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Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season Book 1)

Page 11


  “Of course. There’s no one else whose company I prefer over yours. Don’t you wish to?”

  “I’d like to.”

  “Good.” He smiled. “Come on. I’ll help you with your clothes.” He pulled her to her feet and embraced her. “Oh, Lily,” he whispered, barely audibly. “What am I going to do when you leave me?”

  “The same thing you always do,” she said, her tone cynical. “You’ll find a replacement in no time.”

  “Don’t say that.” He brought his mouth down on hers.

  He kissed her violently, thrusting his tongue into her and taking her mouth in an angry passion. He dug his hands into her arms as he moved his mouth down her neck, kissing her and biting her, grabbing her shoulder and wrenching the dressing robe from her in one swift motion.


  “I want you, Lily, right now,” he growled. “Put your arms around me.”

  She obeyed. He lifted her, not gently, into his arms, as easily as one would a child, and shoved his cock into her.

  “Kiss me,” he commanded.

  She gasped from his thrust as his mouth crushed down on hers, taking and demanding. He pushed into her body again and again. Lily shivered and moaned, clinging to him as he drove into her mercilessly.

  “You mean something to me, Lily.” His voice came in grunts as he pumped into her. “Tell me you know that. Tell me.”

  “Yes, Daniel.” She trembled, nursing waves of bliss, clutching his heated body. He was being forceful. Violent, even. But she wanted him. Ached for the pleasure of his thrusts. Her breasts dripped with sweat as she crashed like a tidal wave into the depths of pleasure. She cried into his neck, her lips sliding against the saltiness of his dampened skin.

  Daniel drove into her with a final surge. His body shook as he pushed himself deep into her pussy. “God, Lily, you hold my cock so tightly. Oh. My. God!” He moved toward the bed and set her upon it as he released.

  * * *

  Several moments later, as his breathing returned to normal, Daniel had a sudden urge to drop to his knees and beg Lily’s forgiveness for taking her so roughly. Slowly he regained his sanity, and to his surprise, she was rubbing his back gently, quietly whispering comforting words. Eternally grateful that she wasn’t running as fast as she could away from the sight of him, he whispered, “Thank God.”

  “Thank God for what?” she asked softly.

  “That you’re not angry with me.” He blinked back a tear.

  “No, Daniel, I’m not angry. I suppose I should be, but I…” She inhaled sharply. “Well it’s no use denying it, is there? I enjoyed it.” She continued to caress him in soothing circles.

  “Please, tell me you’re not hurt.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “I could never forgive myself if…” His voice cracked.

  “It’s all right. I promise you it’s all right.”

  He moved away from her body. Red marks the size of his hands marred her perfect arms. How could he have been such a monster? The tear fell down his cheek.

  Lily smoothed it away and reached up to kiss him. “Tell me what this is about. What is troubling you?”

  How could he tell her when he didn’t know himself? His emotions were in turmoil. He couldn’t concentrate. He barely recognized the person he thought he was. All he thought about was Lily. She was consuming him like a blazing fire sweeping through a dry forest. He stood up, his legs barely able to support his weight. “I’m going to run you a quick bath,” he said. “I’ll call you when it’s ready.”

  In the bath chamber, he turned the faucet and placed his hands under the fall of water, letting its heaviness slide over his skin, cleanse away his guilt. Damn. It would take more than water. When the tub was full he called to Lily.

  He picked her up gently and set her in the tub.

  “Aren’t you going to get in with me?”

  He shook his head and proceeded to gently bathe her as though she were a delicate child.

  She held out her arms. “Come, Daniel. Please.”

  “You want me, after what I just did to you?”

  “Yes. Come bathe with me. It’s all right.”

  What had he ever done in his godforsaken life to be worthy of such tenderness? He joined her in the tub, sitting behind her and pulling her back against his chest. He caressed her smooth skin, relishing the intimacy with this extraordinary woman who had somehow squirmed her way into his ironclad heart. How was he going to let her go?

  “I don’t deserve this,” he said softly.

  “Nor do I,” she said, her voice filled with compassion. “But we may as well enjoy it while we can.” She turned to face him and kissed him warmly, granting him grace without condition.

  He had never felt so whole.

  Chapter 8

  Daniel and Lily dressed slowly, the tense air between them gradually returning to normal. They crept stealthily down to the second floor to Lily’s chamber. The hallway appeared deserted, and Daniel pulled Lily to him and kissed her.

  Lily returned the kiss and moaned softly. Daniel was enigma to her. She had found a chink in his armor this morning, and she wasn’t sure what to make of it. She broke away. “I do need to go to my chamber.”

  “I know.” He led her to her door. “I’ll see you this afternoon.” He kissed her temple.

  Suddenly the door to her chamber swung open, and Rose stood before them in her nightgown, her blond hair in a tumbling mass around her shoulders. “Lily, where in the devil have you—” Her gaze moved to Daniel standing behind Lily. “Your Grace, what in the world? Get out of here before someone sees you!” She grabbed Lily’s arm and yanked her into the chamber, shutting the door quickly and quietly. “You have some explaining to do.”

  “I guess I do.” Lily sat down on her bed. “I’m sorry if I worried you.”

  “You did. When you didn’t come back to the terrace last night, I had to make excuses to Mummy and Papa.”

  “What did you tell them?”

  “I told them you went to bed because you were feeling poorly, due to your…monthlies.”

  Lily giggled. “That was smart.”

  “Yes, I thought so. Neither Papa nor Thomas mentioned you again all evening. I kept Mummy at bay by pretending to check on you from time to time.”

  “Thank you, Rose. I’m sorry I put you in that position.”

  “Yes, you owe me. And I’ll start collecting right now. What the hell have you been doing?”

  Rose’s curse shocked Lily. Her sister never spoke like that.

  “And I want the whole sordid truth.”

  “I’m not sure where to start.”

  “At the beginning.” Rose sat down beside Lily. “If you expect my cooperation for the remainder of this house party, you owe me that much.”

  “Yes, you’re absolutely right.” Lily told her sister everything, happy to finally confide in someone. She began with the kiss on the side of the mansion and ended with her return to the chamber a few moments earlier, although she left out the details of their lovemaking. That was between Daniel and her, and she didn’t want to share it.

  “Oh, Lily, I admit that it sounds absolutely enchanting,” Rose breathed, closing her eyes, but then she opened them quickly. “But you’ve been compromised. You’re ruined. What are you going to do?”

  “We’ve been discreet, Rose. No one will know. And you know that I don’t give two figs about finding a husband anyway.”

  “I’m not sure you’ve been all that discreet,” Rose said. “The duke’s attention to you at dinner last evening was apparent to everyone, I’m afraid. And this morning, what was he thinking? He brought you back here in broad daylight.” Rose paused, her brow furrowed. “It’s almost as though he wanted to get caught.”

  “That’s ridiculous, Rose. He wants discretion as much as I do. If we were caught, Papa might force him to marry me, and believe me, that is the farthest thing from Dan…er, the duke’s mind.”

  “Are you certain about that?”
br />   “Yes, of course. I’m not such a complete ninny that I’ve forgotten what kind of a man he is.”

  “What about you? Do you having feelings for him?”

  Heat rose to Lily’s cheeks. “I…I believe I care for him.” Her voice cracked, and she steadied it. “I can’t help it. But that doesn’t change who he is. I know he’s been an utter scoundrel. But I enjoy his company, and he seems to enjoy mine. We have some common interests. I’m having fun, that’s all.”

  Rose’s gaze turned sorrowful. “Lily, I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “I won’t. Believe me, I know what I’m doing. I have no intention of marrying any time soon.” Lily stood and turned. “Unfasten me, will you? I want to put on a morning dress and continue with my painting from yesterday. What are you going to do this morning?”

  “I’m going to work on my Beethoven for a bit, I think. Are you going to be able to come along with Lord Evan and me on our ride this afternoon?” Rose finished unbuttoning Lily’s gown and untied her corset strings.

  “Yes, absolutely. In fact, Daniel asked me to go riding, and he suggested we all go together. Isn’t that a perfect solution? We’ll have built in chaperones.”

  “Daniel? And I suppose he’s using your Christian name as well?”

  “Yes, he asked me to, and I saw no reason not to allow it.”

  “And he’s taking you riding.”

  “Yes, of course. He asked me yesterday.”

  “Dear Lord,” Rose said. “I’m afraid he may be more serious about you than you think.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Lily said. “You and I both know his reputation.”

  “We shall see what we shall see.” Rose left it at that.

  * * *

  Lily finished her painting, pleased with the results. She headed back to the main house to return her art supplies to her chamber, after which she planned to browse in the library and choose a book to relax with for the rest of the morning. As she entered, a large brown crate and several white canvases sitting at the foot of her bed drew her focus. Her name was written in elegant script on a sheet of parchment sealed with the Lybrook crest. Her hands shaking, she opened the note and read it, admiring the masculine scrawl.


  I can’t wait to see what you create with these. Make Vermeer proud.



  She knelt beside the crate. The nails had been loosened so she could remove the top easily. She gasped. The box was filled with tubes of oil paints, brushes and other tools, a color mixing palette, and several jars of various spirits. At the bottom was a book about oil painting. She grabbed it and opened it. No need to visit the library now. This would be her reading material for the rest of the morning.

  “Oh, Daniel,” she whispered. “You’re so completely wonderful.”

  She closed her eyes and sighed. How could she show him her appreciation for this most thoughtful of gifts? She took the watercolor she had just finished out of her leather case. It had turned out beautifully. She had signed it with a simple “L” in script, and then the date, the way she signed all of her paintings. She removed the painting she had completed eight years prior. The “L” had a girlish curl to it, and the technique was “raw and untamed,” as Daniel had put it. Still, he had seemed charmed by the painting, and she wanted him to have it. She would give him both pieces. Perhaps he would remember their time together, and she would rest easier knowing that a little part of her stayed at Laurel Ridge when she left.

  But…was it appropriate for her to gift him with the paintings? In fact, was it appropriate for her to even accept his gift?

  She laughed aloud. Of course it wasn’t. But she had slept with him. That certainly hadn’t been appropriate. The oils beckoned her. She had to accept them. And she so wanted to give him her paintings.

  She picked up her journal, tore a page from it, and dipped a quill in ink to write a short note.


  Thank you so very much for the loveliest gift anyone has ever given me. Please keep these paintings to remember our time together. I will never forget you.


  Was that too personal? She tried again.


  I love the oils. Thank you so very much. Please accept these paintings as my gift to you.



  No, that wasn’t right either. She ripped another sheet out of her journal and began scratching the quill once more.


  Thank you for the lovely gift. I can’t wait to get started.


  That was better. Short and to the point, with no room for second guessing. She wouldn’t mention the watercolors, she would just attach the note to them. He could decide for himself what her gift to him meant. She delivered her gift discreetly to Daniel’s chamber, leaving it against the door, and then sneaked down to the first floor and walked outside into the beautiful April day. When she found a tree that suited her, she sat down beneath it and opened her new book.

  * * *

  Daniel found Lily sitting under a giant oak, absorbed in a book.

  “Good afternoon,” he said, smiling.

  Her body visibly tensed. “My goodness, you must stop sneaking up on me like that,” she said. “You’re liable to send me into conniptions.”

  Daniel laughed. “You were so engrossed, I doubt you would have noticed a cyclone. What are you reading?”

  Lily held it up for him. “It’s the book about oils that you gave me. I just love it, Daniel. I don’t know how to thank you for the gift.”

  She held her arm out to him and he sat down next to her. She looked around, and then gave him a moist kiss on the lips, setting his skin ablaze.

  “There is so much information here. I’m so excited.”

  Daniel stared at her, and for a moment he thought he would give his entire fortune to keep that unfeigned look of happy excitement in her glowing dark eyes. “I’m glad you like the paints, Lily.”

  “Oh, I do. They’re just perfect.”

  “Are you ready to go riding?” He played with her hand, entwining their fingers together.

  “Already? I haven’t had any lunch yet. What time is it?”

  “Two in the afternoon.”

  “Goodness, I must have forgotten to eat. That’s my downfall, you know. I get so involved in reading, or writing, or painting, that sometimes I’m oblivious to all else. I’ve missed many a meal in my day.”

  “I don’t have to worry about you getting plump on me, do I?” He winked at her. “Come on, let’s go to the kitchen. I’ll have one of the cooks make you a sandwich.”

  “Are you sure there’s time?”

  “Yes, Xavier and your sister are meeting us at the stables at half past. Come on.” He helped her up, crushing her body against his for a moment.

  Daniel took Lily to the kitchen for her sandwich and then waited in the foyer while she changed into her riding habit.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long.” She rushed down the stairs. “Now we’re running late, aren’t we?”

  “They’ll wait for us.”

  Lily took his offered arm and they walked to the stables. Rose stood in the distance with Lord Evan. She held a small black puppy, and several others panted at her feet.

  “Lily!” Rose cried, “look at what we found!”

  Lily broke from Daniel’s arm and started running toward Rose. A tiny brown puppy ran to Lily, whimpering to be held. She knelt down and picked up the dog, cuddling it to her face. “Rose, where did they come from?”

  “They were here when we got here. I wonder where their mother is?”

  Daniel reached them, relishing the joy on Lily’s face. “She’s behind the stables,” he said. “This particular bitch likes to nest there when she’s breeding. She won’t stay at the kennels. The pups are nearly weaned, so they come and go as they please.”

  Lily continued to hug the puppy, looking down at the others. “They’re all black and ye
llow, but this one is brown. She’s the color of milky chocolate. No, brandy. She’s the exact color of that brandy Papa favors, Rose.”

  “She’s the runt of the litter, Lily,” Daniel said, “and the only brown one.”

  “What kind of dogs are they?”

  “St. John’s dogs, from Newfoundland. My father started breeding them years ago. Her siblings will be excellent hunting dogs, but I’m afraid this one is just too small.”

  “Nonsense, she’s perfect.” Lily laughed as the puppy licked her nose. She set the puppy down and gave her bottom a shove back toward her brothers and sisters. The pup turned back around to Lily, reaching her small paws up and whimpering. Lily picked her up again. “My goodness, you certainly like attention, don’t you?” She giggled. “I just can’t put you down. You’re too precious!” She kissed the puppy’s head.

  “Lybrook,” Lord Evan said amiably, as Rose picked up one of the yellow pups, “I think we’ve been jilted. These two seem to prefer the company of tiny drooling four-legged creatures over us.”

  “Can we interest you in large four-legged creatures at least?” Daniel said. “I can’t promise you that they’ll drool, though they might snort a bit.”

  Lily and Rose laughed. “Yes, I suppose we came here to go riding didn’t we, Lily?” Rose said. “Lord Evan picked out a mare for me from the horses he brought. She’s absolutely beautiful. Which one are you going to ride?”

  “I haven’t the slightest idea, but His Grace did promise that I didn’t have to ride sidesaddle.” She smiled at Daniel.

  “I have a sister who doesn’t like to ride sidesaddle either, my lady,” Evan said. “She says it’s extremely uncomfortable.”

  “It is for me also, my lord, but wait until you see Rose ride,” Lily said. “She’s a natural.”

  “Are you?” He turned to Rose. “Then I’m looking forward to this ride all the more. Shall we see if Lionheart and Beatrice are saddled?” He held his arm to Rose.

  “Certainly, my lord. We’ll see you in a minute, Lily, Your Grace.”

  Lily turned to Daniel. “I’m not the rider Rose is. Pick a gentle one for me, will you?”


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