Bella's Beast

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Bella's Beast Page 9

by Marie Higgins

  When Terrick’s arm slid around her, she fell against him, pressing her face into his chest. The warmth from his body, and the comfort of his arms, put her mind at peace. He was the man who she was to be with. Her heart wouldn’t lie.


  TERRICK SAT ON THE glider swing on the front porch of his home and watched Bella and Anastasia stroll through the flower garden. He was pleased to see how much Bella loved roses. Knowing this, he’d bring her one every morning after they were married – if that was indeed, what she wanted since her memory still hadn’t returned.

  It had been four days since Garrett had broken his curse, and things around town seemed to settle. Even Bella acted differently. She looked at him with passion in her beautiful blue eyes, and she smiled at him quite often. He could spend all day watching her, and he’d never get bored.

  In the past four days, they had spent time together having long talks about her parents and trying to understand everything that happened seven years ago. Terrick told her what his father had confessed, as well. Thankfully, it hadn’t bothered Bella. She appeared to be more at ease around him and his family, which thrilled him completely.

  The town’s latest newspaper edition announced that the panther had been killed, making the town safe once again. Terrick found it odd that nobody asked to see proof of the matter. They just all believed Garrett’s word, since the man enjoyed hunting.

  Of course, the news of the panther being killed had made Ana excited, and she immediately started planning her ball – with Bella’s help. The two women were like sisters, and it made Terrick’s heart overflow with happiness.

  Yet, he still wanted her to love him. At least that feeling was closer for her than it was a week ago when she could barely look at him.

  The sun dipped in the horizon, and he knew it would be time to take her home. He never wanted to do that, but it must be her decision to stay.

  Bella and Anastasia climbed the porch steps, but as soon as Ana reached the porch, she dashed into the house. Bella took her time coming toward him, holding the red rose that Ana had picked for her. He scooted over on the swing and patted the empty spot next to him.

  “Would you care to sit?”

  Smiling, she sat and handed him the rose. “This is for you.”

  His heartbeat flipped excitedly as he took the flower. “Why?”

  “Because I want you to know what a wonderful man you are.” She touched his arm. “You were the only one who dared to be honest with me, and I appreciate it. I was tired of the way my brother and father babied me instead of treating me as the woman I am.”

  “I’ve always thought of you as a woman. You were more mature than most girls your age. That’s one of the reasons why I fell in love with you.”

  “There is more than one reason?”

  His smile widened. “Your genuine kindness was the first thing I noticed about you. Then, it was your infectious laugh that had me grinning like a fool whenever you were around. Then it was your incredible blue eyes that reminded me of a summer sky. You are so delicate and beautiful, like this rose, and I was mesmerized. By the time we shared our first kiss, I was hooked, and I knew you’d have my heart forever.”

  By the softness in her eyes, he knew he’d said the right words. She looked at him as if she’d never seen anything so perfect. Yet, his face was far from perfect, but apparently, that didn’t matter to her. His heart had expanded so much that he feared it would burst from his chest at any moment.

  She leaned against him, and her gaze dropped to his mouth. He wouldn’t disappoint. He wanted to kiss her just as much, if not more.

  But before their lips could touch, the pounding of a horse’s hooves on the drive brought Terrick out of the daydream she seemed to put him under. She jumped and looked toward their visitor. Terrick’s heart sank. Bella’s brother was here. Which part would the man play today? Big brother, or the sheriff?

  Andrew stopped his horse and tied it to the post before coming up the porch steps. The man’s expression was solemn. Bella stood and walked to him.

  “Andrew? What brings you out this way?”

  He reached into his jacket and pulled out a book. “It’s our mother’s lost journal. I found it.”

  Gasping, Bella snatched it from him and stared at the brown leather cover. “Where did you find it?”

  “In the barn, if you can believe it. She put it in one of the drawers in the tack room.”

  Bella glanced at Terrick with tears in her eyes. He wanted to hold and comfort her again, but only in private.

  “Do you want me to leave so you can read it?” he asked.

  “No, I want you to stay.” She moved next to him and sat.

  Andrew followed her, but he leaned against the railing. “I also came to apologize.” He sighed and frowned. “After reading Mother’s journal, I realized how wrong I was to blame Terrick and his family for our problems. I’ll be forever sorry for not telling you sooner about what happened to you when you were abducted.”

  “Andrew, I wasn’t abducted. I ran away.”

  Her brother’s gaze narrowed. “Do you remember?”

  “No, but Terrick told me I’d ran away, and I believe him.”

  “Well,” Andrew shrugged, “I’m sorry for keeping you from the truth. I should have been a better brother, especially helping you with Father after I got married.”

  “Thank you, Andrew. Having you say that means a lot to me.” She glanced at the journal. “Did Mother talk about what happened to me and why my memory was erased?”

  He nodded, and his expression hardened. “I want to strangle Garrett for what he did.”

  “No, Andrew. Garrett got his punishment as the beast.”

  Andrew sneered. “I’d like to do more. He ruined so many lives.”

  “Yes, but he is trying to change. He knows if he goes back to his old ways, the beast in him will return.”

  Terrick watched the wonderfully kind and forgiving woman next to him. He loved her so much, and yet, every time he witnessed her generosity, his heart grew larger.

  “If Garrett can change,” she continued, “we must all forgive him.”

  Andrew nodded. “I’ll try.”

  “Andrew? Father had once told me that he cursed the beast, but we know he didn’t. Do you think Father was trying to cover up our mother’s... bad habits?”

  Andrew nodded. “I do think that’s what drove him insane.”

  He pulled away from the railing, stepping toward Terrick. The man held out a hand, so Terrick took it and shook.

  “I’m sorry about everything, Terrick. You are a decent man, and you have a kind family.”

  “Thank you, Andrew. That means a lot coming from you.”

  The man turned to his sister. “I also want to tell you that I think Father needs to be placed in a hospital where he can have constant care.” He glanced at Terrick. “The Wentworth family shouldn’t have to keep sending over their nurse to watch him.”

  Bella released a ragged sigh. “I know, but Andrew, we really cannot afford it.”

  Terrick touched her arm, gaining her attention. “Money isn’t a problem. If that’s what you and your brother want to do, I will cover the cost.”

  “Oh, no, Terrick. You’ve done so much.”

  He shook his head. “I want to help. Please, let me.”

  Andrew shrugged a shoulder and arched an eyebrow at his sister. “I’m fine with it if you are.”

  Bella stood and hugged her brother. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

  Andrew kissed Bella’s cheek before turning, going to his horse and mounting, before riding off into the sunset. She sat back on the porch swing beside Terrick. He took her hand in his, stroking the pad of his thumb across her knuckles.

  “Do you want to read your mother’s journal now?”

  “Yes... and no.” She met his gaze. “I want to read it to see if there is a way to get my memories back, and no, because I’m afraid it won’t be in there, and I’ll be extremely upset wi
th her.”

  “I understand. I’ll support you in whatever you decide.”

  Sighing, she leaned against him and ran her fingers through his hair. He wanted to close his eyes and enjoy but watching her face fill with desire was more enjoyable.

  Her gaze dropped to his mouth again. “Now, where were we before my brother interrupted us?”

  Terrick chuckled and cupped the side of her face. “I was about ready to take you home.”

  She pouted playfully and rested her chin on his arm. “If you must.”

  “Don’t you want to go home, dearest Bella?”

  “No. I want to stay right here and be with you.”

  Those words were music to his ears. “That can be arranged.”

  “I’d like to sit with you in front of the fireplace and hold each other all night long.”

  His throat tightened with emotion. He’d waited so long to hear her say things like this. “There happens to be a loveseat in front of the hearth in one of the sitting rooms. More than anything, I want to be with you tomorrow.”

  “Why? What’s tomorrow?”

  “It’s the day we were forced to separate, seven years ago.”

  Her eyes widened. “It is?”

  “Yes.” He slid an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. “I came to see you after your mother died, but you had forgotten about me by then. Your father had told me to wait for the seven years to pass, just like your mother had instructed.” He moved his thumb down to her bottom lip and lightly stroked it. “That day is tomorrow, and there isn’t anyone I’d rather be with.”

  “Me, either.”

  Arm-in-arm, they left the porch and walked into the house. As they passed a servant who worked in the kitchen, Terrick gave her instructions to bring some cookies and tea into the sitting room. He tried to walk casually, but he couldn’t wait to be alone with her again, cuddling with her on the loveseat.

  Finally, they reached the room, and he closed the door. They walked to the loveseat. As she sat, he threw another log on the fire before joining her. Bella waited for him to get situated before she leaned against him. He wrapped his arm around her, just like they had been on the porch swing.

  She stared up at him with her wondrous eyes, which made his insides melt.

  “You know,” she began, “I’ve told you already how wonderful you are, and I don’t want you to get tired of hearing it.”

  He chuckled. “I assure you, I won’t. Not if you don’t get tired of me telling you how happy I am with you in my life now.”

  “I kind of like it when you say that.”

  He grinned. “Good.”

  “However, there is one thing I haven’t told you yet, and I think now is a good time to do it.”

  He nodded. “I’d love to hear what it is, my dearest Bella.”

  Sighing heavily, she gave him a lazy smile. “In just a few short days, I’ve fallen in love with you, Terrick. My memories of my past haven’t returned, but my heart tells me that I’ve loved you before. And now... I love you again.”

  Happiness exploded inside his chest, and he gathered her closer and kissed her. Emotion had clogged his throat, and his eyes stung with tears, but he’d show her how much her confession had meant to him.

  The kiss wasn’t wild, but it was endearing and passionate. Bella kissed him just like she’d done seven years ago, and he couldn’t get enough. He never wanted to let her go now. He’d press for a quick wedding because they had both waited too long, already.

  Being married to Bella would be a dream come true, and it was high time he was happy.

  BELLA’S BODY FELT STIFF, and yet, she was warm and cozy. As her mind started coming alert, she realized she wasn’t in her bed. She sucked in a quick breath and opened her eyes. Terrick reclined next to her on the loveseat. A blanket had been thrown over them, making the moment even cozier.

  She released a blissful sigh and stared at the incredibly handsome and loving man next to her. Every day he continued to amaze her, and she felt so very lucky to be the woman who held his heart. When she had first met him, she thought he was the most handsome man she’d ever seen. Other girls her age had felt the same way, but Bella was the one he’d chosen out of all the women in town.

  Their relationship had grown quickly because soon, they were arranging to meet each other – in town at first – but then soon she snuck away from her house to meet him here at the estate. Those weeks had been the best time of her life. They had done everything together, as long as she kept it a secret, of course.

  But then the day came when their parents found out. And then came her mother’s suggestion of keeping them apart for seven years. Bella couldn’t imagine life without Terrick. She knew no other man would make her feel this way – this happy... this complete.

  And now, they had found each other. Her heart had let her know that Terrick was the one she was destined to be with. Her heart let her know...

  Gasping, she sat up. Her heartbeat whacked crazily against her chest. I remember!

  Everything that had been blocked from her memory was now back. The day she had run away, but then the panther found her in the forest and kept her from running to Terrick. When her father and brother took her home, her mother took her in her arms and comforted Bella. She couldn’t stop crying. Her mother promised that all would work out and that the agony in Bella’s heart would subside, and she’d feel better... if she took a drink of the potion her mother had concocted. Bella had no idea what drinking that would do.

  Terrick stretched and yawned before meeting Bella’s stare. He smiled, but then his gaze moved over her face and worry etched on his brow.

  “Bella, what’s wrong?” He sat up and grasped her hands. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  She inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself. There was nothing to be upset about. She’d already known most of this, but now that her memory had returned, she wanted to be angry. But the heated emotion wasn’t worth it. She was with the man she loved, and that’s all that mattered.

  “I think I know why my mother told you to wait seven years.”


  She smiled. “Because that was how long the potion lasted.” She touched his cheek. “Mother made me a drink and told me to take it because my heartache of not being with you would go away.” She shrugged. “I suppose she didn’t lie, did she?”

  “You... remember? Everything?”

  She nodded. “Everything.” She cuddled against Terrick again and sighed with contentment. “But I must be grateful.”

  One side of his mouth lifted higher than the other. “Really? What do you find from this situation that you are grateful for?”

  “I’m grateful that I was given the chance to fall in love with you twice in one lifetime.”

  He took her in his arms and brushed his lips across hers. “That’s the best reason of all to be grateful.”

  He kissed her briefly, and then pulled back, looking into her eyes. “Would you object to a quick wedding? I was thinking of tomorrow.”

  She laughed and hugged him. “Actually, I’m thinking about today. After all, it’s a day to celebrate.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  She pressed her mouth against his again as the passion inside her roared to life. This kiss would last much longer than the one last night. She’d make certain of that.


  LOOK FOR THESE OTHER fairytale re-telling romances:

  Champion -

  Keep On Believing -



  Other published stories by Marie Higgins

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  Author’s Bio

  MARIE HIGGINS IS AN award-winning, best-selling author of clean romance novels that melt your heart and have you falling in love over and over again. Since 2010, she’s published over 90 heartwarming, on-the-edge-of-your-seat romances. She’s broadened her readership by writing mystery/suspense, humor, time-travel, paranormal, along with her love for historical romances. Her readers have dubbed her “Queen of Tease” because of all her twists and unexpected endings.

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