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Taking Control

Page 5

by L. V. Lane

My eyes bugged in my head. This tiny woman had just dismissed an Alpha.

  Logan puffed out a breath, but without a word of complaint, he stalked out the door.

  “Are you…What are you?” She wasn’t an Alpha, not even close, but I couldn’t imagine what she was to get away with that, doctor or not.

  “Let’s sit down,” she said, guiding me over to the couch. “Can’t have a proper conversation with an Alpha looming over us like that. Would you like something to drink?”

  I shook my head no, still reeling a little from the way she’d handled Logan.

  “I’ve not had a chance to meet with you before, so it is fortuitous that we are on the same ship, albeit heading for different destinations. I make a point of meeting with as many Omegas as I can, but particularly Singulars. It facilitates my research.” Picking up the information tablet from the low table, she tapped it to life. “With your permission, I would like to record the conversation.”

  I shrugged my acceptance; in open awe of her poise.

  “What are you?” I asked again.

  “I should provide—some background before we get to that…My father is Governor Brach. He’s a member of the governing council.” I blanched and sat a little straighter in the seat. No wonder Logan hadn’t made a peep of complaint. “And my circumstance is—unusual.”

  “I began working with the Copper virus at eighteen as part of my undergraduate study. No dynamic had revealed for me, and my father is an indulgent man.” Her smile was wry. “He was disappointed, that no dynamic had revealed—he is an Alpha, and they do come with an abundance of pride. I’m twenty-eight now, and I’ve dedicated my working life to the virus, much of it seeking better rights for Omegas and providing research to facilitate this. There is a dynamic imbalance at the moment, and we need more Omegas. Some defect and some hide what they are, which is easier for Singulars because they don’t reveal until later, and people make assumptions.”

  I had never heard of anyone hiding their dynamic but had I realized how events would unfold, I might have tried.

  “I was the program director,” she continued. “I set the direction of the research, and was even making some headway on the more sensitive rights issues.” She grimaced. “I was twenty-five when my singularity revealed.”

  “You’re an Omega?” I asked, because I felt this needed clarification.

  She rolled her eyes. “Indeed, Daddy was so proud when he found out! Let’s just say, the protection of Omegas is rather more personal to me, now.”

  “Do you have a Controller?” I asked, frowning.

  She chuckled. “No. I made some—ah—rather extreme threats that my father took my word on. I do what I can to help others in my situation, although my wings have been somewhat clipped. But I’d like to ask you some questions about your experiences to date. Please be as honest as you can, and know I will treat this with the highest level of confidentiality. Your Alpha won’t indulge me for long, but we’ll cover what we can, and if he allows it, we’ll meet again before your deployment.”

  I smiled back. “Please, ask away.”

  We talked a little about my experiences in my home planet’s Omega community, then about the details of my singularity. Her genuine passion shone.

  “You’re probably going to be—occupied—for want of a better word, but would you mind taking something of mine? I’d like to explore the way your singularity tracks moods through possessions. Whenever you have a moment, make a note of whatever you can sense about my mood. I keep a detailed automatic journal so I’ll be able to collate the two.”

  I was happy to agree.

  “You’ve been studying the virus for a long time,” I said. “Do you ever wish it hadn’t happened?” My eyes held hers. “Would you destroy it if you could?”

  Her expression softened, and she shook her head sadly. “Destroy it? No, I’m afraid there is no way to destroy it, not anymore. That virus is both monstrous and beautiful. There are times when I am studying it that I am astounded by the power of something so small…If I could turn back time and make it never happen, I would gladly do so. But we can’t, and so we must move forward with what we have.”

  I didn’t get nearly enough time with Doctor Brach before Logan came to collect me.

  Barely had the door to our room shut when he had hands on my ass and his mouth crashed down over mine. The whole experience with Logan since entering the ship, and that conversation with the doctor, had all conspired to produce a volatile emotional state. The kiss tipped me over—I felt like someone had lit a fire inside me.

  “Off.” He tugged at my dress.

  I stared blindly at it.

  “Off,” he repeated when I didn't immediately move. “And Eloise, I mean everything.”

  My eyes locked with his dark ones. His full lips glistened from our kiss, and I could not look away from his carnal beauty.

  He raised an eyebrow—he was still waiting for me.

  Waiting for me to undress.

  He shook his head slowly. “I have my work cut out with you.”

  When I still didn’t move, he decided to do it for himself. Drugging me insensible with another kiss, he removed my clothing with an efficiency that left me reeling. I didn’t even realize we had moved until I jumped, feeling the couch against the back of my legs.

  “Sit and open up.”

  His presence filled the room, and the air felt thick with it as I settled into the plush couch. The material was soft and smooth against my naked skin, and I squirmed a little worrying that I might ruin it.

  “Open. Fucking. Up.”

  My eyes shot up, my pussy clenched, and my breath caught in my throat. Laying back, I slowly parted my legs, and as I remembered his earlier words, I pushed them as wide as I could.

  He knelt before me, his steady gaze locked on my inner core as his fingers trailed up from my ankles to my knees. Those hands skittered over my waist, his eyes tracking their progress, they settled over my breasts, he cupped them before brushing his thumbs over the engorged tips. Face stony, he leaned forward to take one stiff nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the tip before sucking firmly. Feeling his lips tugging, and that rhythmic, steady pull, sent a surge of pleasure straight to my pussy.

  He kissed his way back down, and every little press of his lips, and every little swirl of his tongue drove the burning need higher. As his hands settled at the top of my thighs, he gripped and used his thumbs to pull me lewdly apart.

  There was no further preamble, he dived straight in, dragging me to the front of the seat and taking a long lick that traveled the whole length of my slit before circling around my clit.

  My butt tried to lift, but his firm grip kept me pinned against the seat as he ate me out. Biting, sucking, and lavishing the whole area with his tongue, teeth, and lips.

  I opened myself and my awareness fully in a way that I rarely did.

  What I received frightened me.

  This was the beginning, the prelude, and I dreaded what would come even as I craved it. My childish notions of investment were gone, and while I didn't want to like what he was doing to me, my body had ideas of its own. I was exposed, there was an avalanche coming, and I had nowhere to run to—it was going to sweep me away, and there was nothing I could do.

  “Oh, God!” I became mindless to everything but the erotic sensation. Lust had a color, violet, and mine blazed so brightly it burned. The sight of his dark head between my thighs was too much, and I squeezed my eyes shut as my whole body flushed. “Please—I can’t.”

  I had no idea what I was trying to say.

  I wanted him to stop.

  I wanted him to never stop.

  An agonized sob escaped my lips as that wicked tongue explored me, and I sought to close my legs, anything to find relief. “Oh God, I’m going to come!”

  His head lifted, lips glistening, and I blinked, disorientated and wondering why he had stopped.

  Did I ask him to stop?

  I was sure I had not.

>   His fingers tightened around my thighs, holding them apart—I imagined there would be bruises when he finally released his grip.

  “You want my mouth on your pussy?”

  Yes, I absolutely did. “I need to come.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  I did, I really did.

  I wriggled, but he tightened that punishing grip. “You can take some more, baby. I think you can take a lot more.” His tone deepened, and his dark eyes held mine. “I need you to obey me, Eloise.”

  “I want to,” I said. No, that wasn't good enough. “I will.”

  He eased the grip, and a dull ache rushed in where his fingers had sunk deep. “It needs to become instinct, Eloise. Obedience needs to be ingrained in who you are. When I’m done with you, you will obey me in every way.”

  I swallowed; I was not so far from that right now.

  “You won’t come unless I say so—won’t be able to.” He inspected my glistening pussy. “No matter what I do.”

  His arousal spiked to a violet that matched my own, sending a dark wave coursing through me strong enough to bring mini spasms to my womb. I could sense how much he liked the thought of tormenting me, of melding me to his will, and of controlling me absolutely.

  He would train me mercilessly until he did.

  “We’re a long way off that level of control. If you think you’re getting close, tell me, and I will stop. I know how hard this is for you, so I’m giving you that out.”

  Nodding, I steeled myself because this was going to be torture of the worst possible kind.

  “Now, let me taste your pussy,” he growled.

  As his lips latched onto my clit, my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and my hips lifted only to be slammed ruthlessly down. He sucked it hard; pleasure on the cusp of pain.

  It was agony.

  It was the sweetest kind of agony.

  I wasn’t going to last.

  I couldn't possibly last.

  Just when I thought I might have to beg for an early reprieve, he changed to long sweeping licks that touched everywhere but my clit.

  My breathing evened out. I can do this. I know I can.

  Then he thrust two fingers into my wet pussy, curving them up deep inside as he sucked on my clit.

  I came hard, waves and waves of bliss as I clenched and spasmed around his fingers. He kept working me, and I couldn’t find ground. Pleasure crawled over me, gripping and seizing at every part of me, ripping me up into a maelstrom of exquisite torment. Another orgasm hit harder still, taking me over, tearing into me and breaking me open.

  When I came back down from that high, he was watching me with a smug smile, fingers still buried inside me, pumping gently in and out.

  “I know, that wasn’t playing fair.”

  I might have agreed, but instead, a deep moan escaped my lips as my pussy continued with spasms echoing around his fingers. They made squelching sounds, and I was so slick that it coated the tops of my thighs and trickled down onto the edge of the seat. I should have been embarrassed, but I was standing at a door leading to insanity, and the waves of pleasure never stopped.

  He must have noticed what was happening because his eyes darkened to black.

  “What a greedy little pussy.” Logan gave another couple of leisurely pumps in and out before withdrawing. He shook his head. “You’re a beautiful mess, and I’ve barely started yet.”

  I blinked up at him, feeling empty and lost. I wanted his hands back on me, his mouth—yes, I was greedy, and it seemed the more I had, the more I wanted.

  I was naked, and he was fully clothed. I was defenseless, there was nothing left, not a shred of mental cloaking, and his need hit me in long rolling waves that broke me further down.

  He flipped me over without warning, face down over the couch. The clank of his buckle sent a frisson of excitement straight to my core, and all I could think about was getting more of that delicious cock inside me anyhow he wanted.

  His fingers dipped into the wet mess, and ignoring my needy pussy, he smeared it up and over my bottom to circle that little rosebud instead.

  Then he sunk a single finger slowly in.

  I whimpered and jerked away, but a firm hand at my lower back held me to the seat. No, this was wrong, no one had touched me here before, and I was sure I didn’t like it.

  “Be still and let me have this.”

  One thigh brushed up against mine, the faint prickle of hair abrasive as he held me in place and pumped his finger in and out slowly, twisting it and making me writhe.

  It burned, but underneath was a strange, twisted pleasure that made my pussy flutter.

  “You lost yourself for a while, didn’t you? And now you’re weak and helpless. Watching you fussing and fretting while I finger your ass is a—joy.”

  “Please.” I didn’t know what I was begging for.

  He continued to work me, twisting and pumping his finger with the same slow, implacable intent. “Can’t decide if you love it or loathe it yet, but you’ll learn to accept my cock here. I’ve got to admit, you’re really tight, and I don’t think it’s ever going to be a comfortable fit.”

  My body was on fire, burning out from that tiny hole that he seemed hell-bent on exploring. “Getting my fat cock in here is going to be a challenge. Trust me, you’ll thank me for this later.”

  I was certain that I wouldn’t.

  Logan continued the slow torment, seeming to have all the time in the world. I did my best to block his feelings, but a subtle awareness filtered through that he was enjoying this—a lot.

  That realization stoked my excitement. His pleasure was like a drug rushing through my veins, and I was instantly an addict.

  I bucked, conflicted and caught between wanting more and to get away.

  His gentle tutting stilled my fidgeting. “You gave me permission. Offered to invest.”

  And he was right, I had agreed to invest, but not to this. I didn’t know this existed, so how could I have offered it?

  As his cock butted up against the entrance to my pussy, I instinctively pushed back. Moaning as the tip breached, I was half delirious. He was over me, surrounding me, a huge Alpha, and I could not think why I had ever feared this. Finally, this was exactly what I needed. “Good girl, open up.” With his finger still in my ass, he used his other thumb to pull me wider apart, and another inch sank in.

  He growled. My stomach turned over, moisture pooled and his cock slid farther in. “Let me in, baby.” The finger tormenting my ass eased nearly out, allowing more of his cock to slip into my pussy.

  We both groaned. Fingers tightened on my hip as he pressed deeper and a shiver swept through my body. He kept pressing in until pain replaced the pleasure and I hissed. He paused there, and I was uncomfortably full, the sensation too intense, my swollen inner walls pulsing around that invasion. There wasn’t enough space. I felt like I was bursting.

  Pulling his cock out, he plunged his finger back in. Then alternated between the two, pushing his cock in as he pulled his finger out, reversing and repeating until every nerve in my body caught fire and I was burning from the inside out. The pressure grew, uncoiling, and twisting me up. My conflicted mind knew only that it wanted more of everything. My ass lifted, and my back dipped in silent offering to receive whatever he would give.

  The thrusts increased, his grip tightened, and I shivered, desperate to find release from the tormented pleasure.

  “I need more. Please.” I could not reconcile that I was asking for more, but I was so close.

  He growled, fucked faster, and snarled harshly; I did not know what I was asking for, and further, that if he gave it to me, I would beg him to stop.

  White-hot bliss engulfed me as I heard him roar out his release. I jerked, overwhelmed by the rawness of his pleasure and feeling myself tumble over with him, clenching painfully around the thick cock buried inside, and wishing it would never leave. Breath ragged, I sought to pick myself up once again. Each time, I dropped harder, and the craw
l back took longer.

  Was this control? Was there more? I could not imagine more.

  Broad hands settled over damp skin, and that gentle rumble was offered up.



  MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY drained, I slept after.

  The awakening brought awkwardness. I wanted to disappear into a private space and process what had happened. That wasn’t going to be allowed.

  The sleep had been fitful. I wasn’t used to sleeping with someone, and it seemed like every time I moved, Logan moved with me. Always touching, surrounding, and dominating until his presence consumed my every thought and feeling.

  Thoroughly tired and irritable, I was coaxed out of bed and taken to the shower where he washed me…and fucked me against the wall.

  Then he washed me again.

  My discarded dress had mysteriously disappeared, and I wasn’t given alternative clothes. Logan had clothes—normal ship-side casuals. I had the shirt he’d worn yesterday. He’d had his hands all over me and in me, and yet spending the day in this, and nothing else, seemed to further tip the power scales between us.

  And those scales did not need any help.

  I’d stared at the shirt for quite a while. He’d asked me if there was a problem. Yes, I knew what would happen if I was foolish enough to walk into that trap, so I got my temper under control and put the shirt on.

  At least it smelt nice.

  The shirt was only the beginning. Our shared meal brought a further lesson in awkwardness when he sat me on his lap and insisted on feeding me.

  The feeding bothered me more than the fucking, and I spent much of that mortified time on his lap trying to work out why.

  “Your eyes are amber,” he observed between mouthfuls of food. He was eating from the same fork, and that bothered me too. It felt intimate, like the shower together, like sitting on his lap, like having his warm body squished up against me while we slept.

  “I can feed myself,” I said. As avoidance went, it was a poor attempt.

  His smirk said it hadn’t worked. “I know you can, but I like to do this.”


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