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Retribution: An Erotic Novelette [Dangerous Pleasures #2]

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by Terri Pray

  His gaze didn't change, but his hand moved away from the hilt.

  She rocked her hips softly, tipping her head back until her throat was bare, her hair tumbling back from her face, lips parting softly as she licked over them, wetting them.

  He growled softly.

  "Please...” Shannon whispered.

  He arched one eyebrow.

  "I—I need you, sir."

  He smiled, no warmth touching his eyes. “Why?"

  "Because I need to feel you inside of me, I want you, please...” She rolled her hips softly, pleading with each breath. She had to get this right. Though it didn't feel like a dance to her she could feel a soft, subtle beat claim her hips, they rolled gently, lifting, tipping, offering her sex to his view.

  "And what am I that you want my touch so badly?"

  A bastard? A male who didn't know his place? One she wanted to beat into a pulp?

  Neither things she could say to him nor would they have been true. She didn't want to call him a bastard, or someone who didn't know his place, neither did she want to beat him into a pulp. She wanted something else from him.

  "You're my captor, you have the right to take me."

  "Right yes, the desire—that's a different matter. I prefer a willing, eager partner."

  "But I am willing, and eager..."

  "Then tell me what you want me to do, plead with me, keep those hips moving and tell me how you want me to take you.” His lips set into a firm line as he glared down at her. “If you think that all you have to do is lay there, lifting your hips up to me..."

  She was doing more than that, couldn't he see?

  What else did he want from her?

  Shannon licked slowly over her lips, trembling. “Please, I need you."

  He shook his head.

  "I need to feel you inside me.” She whispered, her hands clenched behind her body. Heat rippled along her inner walls as she lay there, staring up at him. “Fuck me, please. I'm begging you. Fuck me."

  A slight smile claimed his lips. “More.... slut."

  She whimpered, rolling her hips towards him. “Please sir, fuck me, fill me, I'm begging you, use me.” Each word sent a fresh wave of heat through her body. Her nipples tingled, tightening into firm nubs that stood out from the curve of her breasts. Her belly grew taut, a slick desire coating her lower lips.

  She wanted him.

  It was more than just words she threw out in order to find a way to stay alive. She actually wanted to feel him buried inside her.


  There was a word, one that now formed at the back of her mind. Even the thought of using it towards him, or any man, left her trembling. If she said it, used it, there would be no going back. She'd belong to him. He'd not give up the level of power that word would grant him over her.

  "There's something else you want to say, isn't there woman?"

  Shannon nodded, trying not to moan. Wanting to say it and knowing it was the right idea didn't always go hand in hand. She'd be turning her back on everything she had been taught. On the mother goddess herself, and for what, so she wouldn't die?

  No, more than that.

  So she could say it just once before it was too late.

  "Master please..."

  He growled, pressing the tip of his cock between her nether lips. “Say it again."

  "Master!” She gasped.

  Aaron grinned, rolling his hips once before he rocked forward, sliding into the slick, warm depths of her willing heat. “Gods!"

  She wanted to correct him, tell him there wasn't a god, only a goddess now, but the impulse was brief. Little more than a knee jerk reaction. Her body had other things to be concerned with. He rocked slowly at first, filling her cunt, stretching her walls with the thickness of his shaft.

  She'd never felt anything like this before.

  Holographic projections and trained males weren't the same thing. They obeyed, they didn't try and take control the way he did. And her body, goddess her body, didn't react like this.

  This was—real.

  Too real.

  She couldn't switch off the scene and take a cold shower, forgetting about her desires until the next time. There was no going back from this. Not now. She was his, chained, helpless, naked beneath him, her body spread open for his use and now, goddess now, she arched to him with each new thrust into her core.

  Her nipples ached, his shirt brushing over her breasts, teasing the hardened nubs with the coarse material.

  He pulled out until he rested only the tip of his cock in her body. Tempting her, teasing her, she needed more, the feel of his erection pressing against her inner walls, filling her, claiming her, but he didn't move. He waited, watching her, staring down into her eyes.

  Had she done something wrong?

  She'd thought she'd managed to please him, now he'd stopped. What was going on? Was he going to slit her throat?

  No, she couldn't allow that to happen. She'd done her best, truly she had.

  "Master?” She whimpered, arching towards him until her thighs ached. “Please..."

  "Please what?"

  "You've stopped—why?” Her cunt tightened on the head of his cock, trying to draw him further into her body.

  "To see what you'd do.” He leaned down, licking softly along her neck. “You're trembling, woman. You need this. All your high ideals about being the dominant gender, where are they now? And now all I see is a heated, needful little slut who wants to be fucked."


  No, she needed it. Craved it. With every fiber of her being.

  A shudder claimed her hips, her thighs spread wide, her mound pressed tight to his groin. Couldn't he see the desire in her? Yes, he could. He'd witnessed it for himself, spoke of it. She was needful, little more than a slut in his eyes.

  Goddess, a slut. One of those women who were foolish enough to give themselves up to the whims and desires of a man, any man, just as long as they slid between her thighs. Tears stung at her eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks. She wasn't like that, was she?

  Yes, a thousand times yes, even if with just this one man.

  It didn't make sense, not with how she had been trained. Her body should have been repelled by his touches, by the way he treated her, not driven higher into a fire driven hunger that she could barely control.

  "I—I don't know what else to do. I thought you were pleased with me.” Shannon tried to press against his body, the soft caress of his tongue over her pulse only added to the shivers that now wracked her body. “Have I done something wrong? Something to anger you?"

  "No,” his teeth scraped at her throat. “I want to hear you beg again."

  Beg. She'd already begged already. She peered up into his gaze, trying to seek an answer, to find out what was it that he truly wanted.

  He stared down at her, firm, unyielding, cold. “You know what I want, bitch."

  Shannon let loose a low moan of fear as she looked away from him.

  "Say it, tell me."

  "You want me to submit, to be yours completely. Not just a word or two, not just a thing done to prove a point. You want me to be your property, like the old days."

  He nodded slightly, shifting until he caressed her neck with his fingers. “And a part of you wants to experience that as well. Your body desires it, your heart craves it, your mind screams out the teachings, the falsehoods you've grown up with. Give them up little slut, be my slave, walk the darkness with me and know what it is like to be submissive, to be owned, to be a true woman."

  "A true woman wouldn't submit to you, they are strong, powerful, they rule they are not ruled!” She growled at him, refusing to look back at him.

  "That which bends is not weak, that which breaks is. What will you do, little warrior woman, will you bend, or break?"

  Break? Bend? She tried to make sense of his words, but her mind reeled with the confusing mix of desire and fear. She wanted him, she couldn't deny that, but what he wanted, what he tried to get her to do,
was too much. She'd have to surrender herself, isn't that how it worked if you submitted? She'd seen men willing to give themselves to that depth before. They almost ceased to be people, reverting to being little more than property.

  Their owners, their women, their mistresses, had the right to do anything they wished to the man. Even killing them, giving them away, marking them as property, and he wanted her to do that? To give up being a human being?

  "You've no idea what you are asking me to do."

  "Yes, I do.” He licked slowly along her neck.

  "It's wrong. I can't do it!” Her hips rocked towards him even as she spoke. Her verbal denial and her body's hunger warring openly with each other, it didn't make sense. She couldn't understand it. Accepting being a slave, being his property, it didn't fit with how she had been raised, the laws of her people, so why did she now crave that so much? After but a handful of touches?

  Was she truly so weak?

  "Break and give up, bend and know what it's like to be a woman.” He turned her face, forcing her to look at him. “You have only those two choices, my claimed warrior."

  Shannon tried to shake her head even as he lowered his lips onto hers, silencing her protests. She groaned, parting beneath his touch, her hips rocking upwards, thighs spread wide as she tried to hook her legs about his thighs. She needed him, wanted him to return to fill her fully, to feel his cock claiming her inner being. His tongue slid into her mouth, stroking, exploring, stealing her breath until she arched up to him, her breasts pressed fully against his chest.

  "Please.” She whispered as he lifted up from her lips.

  "Please what, my little captive?"

  "Don't do this to me?” Tears slipped openly down her cheeks, even as her hips rolled, her thighs tight as she tried to hold him closer. “I want you, need you, but I can't betray everything I am for you, for a man I don't even know."

  He nodded, thrusting deeply into her body. “Soon though."


  Thought fled as he claimed her body afresh, filling her, his cock pressing against the slick, heated walls of her sex. Goddess, what did it matter what he meant by ‘soon though', not with the way he now rocked into her body.

  Each rock rubbed his clothing against her naked form, her nipples throbbed, needing to be touched, her sex hungered and fed on each thrust into her willing vulva, more than that, she groaned, her thighs clenched on his hips as she lifted herself up to him. He hadn't even undressed before taking her.

  It didn't matter, not any more.

  She hungered.

  With a low cry she tipped back her head, her hands clenched tightly behind her back, no longer even feeling the chains that held her tight. Pressure claimed her inner walls, stealing her ability to think, to speak, to know anything beyond the feel of his body within hers. She groaned, sweat coating her flesh, her heels pressed into his ass, forcing him deeper yet into her body.

  No, she wasn't supposed to be doing this!

  She was forgetting everything that she had been taught, the years of training, the oath to the goddess to defend the rights of women and keep them safe.

  And she didn't care.

  With a low scream heat rushed through her body, coating her inner walls as she cleaved to him, shuddering, his cock swelling within her sex, filling her as he roared in sheer delight. Pain, pleasure and fear combine into one deep rush that she had no control over, until she screamed afresh, her mind sinking into the only safety left, the darkness of her own mind.

  Chapter Three

  Shannon stretched slowly, blinking as she tried to recall what had happened. Her body ached and she'd somehow rolled onto her side. More than that, she'd been unchained, her hands at least, and the heavy sensation around her left ankle suggested she'd been re-chained there.

  Her thighs hurt, no, ached from use. As if she'd been through a set of strenuous exercises that she was not used to, or that she hadn't warmed up properly before.

  She rolled onto her back, trying to get her muscles to work fully. Knots appeared along her calves and she curled up with a soft cry, rubbing at them. Charlie Horses, wonderful. Just what she needed.


  Hold on, why was she...

  Heat flushed across her normally alabaster cheeks.

  I did it with him, shit. Now what?

  This wasn't exactly what she'd had in mind when she'd take that walk.

  Well, at least she was alive, and he hadn't been that bad.

  No, that wasn't fair, the sex had been unlike anything she had experienced before. He'd left her panting, teased her, forced her to beg for his touch, arching to him like a wanton little whore and then used her with such force that she'd passed out. Just like the old fashioned books she'd stumbled across.

  So that hadn't just been a piece of fiction. There were men who could take a woman and turn her into a trembling piece of flesh ready to do anything they wanted her to.

  And she had been caught by one of them.


  Shannon grabbed a blanket, pulling it back over her body. Trying to redress when he'd cut the clothing from her wasn't an option and he didn't strike her as the sort of man who would give her a chance to try and mend the ruined outfit. Not that she knew how to sew beyond the very basics. The sort of sewing she had learned was better suited for emergency field medical treatment, not patching together an outfit that had been sliced to hell and back.

  Just what did he think she was supposed to wear?

  Nothing at all, or just a blanket?

  She sat up, wrapping the blanket tightly about her body and looked around the room. Where was he anyway? There was no sign of him and she assumed the door was locked, not that she could reach it with the chain that had been locked about her ankle.

  Her stomach rumbled and her throat was tight. When was the last time she'd been given something to eat or drink?

  Before she'd left the ship, a day at least now.

  Shannon peered around the room, searching for something that she could use. Not only was she hungry and thirsty but her bladder was complaining. She needed the facilities, along with the basics in human care. Not that he appeared to notice. And there didn't appear to be anything around that she could use. Not even a pot in reach that would prevent her from wetting herself, or fouling the blanket.

  Bloody wonderful, was he planning on starving her to death?

  A scowl claimed her face as she sat there, watching the door.


  How long she sat there she couldn't be sure, all Shannon knew for certain was that by the time the door opened her bladder ached to the point of sobbing. She looked up, expecting to see Aaron walking back through the door, instead she looked into the soft gaze of a middle aged woman.

  "How long have you been sat here, waiting lass?” Her gentle brogue spoke of a world she had only visited briefly five years ago. “Didn't he unchain you? Have you even been allowed to visit the rest room?"

  "He just left me here.” Shannon spoke quickly. “Are you here to help me?"

  "Yes, of course.” The woman slipped into the room, closing the door behind her. Her bright green eyes sparkled, and her hair had been touched with slivers of grey. “Now let's see what we can do with that chain. We can't get you to the rest room, do you need any help standing up?"

  "No, I'll be fine. But I'll need some clothing. I can't get out of here without some clothing.” She smiled as the woman unlocked the chain quickly.

  "I'm sure the blanket will do for now, he'll get you something to wear soon enough."

  Shannon frowned as she stood up and re-wrapped the blanket about her. “Why do I need to wait for him? I mean you are going to help me get out of here, aren't you?"

  "Now why would I do that?” The older woman walked across the room and opened a small door on the other side. “You can use the one in here. You'll be fine, there's a good towel in there and you'll be able to wash up."

  Shannon stumbled into the room, her frown deepening. Just what w
as going on here? Hadn't the woman appeared to help her get out of this place? She slipped into the room and pulled the door closed behind her, calling out. “Who are you anyway?"

  "Maggie. My name's Maggie. And I'll do my best to help you to get used to how things are here. It's not such a bad place, just some basic rules you have to get used to. There are places they won't want you wandering through, that is when he's ready to let you move out of this room."

  Shannon hurried with her self care in the small room, turning on the water until she was able get enough hot water to wash herself clean. Her skin crawled at the thought of being left in the bedroom, unable to return to her ship. Why wasn't the woman willing to help her break free?

  "Do you need anything in there?” Maggie called out.

  "No, I'm good, thanks.” She dried off and re-wrapped the blanket about her body before she slipped back out into the main room. “I'm just a little confused here."

  "About what, lass?"

  "Well, I thought you were here to help me?” Shannon sat back down on the main blanket, keeping the other wrapped tight about her body, tucked in over her breasts so she wouldn't have to hold it in place.

  "I am here to help you, and you sit right there, I'll be back in just a few with something for you to eat and drink. Don't you move though. He won't like it if you leave this room right now. You don't have his permission to be heading out just yet and he has a terrible fierce temper."

  That part she'd already figured out for herself.

  Although she wasn't sure what the woman was doing Shannon agreed to sit down and wait for Maggie's return when the woman darted out and closed the door behind her. Had the woman been brainwashed?

  There had to be a logical reason as to why Maggie was going to just bring her something to eat and not help her get out of this place. Unless there was a shortage of time? That would make sense. Perhaps Maggie knew there wasn't enough time to help her break free right now?

  "Now this isn't much, it will help though.” Maggie walked back into the room, carrying a small tray and locked the door behind her. “But it's all I could get in such short notice. It should keep you going for a short time. And I know you're thirsty, I would be too if I'd been through all of this. Not that I'd have to be chained up if my Joseph wanted me."


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