Fleet Academy

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Fleet Academy Page 40

by M. Scott Cottrell

  “At ease Ensign.” Matt said quietly. “Have a seat.”

  “Yes sir.” She said, sitting stiffly in the chair across the desk from him.

  “Relax Joan, you’re not in trouble.”

  “Yes sir.” She said still obviously nervous.

  “In my discussions with the Captain, she pointed out to me that I failed in my duty as department head to provide you with command opportunities. Because of that I was unable to recommend you to command school.”

  Joan’s face fell, obviously feeling that she had just lost her chance at Space Command School.

  “However, you have shown me enough that I believe you will have the ability to command, if given the chance. Under normal conditions, we would have one Ensign in charge of the suit room and one in charge of the weapons bay and systems. When you moved down to this department, I should have turned over the suit room to you, but I kept it myself without thinking about what that might mean to you. I have confidence that you will demonstrate the qualities I see in you as you perform your duties as OIC of the suit room.”

  “Thank you sir!” She responded, her face visibly brightening.

  “Get with Master Chief Wallace. He’ll help keep you from making any gross errors. He has a project underway to modify suits for the refueling. You are now in charge of that project. Listen to your NCO’s. They’re good and they know their jobs.”

  “Yes sir.” She said with a huge smile.

  “Ok. You’re dismissed. Meet me at fourteen hundred hours at Lieutenant Yang’s quarters. Be prepared to update us on the suit modifications and any ideas on the faceplate. The Chief will fill you in on the project.”

  “Aye sir!” she said crisply as she stood and snapped a salute, disappearing out the door before he could return it.

  Matt sat back in the chair and smiled to himself at her reactions. After some time, he leaned forward and went to work on the computer. It was nearly lunch time when specialists Endez and Denner stepped into his office.

  “Sir… We would like to volunteer for the refueling mission.” Specialist Endez said before they could even finish coming to attention.

  “At ease. Why?”

  “Simple sir. You need a crew.” Denner said quietly.

  “You two realize that it’s going to be risky?”

  “Sir, if you’re willing to take the risk, so are we!” Endez said, pushing her chest out, her huge tits already straining the material of her jump suit.

  “Very well. I’ll put both of you on the team. Thank you for volunteering.”

  “Thank YOU sir!” The two snapped sharply as they turned and exited the office.

  After they left Matt got up and headed up the officers’ mess for lunch. He noticed that there were a number of new silver bars, including Kevin and Katelyn.

  “Well Lieutenant, Can I join you?” he asked them from behind as he approached their table with is tray of food.

  “Certainly Matt… I mean sir.” Sparks said as she looked up at him and saw the new rank on his collar as well.

  “Well, I’ll be dog gonned. You done got promoted… again. Congratulations Sir!” Kevin said, half standing up before Matt waved him back to his chair.

  “Congratulations Sir!” Katelyn said with a huge grin. “You just seem to keep coming up roses.”

  “Congrats to both of you. I see you both made rank. Anyone else that you know of?”

  “Yeah, Bounce made it, but Frankie and Jason both got passed over. Someone said it was because they spent too much time banging every girl they could instead of getting their work done.” Katelyn said quietly.

  “I wouldn’t know about that, but we always knew that most of us would wash out.”

  “How about Forester and Light?” Katelyn asked Matt.

  “I promoted Trina, but Joan needs some more command experience. I gave her a different assignment, but I didn’t wash her out. It was my fault that she didn’t get a chance to show her stuff.”

  “Damn. You sound just like a real commanding officer!” Katelyn said.

  “Sorry.” Matt said, blushing a bit.

  “Don’t apologize, that’s why we’re all here.” She said.

  “I suppose your right.” Matt said. “I gotta run though.” He said standing up.

  “I bet. I hear that your nurse friend has taken up residence.”

  “Yeah….” Matt said blushing. “I want to marry her but she keeps saying not until we get out of high V.”

  “Good luck buddy!” Kevin said with a huge grin on his face.

  “Thanks.” Matt said, with as big a grin on his face. Matt walked to the food table, to pick up a bottle of water and a sandwich to take to Jenny. He walked into his quarters, and found her lounging naked on the small sofa, perusing a data pad.

  “Well, I see the hero has returned…. And be brought me lunch too!” She said smiling and jumping up to meet him, her naked breasts bouncing tantalizingly as she came to him. She circled her arms around his neck and kissed him sensuously, then broke the kiss and took the sandwich and water from him. She set them on the table and then proceeded to undress him and lead him to the sofa, picking up the sandwich and drink on the way. She set the bottle of water on the sofa next to where she had Matt sit and sat on his lap facing away from him, pressing her wet parts against his hard parts. It didn’t take her long to get him situated inside her and bring them both to a fairly loud climax, after which she leaned back against him, his arms around her gently stroking her body. She picked up the sandwich and water while they rested. “Hmmmm, sex with you and food at the same time. I must have died and be in heaven.”

  “If you say so.” Matt groaned, still breathing heavily.

  After she ate they re-situated themselves on the sofa, cuddling for the rest of his lunch hour.

  Matt spent the beginning of the afternoon in the office, working on paperwork and trying to figure out how to make the EVA safer, getting up and heading to Lieutenant Yang’s quarters a little before fourteen hundred.

  “Matt, come on in.” Tina said, answering door to her quarters wearing nothing but a smile.

  “Thanks Tina.” He said stepping in through the door.

  “I heard you got a promotion. That makes us equal rank. So you can call me Tina any time you want now.” She said as she put one arm around his neck and used her free hand to pull the zipper down. “You know it’s easier to think without clothes blocking your thoughts. So let’s just get rid of these.”

  “Are you sure? I invited Ensign Light to join us and update us on the suit mods.”

  “Ohhhhhh have you had sex with her yet?”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” He asked as she pushed his jump suit off his shoulders and pulled his face down to her level so she could kiss him. “Well, it’s always nice to have sex with a girl alone the first time.” She said between kisses.

  Matt groaned and looked at the ceiling “I didn’t invite her here to have sex.” Matt said just as the door chimed. Tina walked to the door and opened it, not bothering to cover herself at all.

  “Ensign Light reporting!” She said, standing at attention outside the door.

  “Come in Ensign. This is an informal work meeting. So just relax.”

  “Yes ma’am.” She said.

  “Feel free to take off whatever you want. I prefer to work naked, it’s more relaxing.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Joan said, not sure what to do, looking back and forth at Matt and Tina, both of them completely naked.

  “Relax Joan. You don’t need to do anything you don’t want. I wanted you to give us an update on the suits.”

  “Yes, let’s get an update on that.” Tina said, pulling Matt over to the work table. “I only have two chairs, so I’ll share one with Matt, unless you want to?” She asked as she gently pushed Matt down into the chair and sat on his lap. “Please, have a seat.” Tina said as she motioned to the second desk chair. “Now how are the mods going?”

  “The suit techs are modifying six suits, s
ized for Mister Molter, Master Chief Wallace, Petty Officer Jenkins, and Specialists Tempe, Endez and Denner. The Master Chief said he will have them done in about three days. The Master Chief has also came up with three of the old automatic lunar shields, a couple three layer manual shields and six of the old hard duranium shipping protectors that he is rigging up as flip up shields. It isn’t the best, but it will give some protection.”

  “That sounds good.” Matt said to her, trying to concentrate on what she was saying, but having trouble since Tina had started wigging around on him.

  “Would you care to join us?” Tina asked her, quietly.

  “Are you sure it’s ok?” She asked Tina.

  “Certainly. I don’t stand on rank in my quarters. You’re my guest. Feel free to join in if you want to.”

  “To be honest I’ve wanted to do this for the last week.” She responded enthusiastically, standing up and stripping in almost record time, freeing her voluptuous breasts to swing around as she peeled her clothes down her legs. Tina climbed off his lap and took them both by the hand and led them to the sleeping area, and climbed onto the bed, pulling them both on with her.

  It was dinner hour before Matt made it back to his quarters, and Jenny.

  “I see you were a busy boy today.” She said as he flopped down on the bed next to her.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Did you save some for me?”

  “I think so.”

  “Come on stud. Let’s go take a shower. You smell like woman.”

  “Yeah. I do.” He said as she pulled him up off the bed and led him to the bathroom. She opened the shower tube and led him in, hitting the water control as soon as the door was closed. Jenny gently washed him all over, paying special attention to his quickly growing tool.

  “Well, that’s more like it.” She purred as she gently rubbed his soapy form. “You could put your hands do good use too, you know.” She whispered.

  “You mean like this?” he asked as he began to slide his hands all around on her soap slickened body.

  “Ohhhhhh God yes” She groaned as he hit her most sensitive spot with his fingers. “Just like that!”

  “Glad I could reciprocate.” Matt whispered back breathlessly. “I aim to please.”

  “You aim very well!” She squeaked as her body began to shake. Once her body had stopped shaking, she slumped against Matt “And you please very, very well.” She panted.

  “Glad I could.” He whispered back, pulling her close to him. They stayed locked in that embrace for a long time, the soap drying on their bodies. “I think we need to rinse.” He said finally

  “Uh huh. And then get some food.” She said without letting go of him. “Why don’t we get some food and bring it back here tonight.”

  “I’d love to.” Matt said as he hit the water control to rinse them off.

  After picking up two paper trays of food, they returned to his quarters. And sat down to eat.

  “I have a surprise for you.” She said quietly as she leaned over and kissed his neck.

  “Oh? What is it?”

  “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.” She said with a giggle. “You’re just going to have to wait…about another half hour.”

  “Whatever you say my love.” He whispered to her as he kissed her forehead.

  “God I like it when you say that.” She said, pulling him closer so she could kiss his lips. She took her time, gently kissing and sharing how she felt about him. They moved to the sofa and kissed lovingly for the rest of the half hour, Jenny never letting him undress her, much to his growing frustration. The door chimed and she got up from his lap. “Your surprise is here!” She whispered before heading to the door. Without even checking to see who was there, she pressed the entry button and the door slid open, revealing a set of visitors. “Please, come in Captain.” She said with a huge smile, Matt jumping from the sofa to stand practically at attention.

  “At ease Lieutenant.” She said as she stepped in, followed by Suzi, Patty, Kevin, and Tempe, Sparks and Bounce.

  “Please come in everyone.” Jenny said as she led them into the room, walking over to Matt.

  “Is this a party?” He whispered to her.

  “Sort of.” She said with a giggle.

  “Where would you like to do this Lieutenant?” The Captain asked Jenny.

  “Right here ma’am.” She said with a smile.

  “Very well. It will be my pleasure… Why don’t the bride and groom stand over here.” The Captain said motioning to a spot in the middle of the room

  “Who’s getting married?” Matt whispered.

  “We are!” Jenny whispered back as she pulled him toward the spot the Captain had motioned.

  “We are?” Matt practically shouted.

  “Uh huh.” Jenny said, nodding, her face breaking into a huge smile.

  “Hey! We’re getting married!” He shouted as he picked her up and hugged her in a huge bear hug.

  “I take it you hadn’t told him yet?” The Captain asked with a huge smile on her face.

  “No ma’am, I wanted it to be a surprise.” She said when Matt continued to hug her, kissing her neck.

  “I think you were successful Lieutenant.” She said. “Now, how about the groom set down the bride so they can be officially married.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt said, setting Jenny down.

  “Ok. Shall we begin?” The Captain asked after everyone had gathered around. “Bringing couples together in this way is one of the duties a ship’s Captain has had since the days of naval vessels crossing the oceans of Earth by wind power. It was then, and continues to be one of the most enjoyable, but seldom exercised duties. It is my pleasure to be here to join Lieutenant Mathew Molter and Lieutenant Jennifer Sloan as man and wife. Jennifer, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To hold in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, until death do you part?”

  “I do.” Jenny said, looking directly into Matt’s eyes, her face smiling as brightly as her eyes.

  “Do you Mathew take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To hold in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, until death do you part?”

  “With all my heart.” Matt replied as he looked back into her eyes.

  “Lieutenant Sinclair. If you would?” The Captain said as she stood back slightly.

  “Yes ma’am.” She responded, stepping forward. “We didn’t have much time, but we were able to make these.” She said to Jenny as she held out a small wooden box. Jenny took the box and opened it, finding two thin titanium bands inside.

  “Thanks Pats!” She said hugging her with one arm.

  Patty took the box back and withdrew the two rings, handing one to Jenny and the other to Matt before stepping back.

  “Jennifer, would you place the ring on Mathew’s finger and repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed.”

  Jennifer took the ring and slipped it on Matt’s finger, tears of happiness rolling down her cheeks. She managed to say her oath just barely loud enough for them to hear.

  “Mathew, would you place the ring on Jennifer’s finger and repeat after me… With this ring I thee wed.”

  Matt took the ring from his hand and slipped it on Jenny’s finger, repeating the Captains words as loudly as he could manage, which wasn’t very loud, given how chocked up he was.

  “It is my privilege and pleasure to pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride Lieutenant.”

  Matt pulled Jenny to him and kissed her the most loving kiss he knew how, finally breaking away as the cheering in the room broke through.

  “Congratulations, both of you.” The Captain said. “I have asked the kitchen staff to put together a bit of a party in the officers’ mess for the whole ship. Feel free to join us up there as soon as you collect yourselves.” She said before turning and walking away, her face smiling brightly.

  “Congratulations you old dog!” Kevin drawled as the group crowded around them, the girls hugging Jenny
tightly and kissing Matt on the cheeks.

  When things finally calmed down in the room some they headed out to the officers’ mess, their wedding party in tow. They rounded the corner of the last corridor leading to the mess, and froze in their tracks. Lined down both sides of the corridor were all the ratings and officers of the armory section, suit room and medical department, all wearing their military dress uniforms.

  “Hand Salute!” The Master Chief barked, bringing all the personnel to rigid attention, their arms locked with their fingers touching their foreheads. Matt and Jenny walked, arm in arm down the long line, noting the smiles and winks of their people, and their friends. When Matt came to the end of the line, they paused and Matt turned to look back down the row, the Master Chief standing immediately to his right and snapped a salute in return. In unison all hands snapped down to their sides with an audible slap. The line stayed frozen for only seconds before the lines dissolved into chaos, the entire group trying to reach Matt and Jenny to convey their congratulations. The mass spilled into the mess hall, festively decorated with white streamers and table cloths. Matt and Jenny stood by the door as all the members of their departments filed past, shaking their hands or pulling them close to hug or kiss them. The Master Chief leading the impromptu procession.


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