Bella's Beast

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Bella's Beast Page 8

by Marie Higgins

  He stood up to leave, but his father quickly jumped up and touched his arm, stopping him.

  “Son, if Marcus is the one behind all of this, he might... be dangerous.”

  Terrick hitched a breath. “But he has lost his mind.”

  “Yes, that’s why he is dangerous. If he knew that Bella was coming here to help Ana, I don’t know what he’d do.”

  Terrick’s chest tightened, and he could scarcely breathe. “I won’t let him harm Bella ever again.” He limped to the door to leave, but one more question hung in his mind. “Father? Who abducted Bella?”

  The older man chuckled and shook his head. “Nobody did. She hadn’t agreed with her mother’s decision to stay away from you for seven years. She arranged with me to take her into the woods and meet you there.”

  “Why the woods?”

  “Because she knew that when her parents discovered her missing, our house would be the first place they’d look for her.”

  “Why didn’t I know about this?” Terrick frowned as a helpless feeling came over him. “I would have run away with her.”

  “After I took her to the woods, I went to get you, but someone hit me over the head and knocked me out. They dragged me to the stable. When I finally came alert, it was too late. Bella had already been found, and her memory... erased.”

  Terrick’s stomach lurched, and bile rose to his throat. Anger mixed with panic filled him. Garrett knew that Bella worked at the estate, and that arrogant man liked to spread gossip. If her brother heard the rumors, then he’d tell her father.

  Bella was in danger!


  BELLA PACED THE FLOOR in the living room, wringing her hands against her middle. After her father’s confession, he’d gone back to his dazed look as he stared at the flames licking the sides of the hearth. She didn’t know what to believe. Why would her father mess around with witchcraft? Were his words just the ramblings of a man who had lost his mind?

  Had her mother known, or had her mother worked with her husband in order to ruin their daughter’s life?

  Her headache grew worse as the time ticked by. Restlessness came over her, and she wanted to get out of the house. She wanted to ride her horse and let the cool air nip at her heated face and calm her.

  Her memory opened, and she was sixteen again, and riding Pegasus, laughing, and carefree. She kept looking over her shoulder at someone. Love was the feeling bursting in her chest from looking at this person. Just like her other memory, the image was a man, but she couldn’t see his face or hear his voice.

  She stopped her pacing and closed her eyes, desperately trying to remember – or at least to let her heart remember. All she knew about this memory was that she was blissfully happy. And in love.

  In her memory, the horse race with this man finally came to an end. The man reached out his hand, and she took it, squeezing it lovingly as she smiled at him. In the breeze, someone called her name. Bella glanced around the area, and she saw a little girl with black pigtails, wearing boys’ trousers and boots, running toward her, waving her hand. And the house she was running from...

  Wentworth Estate.

  Gasping for air, Bella blinked her eyes opened. The man in her flashbacks had been Terrick, she just knew it... and her heart felt it.

  Terrick would be the one to calm her down from her recent discovery. He had always been able to make her feel normal again. Although she couldn’t remember everything, she felt it in her heart and in her soul.

  She needed to go to Terrick. Now!

  Taking a deep breath for courage, she casually walked past her father, still sitting in the chair, but he had fallen asleep. She didn’t want to wake him, so she must be quiet.

  Bella took careful steps toward the door. She didn’t have her cloak, but she hoped the long, bell-shaped sleeves of her blue dress and the high-collar neck would keep her warm during her ride to the Wentworth Estate because she didn’t want to go up to her room to retrieve it.

  As she took another step, the floor creaked. She stilled, listening to her father’s deep breathing. Thankfully, he hadn’t heard. After a few more steps, she made it to the front door. Resting her hand on the knob, she held her breath and slowly opened the door. The hinges squeaked, and she stopped.

  Her father grumbled something incoherently, and she peeked over her shoulder to see if he was looking her way. His eyes were closed, but his head had rolled to the other side.

  She continued opening the door until she could slip outside, and then, just as carefully, closed the door behind her. The moment the door clicked into place, she lifted her dress to her ankles and darted toward the barn as fast as her feet could take her.

  Immediately, she picked up the saddle and tossed it over Pegasus’ back before beginning to prepare the horse for riding just as she’d done so many times in her life.

  “Well, I must say, Bella, I’ve never seen you so eager to go riding.”

  Startled, she cried out and swung around. Garrett ambled toward her, hitting his riding stick against his palm. He grinned cockily, and she wanted to slap it right off his face.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded.

  “I came to see how you were faring.” He shrugged. “I still care deeply for you.”

  “Why?” Anger filled her. “I have never once paid you any interest, and yet, you have constantly tried to woo me. When will you get the hint that I don’t like you?”

  “No, Bella,” he said, stopping at the horse and stroking it’s mane, “you know me well enough by now. Don’t you know I always get whatever I want?”

  “But why me? Why not find another woman who actually likes your company?”

  “Bella, Bella, Bella.” He moved closer to her. “You are the loveliest woman around. You would look good as my wife.” He caressed her cheek, but she slapped his hand away. “And your father and brother like me. They both agree that I will make you a wonderful husband.”

  “Then, they can marry you, but I will not.”

  “Bella, if you’ll just give me a chance, you’ll see how happy I can make you.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding.” She shook her head. “All you care about is making yourself happy. You have never thought of others.”

  “Oh, but you’re wrong. I think about you all the time.” He puffed out his chest. “I’m your protector.”

  “I don’t need your protection. I never did.” She pushed him away as she moved to the other side of the horse.

  “Oh, but you do. When people like the Wentworths lure you to their lair, that’s when I know you need me.” He walked around the horse to her side.

  A laugh blasted from her. “Lure? Garrett, I always knew you lived in your own little fantasy world, but this is getting out of hand.”

  She quickly mounted her horse, sitting sidesaddle. Garrett reached up and grasped the reins from her hands, trying to pull them away.

  “Garrett, if you don’t leave me alone now, I’ll make you sorry.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Now you sound like your mother. Those were her very words to me when I tried to blackmail your mother sixteen years ago.”

  Bella’s need to get away from him was stopped with the mention of her mother. “What are you talking about? Why would you want to blackmail my mother?”

  He grinned devilishly, and his brown eyes turned almost orange. “Because I caught her sneaking out of the house to meet with her lover secretly.”

  “You lie.”

  “I threatened to tell her husband.”

  She glared at him with all of the hatred in her heart. “You can’t make me believe.”

  “Yes, I can.” He took her hands, keeping them still. “I am the reason you didn’t marry Terrick. It was I who convinced your mother to keep you and Terrick apart. I knew that with him out of your life, you would come to love me.”

  “Ha!” She shook her head. “For some reason, my memories of Terrick were erased, and so you had seven years to convince me that you were a d
ecent man – one that I wanted to marry. But you failed. Each year, I loathe you more.” She leaned closer to him, shooting him invisible daggers with her glare. “You failed, Garrett. I will never be yours.”

  Using her foot, she kicked him as hard as she could in the midsection. Garrett cried out, wrapping his arms around his middle as he bent over, gasping for air. She didn’t wait to see how much she’d hurt him. Instead, she turned her horse around and rode away from the barn as fast as she could.

  Bella leaned closer to the horse as she rode through the forest. Her mind spun with everything that Garrett had said, and although she knew him to be someone who spreads gossip, she wondered if what he was saying was true. Her parents were never close, not like other married couples should be. On the days her father was home, he stayed outside in the barn, either tending to the animals or working on another invention. Mother socialized quite often, and everyone in town seemed to love her.

  It angered her that Garrett would take the credit for being the one who separated her and Terrick for seven years. That was absurd. And yet, if he had been blackmailing her mother, that would be a good reason for her mother to erase Bella’s memories of Terrick.

  As she rounded a bend, she slowed the animal a little, leaning into the turn. Suddenly, not far in front of her, a large animal jumped in her path. She yanked on the reins, stopping the horse. Her heartbeat stilled as she peered into the sneering face of the panther.

  In her haste to leave the house, she’d forgotten to bring the rifle. Now... she would die. But she would fight until her last breath.

  A deep growl rumbled from the panther as he moved toward her, slowly, studying his prey. The menacing look in his eyes frightened her. The animal looked as if he could tear her limb from limb – and enjoy doing it. Yet, if he was the same animal Andrew and her father had mentioned, why was the panther not gentler with her?

  As the animal walked, there was a distinct limp. His right leg was injured, but the panther didn’t let it stop him from moving closer.

  Pegasus shifted nervously, trying to get away, but she held tight to the reins, steadying her horse. Please, Lord, let me know what to do. Dying from the fierce animal’s sharp teeth wasn’t something she wanted to happen.

  The closer the panther came toward her, the quieter his growl sounded. Finally, he stopped in front of her and sat on his hind legs. His injured right leg stuck out a little more, reminding her of...

  Inwardly, she groaned. No! She couldn’t believe Andrew. Terrick was not a beast!

  But her father admitted to cursing the panther. If her father hadn’t wanted her to marry Terrick seven years ago, would he have cursed him into this beast? That would make sense as to why the animal served as her protector. She just prayed that the creature wouldn’t attack her now.

  She swallowed down the lump of fear lodged in her throat and licked her dry lips. “Please.” Her voice cracked, so she cleared her throat. “Please, don’t hurt me.”

  The panther cocked his head as if trying to understand her. Thankfully, Pegasus had calmed down slightly. It was difficult enough to calm one animal, let alone two.

  Bella tried to study the animal’s eyes to see if he was really Terrick. She felt foolish for even thinking such a thing, but what if... “Terrick?”

  Immediately, the panther jumped into an attack pose, snarling and growling. Her heart sank. Pegasus reared up, and she held tight to the reins, struggling to stay on the saddle. “Shh...” she cooed her horse, hoping it would calm the animal down again.

  The animal stumbled and then sat again. This time, the panther looked more like a feline as he licked a spot on his belly near his right leg that appeared to be swollen. This beast wasn’t Terrick at all. What if it was...


  The panther’s head snapped her way. A different expression came across his eyes. Because the animal was closer, she could see his eyes better. They were not gray, but an orange-brown – just like Garrett’s had been before she kicked him in the stomach... the same spot that was swollen on the panther.

  “Garrett? Did my father do this to you?” Even though she loathed the man, she didn’t think he deserved to be cursed. The animal looked at her with a blank stare. “Or was it my mother?”

  Once again, the animal bared his teeth and growled. Mother? What have you done? Then again, that’s what happens when someone threatens a witch.

  Something she’d read in her mother’s journal last night popped into her mind. Her mother had been talking about the arrogant young man, Garrett. Mother had written that if only he weren’t so selfish, he might be a good person. If only he would be more kind and giving, he would be able to live a fuller life.

  The journal entry nagged at Bella, and she didn’t know what it meant or why she was even thinking of it right now when she should try to escape unharmed.

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked the creature in a plea. “I didn’t do this to you. My mother did.”

  The pounding of horse’s hooves sounded on the road up ahead. Bella glanced up and saw the dust from the rider coming toward her. Immediately, the panther jumped in front of her and Pegasus, facing their visitor, crouching in his attack pose. Garrett had mentioned he was protecting her. Now she knew why.

  The rider saw her and slowed. As the dust settled, she recognized the broad shoulders and the man’s long hair... and his injured leg that couldn’t quite hook in the stirrup. Terrick! She wanted to cry out with relief, but since Garrett was dead set against her and Terrick having a life together, she knew the panther would try and attack Terrick.

  On Terrick’s lap was a rifle. He would try and kill the creature. Although she wanted the panther out of her life, she couldn’t have Terrick kill Garrett.

  “Don’t move, Bella,” Terrick called out, slowly lifting his rifle.

  “No, wait.” She held up a hand. “Don’t shoot him.”

  He scowled. “Why not? I don’t want to be his next meal.”

  “Because... the panther isn’t what you think.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “My mother cursed Garrett. He’s the beast.”

  Terrick’s eyes widened as he dropped his gaze to the animal. “This is Garrett?”


  “But Bella, if he tries to hurt you, I’ll surely kill him.”

  The panther released a loud growl but stayed in place as he watched Terrick closely.

  “Let me try and talk to him.” Slowly, she slid from the saddle to the ground, careful not to make any sudden movements.”

  “Bella? What are you doing?”

  Panic laced Terrick’s voice, but she held up her hands, trying to calm him. “I’m going to try something.” He shifted his rifle in his arms as if preparing to take a shot. “Don’t shoot him.”

  Cautiously, she moved toward the panther. Beneath her feet, leaves crunched, and the animal swung his head her way.

  “Garrett, I’m not going to hurt you.” The panther calmed considerably, which urged her to step closer. “I might know a way to break the curse my mother put over you.”

  The animal cocked his head.

  “If you’re willing to change your life and become self-less, and to help out your fellow man with love in your heart, then I believe your curse will be lifted.”

  The panther let out a small moan, sounding helpless. Bella probably kicked him hard, but if he wanted to overcome the curse, Garrett must make some changes.

  “Can you do that, Garrett? I know it’ll be hard, but if you really want to break this curse, you need to do what I’ve suggested. I can’t think of any other way. Your selfishness was why my mother didn’t like you, so let’s show her that you’re not that person any longer, and the spell will be broken.”

  Fear clawed through her, but she couldn’t show it. If Terrick thought she was in danger, he’d shoot to kill. If Garrett thought she was in trouble, he’d attack Terrick. But she’d never confronted a wild animal before. She hoped her tactic
s worked.

  “Really think about this, Garrett. It must be your choice whether to change or to stay the same, arrogant man that you are.”

  Moments passed, and the only sounds heard were the birds flying overhead, and the occasional snort from her horse, mixed with her ragged breaths. Her trembling legs threatened to collapse, but she held strong, grasping the courage inside her.

  Finally, the panther moved, calmly coming toward her.

  “Bella!” Terrick’s panic voice filled the silence.

  “No! I’ll be fine.”

  Holding her breath, she kept her gaze on the panther as he rubbed against her legs. He now acted the way a normal cat would. “Garrett? Are you going to change?”

  The feline dropped beside her, leaning his head against her leg. Suddenly, a mist grew around him, and seconds later, Garrett lay on the ground.

  Bella released a sigh of relief and placed her hand on her bosom, feeling the uneven rhythm of her heart. Dazed, Garrett looked around and then up at her. He scowled and stood.

  “What just happened?” he snapped.

  “You don’t remember?” Bella asked.

  “I... I...” He ran his hands over his hair and then down his arms. “I’m not the panther any longer.”

  “So, you remember being the panther?”

  He nodded.

  “Do you remember what I said?”

  “Yes.” He scratched his nose.

  “Then, I’m assuming you want to change.”

  “I don’t want to be the wild animal any longer.”

  She smiled through quivering lips and touched his arm. “Then don’t. From today forward, be a man who selflessly helps others. Don’t be cocky, either. And I’m sure you’ll never turn back into the beast.”

  Terrick dismounted and limped toward them, pulling his horse along behind. “And please leave us alone,” he said to Garrett. “If Bella and I are meant to be together, then let it happen.”

  Frowning, Garrett nodded. “I will.” He turned away from Bella and started walking out of the forest with an awkward limp. She was sure he was still hurting from where she’d kicked him.


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