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Bite My Love Dark Creature

Page 18

by Fletcher, Penelope

  Groaning, I hug the pillow next to mine, inhaling Daniel’s lingering scent. “I need a shower.”

  Bouncing up, Lee darts to the wardrobe. She spins and strikes a pose beside a taupe garment cover hanging on the door. “This is yours. Like you I love jeans, but our men want their females in dresses.”

  She unzips the bag with a flourish.

  The gown is blue silk, the colour of dusk. It’s a single sheath of silky heaven, not a puff of voile, voluminous skirt, or a single modest bust line in sight.

  I do the girly thing. My hands fly to my cheeks, and my mouth drops. “That’s for me. Did you choose it?”

  Beaming, she shakes her head. “Nope. Dan did.” Lee smoothes her hands over her hips, as if drying sweaty palms. Why is she nervous? “Sometimes it irritates me how stuck in the past Ben is.” Leaning forward conspiratorially, she whispers this confession. Her eyes dart side to side as if worried Ben will step from the shadows wagging his finger. “Would it kill him to buy a modern computer? A plasma flat screen? An mp3 player?” She rolls her eyes. “I asked him if he had a laptop to check my email, and he showed me some dusty monitor slash tower combo running software from the nineties.” She looks scandalized. “The only game on there is Minesweeper.”

  “What about the internet?” My shoulders shake trying to hold back laughter. “Is it one of those screeching dial up modems?”

  “Internet?” She clutches her chest, traumatized. “There is no internet.”

  Howling, I roll onto my back.

  Shrugging, she stares at the wall dreamily. “That stuff used to mean everything to me, but now I’m like whatever.”

  I wipe the tears from under my eyes. “You don’t miss all the things you’ve given up?”

  “Of course, but I wouldn’t trade the last month for anything in the world. I don’t regret becoming what I am. Not just because of Ben, but because I feel like I belong here.” She pauses. Grins madly. “And my bank balance is unreal now. Turns out my gorgeous, motorcycle-riding, immortal boyfriend’s filthy rich.” She talks sotto voice around her palm. “And I mean roll around in bull shit rich. No more pot noodles of for me.”

  When I was Pack, I’d never experienced anything like that. If I was hungry food was brought. If I was too impatient I shifted into a wolf and hunted something down. “That was an issue for you before?”

  She nods sagely. “If I want to hire a live-in-chef to cook me whatever I want now, I totally have the means.” She studies me. “Do you want me to hire a live-in-chef? You’re a princess, so you must be used to that. Would that make you more comfortable here?”

  I wrinkle my nose. “No.”

  “Are you sure? It’s no problem.”

  “Lee,” I say softly, “do you want to hire a live-in-chef and tell our mates it’s for me?”

  She struggles to maintain her air of disinterest and nods shamefacedly. “Being that I can’t ingest much else but blood, and a few light liquids, Ben said it was an unnecessary extravagance. Usually he’s just being a troglodyte, but he had me on that one.”

  “He drives you crazy, doesn’t he?” I trawl a hand through my hair. “I swear, if Daniel pulls any more sexist crap I’m going to wolf out and slobber all over his shoes.”

  Lee giggles. “I know what you mean, but think of all the great stuff we get in return for putting up with a little chauvinism. Ben opens doors for me, and takes my hand to help me walk down the stairs. He makes sure I feed first, and that I’m covered with enough blankets when we rest for the day. My needs always come before his. Men like that aren’t born anymore. You get the occasional one, but most are too worried about surviving than wooing a girl. We’re lucky. All Brides are.”

  Rolling off the new queen-sized bed – the old four-poster had been beyond saving – I head towards the bathroom.

  I pause in the doorway. Sighing, I turn back to find Lee waiting. “Out with it then.”

  The edge of her fang pricks her bottom lip. “Dan told us you refuse to extend your life. I thought maybe if I spoke to you, you might change your mind. It’s not that bad. Really. When I turned it hurt like hell, but Daniel can’t turn you. Only I can do that, and I can’t turn anybody for another three hundred years.” She’s speaks in a breathless rush, as if afraid I’ll stop her. “Dan will drink from you then saturate your body with his blood every few years. You might experience bloodlust, but you’ll still be Lycan. Just with a few Vampire traits and, um….” She mumbles under her breath, something trivial about damning my soul for all eternity, working her toes into the rug.

  “Yeah, I know. He told me the logistics. I figure it’s too risky. I might end up a monster – the insane kind, not the sexy kind.”

  Her shoulders slump. “But how will he survive without you?”

  My hand falls to my stomach. I tap it gently. Sadness descends upon me at the thought of how Daniel would be without me, but I shake it off. “All I can do is love him. Our family will be enough to keep him going. It’ll have to be.”

  “I don’t mean to be morbid, but it’s such a short time to them.” She gives a small smile. “And me. Will you at least keep it on the table? Please.”

  “Okay, alright. Don’t look at me with those big eyes. Jesus, Lee. Quasimodo on the heart strings much?”

  She grins and grabs a paddle brush from the dressing table. Lee bounces on the spot. “Hurry up and shower. I’m dying to get my hands on your hair.”

  Grimacing, I take a quick shower, eager to get into my dress. Lee tackles my hair in record time, and I have to say it looks good. It’s simple, brushed beautifully, and braids are plaited around the crown. Très bohemian. She even does my make up. My eyes look huge and smoky, and my lips are a glossy pink. I forgo underwear and slip the dress over my head. It glides across my skin, moulding to the contours of my body.

  I smile when Lee rushes to the door, motioning with flurried, flitting movements for me to hurry. Excitement shines on her pretty features. She glides ahead of me, barefoot as always, her gown dragging carelessly over the stone floor.

  We climb a winding staircase at the end of the dark corridor, and come out of a wooden door onto the turret facing the sea.

  Lee hums appreciably. “I take it all back, I love it here.” She inhales deeply and smiles, flashing fang. “The view is much nicer than the train tracks you see from the bedroom window at my flat.”

  I hear music, and turn towards the sound, surprised the old school Vampires have a sound system installed on the roof.

  I squeal.

  Jumping, Lee follows my gaze. Recoils. “What is that thing?”

  “I–I– Is it alive?”

  “What the hell is that thing?” Lee looks stressed. “I’d Google it, but oh yes, I’m living in the dark ages.” Looking past me, her twisted snarl softens to a blissful curve of the lips.

  I jolt and blow out a startled breath.

  Creepy silent Vampires.

  The dark haired man standing beside me reaches for her. “It’s called a gramophone, love.”

  “Don’t even try to explain, Ben. We’re going online, tonight, and you will tell me where you hid your wallet.”

  On guard now, my nose catches the next Vampire to approach, and I turn to find Daniel sneaking up on me from behind.

  He grabs my waist and lifts me off my feet to twirl me around. I loop my arms around his neck, locking my legs around his back. My skirt accommodates the move perfectly. The thigh high splits let my knees peek through.

  “What’s all this?” I can’t help but devour his mouth in a heart-stopping kiss before he can answer.

  His tongue duels mine. ‘Wooing.’

  ‘Wooing?’ I nibble his lips. ‘I’m your Bride. You’ve dealt with my family, seen the worst, and best of me. You’ve claimed my body, heart, and soul. A few dates and trinkets are kind of unnecessary.’

  He breaks the kiss, scowling. “No, very necessary. Even Ben had the opportunity to woo Lee. He had days of watching her from afar. He even brought her to me
et the rest of us.”

  I pucker my lips, imagining how that would have gone down. “You were a perfect gentleman towards her, I’m sure.”

  He grunts, and that says it all.

  They’re all here.

  The Vampire Queen and her consort, Lee and Ben, are making calf eyes at each other like always. Simone and Adam the Auld One, otherwise known to me as the barbarian stand separate from the rest, studying us with mild amusement. Red curls fluttering in the wind, Iain, a Highlander with the sexiest burr I’ve ever heard, looks fetching in a dark green kilt and sporran. He’s sniffing fussily at the wine bottles, a look of pleasure blooming across his deceptively young face. Afzal paces in a corner, staring daggers at my mate. The crimson sash tied over his dress robes flutters in the breeze, and so does his raven-black hair. The shoulder-length locks obscure half of his darkly handsome face. Meeting him had been uncomfortable. I can’t blame the exotic-looking male for wanting to hurt Daniel. He’d inadvertently caused the destruction of Afzal’s Sire; a Vampire figurehead I’m learning is second only to a mate, or the reigning Child.

  Last night, Daniel tried explaining the loss of Anya as his maker was far worse than his loss of her as his lover. We didn’t get far with that conversation. Each time he mentioned her name I growled.

  I’m not jealous.

  I look at the candles, the food (all for me), the wine, the cut wildflowers, the piano, and the…. Oh my Christ. Piano. Am I hyperventilating? This is so cool. I might be having some kind of heart-attack-like episode.

  “It’s too much?” Daniel almost sounds shy. Before I answer, he charges ahead, eyes critically roaming the display. ‘No. It will never be enough. I will spend my nights courting you, bringing your body to heights of orgasmic bliss. I will make you happy for eternity.’

  Eternity? Isn’t that a bit of a tall order? We’re still at loggerheads about me drinking enough of his blood to extend my life. I have zero plans to be a crazy half Lycan, half Vampire monster.

  I’ll take the orgasmic bliss to go.

  Daniel tugs my arm, diverting my mission to reach the food, and strides us over to where Ben is having a heated discussion with Lee. “The only danger to your child would have been me,” Daniel interrupts. “And I have no plans or desires other than keeping my Bride safe and happy. The Lycans will leave us be for now. Harmony is pregnant too, and I wish there to be peace.”

  I blush hotly when six pairs of eyes snap to me. It’s quiet, suspiciously so. The silence turns into one of reflection.

  “Why are you all standing there staring at each other without talking.” I scowl. “You’d better not be gossiping mind to mind.”

  They shake themselves, but then one by one stare at my stomach.


  Beginning to feel like sideshow freak, and that’s saying something in the presence of blood and soul sucking immortals. “The baby will be okay, if that’s why you all look worried out. I feel warm all the time. Whole. Daniel told me you’re worried about Vampire babies being born with no soul after finding out about Lee. I know our babies will be fine. I just do.”

  Ben gives Lee a reassuring smile. “Harmony has a way with words.” He hugs her. “I’m here, and I’ll protect you, and our baby. Don’t worry about anything, promise, love?”

  Daniel nods sombrely at Lee. “We will all protect you.”

  “And me,” I chirp.

  My mate groans. “The word ‘all’ encompassed you to, she-wolf. Though you will be protected as well.”

  “It’s all good. I can take care of myself.”

  Dark brows lower, and his sapphire eyes become steely. “We shall take care of the both of you, no arguments.”

  “Why you pushy bastard.”

  Daniel sighs. “Your language is foul.”

  “Yeah, but you like it.”

  He looks perplexed. “Strangely, I do.”

  We all laugh and crowd in close, joined in happiness.

  Lee gives a little jump, some sudden thought coming into her head. “I feel like mine will be a boy.”

  Ben’s chest puffs up. “A son.”

  She touches his cheek, like me, seeing the Knight he used to be. A son would be good for his male pride. “I already have name.”

  Simone and Adam turn their heads in our direction, interested to hear what she’s chosen.

  “Dinnae keep us waiting, lass.” Iain’s eyes sparkle mischievously. In one hand, he has a decanter of bloodwine, and an empty crystal tumbler in the other, which he motions to her with. “Dinnae be shy. ‘Tis Iain, no?”

  Lee laughs, a pleasant tinkle. “Sorry, but no.”

  Her eyes flicker in memory, and search the rooftop. She smiles when she spots a brooding Afzal lurking in the shadows. He cocks his head in question.

  “Bastian,” she says softy.

  The big man makes a sad noise and hangs his head. When it lifts, his eyes are blood red. “Good choice.”

  “I agree.” Ben presses a kiss to her temple.

  Daniel has a horrid look on his face, as if he’s going to keel over after remembering he was the one who took Sebastian from his family.

  “We’re going to have a girl,” I declare, unable to think of anything else to say. “I want one.”

  At this, Daniel snaps out of it, and eyes me contemptuously. “Oh? May I name her since you get to decide the sex?”

  I say nothing, waiting as he pokes fun. I don’t care what he says to me as long as that heartbreaking look doesn’t come back.


  “Yeah.” I snort. “That’s so not happening.”

  Daniel looks crestfallen. He was being serious?

  “I was thinking something cool,” I continue. “Like Arwen for a girl, or Legolas if we do end up with a boy.”

  Now Daniel looks horrified.

  Iain cheers. “Wheesht! A fellow middle earth fan.”

  “You know it.”

  We bump fists.

  Lee snorts back laughter and turns her face into Ben’s chest, curling her hand into his shirt.

  “Look at the shiny, shiny.” I grab her hand and inspect the ring on her finger. “It should be illegal for emeralds to come in this size.” I eye Ben. “Who’d you rob?” Letting her hand fall I beam at them. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. I wasn’t bothered about getting married, but since we’re having a baby Ben made it sound wrong not to be.” Lee looks exasperated. “Laugh it up, but just wait until Dan drops the, ‘My son and heir will not be a bastard,’ speech whilst shoving a ring on your finger.”

  My hysterical laughter putters out when I catch the fevered gleam in Daniel’s gaze. I follow the direction of his eyes to my left hand.

  Freaked, I hide it behind my back.

  Smile. Back. Away. Warily.

  The distant baying of wolves swells over the hushed pockets of conversation. We turn from the turbulent sea, synchronized with the wind that rushes past, and stare into the forest.

  Haunting, the mournful howls erupt over the skeletal treetops that stab the dark sky – rising and falling in a harmonic crescendo.

  Mist snakes along the ground and lies thick in the field between Castle and the Lycan hunting grounds.

  Amber eyes can be seen twinkling through the shadowy tree line.

  “You can’t leave.” Daniel’s hands dig into my waist. “You’re mine now. It’s too late for Liam to change his mind.”

  Arms looping around his neck, reassurance, I press a kiss to his dimpled chin.

  He still looks uneasy. “Does it call to you – that old sense of belonging to a Pack?” He looks up. “You still have the moon.” He looks troubled. “Even that burns me. I worry we have little in common, and you won’t let me bond you to me with blood.”

  “Taking your blood to strengthen our relationship I something I won’t do. Our love will last if we work through our issues like normal people.” I clasp his head and peer closely at his skin to see if the moonlight is hurting him. My eyes meet his briefly
. “To be clear tying somebody up is not normal.”

  “I am aware.”

  “Just checking, sexy.”

  Sighing, Daniel pulls my hands from his forehead to his cheeks. “Moonlight is sunlight reflected off the lunar surface. The sun is bad for me, in case you forgot. The damage heals faster than my pain receptors can process.”

  Comforted, I relax, and lean on him. “So you don’t like it?” I glance up. “I love mother moon.”

  He rubs my hand on his cheek, plucks at my fingers. “The smell of moonlight on your skin is divine. I love that.”

  The call of the wolves becomes louder and more demanding. I tense. The summons penetrates down to my toes. Had I been part of the Pack dismissal of it would have been impossible, but disconnected as I am, it’s merely uncomfortable.

  Daniel sighs, feeling the restlessness growing inside me. “Harmony, will you do me the honour,” I hold my breath, eyes wide, “of beholding your wolf?”

  Flute of blood wine in hand, Iain strolls past chuckling.

  My lips twitch. “Will you play for me?”

  “The soonest.”

  I take his hand to lead the way.

  The Vampires do not hide their astonishment at Daniel approaching a piano in their presence.

  Lee squirms in her skin. She opens her mouth wide, missing my not-so-subtle head shaking. Grabbing her from behind, Ben clamps a hand over his Bride’s mouth. He winks at me. I slump with relief. Daniel is already skittish. Lee shrieking in enthusiasm would push him over the edge.

  I know the piano. It’s the one I was so taken with from the main hall inside Castle. It gleams seductively. The mahogany satin is attractive even to me, and I don’t have a musical bone in my body.

  Daniel is puzzled. ‘You are called Harmony.’

  ‘Yeah. That should tell you everything about how well my parents know me.’

  The piano’s back lid is propped open, and the long body is positioned towards the sea, setting the pianist back to the forest.

  I peer into the frame, intrigued by the insides, and stop by the padded stool. Excited, I wait for Daniel to do his thing.

  Lips pinching, he glowers at it.

  My fingers creep towards the keys, prancing like little legs. My forefinger makes a break for it and lands on a creamy tile. I apply the gentlest of pressure on the smooth surface, and it descends to sound a crisp ping that echoes pleasingly. Lips parting in pleasure, my tongue rubs the edge of my teeth. I let my other fingers scuttle over the keys. “How does it work?”


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