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Then Came Absolution (Southern Love #3)

Page 16

by E. L. Todd

  “It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  “No,” she lied.

  He took a deep breath. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  Alexandra felt her mouth drop slightly. She closed her eyes then calmed herself. But it didn’t last long. She leaned over him and cupped his face, kissing him. He reciprocated her affection immediately.

  “I love you,” she said between kisses.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Tears fell down her face, landing on his cheeks. “You’re going to be okay.” She pressed his hand against his side. “I won’t let you die.”

  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I know. You’re the best nurse I’ve ever known. I’m in good hands.”

  She kissed him again. “The ambulance is on the way. They’ll get you fixed up soon.”

  He ran his fingers through her hair. “I know,” he said gently.

  Alexandra leaned over him and pressed her forehead against his. “Stay with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Alexandra kissed the corner of his mouth then his lips. “I love you so much. I can’t live without you.”

  “Nor I you.” His hand drifted down her arm.

  The front door opened as the paramedics came inside.

  “Thank god,” Alexandra said.

  They grabbed Blaise and put him on the stretcher. Alexandra never left his side, and walked beside them as they carried Blaise to the ambulance.

  “We can take it from here,” the paramedic said.

  “I’m a nurse,” Alexandra said. “I’m coming.”

  The paramedic stared at her. “I can assure you—”

  “Stop wasting time!” She got inside then took the seat beside Blaise. She grabbed his hand while the medics began their work. The paramedic didn’t argue and got into the back. Alexandra watched what they were doing, and monitored his heart rate through his wrist. It was becoming weaker after every mile. Alexandra had never been more scared in her life. Blaise had always lost a lot of blood, and he could have damage to his kidney. She knew this wasn’t good. But she kept a straight face for Blaise.

  Blaise’s hold on her palm was becoming weaker and weaker. “Alexandra?” His eyes were closed.

  “I’m still here.”


  “I won’t go anywhere.”


  She kissed his hand then closed her eyes. The flood of tears was behind her eyes and she tried to hold them back. A life without Blaise was no life at all. He had to pull through this. He had to survive.

  When they arrived at the hospital, they immediately took him to the emergency room. After a quick x-ray, they took him to surgery.

  “What’s going on?” she said as she ran beside Blaise. He was completely unconscious at this point.

  “He’s taken serious damage to his kidney. We’ll try to repair it. If not, we’ll remove it.” The doctor nodded to the nurse. “Keep her back.”

  Alexandra quickly kissed Blaise’s hand. “You’re going to be okay. I promise.”

  They pulled him through the door and out of her sight. Paralyzed, she stood there, unsure what to do with herself. She took a seat in the waiting room and broke down in tears. She had cried a lot in her life, but she had never sobbed like she did then. If Blaise died, it would be entirely her fault. If she hadn’t been selfish, she wouldn’t have drove into town. She caused everything.

  Paul called her while she waited but she ignored him. She couldn’t even remember him calling because she was in such a daze. The police eventually tracked her down and she told them everything that happened, multiple times. When they finally left, she asked the front desk for an update. Of course, they had nothing to report. Hours later, the doctor finally came back to the waiting room.

  She ran to him then covered her face. If he said Blaise didn’t make it, she would fall apart. “Please tell me he’s okay…”

  “He’s going to pull through.”

  She released the breath she was holding. “Thank you, thank you.”

  “He lost a lot of blood, but he’ll recover.”

  “Could you save the kidney?”

  He nodded. “Fortunately. He’s on the surgical floor. You can see him, but he’ll be sedated for a while.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him. “Thank you so much.”

  He stepped away. “I’m just doing my job.”

  Alexandra took the elevator to the surgical floor then searched for his room. When she finally found him, she gripped his hand then stared at his vitals. His blood pressure was low, but everything else looked fine. She broke down in tears again. Even though he was going to be okay, she was still shaken up from what happened.

  Exhausted, she rested her head on his bed while she held his hand. She fell asleep and was woken hours later by the feel of fingers through her hair. Alexandra opened her eyes and saw Blaise staring at her.

  She sat up. “How are you feeling? Do you need anything? I love you. Do you need some water? I love you.”

  Blaise smiled then grabbed her face. He brought her lips to his and kissed her gently. “I’m okay.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “You think a wimpy knife could kill me?”

  Alexandra smiled at him. “Back to your cocky self?”

  He kissed her forehead. “I never stopped being my cocky self.”

  She pressed her forehead to his. “I was so scared…”

  “It’ll take a lot more than that to take me away.”

  She took a deep breath. “It’s all my—”

  “Don’t fucking say it,” he snapped. “I mean it.”

  “But it is.”

  “Absolutely not,” he said. “Believe me, it was mine. I’m just sorry your life was ever at risk. I would have taken my own life if something happened to you.”

  A tear dripped down her nose and landed on his face.

  “Alexandra, I’m okay.”

  “I almost lost you.” She sniffed then wiped her nose.

  “Almost,” he said gently.

  “God, I love you.”

  Blaise smiled. “I love with you with my whole heart, Alexandra.”

  She closed her eyes and counted her blessings. If Blaise hadn’t survived, she never would have forgiven herself. “You must be tired,” she whispered.

  “I am,” he said. “Even though I’ve been sleeping.”

  “It’s a side effect.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing I have my favorite nurse beside me.” He rubbed his nose against hers. “How about a sponge bath?”

  She chuckled. “You always get right to the point.”

  “I do.” He scooted over, giving extra room on the bed. “Lay with me.”

  “I really shouldn’t,” she said. “You just had surgery. You’re prone to infections.”

  “If I survived a knife to the gut, I can survive bacteria,” he said. “Now get in here.”

  She stared at him before she moved to the bed. Blaise pressed his forehead to hers then placed his hand on her waist. He took a deep breath then closed his eyes. Alexandra kept her hands near his face so she wouldn’t touch his injuries.

  The door opened and Martha walked inside. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  Blaise opened his eyes. “Even a grenade couldn’t kill me.”

  Martha kissed his forehead. “I don’t know what I would do without my only son.”

  He smiled. “You’d have one less person to put up with.”

  She chuckled. “I like the challenge.”

  Alexandra kept her arms around Blaise.

  “Dear, are you alright?” Martha asked as she rubbed her back.

  “No,” Alexandra whispered.

  Blaise kissed her forehead. “Everything is okay.”

  Alexandra didn’t move.

  Martha eyed them for a moment. “I’ll be around if you need me.”

ha?” Blaise said.


  “Thanks for shooting that asshole.”

  She smiled. “Anytime.” She walked out and shut the door, but Cole burst inside.


  Blaise rolled his eyes. “I’m fine.”

  “You were fucking stabbed!” Cole was more upset than Alexandra was. “Are you okay?” He moved toward the bed.

  “I’m fine, really,” Blaise said.

  Alexandra clutched him tightly.

  Blaise glanced at her. “I would hug you but Alexandra won’t move.”

  “Never,” she whispered.

  Cole smiled then looked at his brother. “I guess you are okay.”

  Blaise nodded while he stared at Alexandra.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” Cole said. “I—I was really scared there.”

  “The worst has passed,” Blaise said quietly.

  Cole nodded.

  “And thanks—for everything.”

  “Yeah,” Cole said.

  “And we’re okay.”

  Cole raised an eyebrow. “We are?”

  Blaise nodded. “I couldn’t ask for a better brother.”

  Cole smiled. “I’m glad I redeemed myself.”

  Blaise nodded toward Alexandra. “You more than redeemed yourself.”

  “I can see that.” He patted Blaise on the shoulder. “I’ll give you some privacy.”


  “And Uncle John is here.”


  Cole nodded. “You heard me right. He wants to see you.”

  “Fuck no,” Blaise snapped.

  “Blaise,” Alexandra said. “Let him come in.”

  “No,” Blaise said. “He doesn’t give a shit about me. He probably wants to slip me a drug so I’ll die because Evan didn’t kill me.”

  Alexandra sat up. “I won’t let anyone touch you.” She had a fierce determination in her eyes.

  “Neither will I,” Cole said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “But I’m sure his visit is sincere,” Alexandra said.

  Blaise looked at his brother. “Is it?”

  “I think so,” Cole said. “But what do I know?”

  “Not much,” Blaise said with a smile.

  “I’ll get him,” Cole said as he walked out.

  Alexandra held his hand while she sat on the bed, blocking him.

  “You don’t need to protect me,” he said gently. “But I appreciate it.”

  “I’m not moving.”

  He sighed. “Okay.”

  Cole walked in and John entered after him. It was quiet and tense as soon as everyone was in the room. Uncle John had his hands in his pockets, and he looked at the machines in the room before he finally looked at Blaise.

  Cole stayed in the corner and watched him closely. Alexandra didn’t move from her position from the bed.

  “Can I have a moment with Blaise?” he asked quietly.

  “No,” Alexandra and Cole said simultaneously.

  Blaise smiled. “Sorry.”

  John approached the bed. “How are you, kid?”

  “I almost lost a kidney, but I’m in good health besides that.”

  “I guess you’ll have to drink less,” John said.

  “Never,” Blaise said.

  Alexandra eyed him.

  Blaise sighed. “I’ll cut down a little.”

  She eyed him again.

  “I’ll cut down a lot.”

  John smiled. “You got a good woman on your hands.”

  “One that will do anything to protect him from assholes like you,” Alexandra snapped. “What the hell do you want?”

  Cole’s mouth dropped in shock.

  Blaise smiled at her. “Someone’s grown a backbone.”

  She glared at John. “Say what you need to say and leave. Blaise needs to rest, not stress about family betrayals.”

  John nodded then looked at Blaise. “I’m glad you’re okay. When Cole called, I was really worried.”

  “Were you?” Blaise said sarcastically.

  “I admit my behavior was unacceptable, but I’ve never wanted you dead, Blaise.” John held his gaze. “You’re my nephew. Of course I care about you.”

  “Which is why you tried to destroy everything I’ve worked my entire life for?”

  John averted his gaze. “Would it make any difference if I said I was sorry?”

  Blaise was quiet for a moment. “No.”

  John nodded. “I figured. But for what’s it worth, I am sorry. And I’m very glad you’re okay.”

  Blaise looked away.

  John stood next to the bed, his hands in his pockets. “Well, that’s all I came to say.”

  “Thanks for coming,” Cole said.

  “Now go,” Alexandra said.

  John nodded. “I’m sorry for the intrusion.”

  Cole opened the door and let him out. “I’ll make sure he leaves.”

  “Thank you,” Alexandra said.

  When the door closed, Alexandra snuggled next to Blaise and breathed deeply, thankful to have him in her arms. Then the tears started to fall again.

  “Would you think I’m an evil psychopath if I said I like seeing you cry over me?”

  She wiped her tears away. “A little.”

  He smiled. “Well, I like it.”

  “I love you so much,” she said. “Of course I’d bawl my head off.”

  “I guess I’m not surprised.” His hand moved up her shirt and rested on her lower back. “And I’m excited to get a good night’s rest tonight.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  When Blaise was finally allowed to go home, Alexandra was relieved the event was finally over. Blaise still had to heal, would have a horrible scar for the rest of his life, but he left in once piece. And that’s what mattered.

  Blaise was eager to move around anyway. He was anxious lying in bed when Alexandra wasn’t right beside him. When she pulled out a wheelchair for him to sit in, he just stared at it.

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “You shouldn’t walk very much.”

  “I can make it to the car.” He grabbed his clothes then stood up.

  “No,” she said. “Sit down.”

  He rolled his eyes then returned to the bed.

  She untied his gown then revealed his naked chest. The gauze around his torso had been changed many times due to the blood, but his blood finally started to clot, ending the bleeding. She stared at it for a moment before she grabbed his shirt. He was completely naked, but she didn’t move her eyes lower than his waist out of respect of his privacy.

  He smiled. “You’ve seen me naked a hundred times.”

  She blushed. “It’s still disrespectful.”

  “I like it when you look at me.”

  She pulled his shirt over his head then adjusted it. There was a huge blood strain in the fabric, but it’s all he had to wear. She helped him get into his boxers and jeans.

  “I can do it on my own, but I like it when you dress me.” He winked at her.

  “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”

  “Damn right.” He stood then pulled her to his chest, giving her a hard kiss on the mouth. She melted at his touch and felt his tongue slip inside her. When she pulled away, she didn’t want to.

  “Let’s go.”

  “I’m ready to go home,” he said with a sigh. “I hate hospitals.”

  She grabbed his hand and watched him carefully as he walked.

  “I’m fine,” he said with a smile. “You don’t need to watch me all the time.”

  “I’m just worried.”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Don’t be.”

  They took a cab back to his house. When they arrived, Martha’s truck was gone.

  “Where is she?” he asked.

  “She’s at the police station,” Alexandra said.

  “Because of Evan?” he asked.

  Alexandra nodded.

  “I hope she doe
sn’t get in trouble…”

  “It was self defense,” Alexandra said. “The cops even said that.”

  Blaise breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank god.”

  Alexandra helped him out of the car and into the house.

  “Let’s go horseback riding,” Blaise said excitedly.

  She smiled. “You’re getting in bed.”

  “What? I’ve been in bed for days.”

  She shrugged. “That’s how it has to be.”

  He sighed. “I’ll only go to bed if you go with me.”

  “Deal,” she said with a smile. “After I shower.”

  “Ooh. I like that.”

  She blushed.

  “But I really need a shower too…”

  Alexandra eyed him. “Nice try.”

  “I’ve haven’t showered in three days. I really do need one. And I wouldn’t want to stand in there all by myself…”

  “You think you are so sly.”

  He smiled. “I have a feeling it worked.”

  “Well, you do need to shower.” She waved the air with her hand.

  He laughed. “Thanks for being so sensitive about it.”

  “Let’s go.”

  He smiled then followed behind her.

  She pulled his clothes out of the drawer and put them on.

  Blaise looked disappointed. “Damn.”

  Alexandra got the shower ready then helped Blaise remove his clothes. She left his boxers on. But Blaise pulled them down, a huge grin on his face.

  “You remind me of a little boy.”

  He glanced down at himself. “That isn’t possible.”

  She averted her gaze and stepped into the shower. Blaise followed behind her then rinsed his hair. She carefully washed his skin, taking extra care to the cut on his lower stomach.

  “It doesn’t hurt,” he said.

  “Okay.” She stared at the beads of water on his chest then averted her gaze.

  Blaise pushed her against the wall of shower then kissed her, pressing his naked body against hers. The wet fabric of her shirt clung to her body, making her nipples hard. Even though she was clothed, she felt naked, like he could see completely through her. Blaise cupped her face and kissed her passionately, sucking her bottom lip. His erection formed instantly, pressing against her.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she whispered.


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