Fleet Academy

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Fleet Academy Page 39

by M. Scott Cottrell

  “Well, I wanted to surprise you… I guess I did.” Matt heard Jenny’s distinctive British accent say.

  “Oh shit!” He exclaimed, trying to sit up and stop Tempe from her gentle rocking.

  “Don’t stop on my account.” Jenny said as she stepped around the bed and sat down next to him, pushing him back down against the bed. “There’s no point in ruining such a good time for either of you.” She sat up higher on the bed, completely unnoticed by Tempe as she rocked on him, lost in the sensations welling up through her. She unclipped her bra straps, and tossed it aside, lifting one of her large breasts, pressing a hardening nipple to his lips. “Just include me.” She groaned as he sucked it into his mouth.

  Since there was no sunrise or sunset on a ship, only the change in ambient light in the corridors and cabins indicated the comings and goings of morning and night. In Matt’s quarters the coming of morning was set by a slight brightening of the quarters lighting, and the gentle chiming of the intercom. Matt slowly pulled himself up in bed, preparing to climb out and answer the intercom. He was trapped between two bodies, which he quickly found were warm and naked. He climbed across the one on the open side of his bed and stepped to the intercom. “Lieutenant Molter.”

  “Communications, sir. The Captain has requested you to her quarters at zero eight hundred.”

  “Thank you. What time is it?’

  “0700 sir.”

  “Ok, Thank you,” He said, clicking the intercom off, looking back at the bed, His mind slowly started recovering the feelings and scenes of his bed last night with both women doing their best to see how many times they could get him back up, a portion of that time included treating him to an incredibly interesting show. He hoped that none of them would regret the night’s activities. It was a far cry from sharing him with her roommates, where she generally would sit aside and let them have a turn. Last night she was an active and sometimes aggressive participant, clearly enjoying both his and her touch. Caitlyn was no shrinking violet either, diving into the combination with gusto, as if it were perfectly normal for her to share pleasures with both of them at once. Matt padded off the shower tube, and entered, pressing the cold water override to fully awaken himself. He was nearly done and ready to exit when the water abruptly stopped and the door slid open. Jenny stepped into the tube and slid the door closed on them.

  “Good morning lover.” She cooed at him as she pulled their bodies close together, tilting her face to allow his to kiss her. “Much better.” She whispered as their lips separated after a long wet and very passionate kiss. “Would you like to wash me?” she asked quietly.

  “Certainly.” He said, moving one hand to the soap dispenser and then spreading a liberal amount of the liquid around on her body. He hadn’t intended to start anything back up, but his body seemed to have other ideas as he rubbed his hands around her silky smooth body, slickened with soap.

  “Hmmmmm” She said quietly as she lifted one leg, wrapping it around him and reaching between them to put things in all the right places. “This is certainly the best way to wake up in the morning.” She grunted as she rocked her hips against him, working herself to vocal climax, bringing him along on the ride with her. After their breathing had returned to normal, Matt hit the water control to rinse them both, remaining coupled together until the water cycle had finished. Only then did she pull off of him and open the tube, drawing him out with her so she could dry him off.

  “I’m glad you saved some for me last night.” She said to him as she rubbed the small towel all over his body.

  “I really didn’t intend for that to happen.” Matt said feeling somewhat awkward.

  “Which part? Me finding you in the midst of banging someone else, or the orgy that followed?”

  “Well, either actually. She was just here to volunteer for the EVA, and I guess she decided that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer again.”

  “Well, she certainly didn’t take no, did she?” Jenny said with a quiet giggle as she stepped against Matt, pressing her partly wet body against his dry one.”

  “No, she didn’t and for some reason I didn’t stop her either.”

  “I told you, you can’t help it.”

  “Maybe, but I should.”

  She kissed him wetly. “If the only one you love is me, I don’t care how many women borrow your body… Just as long as there’s some left for me.”

  “I’ll never understand you.” He whispered after kissing her forehead.

  “Good, you’re not supposed to. Now what is this EVA all about? I thought we couldn’t go outside because we were too close to the sun.”

  “Well, that’s pretty well true, but the only way to get home is to do a re-fuel, and that has to be done outside.”

  “So you’re going to go outside, even though you can’t, and do this refuel anyway?”

  “That’s pretty much it.” Matt said matter of factly.

  “How can the Captain order you to do that? Isn’t that a suicide mission?”

  “She didn’t order me to.” Matt said quietly.

  “No. NO, NO, NO! You CAN’T!” She said punctuating her shout with a hard pound on his chest with both fists. “NOT NOW! Not now that I finally found someone to love!” she said as she dissolved into tears.

  Matt pulled her tight to her as her tears rolled down her face, holding her close and stroking her hair gently until her crying reduced to a sniffling.

  “Why you… Can’t someone else do it?” She asked, her voice still wavering.

  “How can I ask anyone else to do what I won’t do?” he whispered. “Besides, I want to get home so we can have a future together, not suck here until we die from starvation.”

  “And she came to volunteer too?” Jenny asked with a sniffle.



  “She said because it’s dangerous and if I was going she was going.”

  “You know she’s in love with you.” Jenny said quietly.

  “How do you know that?”

  “The look on her face yesterday. When I came in, it was more than sex to her. She was lost in an emotional high. Just like I do when we make love.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know.” Matt said

  “But you suspected didn’t you?” She asked, still sniffling slightly

  “Yes, this is why I always tried to put her off.”


  “Simple.” Matt said reaching up and turning her face to his. “Because you’re the woman I love.” He whispered before he kissed her gently. She returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him as tight to her as she could. He reciprocated by wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling their bodies together until they were practically one, lost in each other and their love.

  By the time Matt and Jenny finally stepped out of the bathroom, having showered a second time, Caitlyn was gone.

  “She left you a souvenir.” Jenny said, stepping over to the bed and picking up a thong panty from the pillow while Matt pulled on some underwear and a fresh jump suit.

  “I’ll take it back to her.” He said holding his hand out.

  “Are you that dense?” Jenny asked looking at him like he had three heads.

  “What do you mean?”

  “If you give them back it will break her heart. She knows that she can’t have you, and maybe never will have a chance to have you like last night again. That’s what this is saying. It’s something to remember her by if she doesn’t make it.”

  “Oh.” Matt said, clearly not understanding women.

  Jenny walked over to the small dresser and opened the top drawer and placed the panties into the drawer and closed it. “For now, you keep them right there.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt said as he headed to the door.

  Matt appeared at the Captain’s already open door fifteen minutes late

  “Come in Lieutenant.” The captain’s voice called from with her cabin.

  Matt entered, standing at atte
ntion across her desk.

  “At ease Lieutenant. Have a seat.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt said, settling into one of the chairs.

  “You’re a bit late. I expect punctuality from my officers.”

  “Yes ma’am. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s all, just sorry, no reason?” She said dropping the data stylus to the desk and leaning back in her chair. “I can tell there’s more to the story. Let’s have it Lieutenant.”

  “Yes ma’am. I told Lieutenant Sloan about the EVA. She had a hard time with why I had to do it, and we spent some time talking it through.”

  “I see. And is she ok with it all now?”

  “She’s not happy ma’am. But I think she’s strong enough to deal with it.”

  “Fair enough. How are things going otherwise?”

  “Fairly well ma’am. The single quarters have made life a lot easier.”

  “I’m sure they have. Are things going well with Miss Sloan?”

  “Yes ma’am. She still doesn’t want to get married until we drop from high V, but I do.”

  “Is she afraid she won’t love you anymore?”

  “I guess so ma’am.”

  “Hmmm, I can understand. This has been a difficult deployment for all of us.” She said musing. “Ok on to other business. I got your reports on Ensign Forester and Ensign Light. The reports are fairly glowing. Do you feel they were a fair evaluation, not biased by the current sexual tensions?”

  “Yes ma’am. I did my best to remain as professional as I could.”

  “According to this you recommend Ensign Forester to command school immediately, but recommended that Ensign Light server another posting before command school?”

  “Yes ma’am.”


  “Ensign Forester has taken the lead in the armory, taking over many of the tasks that I was doing before the Commander’s accident. She has a natural ability to manage and seems to handle the NCO’s in the department well. Ensign Light has the ability, but has held back a bit and really hasn’t had a chance to show what she can do in a command situation.”

  “I see. So you think she has the ability to command?”

  “Ensign Light? Yes ma’am. She just hasn’t had an opportunity to show what she can do.”

  “Very well. I’ll accept that. You’re being promoted to full Lieutenant, effective today.”

  “Ma’am? I’m not sure I understand. I’ve only been a JG for a few weeks.” Matt said his voice clearly asking for an explanation.

  “That’s incorrect Lieutenant. According to fleet you have been a Lieutenant JG for over eight months. Given your record you have been approved for promotion first in your class. As of eighteen hundred hours last night you hold the rank of full Lieutenant, which is appropriate for the position you are filling.”

  “Thank you ma’am.”

  “Don’t thank me. You have done an exceptional job under exceptionally demanding circumstances. Now, on to Ensign Forester. You feel she’s ready for command school?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Very well. I want to see her promotion papers on my desk within the hour. They will be immediately approved. As a full Lieutenant, and head of your section, it’s up to you to provide opportunities for your Ensigns to lead and demonstrate their abilities to command.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Very well Lieutenant. I want you to have these.” She said standing up and moving around her desk as he stood. “These were my rail road tracks. I hope they bring you luck.” She said as she handed him a small blue velvet box containing the double silver bars of a full Lieutenant.

  “Thank you ma’am. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Nothing to say. You have tremendous potential. I expect you to live up to it.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He said as she stepped back. He threw a salute which she crisply returned and then he exited her office, still in shock. It only took him a few minutes to make his way back to his quarters, and then to the computer terminal. He went to work filling out the appropriate paperwork for Ensign Forester to become Lieutenant JG Forester.

  “Well stud. What’s so important you would come work on the computer instead of coming and working on your sexy girlfriends’ naked hot body?” Jenny said in her distinctive British accent as she ran her hands gently around in his hair while she stood behind him.

  “I have orders from the Captain. I am to have paperwork on her desk within the hour for promotion of Ensign Forester.”

  “Really? That’s kind of odd. It’s not normal for Lieutenant JG’s to be making promotion recommendations.”

  “True.” Matt said as he finished the paperwork and hit the send button. “But it is perfectly normal for a Lieutenant to make promotion recommendations.”

  “Yes, that would be normal, but that would mean……” She said, stopping midsentence as he opened the felt box and set it on the computer keyboard for her to see. “No…. You’re not serious!”

  “Yep. As of eighteen hundred hours last night I was officially promoted to full Lieutenant. The Captain gave me her own rank insignia.” He said as she was pulling the chair around and climbing into his lap, her legs straddling his waist.

  “Well, Lieutenant! This calls for a celebration!” Jenny said loudly while she pulled the zipper of his jump suit down.

  Their celebration lasted almost two hours before he finally left his quarters and headed down to the armory, his single silver bars jingling quietly in his pocket. He stepped through the door and found Ensign Forester sitting at the desk, working on the endless stream of paperwork the office required to function.

  “Lieutenant, you’re out of uniform!” Matt barked, startling her, and causing her to jump to attention.

  She looked at him and then stammered out. “I’m sorry sir. How am I out of uniform?” Still standing at attention, since Matt had not released her yet.

  “You’re still wearing Ensigns’ rank. That isn’t proper for a Lieutenant JG.”

  “Sir?” She questioned again.

  Matt stepped around the desk and began removing the single gold bar from her collar and replacing it with the single silver bar of Lieutenant JG. “As of right now, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant JG.” Matt said to her as he moved to her other side and repeated the process on the other side of her collar. “There you go Lieutenant. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you Matt!” She cried loudly as she launched herself around his neck, hugging him as hard as she could, finally lowering herself after he had returned the hug for some time. “I’m sorry sir.” She said more formally, finally noticing that his rank had changed.

  “It’s ok Trina. When we’re working alone, first name is still ok.”

  “Ok, Thanks Matt. I really appreciate this, but why?”

  “Simple, you earned it.”

  “But it’s only been what, two months?”

  “According to Fleet, it’s been eight months since we embarked. I don’t think they know how to deal with ships that are experiencing time compression.”

  “I guess not.”

  “Now, Lieutenant, if you would go relieve Ensign Light on the bridge and have her report to me down here please.”

  “Is she getting promoted too?”

  “’Fraid not.”

  “NO? Why not?”

  “To be honest, it’s my fault. I didn’t spread the load and give her enough command opportunity. That is something that I am going to rectify immediately. You will notice some changes in duty assignments later today; I’ll copy you on the documentation.”

  “Aye sir.” She said snapping to attention and throwing up a salute, her face practically splitting in two she was smiling so much. He quickly returned her salute, after which she stepped forward and hugged his neck and kissed him quickly on the lips before letting go and practically running out of the armory.

  Matt went over to the desk and sat down, quickly drafting a duty assignment notice and preparing to send it out to
the appropriate people.

  “Ensign Light reporting as ordered!” She said crisply as she stepped into the office and stood at attention.


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