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Time of the Draig

Page 7

by Lisa Dawn Wadler

  Samantha frowned at the admission but said nothing. Faolan replied, “So we agree we need reason to trust the other besides the battle shared.”

  “Trust comes with time,” Jeff said.

  Faolan took note of the men gathered around the campfire, realizing for the first time the missing man. Silently he berated his lapse in observation. He said to Samantha, “Your guard neglects his duties this night.”

  Samantha turned to see Boomer laughing with the men. As her eyes shifted back to find his, she said, “He’s entitled to some time off. It’s been too long since Boomer was able to enjoy anyone else’s company.”

  Jeff asked, “Was it that bad?”

  “Let’s just say that for the past six months, yes.” Faolan didn’t completely understand why Jeff accepted it as a fact. It was his belief there should have been outrage Samantha needed such protection.

  Her soft voice asked, “What did you want to discuss?”

  He crouched before Samantha. “First, my thanks for providing a meal for my men this evening.”

  Jeff laughed and said, “We should be apologizing for that. The rations are awful.”

  “A full belly is a fine thing. On the morrow, Kagen will hunt for fresh meat and provide a better evening meal.” Faolan smiled at the nod from Jeff. “I am pleased you have chosen to join us. Your strength is appreciated as we bring back my herd.”

  Though he spoke to Samantha, Jeff answered, “And your offer of hospitality is very generous.”

  Again they were lost in polite exchanges with nothing being spoken. Faolan nodded and said, “Fine. We agree on how delighted we all are, but I came to see you with a purpose.” His eyes held Samantha’s as he said, “I have come to ask if you would join with my clan.”

  The pair exchanged glances before Samantha asked, “Do you mean like an alliance?”

  While not the word he would have chosen, Faolan replied, “In a manner of speaking. Your men would be a fine addition to our warriors. Jeff’s skill as a battle chief has already been proven.” He paused before adding, “Major Samantha, it would an honor beyond telling to have you with me.”

  While he wanted approval from her, it was Jeff who spoke, “We don’t control the men in the way you may believe. If any would wish to stay with you, the choice is theirs alone. However, our people have a long tradition of negotiating treaties of peace and goodwill.” Jeff’s attention focused on Samantha as he said, “It may be a good idea to have such an agreement before we reach Faolan’s lands.”

  “Do you think I would betray you once on my lands?” Faolan asked, insulted by the thought.

  Jeff’s face hardened as he said, “I am aware of the possibility and the potential reasons you would try. Do I think you would? That’s yet to be seen.”

  A wise man would let this insult pass, Faolan reasoned. After all, I did try to buy the woman who is their leader. Faolan knew men who would lure the group to their deaths if only to capture Samantha. His grandfather had been such a man, but Faolan was better.

  “Mayhap we should go back to discussing the treaty,” Faolan suggested. “My invitation is meant with an open heart as thanks for your help in battle. You are nay the only man who could have died this day.”

  Even in the dim light he could see Samantha’s irritation grow. Her jaw clenched as fingers pulled the tie from her hair. Though Jeff spoke, he heard little. All of his attention was on the fingers that released the dark tresses from their confines. Faolan felt his stomach tighten as the thick hair surrounded her pinched features and flowed freely down her back. Her fingers, with obvious anger, toyed with the circular band that had held her hair.

  Faolan asked, “Is such a treaty nay to your liking, Major Samantha?”

  Suddenly she was on her feet pacing before the fallen log. She mocked, “I don’t expect you to understand.” Samantha turned her wrath on Jeff and said, “But you should. While I don’t expect you to understand all the intricacies of what happened today, you’re taking it too far. We can’t mix like this. The damage potential—”

  Jeff interrupted. “I get it, all right? We have changed the day here, but for better or worse, it’s done. Now you need to get over it.” His eyes followed the pacing. “The men need a place to call home, you need a place to work, and I need to know we are secure. All of that can be arranged if you stop pacing and listen to reason.”

  Samantha stopped in her tracks. “Fine, the men need a base, but you are talking about signing documents and leaving a permanent record of our being here. How much impact do you think that might have? Have you considered the potential ramifications?”

  Jeff asked, “Faolan, do you need a signed, written agreement, or is a verbal agreement enough for you?”

  Faolan mulled over the thought and replied, “Your word of honor will suffice, as will yours, Major Samantha. My people dinna demand these matters be in writing.”

  Jeff looked up to Samantha and waited for her acknowledgment. When given, he said, “Faolan, we would be pleased to continue our plan of accepting your generous offer. Our men will work beside yours, as we all deem appropriate. We promise to deal with you and yours as friends and in peace for as long as we are on your land.”

  Faolan nodded at the statement and replied, “My home is yours in good faith. You shall be guests and honored as such. Though I do appreciate your offer of work, none is expected from a guest.”

  Jeff answered with a light laugh. “Trust me, the men need to be kept busy.”

  Faolan rose from his crouch to stand behind Samantha. While his eyes feasted on the waves of black hair, he asked, “Does it please you, Major Samantha?”

  The mask of composure on her face was clearly false as she turned to look up to his eyes. “Jeff is correct, and the men need a place. Thank you.”

  Jeff rose from the log and took Faolan’s hand within his and said, “Your hand is all the vow I need.”

  He was confused as the man moved their joined hands up and down. Faolan said, “‘Tis nay acceptable,” and pulled Jeff into his body for a quick embrace. As backs were slapped with enthusiasm, he said, “Now we have an oath.”

  Not waiting for permission, Faolan took Samantha’s small hand and raised it to his lips, brushing his lips over her knuckles. He held her shocked green eyes and said, “You do me a great honor.”

  Her hand pulled back far too quickly. “Forgive my outburst and that I can’t explain it to you in full detail. You honor us with your fine offer.”

  Jeff said, “Once again you sound like your father. But now, if you’ll both excuse me, it’s time to put the soldiers to bed. Faolan, I’m assuming we leave as soon as we have daylight?”

  Faolan nodded, and Jeff called out as he walked toward the campfire, “Major, lights out in ten.”

  Before Samantha could follow, Faolan once again reached for her hand. He asked, “Why did you agree if you have no trust in me?”

  He heard her heavy sigh and stepped aside to allow her to sit on the log. Though her eyes focused on the heavens, she replied, “We have good reason to trust you. My enemy’s enemy is my friend.”

  Faolan sat beside her. While there was a simple wisdom to her words, he said, “I’m nay talking about your need to provide for your warriors. I speak of trust between you and I.”

  Again her laughter filled the night, it’s mirth like music to his ears. She shifted to face him and had to look up given how tiny she was compared to him. Samantha said, “You’re correct, I’m not sure if I trust you given our introduction today.”

  His eyes fell to her lap before looking up again. “Again, you have my apologies for my behavior today. Would you believe me if I said never have I even thought of trading for another?”

  Her eyes studied his face for a long time, and finally she said, “Yes.”

  “I would prefer to hear that
you agree to our oath of peace and to your standing by my side,” Faolan asked, hoping she did not hear the desperation in his voice. He wanted her in ways he did not fully understand, but he wanted her willing.

  “I agree,” she stated.

  Faolan smiled and said, “Dinna fash over when, we will take our time getting to know one another.”

  Before she could ask the question written in her eyes, the voice of Boomer called out, “Major, time for you to get some sleep.”

  With a wink, Faolan rose and offered his hand to Samantha. That she took his offer of assistance made his heart swell. The frown came quickly as she dropped his hand once on her feet.

  As they walked to the men and the bedding strewn before the cave opening, Faolan said, “I will sleep here as an offer of trust.”

  Samantha only nodded and stepped away to stand beside Boomer. She questioned, “Why is my bag in the middle?”

  The one called Boomer answered, “Standard regulations, the senior officer sleeps protected.”

  Faolan saw something spark within her eyes as she replied, “Sergeant Michaels, I’m not sure about you, but I’m done with the United Forces. I’m a Marine and always will be. So move those bags into a nice circle around the fire.”

  Whatever the meaning behind her statement, he could not fathom. Yet the men in her company seemed to approve. One called out, “The Army is at your service.” Another said, “Even the Navy can go with that.” There were other comments, but they held the same meaning: her men valued her leadership.

  Jeff added, as the sleeping bags were rearranged, “I want four two-hour watches. Any volunteers?”

  Samantha quickly stated, “I have first watch.”

  It was Boomer who replied, “Captain Harrison, the major is not fit for watch. She hasn’t slept in over forty-eight hours.”

  She glared at the man who stood as her guardian. Jeff’s voice immediately sounded, “The major sleeps whether she likes it or not.” He then proceeded to assign men to the task of guarding the camp.

  Faolan would have offered, but he assumed it would have been denied. He was probably one of the presumed dangers they guarded against.

  After removing his blanket from his tethered horse, Faolan returned to the campfire. He smiled as he noted an empty piece of ground by Samantha’s side. Though she only sat on her bedding, the spot was clearly marked as hers.

  He gestured to the ground and asked, “With your permission.”

  She smiled and offered a sweeping gesture with her small hands. “The hard ground is all yours.” Though he would swear Boomer glared a bit at him from the major’s other side.

  As she began unlacing her boot, Jeff said, “While we are agreed the United Forces has no place here, I’m going to impose the boots-on policy.”

  A man called out, “Seriously?”

  “Seriously. While Faolan has agreed to a non-aggression treaty, there may be other nasty types wandering the woods. Boots on, bags unzipped, and swords by your side as a precaution.” Jeff added, “Major, stow that hair. I don’t need you blind in a late night fight.”

  Faolan heard her words to Boomer even as her glorious hair was rebound. “Like a bit of hair is going to slow me down,” she grumbled. “I hate sleeping in my boots.”

  Boomer chuckled, “I hear that.”

  Faolan settled onto his blanket as those surrounding the fire did the same. He could see the strategy in not using the cave, as one could easily become trapped by an enemy within, and the night was clear and dry.

  His arm served as a pillow, though he noted Samantha had taken off what the men referred to as a jacket to serve the same purpose. In moments, the sounds of light breathing and some mild snoring filled the camp. He chanced a glance at Samantha and forced himself not to laugh. She was the one who snored.

  As he watched her face relax into sleep, he once again marveled at her beauty. Long dark lashes hid the vibrancy of her eyes. Clear skin and full lips filled his vision. Faolan marveled that she slept by his side. When he had offered to buy her, he had hoped to see the woman rest and recover. The other had come, too. She had agreed to stand by his side even after his misguided offer. Faolan closed his eyes, wondering how long it would be before she was ready to fulfill her oath. He knew the limitations of his patience and his desire for her. His last thought before sleep was how fine life would be once she was ready to fulfill the marriage agreement.

  Chapter 7

  Samantha shifted the pack on her back as they walked on a trail through the woods. The bright morning sun had given way to clouds and in the early afternoon, a light drizzle. She inhaled the damp scent of the clean, fresh earth and savored the walk through the beautiful countryside.

  Jeff and Faolan held point. She marveled at Jeff’s ability to glean so much information as they traveled. Even from the distance, she could hear Faolan answer the questions of how many trained men served him, the natural defenses of a cliff that fell to the sea, the height of his walls, and the crops grown. He even described the layout of the keep within the walls. There was confidence in not walking in cold to a new environment.

  Still, she had a lot of questions about Faolan. She had awoken in the morning to find him sleeping next to her. She smiled at the memory of her panic upon waking up somewhere strange next to a different face. His face seemed younger while he slept, as if he carried no worry. Samantha learned he was just slightly older than she was, twenty-seven, and the hereditary ruler of his lands.

  His eyes had opened only moments after hers, as if he knew she was studying him. There had been no panic for him, only a sleepy, warm smile and a greeting of “good morrow, lass” given with a soft husky voice. Even thinking about it gave her a small shiver. No one should look that good first thing in the morning. Something about his simplicity and honesty appealed to her, two concepts that had been far removed from her day-to-day existence in the lab. She refused to believe she was shallow enough to care about his incredible good looks and compliments.

  It must be his sweet nature, she decided. Every move he made that morning had been polite, from trying to help her with her jacket, offering his supply of dried fruit to flavor her packaged oatmeal, and wanting to secure her pack to his mount to make her more comfortable. The hard fact was she wasn’t used to anyone going out of his way to make her day better, aside from Boomer. But her friend never smiled at her like Faolan or flirted so subtly. Maybe Boomer is right, and I should relax and enjoy the moment.

  Boomer interrupted her thoughts as he returned to her side. “I think you may have some trouble.”

  Reality had come back to intrude on her inner peace. Samantha looked up and asked, “What?”

  “I was in the rear with an ear open, and all afternoon Corporal Jensen has been talking smack about how the men should either go AWOL or simply take over. He seems to think it would be easy to take you and Captain Harrison out of the picture.” With a glance at the men in the lead, Boomer continued, “He’s not that worried about our new friends, given that only Faolan is visible.”

  Jensen is an unobservant fool. Samantha had noted Kagen on several occasions. While the other locals traveled with the sheep, she had no doubt they were within range of immediate assistance.

  “Did he ask you to join him?” Samantha asked out of sheer curiosity.

  “He did after I fed him some crap about being tired of being your lapdog. He ate it up like candy,” Boomer said.

  “Right. Like you would fit on my lap,” Samantha teased and then asked, “And the others?”

  “No firm commitments. I think most are waiting to see how the day plays out, you know, kind of a Lord of the Flies mentality,” Boomer replied. “The only one who said he wants no part of it is Warrant Officer Efraim. Seems Mark is still a yes or no man, but on your side.”

  “Thanks, Boomer. I’ll deal with it,�
� Samantha replied and jogged to catch up with Jeff.

  As she reached the talking men, she interrupted them. “Captain Harrison, we have an issue. Looks like Corporal Jensen has taken to questioning our ability to lead and is trying to muster support for a revolt.”

  “I had a feeling that might happen.” Jeff pointed to the clearing visible down the trail. “Let’s call a rest up ahead, and I’ll deal with him.”

  “Negative, Captain. I’ve taken command. It’s my issue unless it goes FUBAR.” Samantha saw the confusion on Faolan’s face and said, “Fucked up beyond all recognition. Basically I said that should a few of the men actually plan on starting a fight, I expect Captain Harrison to jump in.”

  Faolan snarled, “Should any attack, my sword stands at the ready to defend you, Major Samantha.”

  She offered her thanks, but she would have had more gratitude if he had dropped the major in front of her name. It sounded strange coming from him. Samantha added, “I doubt it will come to that. Jensen appears to be the only one with a problem.”

  “Jeff explained to me how these men came into your service. I understand their oaths to you are weak. Mayhap ‘tis is a fine time to demand more,” Faolan offered.

  She pondered what he said and decided he was right. If these soldiers were going to stay under her command long enough to regain UNK005, she needed to know they were loyal. “That is excellent advice. Thank you.” She added, “We wouldn’t bring men into your home that would cause problems.”

  Faolan smiled as he said, “‘Tis also been explained. I have no doubt in your abilities.”

  Again his smile could only be described as warm and bright. No one in this time period should have such white straight teeth. She felt her answering smile but was slightly disconcerted at how easily it came. There was no denying the fact Faolan’s smile was something she couldn’t resist.


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