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The Phoenix

Page 10

by J R Stone

  “What’s troubling you? I expected to see you happier.”

  “I’m happy.”

  “Are we lying to each other now?” he asked disappointedly.

  “You started.”

  Seth sighed. She was right. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he said.

  “Neither do I.”

  Sarah’s eyes were fixed on his. She knew what was troubling him. She wanted to comfort him, but she could not take the risk of being misunderstood. “Time heals all wounds.”

  Seth got up and moved closer to her. “Does it?”

  They were closer than they should be. She could feel his warm breath on her face. She stepped back. “We can only hope it does.”

  Seth was relieved that she quickly left the atrium. Had she stayed one more minute there, he might not have been able to control himself. He loathed himself for wanting her so badly. He hoped she had sent her mother to a very distant place, so it would take him a long time to be back.

  Tzeel was in the balcony when Sarah entered the room. He gave her the sexiest smile she had ever seen. It was filled with desire and love. “What took you so long?” he asked.

  “I’m here now,” she said sensually. He walked over to her and kissed her passionately. But there was something different in her kiss.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked frowning.

  “I want my mother here.”

  It was true that she wanted to have her mother around. But Sarah felt extreme sadness for having to lie to him.

  “Seth will go pick her up tomorrow. Don’t be sad. I can’t bear it,” he pleaded.

  She ran her finger through his hair. He was more than she had ever wanted. She kissed him. He ran his hands on her back.

  “No,” she whispered.

  He looked at her, confused. She took his hand and walked with him to bed. She gently pushed him and sat on top of him. He was relieved to see that she was not rejecting him.

  She wanted to forget everything that Adara had told her. She wanted him to make her forget.

  “I’m yours,” she whispered as she bit his ear lobe.

  “I’m yours too.”

  He held her face bringing her to his lips. She felt a sudden anguish. Tears came to her eyes. His kiss tasted like goodbye.

  She broke the kiss. “Say you’ll never leave me,” she pleaded, her eyes fixed on his.

  “I’ll never leave you. I promise.” He frowned. “What happened?”

  “I can no longer live without you.”

  “Me neither.” He kissed her gently as he slowly slid himself into her.

  Tzeel was exhausted. He lay down beside her and hugged her. They were quietly savoring the moment. They were so relaxed that they were almost falling asleep. He wanted to look at her, but he could barely open his eyes.

  Sarah caressed his chest. She was lucky to have his love. She watched him sleep for some time.

  “I love you,” she whispered in Tzeel’s ear. She hoped her voice would reach his dreams, so even there he would know that she was his.

  She was thirsty. She left the bed only to find out that they had no water left. She considered asking a soldier to get some water for her, but she could use a walk. Sarah left their room and walked down the corridor. When she got to the main hall, she felt the fresh air of the night on her face. She closed her eyes. She loved that sensation.

  However, the atmosphere in the kitchen was quite different. It was heavier. Sarah had the feeling that someone was watching her. She quickly looked around, but she did not see anyone. She got a glass of water and hurried back to Tzeel’s room. Sarah felt an oppressive agony. Dark thoughts flooded her mind.

  Uno waited for Sarah to leave and ran to the oval room. There were dead soldiers in the east wing corridor. Uno was furious that Tzeel had forbidden him and the others to enter Totkan, so they killed every single soldier that crossed their way. Even though he had brought eight more wizards with them, he was not so sure he would be able to get what he wanted anymore. Things had changed dramatically since he left.

  “We need to cast the spell now,” said Uno to the others.

  “We’re not ready. We will need a few hours,” said Liora confused.

  “We can’t take any chances. She knows there’s something wrong. She can feel it,” urged Uno. He approached Liora. “She’s pregnant and more powerful.”

  “What?!” asked Liora in shock. Sarah had stolen everything that was supposed to be hers.

  “She’s bearing his child; a sorcerer just like them. When Tzeel finds out, he will hunt all of us down to make sure we never come back,” growled Uno.

  “Make sure she dies,” said Liora acidly.

  Uno smiled. Liora would not have to ask twice. “Come with me, Liora. The others, get things ready. We will be back shortly,” said Uno leaving the room.

  Sarah got back to their room and quickly closed the door. She shook Tzeel. “Tzeel, wake up!” said Sarah nervously.

  “What happened?” asked Tzeel opening his eyes. He could hear something different in Sarah’s voice.

  “I think Uno and the others are back,” she said worriedly.

  “What? But they can’t get in!” he said sitting up. All the soldiers knew that Uno and the other wizards were not allowed to enter Totkan again.

  “I went to the kitchen and I had this terrible feeling that someone was watching me. I feel something bad is about to happen,” said Sarah desperately.

  “Hey, I won’t let anything happen, okay?” Even though he was worried, he tried to comfort Sarah.

  “Ask the soldiers to make sure they’re not here,” begged Sarah.

  “I will.”

  “Now!” she urged. There was no other explanation for the dread she felt. Their lives were at risk, and she did not imagine anything else that could put them in danger except for Uno’s return.

  “Okay.” He got up. “I’ll be right back. Don’t leave the room!” He put his clothes on and left. He would ask his brother for help.

  He was walking to Seth’s room when he heard Uno whisper his name. He looked at his left and saw Uno inside a room. Tzeel’s blood ran cold. Sarah was right.

  “When did you get back?” asked Tzeel.

  “We just did. Only to find out that you no longer want us here,” said Uno bitterly. “I treated you like a son, Tzeel. And you were ready to let me rot out there because of a woman?”

  “I changed my mind,” he revealed. He looked around, but he did not see any guards. Something was wrong. To defend himself, he cast a protective spell.

  “Couldn’t you simply have told me that?” asked Uno coldly.

  Tzeel’s eyes were fixed on Uno’s. He would not apologize. He did not want Uno there. “You’re no longer welcome here, Uno,” he said sharply.

  “I can see that. Do you actually think that protective spell of yours can stop me?” asked Uno venomously.

  Tzeel could only think of Sarah. He had to get back to her. He was a few steps from Uno, so he would try to take Uno down without magic. But before he could make any move, Uno threw him against a wall.

  Tzeel closed his eyes. He knew he was stronger than Uno had ever told him, he just needed to focus. He looked at Uno and watched him take his hands to his head.

  Tzeel got on his feet and ran toward the door. He had to get to Sarah before anyone else.

  Suddenly, he felt a sting in his neck. He touched it, there was a bit of blood. He felt dizzy. He saw Liora walking toward him.

  “I’m sorry. You didn’t give us any other choice,” she said sadly.

  “Liora,” said Tzeel as he fainted.

  “What are we going to do now?” she asked Uno.

  Uno looked at Tzeel. He would not be an obstacle anymore. A few more minutes and Uno would finally get the power he had always craved.

  “We need to get her, Liora. Have you taken care of the soldiers guarding his room?”

  “I did that the moment he stepped out of his room,” she said. She looked at Tzeel. She hated herself fo
r having hurt him, but Sarah had to go. She could not allow her to live.

  “Good. Just knock, then. When she opens, she’ll get a taste of your poison, just like Tzeel did,” said Uno maliciously.

  Sarah kept walking around the room. She was tense. She wanted to hide, but she did not even know why. Someone knocked on the door, startling her. Tears came to her eyes, there was something wrong. Tzeel was taking longer than expected.

  She did not open the door. Instead, she walked over to the balcony. She was desperate to leave the palace. Her instincts were telling her to jump and escape Totkan, but she could not leave Tzeel behind.

  Without an answer, Liora opened the door. “Sarah?”

  Sarah recognized Liora’s voice. If she was back, so was Uno. She had to protect herself.

  Liora fell down. She could not feel her legs anymore. Sarah walked over to her.

  “Where’s Tzeel?” she asked harshly.

  Sarah felt a sting in her neck. She looked back and saw Uno. He smiled. Sarah would have killed him if she had had the opportunity, but she fainted.

  “Undo her magic, Uno,” begged Liora, unable to stand.

  “I would if I could. Too strong. We’ll have to carry you, but don’t worry. When she’s gone, her magic will be gone too,” said Uno smiling. Things had been easier than he had expected. “I’ll be back with the others.”

  Uno left Liora and Sarah alone. He would ask for some of the wizards to get them and take them to the oval room. The poison was strong. Uno doubted any of them would ever open their eyes again.

  To Uno’s surprise, Adara was in the east wing corridor.

  “Uno,” she said between her teeth. Her heart was telling her that the time to intervene had finally arrived. She feared for Tzeel safety.

  “Adara! Back at the palace? I suppose Tzeel does not know you killed his mother. Oh, no wait. She was not his real mother. Yes, he’s just a bastard, Ezra’s illegitimate child, the son of a servant, a slave,” said Uno with disdain.

  Adara threw a sharp blade in his direction. Uno dodged.

  “Well, well, it’s been too long since you last tried to kill me. Haven’t you missed me?” asked Uno maliciously. “I still remember the way you taste.”

  Disgusted with the memory of being violated by Uno, Adara tried to cast a spell on him, but nothing happened.

  “Oh, dear. I’m much stronger today than I was back then. See,” he picked up the blade from the floor and walked toward her. Adara felt an acute pain and collapsed on the floor. “All these years, I could have gone over to your house and just killed you. But I let you live. Do you know why, Adara?” He touched her face. “Because you are nothing,” he said viciously.

  Adara tried to scream, but no sound came out. Uno moved the sharp blade over her neck, slitting her throat. He watched her take giant gasping breaths while gargling blood and coughing. Watching her die did not please him as much as he thought it would. He was sure that the feeling would be much better when it came to Sarah.

  He walked to the oval room leaving Adara’s inert body in the corridor.


  Vincent looked at Adam. He had not joined them to kill an innocent baby. He knew his brother did not agree with that either.

  “We can’t leave,” whispered Adam reading Vincent’s thoughts.

  “I know,” Vincent whispered. Those people were crazy. However, they were about to be burned alive when Uno found them. They either accepted to cooperate or became ashes.

  “We can interfere,” Vincent suggested. They were not strong enough to fight so many wizards, but they could try to help the woman and the baby in some way.

  Adam simply nodded. They could not call anyone’s attention. Adam knew what Vincent had in mind. Whatever happened, they would protect the woman named Sarah.

  Uno opened the door. He was triumphant. “I need help bringing some people here,” said Uno smiling at the others.

  “I’ll help,” said Vincent. That was the opportunity he needed to try and help Sarah.

  Adam followed his brother and volunteered too. They left the room with Uno and three more men, and walked to the west wing of the palace.

  When they arrived, they saw a man lying on the floor.

  “Take him,” said Uno pointing to Tzeel.

  Vincent and Adam did not move. They needed to be responsible for carrying Sarah if they wanted a chance of helping her. Two of the other men took Tzeel.

  Uno took Vincent and Adam to Tzeel’s bedroom. Liora was on the floor and near her was another woman. They approached Sarah and picked her up.

  “You go first,” said Uno to them. Another wizard carried Liora.

  Vincent tried to walk a little faster, so no one would hear him and Adam murmuring a spell their mother had taught them. The spell would not let Sarah’s energy leave her body, thus not allowing her to die. Whatever Uno did, she would survive. Vincent only hoped that the same was true for the baby.

  Seth woke up frightened. He had had a terrible nightmare. He feared for Sarah’s and Tzeel’s lives.

  He ran to their room. The guards lay dead on the ground. The door was open.

  “Tzeel?” shouted Seth. “Sarah?” Despair consumed him. “Darius, Victor?” shouted Seth as he ran to the main hall. There was something wrong, and he decided to pick up a sword.

  When he arrived at the corridor that led to the east wing, he saw Adara’s body.

  “Adara!” he murmured.

  Tears ran down his face. He looked around, searching for the murderer, but he did not see anyone. He was sure there was only one person who could have done it: Uno.

  He shouted for Darius and Victor once more as he knocked on their bedroom doors.

  Victor jumped out of bed and opened the door. Seeing Seth holding a sword in the middle of the night startled him.

  Darius left his room and ran to Seth.

  “Tzeel’s guards are dead. I can’t find him or Sarah. We’re under attack. Call the others,” ordered Seth. He ran to the oval room. There was no doubt that was Uno’s work.

  Seth tried to open the door, but it was closed. He started to kick it as hard as he could, but the door would not even move.

  “Uno! Open the door!” shouted Seth. He could hear whispers coming from the room.

  Seth felt impotent. Tzeel and Sarah needed him. He had to do something. He ran back to the main hall. “Victor! Darius!” he shouted. They ran into the main hall. They seemed shocked.

  “I need help! Where are the others?” asked Seth.

  “They’re dead,” said Victor.

  Seth looked down. He should have killed Uno as soon as he left Totkan. “All of them?”

  “All palace soldiers. We’ll go to the city to get others,” said Darius.

  “I’m afraid there’s not enough time,” said Seth in anguish. “We have to stop them now. Follow me!” Seth ran back to the oval room and got back to kicking the door. The chant inside got louder. Darius and Victor joined Seth. They would have to take the door down if they wanted Tzeel and Sarah to live.

  Sarah opened her eyes. She heard whispers. She was lying down chained to what seemed to be an altar. She was too dizzy. She closed and opened her eyes several times, but her vision was still blurred. She saw a circle of witches and wizards. They had their eyes closed.

  Sarah looked at the two wizards closer to her. They seemed to cast a different spell. They were trying to protect her, she could tell. She tried to break the chains, but she was weak.

  She looked to her left side and saw Tzeel chained to a table. He was having a seizure. Tears ran down Sarah’s face.

  “Stop it!” screamed Sarah. “You’re killing him!”

  Liora opened her eyes and looked at Tzeel. Sarah was right. Liora tried to move, she wanted to run to him, but she was still under Sarah’s spell. She started murmuring a protective spell. She could not let him die. She loved him.

  Being completely focused on Tzeel, Liora did not see Uno approach. She felt a cold blade penetrating her skin; he
r lungs filled with blood. She looked back.

  “I’m sorry, Liora. He has to go,” said Uno flatly. “Carry on,” commanded Uno to the others.

  Sarah gathered all the energy she still had and broke the chains. She had to save Tzeel. She tried getting up, but she could not feel her legs. She threw herself on the floor. She would crawl up to Tzeel.

  She felt a sting in her neck again. Uno was poisoning her once more. Aiken, Caleb and Elias got her back to the altar and chained her.

  Tzeel knew he was going to die, there was nothing he could do. He was too weak to fight back. The poison Liora had injected in him still had him groggy. He looked at Sarah.

  “Sarah,” murmured Tzeel. Her eyes were fixed on his. He did not want their last words to be uttered in pain.

  He thought of the touch of her skin, her smile, the times she had told him she loved him, and those things brought him comfort.

  “I love you,” he murmured, the last breath of air leaving his body.

  “Tzeel!” shouted Sarah. His eyes were motionless. She cried helplessly. Chunks of the walls started to fall.

  “Don’t stop!” Uno shouted to the others.

  Sarah could not stop crying. She did not even have time to tell him that she loved him back.

  The poison Uno had injected in her made her close her eyes. With any luck, she would be dead soon and reunited with Tzeel.

  Sarah felt the warmth of the Sun on her face. She was glad that it had all been a bad dream and that she was finally awake. She was in the garden; she could smell the flowers. She tried, with no success, to remember how she had gotten there.

  When she opened her eyes, Tzeel was right in front of her.

  She threw herself in his arms and passionately kissed him. She touched his face, his hair, his chest. She wanted to make sure he was really there.

  Remorse consumed Tzeel. He gave her a sad smile. “I’m sorry,” said Tzeel.

  “I thought I had lost you,” said Sarah, relieved to have him before her, safe and sound.

  He looked down for a second before staring at her again. “You did,” he said deeply.


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