Fleet Academy

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Fleet Academy Page 41

by M. Scott Cottrell

  “Congratulations sir.” He said shaking Matt’s hand strongly.

  “I thought I saw a wet eye there Master Chief.” Matt said shaking his hand back.

  “Dirty rumor sir.” He said with a smile before moving on to hug Jenny. “Good luck ma’am. You got a good man there.”

  “Thank you Master Chief. From you that’s high praise indeed.”

  The line seemed to go on forever as all the non-duty personnel filed in as well, anxious to convey their own best wishes to the new couple, and for some to meet Matt for the first time, having only heard of his heroics. The kitchen staff had out done themselves with a wedding cake, punch and all assortment of hors d’oeuvre.

  “This must have been planned for a long time.” Matt whispered to Jenny.

  “Believe it or not, they threw this all together in a few hours.”

  “But why? Why did you change your mind all of a sudden, and how did everyone else find out without me knowing?”

  “Let’s start with why I changed my mind. The answer to that is simple, The Captain called me her quarters and we had some girl talk.”

  “Girl talk?” Matt asked.

  “You know… girl talk.”

  “What kind of girl talk.”

  “Well I can’t tell you everything that we talked about, but the short version is that she said if I didn’t marry you she would.”

  “So you decided you would?”

  “I guess you could say that.” She said with a giggle.

  “Well, I’m glad you did.” He said leaning over and kissing her.

  “So am I.” She answered softly. “As to the how everyone else found out? You should know that the ships rumor mill is faster than the intercom. That and the fact that the Master Chief threatened to personally throw anyone who spilled the beans out the airlock.”

  “That would do it.” Matt chuckled.

  After the party started to wind down, Matt and Jenny slipped out to his quarters. “I have one more surprise for you.” She said after they stood just inside the door kissing for several minutes. Go sit on the sofa and close your eyes.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt said, letting go of her and going to sit as instructed. He heard her rummaging around in the sleeping area and soon things were quiet.

  “Ok open your eyes.” She said quietly, her voice coming from in front of him. He opened his eyes and saw a beauty to behold. Her long red hair was down around her shoulders, draping across the top of a sheer white robe, closed only around the neck by a small tie. She pulled it apart slowly revealing what was only barely visible before. On her feet she wore a pair of white slippers with feathers. Her long legs were encased from the slipper to her thighs is shimmering white stockings the lace tops ending just below the juncture of her legs. Her slim body was encased in a lace teddy, starting between her legs and flaring high on her hips, her curly red hairs peeking from between the strands of lace. Upward the lace flowed to her ample chest, holding her round breasts up but only covering them as far as her nipples, which were exposed and protruding, hard and ready. The tops of her soft globes were exposed white and smooth, covered with her small red freckles. He had never seen her look so beautiful or so desirable. “Do you like it?”

  Matt stood up and stepped to her. He pulled the small tie holding the robe in place and she allowed it to fall down her arms and pool on the floor around her. Taking her in his arms, he kissed her gently before sweeping her up in his arms and carrying her to the bed where he gently set her down. Her arms wrapped around his neck, she pulled him down onto the bed with her, pulling his face to hers to resume the embrace they started in the other room.

  Other than paperwork, Matt had little to do for the next few days, so the Captain gave them the next days off, with strict orders for them to not be disturbed. Preparations for the EVA were being made by the suit technicians, and other than that, all there was to do was to wait. Much of the crew had the same problem. Routine maintenance was done in a few hours each day, leaving much of the crew with lots of free time and overflowing hormones. After three days enjoying each other in every way they could think of, Matt returned to work to check on the progress of plans. He was not overly surprised to step into the armory office and find Ensign Forster sitting in the chair of the desk naked, her feet propped up and her hand franticly pumping a large vibrator in and out of herself with a noisy splushing sound to accompany her cries of pleasure. Matt turned and slipped back out of the door before she noticed him, deciding to head down to the suit room and see how work was coming on the suit mods.

  “Good morning sir!” Specialist Endez snapped, jumping to attention as Matt stepped into the repair office.

  “At ease Endez.” Matt said, with a wave of his hand. “How are the modifications going?”

  “Finished them last night sir. They are putting the packs through the test regimen today.”

  “That sounds good. Thanks Endez.” Matt said as he headed into the suit repair area. He found all six suits hanging in repair racks, looking like giant foil covered turkeys. He walked over and inspected the one with his name stenciled on the bastardized helmet. It was an odd arrangement, the normal glass face shield replaced with a slightly darker one that would darken even more automatically. In addition to that there were two pull down shields he could draw down, one made of dark glass with a gold reflective coating, and one made of hard metal. Matt stood there a long time, lost in thought, wondering if would be enough.

  “Well, what do you think, Lieutenant?” Matt was startled back to reality at not only the sound of Petty Officer Jenkins voice, but the touch of her hands as she slipped her arms around him from behind.

  “I think that if we’re not careful we’re going to look like a couple of roasted foil wrapped turkeys.”

  “Well, you’re already hot…” She said rubbing her hands round on his chest. “I bet you’ve been keeping your new bride well satisfied.”

  “This isn’t a good idea Jenkins.”

  “Going to go all regulation on me now that you’re a full Lieutenant? You sure had a lot of fun with me while you were an Ensign.”

  “True. But I’m not sure that’s appropriate anymore.”

  “Tell you what stud. We’re going to go risk our asses and maybe not come back. I don’t think the Captain is going to crucify you for granting the condemned a really fantastic last request.”

  “If you really believed you weren’t going to come back, why were you the first volunteer?

  She moved around him and wrapped one arm around his neck and the other to his zipper. “Because… I want to get home, and if you’re going, I’m going, period.” She said playing with his zipper pull.


  “Besides the fact that we had mind blowing sex? “

  “Yeah, besides that.”

  Her face changed from the playful sex kitten to serious Petty Officer. “To be honest Lieutenant, there isn’t a man or woman in this department that wouldn’t follow you to hell and back. You ask and you’ll have more volunteers than you can wag a dick at. Doesn’t matter if it’s a dangerous mission… or… “she got a sly grin on her face again. “or just a request to sit back and spread our legs for you.”

  “You know, you’re a really good Petty Officer, and I like having you on my teams. I trust you. But you are insatiable. Sometimes I think all you want is my body.”

  “Hell Lieutenant. Every woman on the ship wants your body. Jenny is just lucky enough to own it!”

  “Which for the moment is getting everything I have to give.”

  “Oh, you’re not going to get all bashful on me now are you?” She asked him as she pushed his now unzipped jump suit off his shoulders. “I mean, we see each other naked every time we suit up.” She continued as she took his hands and placed them on her jump suit covered breasts. She let go of his hands and pulled the zipper of her own jump suit all the way down to her waist. Replacing her hands on his, she helped him push the material of her jump suit off her shoulders and then pla
ced them back on her now bare tits. She wiggled her hips and her jump suit slipped to the floor, leaving her naked above the knees. Matt felt another set of hands slip around his waist and push his jump suit down. He could feel a set of large breasts with very hard nipples press into his back as the hands around his midsection began to stroke him below the waist.

  “I Hope you plan on sharing this Jenks.” Matt heard Endez say from behind him.

  “I think there’s plenty of him for both of us. That’s if the Lieutenant can handle both of us at once.”

  “Oh, I know he can handle us both.” Endez said. “I know how good his hands are, I’ve just been waiting for a chance to find out just how good the rest of him is.”

  “Ladies, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Matt said quietly, not really sure he believed his own argument.

  “Are you afraid your wife will be angry?” Jenks asked.

  “No. I just think that it might be a good idea to save what little I have for her, just being married and all.”

  “Oh don’t worry about that. You have more to give than you know… Besides, I already asked your wife if we could borrow you.”

  “And what did she say?”

  “She said that every condemned woman deserves one last mind blowing fuck.” Matt heard Jenny say from behind him. Then she stepped to him and whispered, “And I know that if I ask him to, he will make it VERY mind blowing.” Then she stepped back and, pulling rank, said. “I expect you ladies to leave some for me…” Jenks and Endez snapped mock salutes, never taking their eyes off Matt.

  Chapter 15 – Heat of the Sun

  The remaining time until the tanker was in position felt like it was months, not days. The tanker was in view for nearly two days while it caught up to them and made the appropriate braking maneuvers to match speed and course with the Saint Claire. The entire crew was keyed up, waiting for the mission that would hopefully fill their tanks so they could go home. The nervous tension on the ship in the last day drove the sexual tension even higher. Matt had gotten used to walking into spaces and finding couples and threesomes hard at it. The captain had given up trying to maintain decorum under the conditions and expressed concern in the officer’s call the day before that if they don’t get out of this environment soon, there wouldn’t be a crew left with enough concentration to work the ship. Even with the medications prescribed by Doctor Clark, most of the women were concentrating more on trying to find sexual release than they were on their duties, most of them not caring at all for rank, position or privacy. Even the men had been affected, most not caring who or how many they were having sex with at any given time. Their libido had increased so that it had become normal for most of the men in the crew to be able to meet the needs of ten or more partners a day. Hopefully all this would change in the next few hours as the final maneuvers were to be completed and the operation to refuel attempted.

  “Well Lieutenant, are you quite ready for the mission?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt responded to the Captain, having been summoned to her quarters again. This was the first time Matt had seen her not wearing the regulation blue jump suit with silver eagles clipped onto the collar. This time she was wearing a light weight powder blue robe, made of some kind of shimmery material that wasn’t quite see through, but wasn’t quite not see through either. Matt tried not to be obvious, but he was pretty sure that she was wearing tiny black panties and no bra on underneath, her nipples making two hard points in the material.

  “Tell me Lieutenant, have you been completely besieged by the women of the ship? From what I hear, you’re in fairly high demand.”

  “Yes ma’am, it seems that way.”

  “And how is married life treating you? Are you bored with just satisfying one woman?” She asked, sitting on the edge of the desk, the robe parting slightly below her waist, showing a long sliver of white thigh, starting at her knee and disappearing into her black satin panties.

  “I’m enjoying it immensely. Jenny and I are working out the kinks, and she has been quite tolerant of the women that have seen need seduce me.”

  “Well, I have to admit that I’m tempted to try to join that small group that has succeeded. Do they seem to have a preference on how you pleasure them?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “Come now Matt, you can be more specific with me.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Now if you’re going to continue to be so formal, I’m going to have to order you to undress.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt said nervously. Having sex with the Lieutenant Commander at one point of the day and enlisted later in the same day had been hard enough to deal with. But having the Captain making a move at him was simply beyond his comprehension. “I’m sorry ma’am. I really need to get to the suit area and start prepping my team.”

  “Nonsense, Matt. You have been spending hours going over and over your preparations. There is simply nothing left to be done but to execute the mission. It’s been my experience that going into a mission relaxed is always an advantage. Don’t you agree?”

  “Yes ma’am. I agree.”

  “Good, now is there anything I can do to help you relax?”

  “I can’t think of anything ma’am.”

  “Are you sure?” She said standing up allowing the robe to gap apart briefly. “Anything at all?”

  “No ma’am.” Matt answered as he stood up to go. “Anything else ma’am?” He asked

  “I’m inviting you to pleasure me with your choice of methods. That isn’t too hard to understand is it? I understand from Lynette that you drive her absolutely crazy. However, if you feel uncomfortable, I certainly won’t force you.”

  “Thank you ma’am.” Matt said, turning to leave.

  “You know, Lieutenant… There are only a few men on this ship even close to me in rank, but I’m afraid that the effects are not limited by rank.” She said quietly returning around her desk and sitting heavily in the chair. “I have resisted doing what I just did for some time now, and I must apologize. It was inappropriate for me to expect you to respond positively, especially since you are recently married.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt answered quietly, still standing in front of his chair.

  “You may choose to leave or stay as you wish Lieutenant. But I would like it if you would stay a while longer.” She said.

  “I’ll stay if you would like ma’am.” He said sitting back down.

  “Your wife was quite right. You are an extraordinary man. Any other man would have either accepted the invitation and had sex with me, regardless of rank, or run off scared, worried that I might take it out on him for not having sex with me. You on the other hand, you’re sitting there listening to your Captain ramble on, dressed like a teenager hoping to get lucky the first time. Mister Molter… Matt, you are a unique individual. You stick by your people at the risk of your own life. You repeatedly cheat death and you inspire those with you to do the same. You take to command like a fish to water. I venture to say that if you survive, you will make Captain in record time. You have dealt with the stress of this mission and the obvious side effects with a level of decorum and subtlety that I wish the other men in the crew would take note of. And on top of all this, you find love and get married, even as you plan a mission that I know you don’t expect to survive, yet you were the first to volunteer for it. Why, Mister Molter, did you volunteer?”

  “That’s simple ma’am. Without this mission we’re stuck here. The crew will eventually die. Even though I might not survive, I intend to give the crew, and in specific, Jenny, a chance to survive.”

  “Mister Molter that is by far the most profound logic I have ever heard. I can tell you truly love that woman.”

  “Yes ma’am I do.”

  “I loved like that once, but I made one mistake, I put my career in front of that love. I postponed our relationship to keep my career on track. The result was that I have a wonderful career, and the love of my life is gone forever. I told this to your wife, an
d to my surprise, she asked me to perform the ceremony, demanding, not asking, demanding that I do it that night. I must have touched a chord.”


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