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Leap of Faith: A Sports Romance (Love of the Game Book 3)

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by McClendon, Shayne

  Leap of Faith

  Just go with it.

  Shayne McClendon

  Leap of Faith by Shayne McClendon

  Original Copyright © 2014 Shayne McClendon

  Updated Edition: March 31, 2016

  Published by Always the Good Girl LLC

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Also by Shayne McClendon

  The Barter System – Book 1

  Hudson – Book 2

  Pushing the Envelope – Book 3

  Backstage – Book 4

  Liberation – Book 5

  Radiance – Book 6

  Yes to Everything

  Love of the Game – The Complete Collection

  Completely Wrecked

  The Hermit

  Break Down Here

  Roadside Assistance


  For every reader who starts one of my books, can’t put it down, reviews me, or tells a friend…

  Thank you.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen



  Love of the Game – The Complete Collection

  About Shayne Mcclendon


  It was the last play of their season and the final touchdown of Tucker Irvin’s career.

  Putting him back on the field as the starting quarterback hadn’t been enough to take them to the Super Bowl, but he’d managed to save the last few games from the over-confident rookie.

  The young man for whom team management had unceremoniously benched him to promote. The powers-that-be finally tired of their shiny new toy – drafted for a ridiculous sum out of Oklahoma State – after ten back-to-back losses. They put Tuck in for the six games leading up to playoffs.

  His offensive line knew him well after years of working together. When he rejoined them on the field, they celebrated with utter brutality. Sportscasters would be talking about those six wins and his teammates for a long time.

  During the last huddle, they unanimously determined that he had to carry the ball over the line. As Tuck crossed into the end zone, he felt at peace. He was certain that his decision to retire was the right one despite his devotion to his team and the sport.

  Yeah, his knees felt like they were made of pudding and his shoulder wouldn’t handle lifting anything heavier than a pencil right now, but it had been worth every ice pack and cortisone shot to go out on top.

  He spiked the ball and ran for the stands to make his last Lambo Leap…the best one in all his twenty years on the field.

  Powering up on nothing but adrenaline, Tucker cleared the side and was groped, hugged, and kissed by the people who’d meant so much to his career. They screamed his name.

  A woman was directly beneath his facemask.

  She stared at him with huge golden eyes shining from a heart-shaped face. Wrapped in enough clothes to qualify her as the Michelin man, he watched two beads of sweat drop from his body and land on a tiny patch of bare skin at her throat.

  He smiled and shouted over the noise, “Give me your name!”

  “Sasha.” Nothing else.

  “Last name?”

  “Fowler.” Definitely not happy to admit it.

  “Sasha Fowler?” She nodded and he raked a gloved hand down the side of her body and lightly squeezed her butt. “Meet me outside the locker room after the game. Nice to meet you.”

  Minutes later, they shook hands with the Giants’ players and many said a few words about his career, his leadership, and his last game as they passed.

  He gave a couple of post-game interviews despite the fact that he could feel the sweat freezing on his hair in the sub-zero wind chill. The questions ranged from what he was going to do now after retirement to how he felt about the fact that they hadn’t made it to the playoffs.

  Tuck laughed. “Even though it wasn’t enough in the end, I feel good. We turned the season around. I have to thank my line for that. They kept me on my feet tonight; didn’t let a single damn sack complete, and blocked me for the best touchdown of my career.”

  Running a towel over his head, he gave the female sportscaster a winning smile. “As for what I’m going to do now? I don’t have the full plan yet, but I know that for the next few weeks I’m going to relax and take a step back. Take my time deciding on the rest of my life. I hope it’s as fulfilling as the first half has been.”

  Several members of the offensive line hauled him off the field to the sound of fans chanting his name. These guys had been part of his inner circle for more than ten years; one had started the same year he did. They’d stuck with the Packers throughout their career despite bad seasons, lackluster coaching, and poor management decisions.

  Tucker wondered when Grady Teutonico would make the choice to retire.

  “Dude, you looking to get pneumonia to kick off your retirement? We aren’t one of those spoiled Florida teams. A couple words and get the hell inside to dry off.”

  “You’re right, Dad.”

  Grady punched him in the arm and Tuck thanked god it wasn’t his throwing arm because he might have cried like a little girl. The big man didn’t understand pulling his punches.

  His bright white smile faded in the cocoa of his skin. “Don’t have a fucking clue what I’m gonna do without you here. I got nothing else.”

  “You’re so full of shit, Grady. What happened to your dream of coaching? You’re one of the best offensive linemen in the league. Any team will snap you up and you can stop getting beat the fuck up every season.”

  He nodded and pulled his dreads behind his head and secured them there. “We’ll see. I pretty much fucked up my personal life so football is it.”

  A messy and highly publicized divorce three years before had ended with Grady in rehab and his kids in foster care after his ex-wife took her life. She left a note blaming him and it took another court battle to regain custody of his kids from her sister.

  He hadn’t been the same since and Tucker didn’t remember the last time he’d seen his best friend genuinely happy. He locked their forearms and pulled him close.

  “Take some time off. Hang with me while I muddle through – bring the kids. Get your fucking feet under you.”

  Grady nodded. “I’ll think about it when I get back from seeing my folks. Thanks, man.”

  The two of them were suddenly bathed in champagne by the entire team. They laughed and roughhoused with the younger guys before they hit the showers.

  The doctor checked him out afterward with a huge smile. He’d started as an intern during Tuck’s fourth season. That year, he’d injured his shoulder and for a while, everyone thought it would be the end of his playing career.

  “You survived, Tuck.”

  “In no small part because of your help, Doc. Thanks.” The emotions were getting to him. After a quick hug, he hurried to his locker.

  Dressing in a dark gray Brooks Brothers suit w
ith a green tie that matched his eyes, Tuck pulled on the Rolex he bought himself for his twentieth high school reunion. As he exited the locker room, coaches and support staff stopped him.

  Almost two hours after the end of the game, he walked down the hall toward the parking lot. Once he left the stadium, he’d be officially retired. It was permanent. He couldn’t keep putting his body through hell day after day and expect to live with any quality of life by the time he hit sixty.

  In a couple of days, he’d come back to clean out his locker or he’d ask one of the assistants to box it up and ship it to him. No way was Tuck risking coming back until the temptation to keep playing was gone.

  It’s time to see what life after football is really like.

  The exit to staff parking was mobbed so he signed autographs and posed for photos. He waved goodbye to the fans, the best in the league in his opinion, and headed in the direction of his Hummer.

  He realized that he’d scanned their faces for Sasha Fowler but she hadn’t shown. He was strangely disappointed. Her eyes were gorgeous and there’d been something familiar about her for some reason.

  Climbing into the driver’s seat, Tuck contemplated hanging out with the rest of the team for a few hours and getting into some trouble. It was still early.

  He just wasn’t in the mood. Instead of driving in the direction of the bar district the team frequented, he went the other way toward the highway.

  As the anti-environmental vehicle he’d received as part of an endorsement deal idled at the light, he glanced over at the side road that lead to the fan parking lot.

  A Lexus SUV was parked on the shoulder under the bright lights. The driver was jacking the vehicle up with a tiny flashlight between their teeth. The person crouched and started loosening the lug nuts. Apparently unable to remove one, the driver stood on the T-bar, jumping up and down but making no progress.

  Tuck went through the light and made a U-turn. He parked behind the Lexus, pulled on thick leather gloves, and grabbed his heavy jacket.

  Green Bay weather was no joke. The wind was howling and the temperature would drop another twenty degrees by morning.

  Approaching the back of the vehicle, he said loudly, “May I be of some assistance?”

  The driver screamed, their supporting hand slipped off the side of the SUV, and the person fell. He jumped forward to catch the smaller figure.

  Wrapped in a hat, scarf, and heavy jacket, it was hard to determine gender…until he saw the eyes.

  “Well, well…Sasha Fowler.”

  Chapter One

  “Oh lord, you already groped me once tonight, let me up. Shit.” Chuckling, Tuck set her on her feet. “I’ve got this. Continue on your merry way, please.” She climbed back on the iron bar and used renewed energy to get the last lug nut to loosen.

  Tuck watched her with a grin for a moment before he stepped forward, lifted her to the ground by her waist, and grabbed the T-bar in both hands. Putting his power behind it, he got it to turn, and dropped the metal to tug the wheel away.

  He set the spare into position, reattached the lug nuts, and reversed the jack. As the car lowered, it was obvious to both of them that the spare tire was also flat.

  As he watched, Sasha stomped several feet away in the snow and gave the most ferocious blood-curdling scream he’d ever heard.

  It was impressive actually.

  She clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and took out her cell phone. It was obvious that she was on the phone with the rental company’s roadside assistance service.

  “Yes, I called earlier. It’s been changed but the spare is no good.” There was a pause. “Because you said no one could come out for three hours. I’m in Green Bay, ma’am. It’s below freezing. I can’t wait three hours. Please…please send someone to tow the car. No, I don’t know the area, I’ve never been here.”

  She listened for almost a minute, rubbing her temple. “Listen, can you help me?” Another pause. “Yes, I realize the roads are icy…I’m sure you’re getting lots of calls.” She sighed. “I understand.”

  Sasha glanced at Tuck and clenched her jaw. “No, ma’am. I don’t know anyone here.” He had to grin. The person on the other end rambled for almost a minute and Miss Fowler’s patience was running out. “It’s after midnight and I’m stranded because of the rental I got from your company. Is there someone else I can call?”

  Tuck watched her pat her pockets as if looking for something. She walked unsteadily back to the driver’s door, opened it, and reached into the console. Strangely, she removed a small bottle of orange juice. She twisted off the cap, tilted it back, and realized it was frozen solid.

  As he watched, her eyes went wide and something that resembled panic crossed her face.

  Opening the back driver’s side door, she yanked a computer bag closer and rummaged through an outside pocket. Her hands shook badly as she removed two packets of honey and tried to open one. She dropped the honey and her phone before hitting her knees in the snow.

  Tuck crouched worriedly in front of her. “What is it?”

  She whispered, “Diabetic…please…I need sugar.”

  He ripped the first packet of honey open and held it between her lips, squeezing the liquid on her tongue. Before she could say anything, he repeated the process with the second packet.

  Not caring if he pissed her off, he picked her up and carried her to his truck. He dropped her rather roughly on the passenger seat. The Hummer was still running and warm.

  Walking back to her rental, he threw the tire and iron in the rear. Scanning the interior, he gathered her luggage and purse, found her phone on the ice, and loaded everything in his backseat.

  Slipping into the driver’s seat, he called stadium security.

  “Hey, Gary, it’s Tucker. I need a favor.”

  He explained the problem, asked them to tow the rental inside the gates, and told them where he hid the keys. Assured the stadium employees would secure the SUV, he turned around on the road and headed toward the nearest hospital.

  Twenty minutes later, he parked and grabbed her purse before carrying her through the front doors of the emergency room.

  The nurse at the desk glanced up in surprise. “Aren’t you…?”

  “Yes, I am. This is Sasha Fowler. She’s diabetic and her blood sugar hit bottom. She’s had two packets of honey and lost consciousness about four minutes ago.”

  There was a flurry of activity as another nurse rushed out of the triage area. He followed her to a room and placed Sasha on the bed. He stood out of the way while they started an IV and took her vitals. His relief was palpable when she came around with a groan a few minutes later.

  Leaning over the bed, he gave her a smile. “Hey there, how you feeling?”

  * * *

  Looking up into the face of Tuck Irvin, Sasha sighed in frustration.

  Nothing about this trip had gone as planned and she was exhausted just thinking about the hours of questions her father would ask and the list of should haves he would give her.

  “I’m your new agent, Mr. Irvin.” His green eyes widened in surprise. “My dad is Collin Fowler. He’s retiring at the end of the year. I’m supposed to take over your representation. I’m sorry to meet you under such bizarre conditions.”

  “Well, shit.” Tucker laughed and held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Sasha. I think under the circumstances, you can call me Tuck. I can’t believe Collie’s retiring. He’s been my agent since I was drafted a hundred years ago.”

  “Maybe not a hundred…” She smiled and he took the subtle compliment with class.

  “I’ve met your brothers several times but never had the pleasure of meeting you. Allow me to apologize for my earlier behavior.” He shrugged and she witnessed the boyish charm that made so many women fall willingly under his spell.

  “I just returned after several years in England.” She chose her words carefully but she could tell by his face that she hadn’t been careful enough.

  “I di
dn’t recognize you. You’re Sasha Baxter…you married the rugby player.”

  “No, I’m Sasha Fowler. Peter and I have been divorced for over a year and separated for three before that. It was kept quiet.”

  “I’m sorry. Again. Fuck me.”

  Tucker was obviously replaying the media footage of Collie’s only daughter in his mind. Unfortunately, there had been far too much of it for far too long.

  “I considered it. No need to apologize.” The meaning of what she said hit him after a slight delay and he grinned. “Don’t look so smug. I’ve been celibate for a long damn time.” She winked at him. “I’m thirty-four and way too old for you.”

  A look of confusion crossed his face. “I’ll be forty-one this year.”

  “Yes, I’m aware. Your ladyloves are typically fifteen years younger than you and often more.” Disregarding his presence, she sat up and motioned to a passing nurse. “I’d like to be discharged. I’ll schedule an appointment with my endocrinologist in the morning.”

  The nurse opened her mouth to argue and Sasha held up her hand.

  “I’ve had diabetes all my life. I know the risks and why I had an attack - I travelled all day, I missed eating, and dealing with the stress of breaking down and the extreme cold. I’m fine now. Please let the doctor on call know I’d like to be released. I’ll sign whatever you need me to.”

  She gave the woman a huge smile and the nurse backed out of the room. Being careful of the IV, she swung her legs over the side and rubbed her temples.

  “What happened with Peter? You guys seemed so, I don’t know…perfect.”

  “Nosy much?” Tuck had the good manners to look embarrassed but Sasha just couldn’t find it in her to care what anyone thought about her. “I caught him in bed with a supermodel ten years younger than me a month after my miscarriage. That took all the romance right out of things.” She knew her laugh was filled with the bitterness she’d tried so hard to let go.

  “Jesus. I’m sorry.”

  She shrugged. “I suspected for months. The second he found out I was pregnant he was…how shall I put this delicately…not inclined to come near me?” Standing as the ER doctor entered the room, it was instantly clear that he planned to argue her decision.


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