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Leap of Faith: A Sports Romance (Love of the Game Book 3)

Page 4

by McClendon, Shayne

“You’ve come out of three high-profile relationships and don’t even wear earrings. Your style is professional, not enticing. You’re beautiful and extremely intelligent, yet you’re doing a job you wouldn’t have chosen for yourself.” He shrugged. “I’m curious about what you would have chosen.”

  There was a long pause as she decided what to admit. “I paint.”

  Tucker grinned. “I can see you doing that. What do you paint?”

  “Everything and anything. I’ve always done it, since I was little.” Sasha looked at her hands folded in her lap. “I don’t wear jewelry because I forget about it when I paint. Since I paint a lot, I simply haven’t gotten in the habit of jewelry.”

  Glancing up at him, she added quietly, “You read me so well considering we’ve only known one another for five minutes.”

  Tuck leaned toward her over the secluded table they’d requested. “We’ve spent almost fifteen hours together, learning one another very well, Sasha. I’m an open book since I’ve lived in the public eye for twenty years.”

  He grimaced. “Not that all of that press was good but I’m used to it. You’ve only been in the media’s crosshairs during highly publicized relationships where you try to remain unknown. When they end, you disappear off the grid.”

  She didn’t know how to reply to the strangely respectful and insightful man sitting in front of her. He’d always been a good-time man. Life was a party and he had an endless supply of pretty young starlets to be his plus one.

  “Why are you so curious about me, Tucker?”

  Sitting back, a strange expression crossed his face. “I have no idea. You know, I’ve lived a shallow, self-absorbed life. Sure, I give to charity until it hurts, but that’s because someone told me at the beginning it would be great for my image. I’ve spent half my life in a bubble, Sasha; focused on winning games and having a good time. I guess I’m wondering what to do with myself now.”

  “Your life doesn’t have to change. You have more time to party now.”

  “Ouch. That stung a little.” He stared at her and she could see him making the connections she was gently providing him. “You’ll never have anything to do with me long-term. Will you, Sasha?” She shook her head slowly. “Fuck. So honest.”

  “You’re a wicked temptation, Tucker. Good looking, charming, and incredible in bed.” He smiled and she returned it. “If you want to hook up whenever you’re in California, I wouldn’t be able to resist. Honestly.”

  “I sense a but coming.”

  “You aren’t the right man for me. When you earn your living playing a game, it’s hard to see the big picture the rest of the world deals with. It’s hard to grow up when every wish is fulfilled and every woman is willing.”

  She sat back and folded her hands on her crossed legs. “Though I understand why men remain perpetual Peter Pans, I’m tired of playing to it, making excuses for it, and being hurt by it. I don’t belong in a world of excess and parties. Really, I never did and I hated every time my stupid choices landed me there.”

  “What if I could prove I didn’t want that life anymore?”

  “Tuck, suddenly you don’t want today what you wanted yesterday? I must give better blowjobs than I thought.” He sucked air sharply through his teeth and she grinned. “You’re experiencing sexual afterglow. It’ll wear off.”

  “I think you’re wrong.”

  Changing the subject, Sasha got back on a business track. He paid the check and guided her from the restaurant a few minutes later.

  Tuck was her primary reason to be in Green Bay so he took her from meeting to meeting, arranging his local endorsement deals and charity appearances. The reporters followed them.

  The gossip magazines would overflow with stories of their “relationship” the next day. Their faces would be plastered everywhere.

  In the end, it would be yet another famous athlete she was linked to in the press and she would still go home alone.

  Around five o’clock, he stopped to pick up a bag of Italian food, stopped at the drug store, and drove back to her hotel. After dropping the keys in the valet’s hand with another tip, he entered the lobby with the bag in one hand, hers in his other.

  Approaching the front desk, he requested to speak to the night manager.

  The moment the man appeared, he blushed red, and looked around for reporters. One was skulking behind the column at the end of the desk. Tucker leaned one elbow on the granite surface.

  “I see you remember us. You are the single most unprofessional employee I’ve ever seen. You work in a hotel, where many people…not just myself and Miss Fowler…expect you to conduct yourself with a sense of decorum, to respect our privacy, and not make salacious comments to the press about things you don’t fucking know.”

  “Sir, your language…”

  Tucker stood to his full height and gave the man a stare that had shaken seasoned football players for two decades. “I wasn’t done. You will lose your job and likely not find work in another hotel. I can see you’re just waiting to give your next statement without an ounce of shame. My attorney will be in touch so I suggest you choose your words carefully.”

  He turned and guided Sasha to the elevators. She didn’t speak but smiled as they rode up together and entered the room.

  Inside, he placed their food on the table, pulled her to him, and backed her against the wall. While he stole her sanity with his kiss, he undressed them and rolled on a condom. Tucker followed her down to the bed and she sighed as he entered her in one thrust.

  Their cell phones rang sometimes but they ignored them.

  Tuck fucked her for a long time before he made her eat and gave her a chance to catch her breath. They showered together again and she thought he would leave, but he didn’t.

  Over the next couple of hours, he took her on every surface and in every position until she was wiped out mentally, physically, and emotionally. He tucked them into bed and she passed out. At four in the morning, he made love to her again, slow and easy.

  It was so beautiful she felt like crying…but she didn’t.

  When he fell back to sleep with his arm and leg thrown over her, she watched him sleep. It was impossible to ignore how beautiful he was.

  Life was never simple.

  Years ago, she’d given up on finding the kind of happiness he made her want. She wished she were the type who could stay with Tuck despite her fears about history repeating itself. That she wouldn’t freak out when he wasn’t with her, wondering who was keeping him company.

  Everything she’d told him was true. He was tempting and she worried she might have grown attached to him already. How it was possible in such a short time, Sasha wasn’t sure.

  She knew she had to nip it in the bud before it got worse.

  * * *

  The sun shone through the window the next morning. Tuck opened his eyes and found himself alone in bed. He could still smell Sasha on his skin, as well as the combined scents of their last time. It was highly erotic and not something he was used to.

  There was a note on the pillow beside him.

  Tuck…I didn’t want to disturb you. You know, that’s not the whole truth. I hope, when you examine our time together, you’ll find it was as wonderful as I do and understand why this is all it can be.

  “Thank you for coming to my rescue. I’d also like to thank you for being magnificent in bed. I’ve never felt so good in my life. You are a leader among men in many areas, it seems.

  “I wish you all the best in your retirement. You’ve had an outstanding career and your body has earned a break. I’m going to have someone else assigned as your agent. I’m experiencing momentary weakness watching you sleep so I’m heading home today to remove the temptation of coming back to you.

  Goodbye, Tuck.


  Tuck read the note then got out of bed, taking in the hotel room. All evidence of Sasha was gone. He was floored. A woman like Sasha didn’t run.

  For the first time, Tuck found himself alon
e the morning after…and it hadn’t been his choice. He showered, dressed, and headed downstairs.

  When the valet brought his Hummer, he asked about Sasha.

  “She left before dawn, sir. We had a car pick her up in the parking garage. She…looked upset, Mr. Irvin.” Tuck nodded and gave the man another huge tip. “You don’t have to tip me, sir. I won’t say a word to anyone. You can count on me.”

  Tucker took the young man in more fully. There was no doubt he worked hard and had respect for others. His nametag said David. He was well groomed and articulate. “You happy with your job here? At the hotel I mean?”

  David smiled with a small shrug. “It’s alright. I don’t mind it.”

  “How would you like to work with my personal assistant? It wouldn’t be glamorous and you’d still have to hustle.”

  His dark brown eyes lit up. “I’d be honored.”

  “Excellent. I have a good feeling about you. My assistant has been begging for someone who can help her out.” He withdrew a business card and wrote Christy’s contact email on the back. “I’ll let her know to expect your call in the next few days.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Irvin.”

  With a nod, he slid into his SUV and pulled away from the hotel with a wave. By the time he was halfway to his estate, he had to grin. Sasha forgot one important thing about him. The one thing that set him apart as a quarterback for so many years.

  Tuck never fucking quit.

  If he wanted something, he went after it hard until he had it. Though this was the first time in his life that drive had applied to a woman, he wasn’t going to question it.

  He would go on the offense, drive after drive, until her defense fell apart.

  Chapter Six

  Arriving at her beach house in California later that afternoon, Sasha found it stocked as she’d instructed. She made herself a protein shake and went to shower.

  She needed to give herself a little pep talk. Leaving Tucker at the hotel had been harder than she would have imagined and she hated how vulnerable she felt. She didn’t handle vulnerable well.

  He had a much stronger effect on her than she cared to think about.

  “You’re an idiot, Sasha. The man is famous for his sexual escapades. How do you think it would have ended if you hadn’t left?”

  Talking to herself as she stripped, she stared at her view of the Pacific. Climbing under the hot spray from multiple jets, she stood there for a long time, letting the hard streams massage the soreness and tension from her body.

  The soreness was the result of hours upon hours of porn level sex with a body that was unused to the activity. The tension came from leaving Tucker in Green Bay.

  With a sigh, she performed her usual rituals before drying off and crashing in her bed naked. She needed a nap and hoped she’d actually be able to slow her thoughts down to make it possible.

  Surprisingly, she fell asleep quickly.

  Hours later, she put on yoga clothes and headed out on her deck. She almost dropped her phone when a text came in from Tuck.

  “Not cute, Sasha. I’ll be in California in a few days. Plan on seeing me.”

  She didn’t respond since she had no clue how to respond to that. Curling up in a padded chair, she stared at the ocean, lost in thought. The thought of what he could do to her heart scared her to death. There was no denying the pleasure she felt about seeing him again. Every cell in her body focused so intently on him she could almost feel his touch.

  Sasha shook herself into the moment with a mental slap.

  “Oh my god…you did not fall for that man in less than two days! No way. You’d be an idiot to do that!” Realizing she was talking aloud when she was the only one around made her feel worse. “The cats are coming. You keep this shit up and you’ll be old and bitter with a houseful of cats. You need to snap the fuck out of it.”

  She went to work out and pushed herself harder than usual. Looking at her body in the mirrored wall, she sighed. She wasn’t as tight as she used to be.

  The treadmill, elliptical, Pilates, and yoga…none of them worked as well as they once had. It was going to come down to a personal trainer. Mix things up and see if she’d get better results.

  After she rinsed in the shower, she dressed in loose cotton sleep pants, a tank top, and pulled her hair into a wild bun on top of her head. Her studio was off her bedroom, a sun-filled room with three walls of windows that faced the beach.

  “What are you doing? I’m bored. Thinking about our time together.”

  Before she could question her need to interact with him, she replied.

  “Just worked out and I’m going to go paint. Don’t torture me.”

  A minute later, her phone buzzed again.

  “Torture? Here I was thinking you enjoyed yourself. My ego is shattered…LOL.”

  Grinning, she sat in a thickly padded chair near the window.

  “Don’t fish for compliments…they jump in the boat. Why don’t you go out?”

  The tone of his next text startled her.

  “YOU are not HERE to go out with, Sasha. I can’t believe you didn’t say goodbye.”

  “Tuck, you don’t have to put up with boredom or loneliness…you have people, baby! Like H&R Block. I hate goodbyes.”

  “You called me baby…in a text. Does that mean we’re going steady?”

  The man was diabolical. He knew that wasn’t how she meant it.

  “Going steady? Um…I don’t know if people do that anymore.” Thinking for a moment, she added, “We’re friends with benefits, I guess.”

  “Sasha, I don’t want people. I want YOU. I don’t want to be your friend with benefits.”

  She frowned at her phone screen. Of course he wanted a friend with benefits! All men wanted a damn friend with benefits.

  How was she having this conversation…via text no less?

  “Tuck, I don’t know what that means. You barely know me.”

  Tucker was not done shocking her.

  “I want to spend next weekend with you. Send me your address.”

  The weekend…in four days? Was he insane? She had no defenses against him yet.

  “That is a horrible idea, Tuck.”

  To have him in her house, at the beach, able to touch him in warm weather. Holy shit that sounded good.

  He called her on her shit.

  “Don’t be a chicken. Send me your address.”

  “Tuck, you are being unreasonable. Honestly…bad idea.”

  She ignored the sweat gathering on her back and under her arms. The moisture between her legs wasn’t sweat.

  “It’s a great idea and you know it. I NEED to touch you. You NEED me to touch you. Send. Me. Your. Address.”

  When she didn’t reply immediately, he sent another message.

  “Think about every moment we were together in Green Bay and send me your fucking address.”

  She did it. The moment Sasha hit ‘send’ she about had a panic attack.

  “You won’t regret it. I’ll see you in a few days.”

  Sasha knew she would regret it. Another taste of him would only make it worse in the end.

  Still, the chance to see him…to touch him…to have his body on her again? She’d deal with the pain after. The memories would have to be worth it.

  Standing at the window, Sasha hugged her waist with her arms. For a long time, she just stood there thinking. She knew she couldn’t get away from the subject her hands itched to sketch. Mentally kicking herself, she pulled out a wide blank canvas that wasn’t very tall. Setting it up on the easel, she grabbed her charcoals and let her hands move where they wanted to go.

  In the middle of the night, she stepped back and stared at the fruition of labor.

  The bottom of the canvas was the mattress. It was Tuck as he’d looked when she left the bed. A sleeping Greek god unaware that she was sneaking away like a coward.

  It was the best human subject piece she’d done in years. Her anger and embarrassment after her divorce leaked in
to her work. The pieces she painted since then were dark and turbulent.

  This one filled her with peace. Though it might end up being short-lived peace, she decided to take it, to hold it to her, and enjoy it.

  Releasing a deep breath, she stood and went to make herself a snack. After she cleaned up the kitchen, she climbed naked between cool sheets and listened to the ocean outside her window.

  At four in the morning, she woke in the midst of climax with her hand between her legs. She cursed her subconscious and struggled to find sleep again.

  She gave up before dawn and walked into her office to catch up on any correspondence she’d missed. There was an email from her father asking when she planned to return to work. She’d forwarded the contracts and other documents on Tuck’s behalf; He wanted to know why she didn’t bring them herself.

  The only response she could give him without lying was that she wanted and needed time off. When he tried calling, she ignored it and went to shower.

  She turned off the jets and heard the doorbell ring. Quickly wrapping a robe around her wet body, she ran through the house to answer it. The plate glass windows along the front showed a Towncar leaving the driveway.

  Tuck stood staring at her. He wore cotton cargo pants, a t-shirt, sunglasses, and sneakers. He was holding a small duffle bag.

  Oh my sweet lord…he is so fucking beautiful.

  Sasha moved in a daze to the front door and unlocked it with a million questions on her lips. She didn’t get a chance to ask a single one.

  Chapter Seven

  Tuck lifted her, slammed and locked the door, and dropped his bag on the floor of her foyer.

  Putting her against the nearest wall, he kissed her so possessively, she felt physically marked by it. Claimed as his so completely that she knew this was going to be the man who would ultimately shred her heart.

  To hell with it.

  Her arms locked around him and she slid her fingers through his hair. Their foreheads touched as he took several deep breaths.

  “Fuck, you smell good. I couldn’t wait. Knowing where you were kept me up all night. Knowing I could kiss you, touch you…if I got on a fucking plane.” He kissed her again and moved her higher on the wall so she could wrap her legs around his waist.


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