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Blood Drenched Conquest (Ryze Book 3)

Page 45

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  As he once began to do two-thousand-years before I was even born.

  “You couldn’t find any trace of the girl’s paperwork?” I ask by way of confirmation. Zex already informed me of this, but I’m having a hard time with it. Because I was there the day Soleria hired her and placed her on the books. I saw that paperwork filled out.

  If it wasn’t in the restaurant that can only mean one thing: someone stole them and erased them from the drive. Hell, they couldn’t even get them off the payroll company’s servers.

  And Izabella just happened to have the last two days off, so they haven’t been able to find her.

  “I already told you this,” Zexistr grits out. I can’t see the outline of his body, only his powers, but I’ll bet my left nut he’s fidgeting on his feet.

  Definitely on edge.

  “Soleria said she remembers the girl lives near here, off Astoria Boulevard and 107th Street. Just give me a minute. She had no aura I could discern when I met her—”

  “And you’re just telling us this now?”

  Surprisingly, that exasperated question came from the ever-calm Keiros.

  “My female’s aura is imperceptible, as well,” Cyake reminds him.

  Zexistr moves closer, invading my periphery. “How are you going to locate her if you don’t even know what colors her aura consists of?”

  “Shhhh. Let me do my thing.” Swear to the gods, I can feel the motherfucker grilling me. Closing my eyes, I block them out, letting my senses expand. Before I know where they’re taking me, I’m rushing down towards the boulevard and flashing over to the other side of the street.

  I can’t see which energy signature belongs to the girl, but my inner wolf senses her regardless, pulling me like a magnet in her direction. A sharp right and we’re all pounding up the boulevard, past unsuspecting humans. Past a few run down auto shops, Spanish grocery stores called Bodegas.

  Past 108th, 109th . . . Out of nowhere, my vision returns to normal and I’m jerked to an abrupt stop by the entrance to the highways, in front of an eight-story building with light green, windowed-doors. The dark green awning above them reads Astoria Towers.

  Zexistr slams into form next to me. “Is this it?”

  Not in there. Other side.

  Cranking my neck, I look over my shoulder, trying to pinpoint where my wolf is leading me—

  Something tells me I’ve found it.

  “Oh, that isn’t weird at all,” Cyake mumbles under his breath, obviously spotting the same thing I did.

  A two-story, mini castle smack dab in the middle of this metropolitan neighborhood.

  Keiros light green eyes narrow on the misplaced structure. “Considering this all has to do with the Watcher, I don’t even know why I’m surprised.”

  “Tell me,” I throw over my shoulder at Zex. “Was your Nima a weird, annoying creature probably suffering from multiple mental disorders, as well?”

  My advanced hearing picks up on the sound of his molars grinding, a nasty habit we all seem to share when aggravated. I probably picked it up from these fuckers while growing up around them. “She was. Not on the level as the reports I’m finally starting to get about the Watcher, but . . .”

  “It’s been sixteen-thousand-years and she now has godly powers. So whatever the hell was brewing in that girl’s mind would’ve worsened exponentially,” Keiros finishes for him. “Especially if she, like Ianythi, somehow survived and lived this long.”

  This is looking worse and worse. Fuck our lives.

  We head on over to the other side of the street. There’s a small balcony above the main entrance and the entire house is surrounded by a black, wrought iron gate. Zex heads straight to it but I shake my head and rush around the corner, following the gate to the side of the house. I stop on the short driveway leading up to the tall, sliding entrance.

  Above the red garage door is another of those small balconies and I wonder if they’re part of one of the bedrooms.

  “Do you hear that?” Cy asks, tilting his head towards the house.

  I strain my ears, focusing on the sound.

  It’s a woman either singing or shouting.

  Something tells me it’s both.

  She laughs and calls out in Spanish, “¡Estas perdida muchacha¡ Los santos te han maldecido. ¡Satanás corre en tus venas y tu lo sabes!”

  Eyebrows shoot high, wide-eyes connecting with each other. You’re lost girl! The saints have cursed you! Satan runs in your veins and you know it! Yeah, this is definitely the right place. It can’t be a coincidence.

  The same woman starts humming a weird, chanting song, praying for the saints to cleanse her house of all demons.

  Including what I’m assuming is her own daughter.

  So that’s what Izabella meant when she said her mom is ill. The woman doesn’t sound mentally well.

  “What are you freaking yelling about now?” Izabella screams from inside and I recognize her voice immediately.

  Keiros’ head jerks in the direction of her voice. “Is that her?”

  The door at the top of the side steps slams open and Izabella rushes out in a hurry, a large garbage bag in her hands. She’s facing away from us, blue-black hair thick down her back. She leans back into the house to yell at her mom. “I got you this house! I’m the one taking care of you! You think Satan would do that for you? God.” She slams the door closed and turns to walk down the steps.

  Keiros’ sharp groan is a surprise but there’s no time to wonder why.

  Zexistr’s stumbles back into Cy.

  My best friend catches his brother around the shoulders, calling out his name, but the God of Existence is frozen, eyes nearly bugging out of his head. His skin has gone paperwhite, his pounding veins thick and stark beneath the surface.

  He watches Izabella rush down the steps to where the trash bins are with an austere, stricken yearning.

  Man, I don’t like the way he’s eyeing that girl. Like he’s going to scoop her up.

  Even weirder? Keiros doesn’t look like he’s doing too good himself.

  “Does it look like her?” Cyake asks, trying to peer over the mass of his brother’s body to see what’s doing in his facial area.

  Zex’s throat bobs, his expression grim, his jaw working like he’s trying to speak but no words will come out.

  I remember that look. We had to face it every day for five-hundred-years. That was three-millennia ago when he finally broke free of Maivera and went mute.

  That trauma’s back, compounding with the guilt . . . “She looks like your Nima, doesn’t she?”

  Licking dry lips, he manages to eek out a nod, the air around him starting to vibrate with his emotions.

  “Could that possibly be your female reincarnated, Fort’em?” Keiros’ stuck like his brother, unable to look away from Izabella, and I’m starting to get an even worse premonition about what’s happening here.

  The last thing we need is both brother’s fixated on the same female.

  Zexistr breaks away from Cy, bending at the waist. A male possessed by more emotions than he can properly process.

  We don’t get him under control, and soon he’ll lose control of his species change; the first sign that Zerxis is about to take over was always that biological glitch, when Zex would start flipping through any species he’s ever come in contact with faster than he could maintain.

  Cyake rushes to him, one arm around his shoulders. “Bro, answer us before I lose my shit.”

  “It’s not her. There’s something off. Can’t explain it, but I just know.”

  Dear gods, his voice is echoing.

  Splitting in two.

  “But she looks like Nylicia. We all know this. You’re sure she resembles your Nima.”

  “Positive,” is Zex’s warped, strained answer.


  “She lied to me, Cy. Mom lied to me.”

  Cyake lifts his brother back to a standing position and cups his face, forcing him to look into his eyes. “We don’t
know that, okay? We don’t. For all we know, this happened without her knowledge. It could be—”

  Zex disappears without another word.

  “Fuck!” Cy follows him and I don’t need to be mentally connected to him to guess his motivation.

  What’s left of his family is breaking apart before his eyes. Getting to his mother before Zex does might be the only way to stop the wave of FUBAR heading for them all.

  I’d go with them, but I only dare leave Soleria alone in Sethrax for so long. The kingdom is in the midst of political upheaval as the changes settle into place, and my female was human until a few weeks ago.

  Sure, Halamar will be there to guide her every step of the way, but it’s my job. Not his.

  And Keiros, the one steady brother that usually is at the front line of his family’s politics, remains by my side, confused gaze on Izabella.

  The girl’s slammed her trash bag into the pail and is standing by it, her face in her hands.

  “You okay?” I’m almost hesitant to ask, to try and break whatever creepy hold has him in its grip. “Do I need to remind you she’s only seventeen and mortal?”

  That does it. Snapping his head in my direction, he sneers at me, as if I’m the problem for simply stating the truth of what I’m seeing. He’s gone right after, presumably heading after his brothers.

  Leaving me here on this Queens street, watching as that human girl sighs and turns to head back into a home that she clearly doesn’t want to be in.

  A home she claims she got for her mother.

  The same seventeen-year-old girl that walked into Sol’s restaurant in need of a job to help care for said mother.

  How the fuck does one even begin to make sense of this?

  One doesn’t. Not now, at least. I know very well we’re going to have to just let the events play out and brace ourselves for the worst.

  I send off a text to Cyake. Keep me up to date as soon as you can. Heading back to Sethrax.

  My heart heavy for what’s happening to most of my friends, I also text my sister, hoping she’ll fucking reply this time. We suspect you’re with Nylicia. Just pretty much confirmed she’s Zex’s female. Shit’s going down big time. Hit me up. BTW, Mom’s losing her mind. CALL HER.

  Pocketing my phone, I head straight for the lobby in the tower at Sethrax. I sense my female as soon as I arrive.

  And she isn’t the only one.

  My brain pings with recognition as my eyes land on the two females standing near the entrance of the war room.

  One of them is my female, so stunning in her regal dress that I almost can’t tear my eyes from her.

  But the dark, greenish-black hair falling down the other female’s back is hair I know very, very well.

  Heck, I remember running from her as a toddler as she chased me down, those strands blowing in the wind, to put me in my place.

  Soleria spots me, stare widening, and that’s the only cue the other female needs to face me.

  White eyes glow with both annoyance and happiness at the sight of me. “Me’ren! There you are!”


  She comes barreling at me in her own intricate gown, the dark teal skirt trailing across the floor. Her golden skin is flushed, no doubt due to her frustration, and she seems on the verge of both hurting me and hugging me. “I specifically asked the two of you not to make me leave my domain. And of course, what do you do? You make me leave to search you out because not one of you could be bothered to visit me. Tell me, son, is this how I was supposed to meet your female?”

  “Fuck, mom. It is you.” I hold my arms out to her as she stops in front of me, cupping my cheeks. I get a quick, hard hug, then I’m beamed in the back of the head. “Ow! Ma!”

  The Goddess of Earth glares up at me with those white irises Nythi and I inherited from her. “Don’t you ‘ma’ me, boy. I haven’t seen you or your sister for more than a month, and neither of you came to me with everything that’s happening.”

  Soleria walks to us, her expression amused and tender. “She just got here like ten minutes ago.”

  My mother yanks my head towards her. “I’m going to be a grandmother—finally—and you couldn’t even let me know?”

  I could block the next slap coming towards my head, but like a good son, I let her have it, cringing for her benefit.

  My female giggles behind her palm, making it almost worth it.

  “Where’s your Zyt’is, Ianthen? She’s not responding to my calls. Much as you were doing.” My mother’s tone is accusatory, but I know it’s mostly because of her worry than actual anger.

  “We believe she’s in hiding with the Watcher, since they’re both trying to outrun their R’manns.” I let my gaze flicker over to Soleria, silently confirming what went down minutes ago.

  My female might’ve been human until recently, yet the look on her face tells me she understands what this means.

  And the last thing I want is my pregnant mate stressed, although it probably can’t be helped.

  “That gods damned vampire king,” my mother growls.

  “I know Ma, but we’re going to figure it all out. Okay? For starters, your son is no longer looking down the barrel of a death sentence.” Holding my arms out, I tilt my neck, showing off my vibrant mating mark with pride.

  My mother smiles with the same pride, taking in Soleria’s mark as well. “Yes. But you didn’t come to get me to introduce me to her, so for that you shall pay.”

  “You mean like you live your life making the humans suffer on Earth?”

  Mom sniffs delicately, chin raised. “They are killing my planet and don’t want to listen to any of the warnings I throw their way. The way I see it, it’s now me against them until they get themselves sorted out. And they don’t want to understand this, but on my planet, I always win.”

  Soleria’s lips part with surprise and I have no doubt the ex-human part of her is having a field day with this.

  “Come, Mom. Let’s get you settled in. Something tells me you aren’t returning to Fiji.”

  “You’re damned right I’m not. My real children need me, even if they’re as stubborn as their dead father and don’t seem to believe so—”

  “And the humans could use a break anyway,” I say, nodding sagely, and place my hand on her upper back to lead her.

  “What break? I left contingencies in place.”

  “Of course you did, vicious mother.”

  Giggling, Soleria follows us as we begin walking. “I think I love your mom.”

  “Of course you do, my vicious female,” I reply, staring towards the heavens.

  The gods help me when my sister returns to the fold. Something tells me I’m going to have my hands full with these three.


  - Royal Chambers, Phoenix Tower, Sethrax (South Eren)


  T he incessant banging on the doors of our chambers is really starting to fucking get to me. “Baby.” I tuck my face into my R’ma’s neck, debating the merits of taking Justice on. “Make her go away before I lose it.”

  “Open this damn door! I’ve been here for two days. I understand the whole constant-fucking thing—”

  Soleria lifts her head to shout towards the doors, “Yes you freaking do, you hypocrite. So go away!”

  Evesse’s annoyed huff reaches us from the other side of the doorway. “I’m not spending another day without Zen. So the two of you are going to get dressed long enough to hear what I have to say. Now.”

  “Bugger off!” I roar in response.

  Her open hand slaps the door. “What, is he fucking British now?” I hear her grumble to Ismini.

  The Goddess of Flux stifles a giggle. “Just give me the message and I’ll pass it on.”

  “It has to be delivered directly to them. I did one of those stupid oath thingies. I’m fucking stuck here and my male can’t come because the citizens of this place hold enough power to trigger his bad side.”

  “Fuck my life.” Sighing, Sol s
laps one of the pillows over both our heads and presses down. “Everything is just too crazy out there. I don’t want to leave this bed.”

  I hug her tighter and find her lips under the pillow.

  Her small laugh reminds me I’ve only fucked her once today.

  Four to five times a day is becoming a sick habit for me.

  “Are you kidding me? They’re having sex again?” Eve shouts. “No. Forget I asked you of all people, Iss. Don’t answer that.”

  “I was just going to say that she’s pregnant, so it kind of explains—”

  “Nope. Sol was always like that. Horny as fuck. Ian just made that shit worse.”

  Soleria throws the pillow covering our faces towards the door. “You’re one to talk, dumb ass! You think I haven’t heard the reports from Zethal?”

  Evesse hesitates. “Wait . . . what are they saying?”

  Soleria rolls her eyes and lets her forehead fall to my chest. “We’re so going to have to face the world. And I really don’t want to.”

  Squeezing her to me, I breathe through yet another rush of emotion. It happens all the fucking time. All she has to do is cuddle up to me and I’m gone.

  Trust me, now I understand why my other two friends were so hooked this fast.

  “We also have to go see Vedlyl so you can take off those chips.”

  She’s right. We literally lost ourselves in this bed the last two days, refusing to face reality.

  My female lifts herself again, staring at me with concern. “Are you sure you’ll be okay once they remove them?”

  Caressing her cheek, I try not to totally sap out on her and fail, just like I always do. “You’ve claimed me and I’ve claimed you, baby. I’m sure I’ll be perfectly alright. I’m more worried about you.” Things are great between us, really fucking great, but I can feel the pain still lashing at her.

  She nods, this cute nod that makes my dick jump under the covers. “I’ll just need to stay away from any places out in the world—or worlds, as it were—that you’ve had your fun in. Not bumping into your ex-fuck buddies will definitely help. I won’t want to kill them on sight.”


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