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Grizzly Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 1)

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by Sable Sylvan

  Helen grabbed a drink and sipped while the DJ talked about the next act, but she wasn’t really listening to the DJ. No, she was more focused on watching the sexy men that had been with her on that stage. They were making their way to the various tables. Some of the tables had poles that they could dance on, while others had more room for lap dances. Helen didn’t find herself getting jealous though. She’d had her fun with the guys, and it was a privilege just to get to watch them do their thing...but while she watched Owen and Ryan move their bodies over one guest as if they were waterfalls of pleasure, she noticed something.

  She wasn’t just watching them...they were watching her. It was as if this was all part of some elaborate courting ritual. As they moved back and forth over the girls, they weren’t really focused on their clients, at least, as focused as they had been on her while she was on stage, or as focused as they were on her now. Was there something in her teeth? There was no frikkin’ way that the two hottest men in Seattle wanted anything to do with her off stage...but then, why had they approached her before the show? It must have been to suss out whether she was game for going on stage or not...but then why would they be making eyes at her now? It was all confusing, so Helen told her brain to shut up and let her other parts, her lower parts, do the thinking.

  The men were handsome, yes, and they’d quickly changed into dark emerald green sequin stripper shorts sometime after leaving the stage but before working the floor. That meant no seeing those thick shafts of theirs again, which now, she regretted not petting on stage. Butts were one thing, but touching a stranger’s parts...well, that’s not something that the old Helen would’ve done, but old Helen also wouldn’t have gone on stage or gone to a strip club in the first place. New Helen was fun, flirty, and wanted to push limits...her own limits.

  Those shorts didn’t leave much to the imagination. Making out the outlines of the cocks wasn’t hard at all. They were thick and the shorts were practically skin tight, although the fabric was shimmery and had a slight give to it so that it wouldn’t split in half while the guys performed their various tricks for their audience. Those marks on their chest, of course, were what most of the women on the floor were busy touching, busy longing for, because for them, the fantasy was not just of having sex with these men. No...the fantasy was about these men being their fated mates.

  Fated mates. There was that term again, the term that she didn’t think about often. She hadn’t had a reason to. She’d thought that scumbag whats-his-face was going to be her forever guy, and he wasn’t a shifter, and she wasn’t a shifter, so there was no reason to even consider fated mates as part of the equation. She’d never found herself fantasizing about dating a shifter because she hadn’t fantasized about dating anyone...but she could easily see herself dating either rugged rockstar Ryan or sweet dandy Owen.

  Ryan. So tall, so taut, so mysterious. He was the kind of guy she shouldn’t be with, the kind who had a picture of a frikkin’ horse on his chest, but he was the one who, in the pair, had the most sexual chemistry with her. He was brash, forward, and all about having fun...especially if that fun was of the spicy or even kinky variety. Feeling that electric spark between the two of them as they moved on stage reminded Helen about just how incompatible she was with Joe, who had never been able to make her feel what Ryan had made her feel on that stage...worshipped as the sexual goddess her curves marked her as being.

  Owen. He was so muscular. He had boy next door looks and the charm to match. There was chemistry there too, but a different kind, a kind that was more sensual than sexual, that was more emotional than erotic, and that chemistry was of the variety that Helen had not had in her life for far too long.

  Both the men that she’d met already gave of an aura of being so much superior to her wimpy human ex. These bear shifters knew how to treat a woman right. It all had to be an act though, right? There was no frikkin’ way that they were like that in real life. No men could be that perfect...but these were no ordinary men.

  No, these were shifters. These were men who had two sides to their very animal nature, a human nature, and both natures seemed to be sending signals to her that they wanted her, badly, in a bed or on the table. She watched as they moved their bodies over women, thrusting their pelvises and rocking their hips to make the audiences quiver and moan. While most women were focused on the antics going on on stage, the women who had the pleasure of being danced on by these men, well, they were going absolutely nuts. There was grabbing of the men’s taut, strong limbs. There was leaning back against the chair to thrust hips up to meet the dancer’s bucking pelvises. What was going on seemed like it really belonged in an X-rated video.

  Helen turned toward the stage to distract herself. On stage, there were two men with icy blonde hair wearing denim, doing a dance routine involving bits of what looked like snow that blustered across the stage and out onto the women. Ever so often, a coupon would fly out into the crowd and one lucky lady would grab it. A flake of the false snow hit Helen’s cheek. She touched her cheek. It was cold. The snow melted on contact. It was real snow. The club had really thought of everything.

  The men on stage were handsome, there was no doubt about that. Tall, blonde, with piercing blue eyes that reminded her of a Siberian wolf shifter’s eyes more than those of a bear, she found herself wondering what species they were...until, like Ryan and Owen, they ran towards each other to do a chest bump and, while they jumped, they shifted, destroying the clothes they were wearing which was scattered in tatters over the stage, with some scraps of fabric making their way into the audience. Some women tried to crawl onto the stage, but tall bouncers, who looked like lion shifters to Helen, pulled the women away.

  Helen sipped at her complimentary drink. It was blue and tasted like pineapples and oranges...a Blue Hawaiian. The rum was sweet but strong. The tray had also come with complimentary nibbles which she took the time to explore while Jasmine and Alicia were busy yelling at the stage, hoping to get picked by one of the handsome polars. The shift of the polars was larger than the grizzly shift, the white fur covering dark black skin, and of course, the audience of Bear Buns couldn’t wait to see what they were about to do in their bear form.

  At seedy strip clubs, there were usually peanuts and pretzels, maybe wings if one was lucky, but Bear Buns had gone all out for their clientele, and on the tray were macarons. While macroons are made of coconut, macarons are made of almond flour. Macarons, a form of sandwich cookie, usually had one flavor for the “buns” of the sandwich and one flavor for the “meat”, for example, a blueberry infused outer layer of cookie with a blueberry jam. That wasn’t luxurious enough for the Bear Buns chefs. The cookies all had one flavor for the outside cookie layer with a different flavor for the inside. There were chocolate macarons with a coffee paste inside that were rich and bitter but decadent. There were marionberry macarons which tasted like marionberries on the outside but which had a rich Cabarnet grape jelly inside to form a sweet tannic dessert that tasted like a wine. There were also vanilla macarons that had a spicy cinnamon interior, and those were anything but plain and boring. Helen made sure to have one of each while she settled back into her white tufted chair to see just which girl in the audience would be picked by the polar bears to sit in that throne.

  Her view was soon blocked by a pair of buns that were anything but bare, covered in green sequin hot pants. “Hey!” said Helen before she started laughing. How could she have thought that Ryan and Owen wouldn’t be making their way over to see her.

  “Didn’t we say we’d see you before the night was up?” said Owen, pushing Ryan away, so he could straddle Helen. He pushed a hair out of Helen’s face and whispered into her ear, “So, you like the show?”

  “Yeah, it was great,” said Helen, and she felt Owen’s cock press against her. It was rock hard. She couldn’t help but blush. “I didn’t exactly expect you to be the entertainment.”

  “And we didn’t expect you not to recognize us,” whispered Ryan, who was
dancing behind Owen, right in Helen’s line of sight. “Are we blocking your view of the show?” “No, I think the best show of the night is going on right here,” said Helen. She looked over Ryan. His body was glossy with sweat that glistened even in the low light of the floor. The lights from the stage illuminated him from the back and made him look like a glowing dancing shadow, a sensual figure resembling a Classical god of sex, a flickering shadow in a candle’s light.

  “So what do you say we go somewhere a little less crowded?” asked Owen, getting up off of Helen.

  Ryan took Owen’s place, and he started gyrating over Helen’s lap. “We know just the place,” said Ryan. “After all...we do get to take one girl back with us to our cocktail room...and there’s only one tail that our cocks want tonight...”

  Helen’s cheeks, by this point, were bright red. Going on stage was one thing, but going to their private quarters? That was a-whole-nother. “Give me a second,” she said. Ryan got up and danced with Owen at another table to give Helen space.

  Helen turned to her friends. “Guys...”

  “What the heck was that?” asked Jasmine. “Give us all the deets!”

  “Well, I thought they just picked me for the stage show, but, remember that thing the DJ said, about how they get to choose one girl to go with them to the back room?” asked Helen.

  “They asked you to go back there with them?” asked Alicia.

  “Yeah, and I don’t want to abandon you guys, because this is supposed to be a girl’s night out, but...” started Helen.

  Jasmine put her finger on her friend’s lips. “Helen. You’re not seriously asking for our permission to go out and have a good time, are you? Girl. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You absolutely need to go back there into that cocktail room and have a good frikkin’ time, you hear me?” said Jasmine.

  “Are you guys sure I’m not being a selfish jerk?” asked Helen.

  “Honey, if they had asked either of us to go back there with them, we wouldn’t be asking you for permission. Go get some!” said Alicia. “And of course, we need to hear all the details in the limo back to Portland.

  “Alright, alright, I don’t have to be told twice,” said Helen. “You two are the best!”

  Helen sat back in her chair and gestured to Ryan and Owen to come over. They finished up the performance they were giving and walked over to her.

  “So what’s it going to be?” asked Ryan.

  “I’m in,” said Helen, standing up. “So where are we going?”

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” said Owen, lifting Helen up to carry her. His arms were strong and firm and just being carried by him made her feel safe. “After all, a princess like you shouldn’t have to walk.”

  Chapter Four

  Owen carried Helen through the crowd of hooting and hollering women out towards one of the bars. He then passed Helen to Ryan when they were halfway across the room. Ryan put Helen up on his shoulders and kept her hoisted up there as he walked towards the other side of the room, which had a red carpet lit by low warm lighting, where a bouncer, with his arms crossed, hung out by a red velvet rope.

  The bouncer, on seeing Owen and Ryan with Helen, let the three of them into the hallway before closing the rope again. Ryan let Helen down and led her by the hand through the red hallway, where there were doors marked with stars. Each star contained a pair of initials. When they reached the door reading, “O+R”, they opened the door.

  The inside of the room was resplendent in shades of dark jade green, with brass detailing. The walls were made of dark hardwood, while the floors were covered with dark green shag carpet with metallic dark green threads running throughout the shag. There was a large dark green velvet couch that took over one wall of the floor, while the other wall had a large TV, which was running a high definition video of a waterfall, complete with sound. There was also a large dark wooden coffee table by the couch

  Ryan led Helen to the couch, which had at least a dozen fluffy pillows scattered over its length. She grabbed one of the pillows and held it to her chest. “Wow, this place is really something,” said Helen.

  “I’m glad it’s earned your approval,” said Ryan, sitting on one side of Helen.

  “That’s right, it’d really be a shame if we had to work even harder to please you,” said Owen. “Oh, who am I’d be my privilege to serve you.”

  There was a knock at the door and Owen got up to answer the door. There was a cart, delivered by a lion shifter, and it was loaded with treats. “It’s time for you to learn why these are called cocktail rooms and not champagne rooms,” said Owen. “How much do you know about Bear Buns?”

  “Not a ton,” admitted Helen.

  “It was started by twelve bear shifters, The Twelve Dancing Bears,” explained Owen. “While there are dancers who work here the way they would at a regular club, the Twelve Dancing Bears are an entertainment troupe that usually goes from city to city.”

  “I’m surprised you go on tour given how much business you get in Seattle,” said Helen.

  “It’s not about the money,” said Ryan. “It’s about something far more important...finding our fated mates.”

  “Finding your fated mates by dancing? How the heck does that work?” asked Helen.

  “Think about it. We’re on stage, showing off our mate marks, almost every night, to dozens if not hundreds of women. It’s a way to advertise our mate marks, and we hope that maybe, one woman can figure out what the mark means for us,” said Owen.

  “So, the two of you are each looking for a woman? Your fated mates?” said Helen.

  “Well, we’re both looking for a woman...the same woman,” explained Owen. “The two of us...our mate marks match. That’s how we know that we’re meant to share a mate. All the dancers at Bear Buns are shifters, mostly bear shifters. Whenever a pair of bears in the Twelve Dancing Bears troupe finds their fated mate, they choose another set of bears to take their place. The original Twelve Dancing Bears were all grizzlies, but right now, we’re the only grizzlies in the troupe. There’s also a set of polar bears, black bears, cinnamon bears, panda bears, and koala bears.” At the mere thought of a fated mate, Owen’s bear roared. The bear had been at attention all night, ever since they’d spotted Helen, and the bear wanted them to just do what they were here to do, to claim Helen for their own, to make her orgasm on their cock until the moaning caused a noise complaint. Owen’s cock twitched and hardened at the thought of entering Helen while feeling and kissing her every curve. Those hips were absolutely perfect, ripe and ready for bearing cubs.

  “I have a feeling we’re going to have to start looking for our replacements pretty soon,” said Ryan. “Because after all, our matching mate marks have led you.” The bear in Ryan roared and Ryan’s dark brown eyes flashed amber. The bear told Ryan that here, in private, was the place to claim the woman that the bear had recognized, since the start, as his mate. Ryan had to resist the urge to obey his bear. While obeying his bear during a show was one thing, navigating his way into Helen’s pants took far more finesse than the bear could muster.

  “Wait, those marks...they’re real?” asked Helen. “And they’re not just done with makeup? No frikkin’ way!” Helen rubbed at the mark on Owen’s chest first. She looked at her fingers. No makeup had come off. She tried Ryan’s chest next.

  “Trust me, babe, those marks are one hundred percent bonafide,” said Ryan. He poured Helen a hurricane glass of the beverage on the cart, which was a purple blended beverage, and put a pink straw in the glass. “Here. Try this. This is our signature’s a marion berry and wine slushy.”

  “So, do you have any clue what the mark means?” asked Helen, taking the drink from Ryan. She sipped at the dark purple beverage. It was very sweet but also very strong. She took the opportunity to look over the rest of the cart. There were three salmon fillets that had been grilled and smelled absolutely amazing. Ryan, noticing that Helen’s eyes had wandered from their bodies t
o the cuts of fish, passed her one of the plates of salmon with a fork.

  “Well, we have an idea...” started Ryan. “But, you did say your name is Helen, right?”

  “Yeah,” said Helen. “But you’ve probably met a lot of girls named Helen. Why does that matter?”

  “Do you know the story of Helen of Troy?” asked Owen. “The most gorgeous woman in the world, who was given to Paris of Troy as a reward for choosing Aphrodite as the most beautiful goddess of them all. Paris gave Aphrodite a golden apple, and the Greeks, when trying to get Helen back, used a wooden horse, the Trojan horse.”

  “Of course I know that story,” said Helen. “Everyone does. Besides, I got so much shizz from people growing up over it...because first of all, I grew up in Troy, New York, so people made that reference to me all the frikkin’ time, and second of all, I don’t look anything like Helen of Troy.”

  “Wait. Hold up. You grew up in a town called Troy?” said Owen, looking over to Ryan. “Helen...that can only mean one thing.”

  “Fate’s brought us together,” said Ryan. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. We felt an instant attraction to you when we saw you out there on the floor of the main stage. When you said your name was Helen, we knew we had to get to know you better, even though there was instant chemistry.”

  “So what brought you to Bear Buns tonight? Please tell us it’s not your bachelorette party,” said Owen.

  Helen smiled. “It actually kinda is, but not the way you think. My friends, Jasmine and Alicia, were celebrating me becoming a bachelorette again. You see, I just broke up with my loser ex boyfriend. His name is Joseph. He...was not a great guy. I was hoping that maybe when he finally would propose, that things would change, but instead of a proposal, you know what I got?”

  “What?” asked Ryan.

  “Instead? I got a rude awakening. It turned out he’d been cheating on me, hard. With multiple women. It was all revealed to me by one of the women...who was hoping to break us up so that she could date him,” said Helen. “That’s right. This girl, Lisa, is now dating Joseph, who my friends are calling Scumbag Joe, because he broke my heart in the worst way. I wasted so many years of my life with Joseph and of course, was feeling pretty down. My friend Jasmine had been to Bear Buns before and Alicia was game for coming, so we all came up here tonight as a way to cheer me up.”


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