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Leap of Faith: A Sports Romance (Love of the Game Book 3)

Page 6

by McClendon, Shayne

  “Jesus, CJ…that one stung.”

  “You know it’s true. Assigning you to Benson and Jakofski at the start of their careers assured him they’d stick with us when they shot up in earning potential. As for Peter, well, that was Aaron and Dad looking to settle him down. I didn’t like it then and I like it less now.”

  He stroked her hair back from her face. “You’ve given enough. You’re a private, talented woman with plenty of resources to do what you want. Don’t waste any more time.”

  Sasha’s eyes filled with tears and she knew how fortunate she was to have him in her life.

  “As for Tucker, he’s a good man at the end of his career. I know what you’re worried about. Only time will tell, but most men do grow up eventually.” He glanced away for a moment before meeting her eyes again. His voice was cautious when he asked, “Did Lana ever tell you I cheated on her?”

  Sasha’s mouth dropped open. “No, CJ…not you.”

  He nodded and looked out the window. “Yeah…me. I was so fucking full of myself. Ten years into our marriage and bored with being a husband and dad. I was a man among men and all that bullshit. I bought into my own publicity and nearly lost the best part of who I was.”

  One big hand rubbed across the back of his neck. “She forgave me but it took her years to trust me again. It was a long time before I could make love to her without knowing she cried silently the moment that she thought I was asleep. I hated myself. I’ve never screwed up again.”

  “I never even knew you guys had a rough patch.”

  He nodded. “She swore me to secrecy. It was a condition of her taking me back – that no one could ever know that she hadn’t been enough. I took my beautiful, brilliant wife and turned her into a woman filled with self-doubt about her looks and her sexuality.”

  Nothing could have shocked her more than seeing tears slide down CJ’s face. “I’m fifty now. I look back on those couple of months as the most shame-filled of my life. To this day, every so often, I see her think about it and know it still hurts her.” His eyes, so like her own, closed briefly. “I did that to the only woman I have ever loved.”

  Reaching out, he cupped the side of her face. “Love is a leap of faith, Sasha. You step out with no guarantees, no safety net, and no backup plan. You do your best and hope the other person does, too. It wouldn’t surprise me if the first time you really fell in love, it hit you like a freight train. I say run with it.”

  Sasha hugged him fiercely. “I don’t think you could possibly know how much I love you, CJ. Will you be mad if I leave the company?”

  “Nope…but the staff will. We torture the shit out of them when you aren’t here.” He grinned and stroked her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “I’ll let you get back to work. I’ve missed you being close. Lana and the brats ask about you constantly.”

  “How is everyone?”

  “Joel just finished his residency so we’ll start seeing him again. Erin intends to come on board as one of our lawyers. I told her she is insane and to talk to you first. I can’t wait to tell them you’re back. Are you staying at the beach house?” Sasha nodded. “Good, we’ll make plans.”

  After one more hug, he was gone.

  She returned to work and an hour later Aaron burst through the door. “Sassafras! How you doing? Dad should be back in a couple of hours. I need to eat, wanna grab food with me?”

  A quick glance at her watch reminded her she needed to eat. She picked up her bag with a nod. They took the elevator down with Aaron rambling about one of his clients. Once they left the building, they walked a block to her favorite Irish bar and restaurant.

  She settled into the booth across from Aaron and tried to decide what meal would suit her current mood. Suddenly, someone scooted in to sit beside her. Glancing up, she met Peter’s eyes briefly and glared at her brother across the table.

  “I will never forgive you for this, Aaron. You had no right.” His eyes widened but he didn’t say anything. Looking at her ex-husband, she hissed, “Let me out of this booth right now.”

  Peter shook his head and leaned closer. His thick cockney accent flavored his words. Once upon a time, she’d found it charming. “Love, we need to talk. You made your point. Stop being difficult.” She tried to shove him out so she could leave but he didn’t budge.

  “I’m not letting you leave…I said we need to talk.”

  Chapter Nine

  Aaron used his voice meant to calm her down. “Sasha, he just wanted to talk to you for a minute. Can’t you sit still and talk for just a minute? Come on now, be reasonable.” He reached across for her hand and Sasha snatched it from him. “Sasha, don’t be mad.”

  His calm down voice had exactly the opposite effect on her.

  Glancing around the restaurant, she spotted Ben behind the bar and called his name. The mountain of a man approached the table and smiled at Sasha.

  “How ye doin’, lass? Haven’t seen ye in here in a good long while.”

  Ben was six-seven with long dark red hair and a trimmed beard. His gray eyes were always merry. His gentle giant demeanor was at odds with the numerous tattoos that weren’t concealed by his snug black t-shirt.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’d like to get out of this booth, Ben. Right now, please.”

  Ben glanced between the two men and smiled dangerously. “Aaron, ye helpin’ a man keep yer sister where she don’ care ta be?” He gave her brother a tsk tsk. “Gents, we can go easy ‘bout this or we can go hard.” He shrugged as if he didn’t care what they chose. “Either way, ye’re lettin’ Miss Sasha out or I’ll be makin’ ye let her out.”

  Peter sneered and pointed his finger at the big man. “This is no business of yours, boy.”

  Ben grabbed the hand and twisted, tugging gently but continually until Peter had no choice but to follow where his stressed hand was being led.

  Her ex-husband yelled, “Do you know who the fuck I am?”

  “Aye, I know who ye are. Don’ much care, boyo. When a lady says she don’ wanna be sittin’ and talkin’, ye move yer arse out the goddamn way!” He easily held Peter away as Sasha scrambled from the booth.

  “Thank you, Ben. I’m sorry for the trouble.”

  He shook Peter by the neck. “No trouble at’all, lass. Ye come next time an’ I’ll have the girls make yer favorite, yeah?”

  Picking up her bag, Sasha nodded and left the bar at a fast pace. She was just outside when Aaron caught up to her.

  “Sasha! Why are you being so fucking crazy?”

  Whirling on her brother, she shoved him with both hands in the center of his chest. “You have no idea what you’re talking about as usual, Aaron. When are you going to grow up?”

  She turned to go and Peter stood there, rubbing his wrist.

  “Leave me alone, Peter. You weren’t this concerned when I left.”

  “I’m not leavin’, Sasha. You belong to me. No one else is gonna touch you.”

  “Ah. I see. It’s about wanting to piss all over what you consider your territory. It’s none of your business, Peter. We’re divorced, damn it. You fucking cheated on me for the umpteenth time, in our bed, a month after my miscarriage.” She shook her head. “What should I think about you? I can’t stand you. Leave me alone.”

  She went to move past him and he grabbed her arm, gripping painfully hard as he tried to kiss her.

  “Aaron, do something, Christ!” She couldn’t get any distance between them.

  “Peter, let her go. Come on, you need to cool down. You can’t manhandle my sister, dude.” He grabbed Peter’s shoulder and the back of the other man’s fist came up to crack him full force in the temple. Aaron dropped like a stone.

  Sasha was shaken so hard that her teeth clacked together as Peter yelled in her face. “You are mine. No one leaves me! It was humiliatin’ and now you’re fuckin’ somebody else? I don’t think so, darlin’ wife.”

  He had her wedged between his body and the concrete wall, his mouth over hers, trying to press hi
s tongue between her lips. He forced her mouth open while he ground his pelvis into hers.

  Fury unlike anything she’d never known boiled up inside her. She kneed him in the dick as hard she could and he yelped as he wrapped a hand around her throat.

  “You’re gonna fuckin’ learn.”

  The pain at the back of her scalp was awful but she would fight until she passed out. Bringing up one hand, she reached between his legs to grip his balls. With no hesitation, she tightened her fist and twisted. Part of her relished his scream.

  “Take your hands off me, Peter.”

  Instead, he wrapped both hands around her neck and squeezed. “You bitch. You always were a fuckin’ bitch, Sasha.”

  Then he went flying to the side and Sasha gasped, hauling air into her lungs gratefully. She slid down the wall and landed on her ass. A huge form crouched in front of her and she smiled at Ben.

  “Thank you…once again.”

  For a long moment, he didn’t say anything. “Don’ like men who mistreat women. Yer brother not know the score?” She shook her head. “Ye okay?” To her complete humiliation, she started crying. He helped her to her feet and hugged her tight. “There, there, lass. It’s alright now.”

  The ambulance arrived and the paramedics checked her out as she tried to stop the sadness bubbling up inside. Aaron sat groggily a few feet away holding an ice pack against his temple.

  Peter was still out and being loaded on a gurney. It looked like he had a broken nose as well as two black eyes and a swollen jaw. His well-known vanity was going to suffer when he saw the result of Ben’s huge hands.

  Brushing aside the paramedics, Sasha grabbed her bag. She wanted to get her laptop and go home. Enough was enough. The moment she stood, she knew she was about to have another repeat of her first night in Green Bay.

  As she started to fall, her youngest brother shouted, “She’s diabetic!”

  Chapter Ten

  Sasha woke up in the emergency room of the nearest hospital and rubbed her head. It was pounding and her throat was killing her.

  Aaron sat in a chair beside the bed with their mother standing in front of him. She didn’t raise her voice but her children knew when she was truly angry.

  “Your sister comes before your drinking buddy. That piece of shit better not come within a mile of my daughter or I will personally hire someone to castrate him and sauté his cock with wine and wild mushrooms.”

  That’s an image I didn’t need in my head. Thanks, Mom.

  “You tricked your own sister into a situation that could have ended up far worse. We’re not going to talk for a little while. Grow the fuck up, son.”

  Glancing at Sasha, he saw she was awake. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”

  “I love you but I’m pissed. You need to let me cool off, Aaron.”

  The brother she’d always thought didn’t have a bone in his body that could feel shame stood and kissed her cheek. “I’ll make this up to you. I won’t let you down again.”

  Then he left.

  Deirdre Fowler hurried to her side and cupped her cheeks with cool hands. “I should have called a family meeting. I let your father bully you. I let your brother think it was fine that he hung out with your despicable ex-husband. I didn’t protect you and I’m sorry.”

  “I’m okay, Mom.”

  There was a sudden commotion and Tucker slid to a stop at the opening of the small room. He came around the bed, smoothed her hair back, and kissed the corner of her mouth. He wore cargo shorts, a polo, and sunglasses pushed back on his head.

  He smelled like sunshine and coconut.

  “I got here as fast as I could. Came off the course and it was on every TV in the clubhouse. Someone caught the whole thing.” He kissed her lips lightly.

  “I’m sorry you had to leave the tournament.”

  “You’ll have to go everywhere with me so I know you’re eating.” He stroked his fingertips through her hair. “I almost had a coronary trying to get here. Other than that, I’m good.” His face went hard. “He’s going to pay, Sasha. I’m going to pound that motherfucker into nothing the moment he’s out on bail. He had no right to hurt you.”

  Lifting her hand, she grabbed his. “Look at me, Tuck.” He was practically vibrating with tension. “I’m fine. The only reason I’m sitting here is my sugar…again.” She heard his growl and smiled. “Promise me you won’t go looking for trouble.”

  “I promise not to do anything that will get me in trouble.” His wink was not reassuring.

  Narrowing her eyes, she said, “I sense a loophole. I get a call to bail you out of jail and I’m going to be annoyed.”

  Tuck chuckled. “I’d never make you go down to a jail for me. That’s why I have an attorney. Aw, don’t give me that face.” He leaned over to kiss her. “I promise unless he doesn’t back off. Is that better?”


  Tucker traced his fingers over what she assumed were bruises on her throat. His eyes lifted to hers. “Did he act like that when you were married?”

  “No, not physically.”

  “How then?”

  “I can’t put my finger on what it was. He had a way of trying to intimidate. Nothing like how he was today.” Glancing up, she met her mother’s eyes. “Tuck…this is my mom, Deirdre Fowler. Mom, this is Tucker Irvin.”

  He stood and turned. “Ma’am, I apologize. I didn’t see you there. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise, Tucker.”

  The police showed up a few minutes later to take her statement. Both officers asked for Tuck’s autograph, which he gave them.

  He sat holding her hand while her mother worked on her phone. As the sun was beginning to set, three big men burst into the room. After a second take, Tucker recognized her father and older brothers. They all shook hands.

  Her father glanced at Sasha. “How you holding up?” She stared at her father and brothers for a moment then burst into tears and covered her face. Collie smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry, honey, we can put a good spin on it…”

  Chapter Eleven

  Tuck’s mouth dropped open in shock as Sasha cried harder.

  CJ shoved his father around by his shoulder. “Dad, what the fuck did you just say to her?”


  “There isn’t going to be any spin. Peter is off our roster and Sasha – your daughter, goddamn it – is pressing charges for assault. Either Aaron grows up or I will personally fire his ass. As for you, Dad…you are done spinning Sasha’s life. You sent her own brother the signal that it was fine to help her piece of shit ex get back in her good graces.”

  “Everyone makes mistakes, CJ. You know Peter has never acted like this before.”

  Unable to contain himself, Tucker stood and leaned over Sasha’s bed. “He was choking her out on a city street. Are you fucking kidding me, Collie?”

  “There’s a conflict of interest for you, Tucker. You both want the same woman.”

  He didn’t blink as he took in his long-time sports agent. “She isn’t a chew toy. She’s a human being. You don’t decide who gets to be in her life. No one gets to decide but Sasha. It isn’t about who wants her…it’s about what she wants. How can you not understand that?”

  “You’re blowing this out of proportion. That bartender…”

  “Enough!” Even Sasha was shocked at her mother’s scream. “Not one more word, Collie. That bartender saved her life.” Deirdre moved to stand between her husband and her daughter. “While you have done nothing but try to use her. If you’d been born a rodent, you would have eaten your young.”

  “DeeDee, don’t be like that.”

  She shook her head slowly. “All this time, I fooled myself into believing it was the job. That no matter what you did for business…it wasn’t who you were. I was so wrong.” Standing to her full height, she whispered, “Get out, Collie.”


  “I’m serious. You’ve proven that you don’t care about the situation ot
her than how it affects your client. Your daughter deserves to have people around her who have her best interests at heart. You aren’t one of those people, Collie. I don’t know that you ever were.” She wiped angrily at the tears that slid down her cheeks. “Get out.”

  A deep frown slowly spread over Collie’s face. For a long time, he stared at his wife’s face then glanced past her to Sasha. He tilted his head to the side.

  Tucker swore it was as if he was seeing the women in his family for the first time. Without a word, he nodded and left the room.

  Deirdre kissed her daughter and walked to the bathroom across the hall.

  Sasha’s brothers looked at one another in shock. CJ raked his fingers through his hair and murmured, “Seriously…what is wrong with our family?” He stepped out in the hall and Nathan followed so they could talk privately.

  Wiping her face, Sasha took a deep breath. “I am so tired of this shit.”

  Bending over Sasha’s body, he whispered at her ear, “Everything is going to be alright.” He gently stroked her arm. “By the way, I can see down your shirt from this angle. Very pretty bra, Sasha.”

  Unable to help herself, she laughed and he stroked her hair back from her face with a smile. “You know, we’ve got to stop spending so much time in hospitals.”

  “I’ll work on it.” She traced her finger over the bridge of his nose to his lips. “Thanks for being here today. You didn’t have to do that, you know.”

  “Shut up, Sasha.” He kissed her and she opened instantly. A throat clearing made him pull back, but he gave another light kiss before he stood. “Mrs. Fowler.”

  “Tuck.” Her smile was genuinely amused. “I brought a bag for you, Sasha. Your clothes were dirty and your blouse ripped. Don’t get me started on the condition of your stockings. The nurse is coming with the release forms.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” She sat up and rubbed her neck. Opening the bag, she rolled her eyes. “Seriously?” Deirdre grinned. “The photos should be fucking precious.”


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