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Red Satin Lips, Book One (The Surrender Series)

Page 20

by Неизвестный

  At once, Lars and Gage were beside her as she turned to face the woman. They had barely said anything to each other since her arrival. “I just thought I should come thank your daughter for all this.”

  “There is no need to thank me, but if you feel generous, you could give us the man with the knives.” Tamara dared ask her, but from the evil grin she got, Tamara knew her next words were not going to be good.

  “Oh, but I can’t do that. You see if something should happen to me tonight, then he has my permission to well…” Her gaze ran up her body. “He does have a little itch.”

  Both Lars and Gage snarled, but that was nothing when her father’s shout filled the room. The music stopped and all eyes turned to them.

  “Enough! You were warned!” In a matter of seconds, Benita was gone. A dark coldness seemed to fill the room. Her father’s skin was now a dark red and tough like leather. A tail about six feet long swished around behind him when he faced them.

  “She will not be allowed to come back to Earth now. Once a part human is sent below, they are stuck there. Her little children are gone. No, they are not dead.” His words came out in a hiss. Baal cocked his head to the side and shut his eyes.

  “Benita scattered her children, you’ll never get them all. As far as the man, I never met him and I don’t really think she knew who he was either because I saw no vision of him.: Opening his eyes, Baal looked to Lars. “I entrust my daughter to you two and your families. T treat her as the princess she is.” Once more he held out his hand to her. “Will you dance once more with me before I leave?”

  Once again he was the man she knew. Taking his hand, Tamara curtsied before him. “I’d be honored to dance with you.” They turned to see Alton and Lars' father standing there.

  “You are a good man, Alton, and I’m sorry your wife was murdered, Benita will not bother your family again. This might not be a good time to mention it, but with it being Valentine’s Day.” He shrugged and pulled her onto the dance floor.

  “Your wife was not your Blood Mate. In your grief you do not sense that she and your other partner are in this very room.” Twirling her around, her father whisked her away from them before they could say a word.

  “Now that was not nice,” Tamara said and smiled at him. “Did you have to kill those people?” she asked, wishing it hadn’t been him.

  “My Little Princess, so innocent, even the Prince of Hell has someone to answer to and I can’t control what he decides to do. As you can’t control me, your father, I can’t control mine either, but we can try and protect those who mean something to us.”

  She frowned and titled her head to the side. “You protected us from him, didn’t you? This mark is not only your symbol, but guarantees that your father…” She sucked in her breath.

  “No!” she said as she stopped and shook her head. “He’ll hurt you.” Tamara rubbed the mark realizing that with every mark her father gave out, Baal suffered at the hands of his own father, the King of the Dark Realm.

  She shivered and looked down at her hands, but Baal wouldn’t have it. He hugged her tight. “Stop, it’s the way my life has to be. As yours is to be happy. In you, a few that I’ve marked I get to live. I tell you this, but I can’t allow you to inform others. If you try, the memory will vanish. You may speak to your men only.”

  Not caring that others watched, Tamara stepped in closer and hugged him tight because she knew he spoke the truth. “You have my promise.” She leaned back and looked up. “I couldn’t have sent you back, could I?”

  He grinned and shook his head. “We will never know, but not to worry, we’ll make it look like you did. I can’t have my flesh and blood look like she can’t handle herself. I’m proud of you Tamara, and always have been. Seek out the others with my mark. They will help you. They too know the truth. Now, say those words and send me home.” Baal went to step back, but she held him.

  “Will I ever see you again? Can I tell my children about their grandfather?”

  “Yes, but not for a long time. You’ll know what to explain to the children. Hurry, say your words, we don’t need my father here.” Baal moved to the middle of the room where Tamara met Bane, Storm and Denver.

  Each one of them circled him. The humans had been moved out of the room. It seemed when Brady had been sent away, the others like him had decided to leave too, but Tamara knew she would always need to watch her back for them.

  No words were needed, while Tamara and her siblings signed the spell. Energy cracked and sparks flew around them. Her father turned to his true form and Tamara swore his gaze was that of a proud father.

  Placing her hands by her sides, each vein opened up on each wrist. Four drops of blood floated into the air and flew at her father, landing on his face. Shocked, he staggered backward, almost making her want to stop, but she continued.

  With the last bit of strength Tamara had, she sent every ounce of power at her father. “I’m proud to be your daughter, daddy,” she whispered to him, opening the link he had given her.

  “Live life to the fullest and make sure to love those little ones inside you. I will be here if you need me. For the next two hundred years I cannot leave, but I’m not powerless if you need meee.”

  “You did it. He’s gone,” Lydia said with a smile next to her.

  All Tamara could do was smile and nod when her heart was heavy. She looked to Bane, Storm and Denver and at once Tamara knew they too had his mark. They bowed to her and she knew they would speak later.

  “Come, you need to fed again and rest for a little bit,” Lars said holding her tight. “I’m very proud of you.” His gaze met hers and she snuggled up to him.

  They had heard the conversion with her father. “Yes, we heard and it’s a shame he must suffer as he does, but we’ll make sure your father is included in all we do, if it helps him.” Lars carried her to their table and sat down with her in his lap.

  Pulling up a chair, Gage sat in front of them. “You know all this?” Gage waved to the room. “I think he did this for you, not her. Look at all you have done. The evening isn’t ruined, it’s just started and he personally made sure not one person was hurt. He did this for you, baby.”

  “I know, that is why it hurts so much,” She refused to ruin this night with tears, but damn if it wasn’t hard to keep them back. Just then the band started up and the head singer started to sing My Little Girl as candles lit the room.

  “Come dance with us.” Gage stood and they led her out on to the dance floor. No else danced, they all watched as she was sandwiched between her men, dancing to the song. There was no way to help it. Tears rolled down her face as she held onto Gage. Behind her Lars held onto her, kissing the side of her neck. They danced that way, holding onto each other till the end of the song where every single person stood and clapped.

  Her face grew warm and she rolled her eyes. “Why are they all clapping?”

  “They believe you got rid of Baal. That they can rest now,” her brother Bane said coming up to them. “Would the two of you mind if I dance with my pretty little sister?”

  “Baby, are you up to it?” Gage asked and she patted his arm.

  “I’m fine, but maybe you could get me a plate of food for after?” she asked, placing her hand into her brothers. An electrical charge tingled when they touched and she nodded.

  The music started to play and she laughed. “The Foxtrot? Show me what you got, big bro.” She moved away from him, dancing slowly to the music.

  He laughed as he caught up to her and moved her around the dance floor like a pro. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you more. Storm and I felt so bad we couldn’t tell you the truth.” Bane whispered to her between moves.

  “I know. I just wish we could stop the pain he has to suffer for us. It’s wrong, Bane.” She said.

  “It is, but it’s the only way he can be a little bit human, the one thing that will never happen. For the last six months he was with you I’ve never seen him so happy. Yes, he told us all about you and
also warned us about my mother. The only thing I didn’t agree with him on was keeping my mother alive. I wanted her dead, but to this day he won’t allow it. If he could have he would have saved your mom too, but my mom is crazy as you have seen.” The song ended and they made their way back to the table.

  “You’re going to have to watch out for that guy though,” he said this loud enough for Gage and Lars to hear and they both nodded.

  “We’ll be on the watch. Why don’t you grab, Denver and Storm and join us while she eats,” Lars asked, pulling out her chair.

  “No, we’re going to get going and allow you to enjoy the rest of the night in peace as our father wanted,” he said for their ears only kissing her cheek. “Have a good night, Princess.

  “Wait, I have one question? Why did I get the impression I’m the only woman he’s given his mark to? I know Storm has been marked.” She looked up to her brother and he looked to the side where Storm was standing.

  “That’s because I’m a man, Princess,” Storm said and leaned down and kissed her cheek before they both disappeared. She sat there staring at the empty space until Lars leaned over and tweaked her nose.

  “Close your mouth, Tamara.” Lars laughed. “I can’t believe you didn’t know this?”

  “And you did?” She spun around in her chair as he sat next to her and pushed her plate at her. “Eat, and yes I knew, both of us did.”

  For a few minutes Tamara just sat there eating and trying to remember. Even when Storm was with us, he had stayed back not saying much. “He was watching me, damn he was good.” She took the last bite of her potatoes and looked up to see both Gage and Lars smiling.

  “What?” She looked around and frowned as lounge chairs, blankets and other things were being moved into the middle of the dance floor. “Okay, what’s going on?” Tamara looked up to see Lars and Gage there in front of her.

  “It’s time we leave here, we have other plans. But as for this,” Lars stepped aside and motioned with his hand. “You know we are very sexual people What better way to end the night then with blood and sex.”

  She slowly stood. “You mean they’re going to have an orgy?” Her voice squeaked and they laughed.

  “Sort of, most couples stay to themselves. But sometimes others do join in. But you need to feed.” Gage started to open his shirt when Alton placed his hand on Gage.

  “Would you allow me to do the honors since you are whisking this lovely woman away from us tonight?” Lars’s grandfather looked into her eyes.. “Please allow me the last dance of the night, Lars. I have lots to apologize for.”

  “Does he know?” Tamara asked her father.

  “Yes, Alton will help bridge the gap, plus his blood mate is close to you so I can’t have him hating you.” The connection died before she could say anything more.

  She looked up at Lars. It would be his choice. “Go with him and then our night can begin.” Lars squeezed her ass cheek and nudged her forward.

  Alton’s arm came around her waist and he whisked her out onto the part of the dance floor that was still clear. The band started to play, Last Dance.

  “Very appropriate, this evening went too fast. You know you don’t have to do this?” Tamara looked up into his face.

  “Yes, I do. I have never been so wrong about someone as I have with you. I judged you before knowing all the facts and for that I’m truly sorry, my dear.” His shirt opened by itself. “Please fed from me and know I’m truly sorry, granddaughter.” He hugged her tight, waiting.

  This was one of the hardest things Tamara had done in a while. The only people she had ever fed from have been her men. Not giving any more thought, Tamara licked the skin before sinking her fangs into his skin.

  His hand came up and rested on the back of her neck. “I know who my Blood mate is.” He said to the top of her head.

  All thoughts of feeding stopped and Tamara tried to lift up, but Alton held her. “You are not done feeding. Relax, it’s not you, little one. You have enough to handle with the two you have.” He rubbed the back of her neck as she continued to feed.

  “Did you know that Gage and Lars have been together for over twenty years? That I have only come into contact with a few of Gage’s family? Well, it looks like Maxim and I have much to talk about tonight. Your friend Lydia should be prepared. She not only has Maxim to deal with, but me as well.”

  There was no way she could stop the smile from forming against his chest. Her friend had no idea what was in store for her.

  “So, you find this amusing?” he asked when Tamara sealed the holes and looked up at him.

  “Yes. You see, my friend is going to give you both such hell, it’s only right.” Tamara turned to go to her men, but glanced back at Alton. “But I’m afraid the both of you will have to find her first. You see, Lydia came to say goodbye a few hours ago. She told me it was time for her to go on one of her soul searching ventures.”

  “What? She’s gone?” His words were ones of disbelief and bewilderment. “Doesn’t she know of the danger still facing us?” Alton glared at her and at once Lars and Gage were there beside her.

  “Of course she knows, but right now Lydia considers Maxim more dangerous to her.” She turned and faced Alton as Maxim stepped up next to him. “You two are going to have to realize something. There is something deep that has driven Lydia. Not even I know what it is. All I know is every few months she leaves. She just disappears, saying she needs to do some soul searching. You have your hands full.” She looked up at Lars and smiled.

  “We have somewhere to go?” Tamara took his hand and Gages waiting for her surprise.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Tamara did not expect to be back at the pack house or cave, but that is where Lars and Gage had taken her. They stood outside the main room. Gage turned her to face him.

  “Tonight my brother will give us control of the pack. With this there is certain ceremony that will take place.” Gage said, but she could tell Lars was not too happy about it.

  The doors opened behind him. “You’ll be fine,” Gage whispered and stepped aside. Shocking was an understatement. Each man and woman were naked. They turned, opening a space that led to his brother Herick and his wife, Ana knelt at his side with her head down.

  “Come here Tamara,” Gage’s brother ordered. Something inside her urged her forward one step at a time. Her gaze never left Herick’s till she stepped on the small stage where she lowered her head and exposed her neck to him, showing him her submission.

  Built like Gage, Herick was impressive naked. His cock, hard as a rock, moved with him as he walked around her. “Tonight you will become the Alpha female of this pack, but before that we have a small situation to take care of.” He slid in behind her.

  Holding out his hand, Tamara watched his hand turn to a claw. “You and my wife decided to allow some of our females to place themselves in danger tonight. That should have been decided by the pack.”

  She stiffened her spine and started to turn. “Now just a minute, you agreed.”

  “Hush!” He slapped her ass and cut one of the straps to her dress. “Your idea had it’s merits and we didn’t have time to discuss this, but that doesn’t leave you two free from punishment. The pack must always come first.” With his other hand, Herick cut the other strap to her dress. He stepped around her and traced a finger down to her nipple, tracing it with his claw.

  “Strip, show the pack their new alpha bitch.” He stepped back, placing his hand on Ana’s head. “Don’t make us wait.”

  Her gaze dropped to Ana and she winked at her. Relaxing slightly, Tamara bent over and unhooked stocking and kicked off her fuck me pumps before slowly rolling down each stocking. Growls, pants and howls could be heard as she slowly lowered her stockings to the ground and stepped out of them.

  “Orlando, you get the privilege to hook Tamara up. Come, Ana, you will be beside her since you chose to ignore my concerns earlier,” Herick ordered as he attached a leash to her collar.

  Her g
aze jumped to Orlando and she moaned. The man was hung, huge. He smiled as he leaned over and attached a collar around her neck which attached to leash. “Follow me.” Orlando ordered and stepped down off the stage but not before placing a kiss on one of her breasts.

  She lowered her head. Those little touches were driving her nuts, heating her. Tamara knew the insides of her thighs were wet. As she walked behind Orlando enjoying the view of his tight ass, men all around her would sniff the air while they pumped their cocks.

  Once more the crowd parted and Tamara sucked in her breath. Chains hung down from the ceiling with handcuffs lined with fur attached. Grabbing her shoulders, Orlando placed her underneath a set of rings.

  “Give me your right hand, Tamara.” She hesitated slightly, earning a slap to her breast. “I won’t ask again.” His voice dropped an octave and Tamara thought she would die of embarrassment when more of her juices ran down her leg.

  Taking a deep breath, Orlando clamped the cuff on her wrist making sure it wasn’t too tight. He repeated the process with the other wrist, before kneeling in front of her. He placed his head on her thigh and took a deep breath.

  A snarl from across the room had her and Orlando jumping. “Separate your legs, more.” He was grinning like a fool as he placed the spreader bar between her legs and hooked it to the floor. “Your men are not too happy with me, but it’s well worth the beating they’ll give me.” He licked the side of her thigh before he was jerked backwards by Herick.

  “You have pushed past your allowed touches. For that you can go to ring one,” Herick ordered and pointed to a ring where Lars stood naked.

  She sucked in her breath at the sight of him. His red angry eyes met hers in a snarl that sent a shiver up her spine.

  “Each man and woman here will get two touches or a kiss, but for each infraction, they go over they will be placed in one of those rings. And before you ask, yes even the woman will go there. If you come…” Herick lifted up a flogger and sent it across her breast. “Ten strokes. You will beg for release before this punishment is over, but only they can ease you, Tamara.”


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