Book Read Free


Page 20

by Chelsea Camaron

  How will my brother-in-arms react to my son? Hell, how will he react to my fiancée? Ice knows I have an ol’ lady and a son, but we haven’t had time to catch each other up with all the details of the changes I have had.

  Pulling into the parking garage of the hotel we are staying at, I smile as I think about how good my life really is now. As I look beside me at Tessie’s beautiful face, I feel complete. No longer am I a lost man rambling through life with no purpose. I am now taking every breath to have more moments with her.

  Once we are unpacked, we go out to dinner downtown. This is a reminder of why I have zero desire to live in the city. Hell, I thought Charlotte was a pain in the ass to drive around when I make the commute to work. Home has nothing on South Beach.

  Tessie pokes around her plate. “Brooke and I get along on the phone, but meeting all of them at once… It’s overwhelming. Do you think they’ll like me?”

  “Baby, are you seriously asking me this?”

  “Yeah, Shooter. These guys are important to you. I want to make a good impression.”

  I smile at her. “You and Axel are more important. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of you. It doesn’t change a damn thing between us.”

  “I love you, Andy.” She looks at me before finally eating.

  “Love you, baby, for eternity.”

  “Enough with the mushy talk, you two. Young ears are here, ya know,” Axel pipes in.

  I reach over and ruffle his hair.

  My chest tightens looking at my woman and my son. It doesn’t get much better than this right here.



  Eyes Wide Open


  “Ice!” I call out once I spot my brother-in-arms. We have just arrived and gotten out of the car with our graduation tickets. To need to have a ticket to enter into a high school graduation seems crazy, but I guess, with a school so large, they have to limit the guests in attendance.

  Both Ice and his daughter look over and then Brooke screams, “Uncle Shooter,” and takes off running at me.

  Ice comes over, holding the hand of a brunette woman I have never seen before. Another teen who looks related to the brunette follows closely behind. They must be his woman Morgan and her sister Madyson. Brooke has given me updates, but we have all been so busy that it wasn’t a complete catch up. Plus, love the girl, but she talks a lot. I can’t help getting lost in my own thoughts as I listen to the rambling teen.

  After Ice greets me in our usual man half-hug, back slap thing, I smile at the woman beside him.

  “Shooter, this is Morgan,” Ice officially introduces us.

  “Damn, never thought I’d see the day someone melted that permafrost around your heart. Congrats, asshole,” I joke while extending my hand to her.

  She gives my hand a quick, friendly shake before stepping back next to Ice. I give her a knowing smile. He has her trained already. Yes, no one touches what belongs to Ice. Can’t say I blame him, though; beyond a handshake, if anyone touches Tessie, my inner cave man goes ape-shit crazy.

  “Fuck you!” Ice replies in jest at my smirk while wrapping his arm around Morgan’s shoulders to let her know she is back where she belongs.

  I step back and wrap my arm around Tessie. Time for introductions of my own. “Brooke, Ice, this is my ol’ lady Tessie and our boy Axel.”

  “Nice to meet you in person after talking on the phone so much.” Brooke bounces excitedly.

  “I can’t believe you’re actually here, Uncle Shooter,” Brooke continues with a smile that lights up the world.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, baby girl.”

  “She’s got the ring, so when are you givin’ her the name?” Ice asks me bluntly, nodding at Tessie’s left hand.

  “As soon as she gives me a day and time to show up,” I proudly respond, wishing I had a definite answer or, better yet, had this already done. Nodding to Morgan, I reply, “You better move that one in before someone else swoops in and snatches that prize right out of your hands.” I give her a playful wink. Anything to get the topic changed from my non-impending nuptials.

  “Just needed to get these two graduated. After today, that’s a definite, brother.”

  Watching Morgan, she apparently isn’t aware of my brother’s plans for them. Her jaw drops open in surprise for a split second.

  “Excuse me. I’m not moving in with you.” Her challenging him almost makes me want to laugh.

  “Why the fuck not?” Ice asks as Madyson and Brooke start to laugh behind them.

  “You haven’t even managed to tell me you love me, and we’ve been together for over a year; why in the hell would I move in with you?”

  Oh, hell.

  His entire demeanor changes from one of joking to complete seriousness. He turns to Morgan, cupping her face in both of his hands, forcing her to meet his stare. “I’m a man of actions because they speak louder than words. Sweetheart, you want the words, you need the words, you got them. I told you, once I see something I want, I don’t let it go. Morgan, I love you. I love you yesterday, I love you today, I love you tomorrow, and I will love you for the rest of my days.”

  I feel like I am intruding on something I shouldn’t, yet it’s beautiful in its own way. Watching my brother have this, knowing everything he has been through, my chest fills with more emotion than I ever thought possible.

  With that seemingly settled, we head inside to attend the graduation ceremony. Squeezing Tessie’s hand, I am in awe of the woman beside me and all she has been through. I never thought I could feel this much emotion for one person. I would walk through Hell and back to give this woman every dream she has ever had.

  The ceremony goes on for a while before the students are each called across the stage. Proudly, I watch the once little girl who has grown into one of the strongest young women I know accept her diploma. Life hasn’t been fair or easy for Brooke or Ice, but they have endured.

  After making plans to meet at Ice’s house for a cookout, we go back to the hotel to change clothes.

  “Baby, you okay?” I question. Tessie has been extremely quiet since meeting everyone.

  She eyes me cautiously. “What about here?”

  “Ummm … clue me in a little more as to what you are asking for, and I promise I’ll do my best.” I am not following where she is going with this conversation. She is tense, and I don’t fucking like it one bit.

  Her chest rises and falls more quickly, letting me know she is getting worked up over whatever is on her mind. I move over to her and put my hands on her biceps, just to touch her as I focus on her demeanor.

  “Breathe, baby. Inhale. Tell me what you want. Exhale.”

  “Could we get married here?” she whispers, looking me directly in the eye.

  “You really gotta ask me that? Of course we can.”

  She bites her bottom lip as she looks sideways to Axel jumping on the hotel bed. “Can you get my mom here? I know I’m asking for a lot. If you would rather wait until we’re home, that’s fine. It’s just—”

  “It’s just nothing. You want it, you got it, baby. I’ll have Rex get on a plane with your mom and get her here.” I smile at her before I crash my lips down on hers.

  “Ewwww … .Shooter, girls have cooties, even moms sometimes,” Axel attempts to interrupt, but I don’t stop kissing her. She is making me the happiest man on the planet right now, so no, I am not going to stop kissing her until I am damn good and ready, kid or no kid. “Usually, it works. I’m losing my touch,” Axel mutters to himself before turning his attention elsewhere as his mom laughs uncontrollably in my arms, breaking our kiss.

  God, I love the little fucker.

  Looking down at the woman who owns my heart and soul completely, I can’t believe she really is ready.

  “You sure, baby? Don’t feel pressured into anything.”

  “Seeing Ice and Morgan have their moment earlier, it opened my eyes—actions speak louder than words. I don’t want to spend more
time treading water. I want nothing more in this life than to be your wife, so why wait? I want this, you want this, and besides, what’s simpler than a beach wedding?”

  Kissing her breathless again, I can’t help feeling complete every time she is in my arms.

  “Here we go again,” Axel mutters on a sigh.

  Son, if you only knew what I would be doing to your momma if you weren’t in here right now.



  Girl Talk


  Whew. I am going to do this. I am really going to marry Shooter. He called Rex, and my mom will be here tomorrow morning with him. At sunset, I will commit the rest of my days to the man who literally brought me out of the darkest of times.

  Arriving at Ice’s house, I am overwhelmed at the size. Never would I have pictured the club President of the Regulators MC to reside in a gated community. His house would swallow ours completely, with room to spare. What are those guys in cuts doing to make this kind of money?

  “Things aren’t always what they seem, baby. He makes sure his girl stays safe,” Shooter states, reading my mind. Knowing first-hand the dangers of a rival club—or hell, even a so-called affiliate—no one can be too safe in this lifestyle.

  “Well, in a place like this, I would think she is safe, as long as she doesn’t get lost.”

  Shooter laughs at me, causing my heart rate to pick up. Every part of me is connected to this man.

  “Come on, baby. Don’t be intimidated. Ice and his crew are good guys.” He is looking at me intently, worried for me. Honestly, I don’t like crowds. I am far from comfortable around bikers that aren’t Hellions. With Shooter by my side, I can face anything, though, including a strange club.

  “I’m okay.” I smile over at him.

  “We don’t have to be here. We have a big day of our own coming up. I can call Ice and explain.”

  “I’m good, honey. I want to hang out with your friends.”

  With a quick kiss, he gets out of the vehicle, opening the door for Axel before making his way around to my door. As I climb out, he squeezes my hand reassuringly. This man always has my back.

  Making our way through the house, we get to the backyard where the party is in full swing. Bikers abound, beer drinking brothers stand with their old ladies at their sides, and their kids run around like they are at the park.

  When I see a cut that doesn’t match the patches of the Regulators, my heart skips a beat. I still struggle with what happened to me. Seeing colors I am not used to puts me on edge, waiting for a Desert Ghost to show up.

  Seeing the cut of the Savage Outlaws, I blow out a breath. On his side is a signature knife Shooter has told me all about. When I look up to the face of the man, I see it is indeed Bowie, with who I assume is his ol’ lady Shay at his side. I thought I saw him briefly with Lock at the graduation ceremony, but it was so crowded I couldn’t take everyone in. Having served in the Army with Shooter and Ice, I have seen pictures of him with the team from their missions in different parts of the world. He doesn’t look exactly the same, but the features are similar enough to discern who is who.

  After a quick chin lift in greeting, Shooter guides us over to where Ice is standing with Morgan tucked into his side. They again do their man hug, back slap thing that I will never understand before we step back to chat.

  “Can I go play horseshoes with everyone, Momma?” Axel asks.

  “Sure thing, buddy. Stay where you can see us, though.” I send him off to be a kid. Letting go is hard to do.

  “Have you set a date yet?” Morgan asks me in what I think is her attempt at casual conversation.

  Proudly, Shooter pipes up, “Tomorrow at sunset.”

  “Look at you. Smug bastard,” Ice replies at Shooter’s puffing of his chest when he made our announcement.

  “I’m hoping you and all the boys will be there,” Shooter adds, still smiling.

  “Always, brother.”

  “Oh. My. God,” Morgan emphasizes.

  “Sweetheart, that shit is for the bedroom, not with our friends,” Ice chimes in playfully.

  Suddenly, Morgan grabs me by the wrist, taking me with her towards the house. “We have to find something for me and the girls to wear.”

  “Brooke is ruining you!” Ice calls out as his woman keeps dragging me.

  When I give Shooter a look, pleading with him to save me, he only shrugs his shoulders and mouths, ‘sorry’.

  Once inside what I assume to be Brooke’s room, I can’t help laughing as Morgan looks in the teen’s closet.

  “Dammit. All her clothes will get me in trouble. Wait, maybe I want to be in trouble,” she mutters to herself. She stops and brings her finger up to tap on her jaw as she contemplates whether she wants to be ‘punished’ or not.

  “Anticipation makes it hotter,” I add, letting her know my mind is just as dirty and so is my man.

  We both fall into a fit of giggles. It is an odd thing for me. Since Shooter has come into my life, I laugh, I relax, and I breathe.

  “Does it ever dull out?” she suddenly asks me seriously.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know. Forget it,” she backtracks.

  “We ol’ ladies have to stick together. I know we don’t know each other well, but I would like to change that,” I state honestly. I don’t have many friends. If I am real with myself, I don’t have friends outside of the Hellions. Not that it is a problem, but Morgan seems nice enough.

  “How long have you been with a biker? The sex with Ice is ah-maz-ing; I just wonder if it dulls out.”

  “Hell no, it never dulls out.”

  “How long have you and Shooter been together? Casey, my best friend, she says the sex is hot because bikers are hot. She has been with regular guys, and she says it’s not the same.” She looks at me nervously. “I’ve only ever been with Ice. Don’t get me wrong, he seems happy with umm … what we do, ya know, but does it ever waver? The last year has been the best of my life, but I feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop sometimes.”

  “Shooter and I have this long history together.” For some reason, something in me changes with Morgan, and I share with her something I don’t talk about much these days. “He saved me. I was being attacked.” I shift on my feet uncomfortably. How will she take my story? “I was violated. It could have been worse, but Shooter, he saved me. He is my rock. I don’t have a ton of experience, but what I have with Shooter is off-the-charts amazing.” I giggle nervously as she looks at me somberly.

  “How did you overcome that?”

  “Time, patience, love, understanding, and Shooter. He saved me from myself.”

  Tears fill her eyes. “My sister … she was… umm … kidnapped. Things happened. She is doing better, but I worry that she will never feel normal again.”

  “You want me to be honest with you?” She nods her head. “What is normal? You were a virgin until Ice. You have great sex, and the man obviously loves you, but you still have sexual insecurities. She will have those same insecurities, only she will question whether her body is still normal. Again, though, I ask, what is normal? Everyone handles trauma differently. When the right man comes along, he will make her feel whole again.”

  She reaches out and squeezes my hand in comfort. Watching her, I can’t decide who needs it more, me or her, so I wrap my arms around her and hug her tight.

  “Mercy, she hasn’t always been a friend to me. In her own time, though, she will give your sister exactly what she needs.”

  “Thank you,” Morgan whispers before we part.

  Looking back at the closet, she smiles over to me. “Wanna go shopping tomorrow morning? Or do you have hair and make-up appointments?”

  “No appointments. I would love to go shopping since I don’t even have a dress.”

  “What?” she shrieks at me. “No dress! This is a travesty we must address.”

  We laugh together before finalizing our plans for the next morning.

/>   After going back to the party, Morgan pretty much spends her time either at my side or Ice’s. We have a lot in common as we both adjust to life as ol’ ladies to our badass bikers.



  Pinch Me


  “Are you ready now?” Morgan asks excitedly.

  We only went to three shops this morning before we found an absolutely perfect one shoulder, empire waist, off-white sun dress. The layers of fabric below my breasts flow freely around and behind me slightly. The one shoulder strap is done to look like roses with one big flower where the strap joins to the top of the dress. My not so large breasts are scooped up by the built in bra, giving me a hint of cleavage I don’t normally have. The dress is not over-the-top; it is simple elegance, much like me.

  The hotel receptionist made a few calls for us and set up a nice spot on the beach for our vows to take place. She also found a local minister to perform the ceremony on such short notice.

  Rex is actually being thoughtful and agreed to rent a car at the airport so none of us had to slow our preparations to pick him and my mom up from the airport. I hope the trip isn’t too much on her body.

  “I think so,” I reply, smiling at Morgan.

  “Is it everything you’ve dreamt of?” she asks, pulling me into a coffee shop.

  We order—well, really, she orders—two Cuban espressos as she swears everyone in South Beach is addicted to the ever so small shots of caffeine goodness, while I think on her question. Is this everything I have dreamt of?

  “Well, is this your dream come true? If not, what do we need to give you that?”

  “Morgan, are you a dreamer? Do you have your wedding planned out along with your version of Prince Charming?” I question, wondering if I am the only woman ever to not dream of her wedding day.

  She looks at me shyly before dropping her head. She doesn’t answer, which makes me more curious.

  “I’ll be honest with you. Until Shooter, I never thought I would get married. I certainly didn’t believe in Prince Charming. I guess you should know since he will be here today. Shooter is not Axel’s dad, and Rex is the complete opposite of prince anything.”


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