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Magic and Mayhem: A Witch Possessed (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 6

by Isabel Micheals

  Unsure of how to respond, Nicolai simply said, “I can assure you that as your mate, I will never, ever, in a gazillion years, be caught wearing women’s leggings or in a yoga class because I want to lick my gonads in human form.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  Tired of being in the hot seat, Nicolai flipped them again so that he was on top. “My turn now. What are your favorite flowers?”


  “Good to know. Favorite color?”

  “Hunter green.”

  “Favorite food?”

  “Lasagna with gobs of mozzarella cheese instead of ricotta.”

  “Although we won’t be doing much sleeping when we finally do make it to a bed, what side do you like to sleep on? Left or right?” Nicolai asked as he leaned down and nipped her ear.

  Zoe took that moment to flip them again before she said, “Right, if you’re laying on the bed. Left, if you’re standing in front of it. Do you think my dad and Baba Love are doing the nasty? She looked a little flushed when she saw him in his leotards, which for the records, was icky.”

  Unable to contain his laughter and in an effort to wipe the distressed look off her face, Nicolai raised up and kissed her smack, dab on the lips. Her lips were soft and inviting and tasted like cherry, which only made him hungrier for more. The desire to protect and care for her overwhelmed him as he deepened the kiss. She was all that and a bag of chips and he’d be damned if he’d let some smarmy, arrogant warlock kill her.

  When their lips parted, Zoe sighed in pleasure as to expel every breath of air before she asked the two questions that had been constant in her mind since Nicolai revealed himself. “Am I really your mate and what does that mean?”

  “You are and it means that I will love you and only you beyond my dying days. Shifters mate for life and the Fates have seen fit to grant me you, beautiful one,” he replied before kissing her again.

  “Oh for Goddess’s sake! Get a room already. I swear you two are like putty cats in heat. Are you going to roll around on the mats all day or are we going to spar?” Stefano said as he continued to devour his stack of chocolate chip pancakes, drenched in maple syrup and topped with whipped cream and a cherry for good measure.

  Tired of his brother’s taunting, Nicolai waved his hand and blew up his brother’s pancakes. Then he gave Zoe another quick kiss on the lips and helped her up off the floor.

  “Hey, I wasn’t finished eating those, damn it.”

  “Oh, you weren’t? Oops! My bad,” Nicolai retorted with a smirk that had Zoe laughing and wiping away tears. She couldn’t wait to meet the woman who was brave enough to deal with these two.

  “What’s your mother’s name?” she asked all of a sudden.

  “Zeva,” they both replied in a warm and affectionate tone.

  “And your dad? What’s his name?”

  “Mikhail,” Nicolai answered, pleased that she wanted to know more about his family. Hopefully, it meant she was entertaining the idea of him being her mate seriously.

  “If you two are finished playing twenty questions, could we get back to business?” Stefano asked without any heat in his voice as he took another sip of his milk.

  “Sure,” Zoe replied right before she blew up his glass.

  “What the Hades, Red?”

  “What? Your wish is my command,” she said with a smirk that would have made Nicolai laugh, had he not been busy dodging one of her iridescent energy balls.

  Zoe gave as good as she got. Her speed, agility and ability to remain light on her feet was a plus in Nicolai’s eyes. It would make it difficult for an attacker to trap her, but he knew it could be done and was ready to prove it.

  Silently communicating with his twin like they had done since they were kids, both men cornered her. While Nicolai grabbed her from the back in an unforgiving embrace, Stefano advanced on them quickly from the front.

  Zoe steadied her focus, all the while wracking her brain on how to get out of her predicament. She laughed at the fleeting thought running through her mind until it became a reality. Before Stefano reached them, Zoe astral projected herself behind him.

  Nicolai was momentarily stunned into silence. How in the Hades had she done that? was the only thought running through his mind, as he suddenly released the other Zoe and yelled, “Stefano, watch out!” but it was too late.

  Zoe attacked with the force of an avenging angel, as both men quickly found themselves on the defensive end. She was quick, formidable, fierce, and downright sexy.

  Nicolai found himself in a lust-filled daze, as he admired the glow covering Zoe’s body. However, when you incorporated her fiery, red hair into the mix, it left him hot and bothered in all the right places. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it at the moment.

  Stefano on the other hand, just prayed to the Goddess it would be over soon. He was tired, hungry, and wanted some more damn chocolate chip pancakes. Hmm. Maybe I’ll add sprinkles this time, he thought dodging one of Zoe’s jabs.


  When it looked like Zoe wasn’t going to slow down anytime soon, Stefano held up his hands in surrender and yelled, “Truce.”

  Fortunately for him, Zoe was fast enough to pull her last punch before she nailed him in the solar plexus like she had Nicolai earlier.

  “Woman, you scare the Hades out of me. Now if you both will excuse me, I need a shower and some food. Good luck with these two, bro because they’re going to be double the trouble,” Stefano said with a shit eating grin before teleporting out of the room.

  “How did you split yourself?” Nicolai asked, both elated and astonished by their discovery of the newest weapon in her arsenal.

  “I don’t know. I just wished it.”

  “You just wished it?”

  “Yeah. I wished that there were two of me, so that I could even up the fight.”

  “Oookaaay,” Nicolai said, as his bewilderment quickly morphed into concern. “Can you put yourself back together?”

  “I don’t know how. I’ve been trying to reverse my wish, but it’s not working,” Zoe responded in a voice tinged with panic.

  “It’s alright. We just need to calm down and summon your Aunt Hildy. Maybe she has an idea of how to make you whole again.”

  “I am calm. You’re the one with the ashen face,” Zoe said right before she let out a loud whistle and yelled, “Aunt Hildy, we need your help, NOW.”

  When Hildy and Chuck materialized, Zoe and Nicolai gasped in unison and quickly covered their eyes. “Oh for Goddess’s sake, cover yourselves up, will you. How in the Hades does Zelda handle all of this? I’m so going to need therapy when this is all over,” Zoe retorted.

  “Um… she visits with Roger the Rabbit twice a week. He’s a great therapist if you can get past his penchant for porn,” Chuck graciously supplied as a solution to the problem.

  “Uh, thanks Chuck. I think. Are you both dressed now?”

  “Yes, dear, but in all fairness to Chuck and me, it could have been worse,” Hildy said with a chuckle.

  “I can’t even imagine how, but enlighten me.”

  “You could have walked in on my douche knocker of a brother, hence your father, and his Baba Love, aka Baba Yaga, doing the nasty. I mean just think about it. Leotard Dude meets a blast from the past, 80’s style.”

  “Ugh. No, I’d rather not. Thank you very much.” Zoe turned to Nicolai and said, “Do you think this Roger the Rabbit takes walk-ins? I’m sure this would be considered an emergency by anyone’s standards.”

  Shrugging his shoulders, Nicolai said, “I have no idea, sweetheart, but we can check into it later. Right now, you have bigger problems. Remember?”

  “Oh dear, I just realized you’ve split yourself. How did you manage such an accomplishment?” Aunt Hildy asked.

  “I wished it, which was kick ass at the time. Now, not so much. I’ve tried wishing myself whole, but it’s not working. Do all witches have this ability? How do we fix it?”

; “No sugar plum, they don’t. Once again, you’re special in that way.”

  “I don’t want to be special. I just want to be whole,” Zoe said in frustration.

  “I understand, but you need to calm down before you lose control of your powers again and blow us all to smithereens.”

  Zoe closed her eyes, inhaled and exhaled several deep breaths, and reached for her inner calm. Once she found her center and envisioned herself as one, not only did the power swirling in the room, cloak her like a shield, but she also became one… literally.

  “You did it, child. You didn’t need our help.”

  Zoe was so ecstatic to be one again, she jumped into Nicolai’s arms and kissed him for all she was worth. Lost in the kiss, she was startled when Fabio cleared his throat and said in a pleading voice laced with sarcasm, “Please tell me we’re interrupting something.”

  When Zoe turned to address her father, instead of the navy, women’s leggings he had wearing when they left for Paris, he was now sporting a horrific Elvis costume. Why can’t everyone just let the King rest in peace, she thought before saying, “Oh my. Don’t you look spiffy?”

  “You like. I can’t wait for Babalicious to see it,” Fabio replied with glee. “We like to play dress up from time-to-time. I guess that’s where Zelda gets it from. I just wish she had chosen a cheaper red cape. I mean really, Little Red Riding Hood doesn’t need a ten thousand dollar cape during nookie time.”

  “Oh my Goddess! Stop,” Zoe yelled as she covered her ears. “That is TMI and I’m sure even Roger ‘the porn” Rabbit would agree. What is wrong with you people? I’m positive this is not how a family is supposed to act.”

  Although Nicolai remained silent, the thoughts running through his head hadn’t. Guess we better hold off on her meeting Aunt Agnes and Uncle Dimitri right away or she’ll never agree to be my mate.

  “Who in the Hades are Aunt Agnes and Uncle Dimitri? More importantly, why didn’t your lips move? Please don’t tell me on top of being a Shifter slash warlock, you’re some type of ventriloquist,” she begged.

  “You heard that again?”

  “Of course. How could I not? I’m sure I wasn’t the only one in the room who heard it. Right, guys?”

  “Actually dear, you were the only one,” Aunt Hildy said softly in an effort not to spook Zoe any further. It had already been one helluva day for her niece, but she was handling it like a champ.

  “I think we need to talk in private, Zoe. There are a few things I need to explain,” Nicolai said.

  “Okay, we can go up to my room. I need to shower and change anyway.”

  Before they left the room, Aunt Hildy said, “Zoe keep in mind that the mating ritual is very, very, very pleasurable. Just saying!”

  Confused by her aunt’s comment, Zoe simply nodded and then headed for the stairs. Chuck had a smile on his face that could light up the sky. Fabio… well, Fabio just looked ridiculous in that stupid Elvis outfit he was wearing.

  Viola, on the other hand, looked worried for the baby who had grown into a beautiful young woman and stolen her heart.

  Hildy couldn’t stop the bittersweet thoughts running through her head. After this mission, she and Chuck would go on to their next ‘great adventure’. She would never see her nieces get married and have families of their own. Yet, knowing that Viola would be there for Zoe gave her some peace of mind.

  * * * * * *

  Nicolai was sitting on the bed when Zoe entered the room freshly showered and dressed in a tight pair of skinny jeans that cupped her ass and made her legs look long and sexy. The Antonio Melani collared tunic accentuated her breasts and made his mouth water. He had to hand it to Fabio, the man had excellent taste in clothes.

  “Come and sit down, sweetheart,” Nicolai said, brushing the spot beside him.

  Wearily, Zoe did as she was asked, sighing in relief when he took her hand and entwined their fingers together. How bad could this be? she thought.

  “That all depends on you,” he replied softly. “In the Shifter’s world, mates can hear one another’s thoughts. In truth, it’s another form of communication. Given that you and I are mates, it’s the reason you could hear my thoughts a few moments ago when we were downstairs.”

  “So let me get this straight, I can hear your thoughts and you can hear mine simply by the mere fact that we are mates. Are mates considered the equivalent of husband and wife without the marriage?”

  “I’d like to think of us being mates as much more than husband and wife. As for getting married, I leave that totally up to you. But make no mistake, we belong to one another... wedding or not. You’re my soul mate and I will love you until the day I take my last breath and beyond, if your Aunt Hildy and Chuck are any indication.”

  “Wait! Are you telling me that Aunt Hildy and Chuck are mates?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m telling you. How do you feel about that?”

  “Well, from what I accidentally witnessed downstairs, I think Aunt Hildy is one lucky lady,” Zoe said wiggling her eyebrows. “That also explains her comment.”

  “Oookaaay! That’s not quite what I was asking, but it’s a starting point. Let me rephrase my question. How do you feel about us being mates?”

  “Mm. Does it mean I can kiss those luscious lips of yours whenever I want?”

  “Most definitely.”

  “And I can run my fingers through your soft, silky hair.”


  “And we can… you know… anytime the mood strikes?”

  “Define, you know.”

  “You know. Have sex,” she whispered so only he could hear, which was funny given they were the only two people in the room.

  “Till your heart’s desire.”

  “Oh, goodie. What about babies?”

  “What about them? I wouldn’t mind having a few.”

  “Well, given I’m a witch and you’re part man, part putty cat… What would our children be like?”

  “They’d be very special. But not because you’re a witch and I’m part man, part putty cat, as you so eloquently put it. But because they’re ours.”

  Nicolai’s last comment melted all of Zoe’s reserve, which was the reason she climbed into his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck, softly kissed him on the forehead and both cheeks, as she whispered, “Count me in,” right before she took his mouth in a heated kiss that made every cell in her body buzz with pleasure.”

  Zoe nipped and suckled on Nicolai’s soft lips that tasted like vanilla and pure, unadulterated pleasure. When that wasn’t enough, she bit his lower lip and tugged, which elicited a possessive growl from him that sent tingles to her v-jay-jay.

  Goddess he is so hot, she thought, slowly plunging her tongue deep inside his mouth before pulling back in a teasing manner that made the cat… no panther… seek more. He tasted so sweet.

  Nicolai was about to lose his ever-loving mind. Unable to hold back any longer, he took control of the kiss and devoured Zoe’s mouth. Lowering his hands, he cupped her butt, stood, and laid them both down on the bed. When their lips met again, the kiss was hot, deep, passionate and full of something neither of them had felt before… love.

  When they came up for air, Nicolai continued trailing soft kisses down Zoe’s jaw and neck before suckling hard enough to leave a mark. Mine were the only thoughts running through his head. Did it make him an ass-wipe? Probably, but he didn’t care. The alpha in him wanted everyone to know the sexy woman beneath him was his.

  “Yours,” Zoe whispered in his ear. “Always yours.”


  “They better not be having sex up there,” Fabio fumed, pacing back and forth like a caged animal. “I swear, if they’re having sex and he hurts my baby girl, I’m going to… I’m… Well… I’ll…”

  “Oh for Goddess’s sake! You’ll do what Fabio? Spit it out, you douchebag,” Hildy exclaimed.

  “I’ll take away his catnip.”

  Everyone in the room burst into laughter… inclu
ding Fabio. “Being a parent is hell,” Fabio sighed in defeat as he flopped down on the sofa.

  “I’ve waited three decades for Zelda to call me dad, but it was totally worth the wait. While I’m still working on the fact she’s mated to a wolf, I discover I have another child… a twin to be exact and she’s… she’s magnificent. Now, I must come to terms with the fact she’s mated to a panther for Goddess’s sake. What’s wrong with a nice, normal warlock?”

  “Oh warlock, smarlock! I tell you what happened to all of the nice, normal warlocks,” Hildy said in air quotes. “They all turned into ass-wipes like Alaric and are trying to kill your girls. Why you would want that for my beautiful nieces is beyond me. They need men who are going to be loyal, faithful and not scheme to kill them.”

  “I agree with what she said,” Viola scribbled on her notepad and held it up for Fabio to read.

  “We’re not all bad guys. Look at me,” Fabio countered.

  “Let’s look at you, Fabio. You’re a reformed, tight wearing man-whore, who’s taking yoga because he wants to be flexible enough to his lick nads whenever possible. Granted, you and Baba Love have been out on a few dates, but is it really going anywhere?”

  “Yes. It. Is. You old hag. How dare you minimize what Carol and I have? It may have taken me a few centuries to find my one and only, but I have now and I’m not letting her go regardless of the fact she fights me every step of the way.”

  Hildy had never heard Fabio speak so fierce about a woman. Heck, back when his skirt chasing was at an all-time high during his man-whoring days, she was excited when he could remember the woman’s name.

  Point in case, he had slept with Cassandra slash Judith slash Sandy slash Isobelle or whatever in the Goddess’s name she was calling herself these days – aka Zelda and Zoe’s spawn of a mother – several times before he even knew her name.

  But in spite of all of her brother’s misgivings, it was obvious he had feelings for her best friend. Therefore, she pulled up her big girl panties, figuratively speaking, and did the only thing she could… apologize.


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