How could you think my answer would be anything but yes we should offer it to him?”

  AJ, already munching on more wafers, said, “We didn’t. We just had to ask. It’s part of treating you like a partner instead of a kid sister.” He shrugged, tossed a wafer in his mouth, chewed and swallowed. “Jess made us do it.”

  Emily laughed so hard tears came to her eyes. Honesty was something her brothers had never grown out of, and she loved them for it. She swiped at her eyes. “Well, let’s go find Trent.”

  “I’m right here. Why do you need to find me?”

  She spun around so fast at the sound of his voice that she almost fell. How long had Trent been there? Surely if he’d overheard, he’d have said something before now.

  He reached into the refrigerator, pulled out a bottle of water, screwed off the cap and took a drink. At least he’d showered after his workout. Now she understood why her brothers had rushed in to see her without cleaning up as usual. They needed time with her before Trent came downstairs.

  “We need to chat about something. Want to go to the living room?” Jesse asked.

  She worried for her friend. This situation wasn’t easy for him. She didn’t understand why, but she knew it wasn’t her place to question. If he wanted to talk about it, he would.

  Trent shrugged and led the group out of the kitchen. Behind her AJ followed, crunching on those damn wafers.

  Taking a space on the couch by Matt, Emily waited for Jesse to speak. Sometimes allowing her brothers to take the lead wouldn’t be so bad. She’d push them to treat her as an equal another time. In this instance, she didn’t want to start the conversation.

  With Trent’s jaw tight enough teeth should be cracking, and his fists clenched as they were, she’d prefer to stay out of his path.

  “Don’t worry, we’re not here to talk with you about Dad,” Jesse began.

  Something that sounded like a growl emanated from Trent’s direction.

  Uh oh. Not a good start.

  Jesse sighed. “Trent, this is about HIS.”

  Trent said nothing but nodded.

  Okay. Good sign.

  “Well, whether you want to recognize it or not, you are a Hamilton,” Jesse said.

  “Look, no disrespect, but I’m a McKenzie.”

  Emily shook her head unable to remain quiet. “We’re not saying you aren’t. We’re saying you are also family to us. Trent, you have always been family to us. You know that.”

  He smiled at her before turning back to Jesse. “What’s this got to do with HIS?”

  “It’s simple.” Jesse leaned forward, his forearms on his thighs. “We want to offer you a full partnership as a Hamilton.”

  Trent stared at him.

  She could only imagine what was going through his mind. Would he accept it, or would he fight it? She knew he wasn’t angry with them. But he seemed to be angry all together, and it was really starting to get to her as well. She missed the man she knew. Oh, he was still there, but this Trent just wasn’t happy.

  Would this finally get him to commit to staying with them? God, she hoped so. She feared if he took off, he might not come back. He really didn’t have any other ties here. They were all he had. That might not be enough.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Trent’s question caught Emily off guard. What had she missed?

  “What do you mean why are we doing this?” Jesse demanded. “We’re your family, and you belong with us at the family business. That’s why we’re doing this.”

  Shit. Her oldest brother’s temper was beginning to flare, and it wasn’t always a pretty sight when that happened.

  “Most of you didn’t even know I was your brother until a few days ago. Now all of a sudden I should be a partner in the business where I worked for you?”

  “Fuck, Trent,” AJ said. “You know we’ve treated you almost like a partner from the beginning. You’ve never just worked for us.”

  “What the fuck is the problem?” Brad exclaimed. “We’re giving you a fucking partnership.”

  Trent jumped from his chair. “That’s the fucking point. You just give me things. Give. Give. Give. That’s what your life has been all about. You’ve been given things. Now you want to give it all to me.” He jabbed his thumb at his chest. “I may have Hamilton blood, but I’m a fucking McKenzie. I earn what I get.” He spun on his heels and stormed from the room.

  Emily thought about it. He was right in that they’d been given just about everything. But they’d worked for the family business. One that was incomplete without Trent.

  Mrs. Kessler walked into the room carrying a tray with dessert dishes on it. “I thought you might need the banana pudding early. I guess I was right. Give him a bit of time to cool off. It’s new to him.” She unloaded the dishes and turned to the kitchen. “Oh, and you should let Emily be the one to talk with him alone if you want him to listen.”

  JAKE couldn’t believe he’d allowed himself to get roped into driving Arthur and James to the Memphis airport. There was no damn reason the two men couldn’t drive themselves. Or someone on the team could’ve done it. He’d not wanted to leave Em’s side. Sure, Charles had turned himself in and blamed Teri so things appeared safe, but he just wanted to be with Em. It seemed he’d lived a lifetime without her.

  The drive was the perfect opportunity to make his peace with Arthur, though. He really shouldn’t fault the man for believing his agent’s lies that Jake was doing fine. Bryant had been the senior agent.

  The Hamilton brothers’ rescuing him still filled his body with the love and warmth only a family could generate. He gulped. Damn, it’d been close.

  “We haven’t been able to talk alone, son.”

  Jake looked over at Arthur in the passenger seat. No, he’d made sure they hadn’t been able to do so. Until now. He turned back to the road in front of him. “Nope.”

  “I heard you joined HIS.”

  “Yep.” Hell, he knew where this was going. He hoped he wouldn’t have to argue his decision.

  Arthur harrumphed. “I guess that means there is no use in trying to talk you into coming back to the bureau.”

  “Nope.” The decision to never go back to what he’d thought was his dream job growing up, hadn’t been as hard as he’d expected. He fit with the Hamiltons.

  In his peripheral vision, he saw Arthur nod. “You’ll do well with them.”

  Yes, he would. So would Em. He was thrilled her brothers planned to invite her to join. He’d made sure he hadn’t been present when they’d offered it to her. It had been important that she realized her brothers, not just him, wanted her to join. He knew she needed to feel appreciated by them.

  Now he had to work on a place to live. Jesse offered the extra rooms at his home until they found a place themselves. Jake wanted something close to the oldest Hamilton brother so Amber and Reagan could see each other often. Of course, they could just bring her with them when they were at headquarters. He nodded to himself. That was the way to do it. The kids could pl
ay under Mrs. Kessler’s watchful eye while they worked. When they were on assignment, Em and Devon would still be there so nothing really changed. Except he’d have a cold bed at night.

  “We haven’t talked about your assignment since you left Maryland.” Arthur’s words broke into his thoughts.

  Jake glanced at his passenger. “I thought all the debriefings were done.” He didn’t want to talk about that job at all. He was done with it. He didn’t want anything to bring up memories he longed to forget. Memories that brought out his PTSD. “Besides, I’m not with the bureau any longer.”

  Arthur shifted in his seat. “True, but we should discuss a couple of things.”

  Spearing a glance at the backseat passenger in the rear-view mirror, he wondered what needed to be discussed so openly. Although James was checking messages on his cell phone, Jake imagined he was hearing everything.

  He shook his head. “I don’t want anything else to do with it. I did my part.” He turned to Arthur. “More than my part.” Being a prisoner, beaten and tortured regularly, and about to lose his life gave him a pass to do more. Although he had the desire to jump in and obliterate the group for what they’d done. But they’d captured the leaders and the ones who’d treated him thus. Had any of them still been loose, his answer might be different. Paybacks could be hell.

  “You’re right,” Arthur said, his voice resigned. “Just keep an eye out.”

  He fought slamming on the brakes and pulling to the side of the road. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Arthur looked uncomfortable.

  Clenching the steering wheel, Jake gritted his teeth. “Has my cover been blown?” Christ, he couldn’t bring this to his family. Not after what they’d just gone through. And, he’d never allow them to go through what he had. He’d kill every man who tried.

  “No.” Arthur tried for a calming look, but it failed to comfort Jake. “Like I told you when you resigned, this is what I tell every agent after an assignment. As far as we know, you’re safe.”


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