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Darcy's Adventures

Page 2

by Zoë Burton

  Darcy jumped a little at being addressed, as his attention was entirely on Miss Elizabeth. “Yes, we can, what an excellent idea, Bingley!”

  Being behind Mr Bingley, Mr Darcy was able to observe the onset of the encounter, including the look of absolute joy on Miss Bennet’s face and the quick change of her expression to one of sorrow. He was astounded. Miss Bingley had assured him that Miss Bennet had no feelings for her brother, but from what he had just seen, she most certainly did. Combined with the observations he had made of his friend this past week, he was certain he had made a grave error in any advice that separated the two.

  All thoughts of his friend and Miss Bennet flew out of his head though the second he realized that beside Miss Bennet was the witty and vivacious Miss Elizabeth. Darcy was awestruck with the beautiful vision she presented in a light purple gown that fit her like a glove. He surreptitiously examined her figure, his eye drawn to the perfectly colored lilac blossoms woven into her hair, before looking into her eyes. What he saw there both astonished and excited him, giving him hope that had previously not existed.

  Is that what I see when she looks at me? He thought. Could it truly be admiration? Darcy was overwhelmed, both by her presence and the emotion he saw. He left Hertfordshire for two main reasons: because he admired her, and because he felt she was not an acceptable choice for his wife. There were other reasons, of course. For one thing she defended his greatest enemy, George Wickham, with vigor. He was unsure of her feelings for the blackguard. It pained him to think she thought more highly of his adversary than she did of himself, because it did appear she did not think well of him last fall. She brought up her new acquaintance with the man during their one dance together, defending him most vigorously and probing insistently into Darcy’s own character. She said things that made him think she believed whatever story Wickham told, and that she held Darcy responsible for the man’s situation.

  In truth, she had no reason to think well of him then. His behaviour, he had come to realize, was less than gentlemanly. In the quiet of his sitting room, as he relaxed before bed, he remembered his time in Meryton and was able to examine his actions in retrospect. He recalled the things he said to Miss Bingley when he first met Miss Elizabeth, about her not being a beauty. He implied to his friends that he thought less of her for walking three miles along dirty lanes and fields to tend to her ill sister. He sat with her for thirty minutes, never speaking a word, on her last day at Netherfield, because he was afraid of raising her expectations. Worst of all, upon the occasion of his first opportunity to be introduced to her, he insulted her within her hearing. That embarrassed him the most. He had been raised to be better than that. Weeks of reflection showed him he did not deserve her good opinion, because he gave offense to her at every turn.

  Despite this knowledge, the intervening time had only increased his feelings toward her. Seeing the look she gave him tonight, and knowing her generous nature, he began to hope her opinion of him had changed. Realizing that all along he had wanted a courtship with this wonderful woman, he had begun to question his reasons for not asking for one.

  Her family’s behaviour was definitely not that of refined Society. Her younger sisters and mother were loud, brash, and unchecked. Her father was indolent, mocking, and sarcastic. He would rather sit along the wall at the Netherfield ball and laugh at his daughters’ behaviour than take the trouble to correct them, and when he did finally make an effort with his middle daughter, it was very badly done. However, if Miss Elizabeth were to accept him, he would be marrying her, not her relations. The knowledge that Pemberley was days away from Longbourn, and visits from the Bennets to the Darcy estate would be few and far between, negated even more of that argument.

  Another problem was her dowry, which was very little. However, Darcy was a very wealthy man. In the five years since his father’s passing, he had greatly increased his yearly income. Unlike his father and other of that generation, Darcy saw the future in the boundless proliferation of manufacturing and machines, and had chosen to invest in carefully scrutinized inventions and businesses. Every quarter saw an increase. With his income, and the potential for exponentially more, lack of a dowry was no stumbling block to a union with Miss Elizabeth.

  Then there was the lady herself. Besides her appeal physically, she was intelligent. She was well-read and not afraid to argue her position on any number of issues. She challenged him, which no other woman of his acquaintance had ever done that he could recall. She never fawned over him. He was doubly glad of this, for he hated that above all else. She was always graceful and polite; even when Miss Bingley insulted her, Miss Elizabeth answered with grace and forbearance. She could play the pianoforte and sing, and he had watched as she expertly embroidered handkerchiefs and other items. Her manners and accomplishments were not lacking. She would be an excellent wife in all ways.

  All these thoughts flew through Darcy’s head as he bowed and greeted each member of her party. He was surprised to learn the fashionable couple accompanying the Misses Bennet was their relatives from Gracechurch Street. He had not thought poorly about tradesmen in general, although while at Netherfield, Miss Bingley attempted to keep the party entertained with speculation about this pair in particular. Darcy was happy to see they were graceful, elegant people. From the conversation he was witnessing, they also seemed to be well-informed. Certainly there was nothing to be ashamed of there. This felt to him like another nail in the coffin of his arguments against a union with the most fascinating lady he had ever met.

  While Darcy was greeting her party and ruminating on her, Elizabeth’s thoughts were equally full of him. She had forgotten how tall he was, and how handsome. He was very solemn as he greeted the party, yet his eyes almost caressed her, softening just the smallest bit when he looked upon her. He was gracious in his greeting to her aunt and uncle. That was a relief, though as she thought on it, Mr Bingley’s fortune was made in trade and the two were good friends. She had no real reason to think he would not have been kind and welcoming other than what Miss Bingley said many months ago. But was it truly fair to judge him by the same standard when he was not the person to espouse such notions? He was even kind to Sir William, and she knew that man sorely tried Mr Darcy’s nerves.

  Elizabeth’s heart beat faster than normal to be so near to him. Still, she must not let herself get carried away. He likely never saw her as more than an acquaintance, and she knew now that he was not the monster Mr Wickham made him out to be. She also recognized he had singled her out as a dance partner, and yet there were still the harsh words that she was not handsome the first time they met. She had no reason to suppose he had changed his opinion. She must guard her heart, but oh, how she wished she did not have to do so! She turned her attention back to the conversation that continued around her.

  “Mr Bingley,” Jane began, having made a decision just moments before to speak with him. “Did your intended not come with you?” She wanted to hear from his own lips about Miss Darcy so she could put her heartache behind her and move on with her life. This sort of behaviour was entirely too bold for her usually, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

  Mr Bingley looked confused, and his next words betrayed that feeling. “My intended? I am not engaged. I am not even courting anyone. Why would you think I was?”

  “Oh, I am sorry, sir. In her letter, Miss Bingley seemed quite certain you and Miss Darcy would soon announce an understanding.” Jane’s heart was beating so fast she was sure everyone could hear it.

  “My sister told you this?” Bingley looked at Mr Hurst, who shook his head. “Why am I not surprised? My sister was wrong, Miss Bennet. Miss Darcy is not yet sixteen, and has not even had her coming out. She is much too young for me. My eye is drawn to a more mature woman to court, if she will have me.”

  Jane saw Mr Bingley’s intense look and blushed. “I am sure all you need do is ask, and she would accept you.”

  “I certainly hope so, Miss Bennet. May I escort you to Darcy’s
box?” Holding out his arm to Jane, he saw his sister join them with a look of dismay on her face. His glare told her that he had something to discuss with her later.

  Caroline Bingley was not happy to see the Bennets cozying up to her brother and Mr Darcy. She could tell by the look on Charles’ face that one of them related something to him that she had said. She mentally squirmed. He did control her dowry and her pin money, and he had been known in the past to curtail her spending when he did not like her behaviour. He was much like their father that way. She was not looking forward to the conversation they would have later. However, she had been able to persuade him to her way of thinking in the past, so perhaps she could this time, as well.

  Caroline turned to Mr Darcy, expecting him to offer his arm to escort her as they made their way to his box. She was surprised to see he had already offered it to Miss Elizabeth. Caroline was furious. She hated Eliza Bennet, because Eliza took Mr Darcy’s attention away from her. How was she to become Mrs Darcy when other ladies drew him away? She examined Elizabeth with a critical eye. Her gown, while it fit well, was at least a year out of style. The lilac color was not one Caroline favored, and so she wrinkled her nose at it. Really, she thought, the girl has no taste. Then there were those ridiculous flowers in her hair. Did she not know that feathers were in style? What kind of blooms were they, anyway? She sniffed, raising her nose as she put her hand on Hurst’s other arm and began walking toward the stairs.

  As the party began walking up the stairs, Darcy leaned down to the lady on his arm. “Miss Elizabeth, how have you been?”

  She smiled up at him, “Well, Mr Darcy. Yourself?”

  “I have been well for the most part. Only a little lonely.”

  She looked at him with surprise evident on her face. “Lonely, sir? How is that possible?”

  Darcy turned that intense look at her once more. “Yes, lonely. I have missed the company of a certain charming young lady who likes to challenge me at every turn.”

  Elizabeth’s heart stopped for a moment before thumping loudly once again. She swallowed, almost afraid to hear the response to her question, “And who would this charming young lady be?”

  She had not thought it possible, but his eyes became even more intense as he answered, “You, Miss Elizabeth.” He paused as she gasped. “How long will you be in town? I should like to call on you, if I may.”

  “Oh, Mr Darcy, I would like that very much, but we are to leave in the morning for Kent. We are visiting my friend Charlotte and her new husband, my cousin Mr Collins, for a few weeks.”

  Darcy’s disappointment was clear. However, all was not lost. As he recalled, her cousin Collins was rector for his aunt, Lady Catherine. As Easter was coming soon, he would be going to Kent himself before long. They could spend time together there, and perhaps leave as an engaged couple.

  “Miss Elizabeth,” he spoke quickly, as they were approaching his box, and opportunity for private conversation would be limited. “I had thought to wait to ask you this, but in light of your trip tomorrow, I will ask now. Would you agree to a courtship with me? I know it is unusual to do so after so short an acquaintance as ours, but with you leaving in the morning, I will have no opportunity to call on you while you are here with your family. I will be in Kent soon as well, visiting my aunt, and if we are courting it will be easier for us to spend time together. I have for months thought of you as the handsomest woman of my acquaintance, and I very much admire your spirit and intelligence. I should like us to get to know each other better; I assure you that my intentions are honourable.”

  Elizabeth was so astonished, shocked even, and delighted, that at first she could not think. This was a dream come true! Her eyes filled up with tears that she prayed would not overflow. “Yes, Mr Darcy, I would like that very much. Thank you.” Her response was heartfelt.

  For Darcy, seeing the shock and joy in her eyes was the answer to his every hope to this point. Her happiness was plain to see, and he responded by allowing her to see his own. “Thank you, Miss Elizabeth. You have made me a very happy man.” He squeezed her hand as he entered the box. He helped her to sit, then quietly asked Mr Gardiner for a word in the hall.

  When the two men came back in, her uncle squeezed Elizabeth’s shoulder before moving to sit next to his wife. She looked at him, a question in her eyes, and he leaned over to whisper the news to her.

  Darcy took the seat beside Miss Elizabeth. He leaned close and whispered, “Your uncle gave his permission, but I still must ask your father. I am due to come to Rosings in two weeks. We can court there, but it must be done quietly, as my aunt will be opposed. She has wanted me to marry my cousin Anne for years, but neither Anne nor I have desired it.”

  Elizabeth nodded. From what she had gathered of Lady Catherine’s personality from her cousin, she was not surprised that Darcy was hesitant to openly call on her in a place where his aunt had so much influence.

  “You are aware of my fondness for walks?” She watched Darcy nod. “Are there places at Hunsford where I may continue that practice?”

  Darcy grinned at her. Of course, his wise and wonderful Elizabeth would think of a perfect way to spend time together without his overbearing aunt knowing. “Indeed there are. We could meet on one of the paths in the mornings, and I will visit as often as I can at the parsonage.”

  Elizabeth smiled back as the play began. She wished she could share her joy with the entire theater, but without her father’s sanction on the courtship, that was not yet possible. She did her best to focus on the actors on the stage. Her hands were on the bench on either side of her, under the edges of her skirt. Soon, however, she felt her right hand covered by the large warm one of the man beside her as Darcy moved his over hers. She turned hers over and their hands clasped together. They stayed that way the entire evening, each silently enjoying the contact. Frequently, their eyes strayed from the production to each other.

  Just before the end, Elizabeth covertly pulled some of the lilacs out of her hair and pressed them into his hand. His eyes thanked her as he carefully put them in his waistcoat pocket. He knew flowers had meanings, but was not familiar with the particulars of this one. He planned to remedy that deficiency in his education that night, before he went to bed. Soon, he would go to visit Mr Bennet and gain his permission. The next two weeks could not go by fast enough to suit Mr Darcy!

  That evening, Darcy made a trip to his library to look for a book that would tell him the meanings of flowers. While not as extensive as the one at Pemberley, the library at Darcy House was large, filled with books on almost any topic one could want. Consulting the catalog his father had commissioned, Darcy made note of two or three volumes that might contain the information he needed. Pulling the first one off the shelf, he quickly leafed through it, finding, to his delight, that it was exactly the book he needed. Sitting down on a sofa with the book in hand, Darcy read with delight the meaning behind lilacs.

  Purple lilacs stand for the first emotions of love, he thought, grinning. She loves me!

  Darcy did not know how he was to sleep tonight with this new insight. The knowledge that Miss Elizabeth shared his affection left him too full of excitement. He was free now to indulge and express his own sentiments. His future appeared brighter than it had before. It seemed as though all of his dreams since his time at Netherfield were coming true.

  Few of the residents of the Bingley townhouse a few streets over expected to sleep anytime soon. No sooner had the family arrived home than Mr Bingley, who had remained silent the entire ride home from the theatre, with his eyes fixed on the darkness of the window, had demanded a family conference in the drawing room. Once there, he made it clear to his sisters that he was aware of the deceptions played upon Miss Bennet and him. Caroline and Louisa stammered and sputtered, trying to explain themselves, but he was having none of it.

  “What were you thinking?” Bingley paced angrily in front of the sofa on which his siblings sat. “Not only did you lie to me, you lied to one of the sweetest
ladies I have ever met! She offered you her friendship, asking nothing in return, and you lied to her and cut off the friendship. You have treated her abominably! If I had not spoken to her this evening, and did not know without a shadow of a doubt that she cares for me, I would be afraid that she would not have me. Why did you do it?” Bingley stopped and glared at them while he awaited their explanation.

  Caroline spoke up, “We saved you from an imprudent connection, Charles. I fail to see what the problem here is. She is beneath you…”

  “Enough!” roared Bingley, his countenance red with his rage. “In case you had not noticed before, she is a gentleman’s daughter. You are not, nor am I a gentleman’s son. Marriage to her would be a step up for me.”

  Louisa spoke next, “But her family…”

  “Are wonderful people. They are exuberant, yes, but I would not be marrying her family. And before you say anything else,” he held up his hand as Caroline and Louisa opened their mouths to speak, “I do intend to marry her if she will have me. I am angrier with you about your treatment of Miss Bennet than your treatment of your own brother, but I am also hurt that you would use deception to separate me from someone I love. Sisters who cared would not do such a thing.”

  At this they had the grace to look away in shame, though that did not stop them from trying again.

  “Really, Charles…” began Caroline just as Louisa began to say, “But…”

  At this point, Mr Hurst stepped in. “That will be all Louisa.” He stood up to look at his gaping wife, who was not used to her husband saying much of anything to her that was not related to his meals, his sport, or his port. “I have not the authority to stop Caroline, but I do over you. It was wrong of you to lie, and you know it. The time has come for you to stop allowing your sister to sway you into doing and saying things you should not. Or, perhaps more accurately, it is time I stopped allowing you. You will apologize to your brother and to Miss Bennet the next time you see her. Do you understand?”


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