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Page 4

by Anna Antonia

  “You sure?”


  “All right. You need to go wash your face and when you get back I’m going to help you make that date.”

  Now that she was calm, Victoria felt more than a bit silly for flipping out. She’d just wanted everything to go perfectly on her end and when it didn’t…

  I need to work on improving that part of my personality for sure.

  “I should call him and let him know I’ll be late.”

  “Nope! You still got until 8:00. We’ve got about two hours left until you meet Mr. Cutie.”

  “Yeah, but I’ve already missed the train.” Victoria belatedly realized she’d never even gotten Adrian’s number and he hadn’t asked for hers. She had no way of getting a hold of him. Her panic started rising degree by unhealthy degree.

  “You’re not going by train.”

  “I can’t afford a cab, Jenny, but it looks like I don’t have a choice.” She was going to have to see if she could work a double on the weekend to make up the blow to her budget.

  “I thought you said your tits were calm, Vickie.”

  “They are!”

  “I beg to differ. I told you I was going to help fix this for you, right?”

  “I know but you don’t have a time machine, do you?”

  Jenny shook her head and stood up. “She of little faith.” Jenny then opened up the door and called out for Krista and Shaundra. “Girls, we got a situation here. We need your help.”

  Victoria sat there in her underwear, tissue clutched in her hand, while their two other roommates came over.

  “What’s up?” Shaundra, a fabulous Georgia peach, was only one semester away from graduating with her Masters in Education. She loved the city for its culture, fashions, and dining, but was planning on moving back to Hotlanta by the fall.

  “Yeah?” Krista, another transplant like the three of them, came via I-95 all the way from Florida. She’d followed her boyfriend and his band but when they signed on for a tour in Japan, Krista decided on Sayonara to the boyfriend. She worked as a hairdresser in the Meatpacking District.

  Jenny had Victoria recap her situation. Victoria blushed beneath their congratulations and gentle ribbings of “Finally!” and “I thought you were going to be a nun-in-training!”

  Once their teasing died down, Shaundra got down to business. “So he’s some kind of financial high-roller, right?”

  “Actually, I’m not sure.”

  Three pairs of eyes looked at Victoria as if she’d lost her mind. “What? I never asked him what he did for a living.”

  “But he works at that building for sure?” Jenny asked.

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Then we’re going with he’s a high-roller.” Shaundra looked about. “Where’s the dress?”

  Victoria pointed to the bag hanging on the closet door. Shaundra opened it up. A quick inspection followed by “Not bad. We can work with this. Now what about a wrap?”

  “I don’t have one.”

  Krista raised her hand. “I got you covered. What about shoes?”

  Victoria had a sinking suspicion the shoes weren’t going to pass inspection. At all. She sighed and waved a hand. “In that other bag.”

  Since Krista was closer she picked it up and took a peek. “Victoria, you still have the receipt?”

  Enough said.

  “Guys, that’s the best I could come up with. I don’t have the cash for anything better.”

  Shaundra bumped shoulders with her. “Don’t worry, girl. We got you covered, okay? What shoe size do you wear? A six? I’m only a half size up. You can borrow any one of my fabulous pairs.”

  Victoria leaned her head on Shaundra’s shoulder, feeling all the pressure ease off now that she had help. “You guys have no idea what this means to me. Seriously. This date is so important to me and I don’t want to do anything to ruin it.”

  “Yeah, we figured Mr. Cutie has to be very special to break you out of your routine and get you to freak out.”

  Victoria looked over at Jenny. “You’re right and he is.”

  Krista grinned, her chic bob cut streaked the same red as her lipstick. “We’ll do whatever it takes, Victoria, because we’re just trying to get you laid before you turn twenty-four!”

  Victoria laughed along with her roommates. Once the laugher died down, Victoria turned herself over to them. Her makeup was applied by Shaundra’s deft hand, Krista curled and pinned her hair, and Jenny made several calls to take care of Victoria’s transportation issue.

  The girls then hustled her to Shaundra’s room, and more importantly, her jaw-dropping shoe collection.

  “I don’t know what will go best with the dress. I’ll let you decide, Shaundra.”

  The choice was made in a minute flat. Victoria slipped on the dangerously high heels. “Do I look okay?”

  “Honey, are you kidding me? You can’t go wrong with McQueen.”

  Jenny got off her phone. “Your ride’s waiting for you, Vickie. You almost done?”

  “I think so. I just need the wrap, right?” Once in Krista’s room, Victoria waited while she brought out a small collection of shawls, wraps, overcoats, and jackets.

  After quick changes and a few quicker debates, they moved away from wraps and all settled on a midnight-blue overcoat made of a lightweight material that shimmered under the right light.

  Victoria rushed to her room and grabbed her small wallet, grateful that Krista’s coat had roomy pockets. She gave herself a quick glance at the mirror, pleased by what she saw, and dashed out into the cramped living room.

  The girls gave her their collective thumbs up and Victoria thanked them all for helping her out of a bind.

  “I owe you all big time. Seriously. You need me to do chores for a month, anything, let me know.”

  Jenny waved her hand. “Normally this would go without saying but since you don’t date—at all—here are the rules. Call or text one of us if you’re not coming home. If things go bad and you have to bail, call or text us. If things go really bad, scream for help. I don’t care where you are—just do it. Then call 911. You have your mace, right?”

  “On my keychain.”

  Jenny waited until Victoria showed her. “All right. Other than that, have a great time.”

  “Okay, Mom!”

  “Now that she had her say, let me have mine. Take care of my shoes, you hear?”

  Victoria crossed her heart. “I’ll protect them with my life and the coat too, Krista.”

  The lanky brunette shrugged. “It’s cool.”

  Jenny clapped her hands once. “All right it’s time to hustle. The chariot is double-parked and won’t wait around forever.”

  “Okay, okay! I’m gone, everyone. Bye!”

  Jenny tugged her out of the apartment to the chorus of well-wishes and they went down the stairs. She waited during suitable intervals as Victoria got the hang of maneuvering while balancing on such a thin point. When they finally got outside, Jenny raised her hand in a wave.

  “There he is.”

  A luxury SUV in requisite black and chrome waited to whisk her away. “Wow. That’s nice.”

  “I know.”

  A young man got out. “Jenny! Girl, you know you owe me for this, right?”

  “Put it on my tab, Anthony.”

  “Yeah, like I always do.” He jogged around to the passenger side and addressed Victoria. “You want up front with me or in the back?”

  Before she could answer, Jenny snapped, “Are you kidding me? You put her in the back like you’re supposed to. Seriously, you just started working for Dominic or what?”

  Anthony rolled his eyes and muttered as he opened the rear passenger door.

  “What was that?”


  “Yeah, I bet it was.”

  Victoria raised one recently-sculpted brow. Jenny snorted. “What? Just because he’s doing me a solid doesn’t mean you don’t get the professional treatment.”

  She wise
ly kept her protests of “He doesn’t have to go through that trouble” to herself and hugged Jenny instead. “Thanks for everything.”

  Jenny patted her lightly. “It was nothing. You’d do the same for me.”

  “I would.”

  The blond pulled back. “You better go if you want any chance of making it in time.”

  Those were exactly the words she needed to hear to get moving. Victoria hugged Jenny one last time and then walked over to Anthony. She smiled and thanked him before climbing in the back.

  Anthony closed the door and then got in the driver’s seat. He turned to her and asked for the address. Victoria gave it to him, already thinking of Adrian.

  “Don’t worry, Vickie. I know every shortcut between here and there. I’ll get you where you gotta be before you know it.”

  And then just like that they were off.

  Nervous butterflies danced in Victoria’s tummy. To think she almost slept through her date! But with the help of her friends and Anthony, everything was going to work out beautifully.

  I hope Adrian is looking forward to tonight as much as I am.


  Adrian cursed a streak as vile as it was long. Everything that could go wrong already had. His PA was on death’s door with the flu. Her back-up was an inch closer with the same flu. The contracts that were supposed to land on his desk by 11:00am hadn’t and couldn’t be tracked by FedEx.

  He had to skip lunch for a presentation with London that ran over into a video-conference with Vancouver. His partners, understandably, didn’t care for the delay. By the time six rolled around he was starving, irritable, and itching for a fight.

  As far as bad days went, it had to be in his Top 10.

  Unfortunately, the day wasn’t over. He still had a ton of work that had to be finished before he could leave his desk. The eye on his clock grew harder as it ticked ever closer to 7:30. He’d yet to shave or change, wanting to save that until the end.

  Which wasn’t coming any closer as more urgent e-mails arrived in his in-box.

  The only thing that kept Adrian from flipping his desk over in fury was the reminder that Victoria waited at the long end of his hellish tunnel. That and the wry mental observation that these were the situations in which he usually thrived. Adrian just couldn’t square away why he was so irritable over the off-chance of being late.

  It happened and Victoria was sure to understand. She wouldn’t take it as a slight against her or his commitment to going out with her tonight. She was too selfless for that.

  But I want everything perfect for her. I don’t want her to be understanding or have to sacrifice anything more than she already has in her life.

  And that was that.

  Adrian rolled up his sleeves and plowed through, refusing to let anything but success be the end result. His computer clocked showed 7:29 when he finally finished.

  He shut down his computer before making use of his private bathroom. Every minute counted so he had to be quick. Finally showered, shaved, and changed, Adrian ran a critical eye over his appearance. Every strand of hair was in its place and his clothes were immaculate as ever.

  There was absolutely nothing to betray the hectic day he’d just survived.

  Running a hand over his smooth jaw, Adrian hoped to impress Victoria with the one thing that did go right—his plans for their date. He’d gone full out to entertain her, sensing that she wouldn’t turn a jaded nose to drinks at an intimate jazz club, dinner at his favorite Moroccan restaurant, all finished off with a helicopter ride above the city.

  And as much as he’d like to imagine taking things to his bedroom, Adrian knew he had to take things slowly with Victoria. Anything faster could potentially make her bolt and that was the very last thing he wanted.

  Tonight was all about building on the foundation they’d already established.

  No, he was going to be a good boy and do right by the very good Victoria. Later, well…there’d be the right time and place for the deliciousness of later.

  Noting the time, Adrian grabbed his coat, turned off his lights, locked the door, and made his way downstairs. The elevator remained empty as it carried him quickly to the main floor. Standing there, lean body tense and impatience thrumming a tattoo in his heart, Adrian recognized the familiar mix of adrenaline and anticipation.

  Except instead of feeling it because of an impending deal, he felt it for Victoria.

  Slow down there. You’d think it was your first date ever.

  Adrian shook his head, a wry smile making a brief appearance. He’d planned excursions like this a thousand times before. If he could impress a duchess, surely he could impress a sweet girl like Victoria?

  The elevator doors opened and he stepped out. Although he wasn’t close to the entrance yet, Adrian tried to spot her as he walked across the impressive lobby. Nothing, but then again he didn’t have a complete vantage point. Once he stood outside, Adrian looked one way and down the other.

  No Victoria.

  He didn’t have to look at his watch to know it was eight on the dot. Unease crawled down his spine. He had it on authority that Victoria Montford was punctual and had never been late to work or even missed a day.

  She was also never late when meeting him after her shift. But she was late now. He reached for his phone but then realized that although he had her number, Victoria herself had never given it to him.

  He couldn’t call her.


  Being the city that never slept, the sidewalk teemed with people but not the one person he wanted to see more than anyone else. Unaccustomed nervousness dictated that Adrian pace back and forth.

  Maybe she’d gotten hurt on the way over. His detail always reported Victoria’s commute to her home as uneventful but what if this time was different?

  I knew I should’ve sent a car for her!

  Maybe there was an issue with the subway? A quick search showed no delays on any of the lines.

  Maybe Victoria decided not to come.

  That thought froze him in his tracks.

  Was it possible that she had changed her mind? But why? Adrian thought back to their last meeting less than twenty-four hours before. Victoria had cuddled right into his arms, darling smile on her face, and pleasure gleaming beautifully in her eyes. There was nothing to indicate she didn’t want to meet him.

  But what if Adrian had read all the signs incorrectly? What if he had overestimated her attraction to him?

  Not once had he ever been stood up before. In other circumstances, Adrian might’ve found twisted humor in the situation. This wasn’t the time.

  Just as he was about to work himself into a froth, a black SUV pulled up in front of the building. A young man in a smart suit jumped out and rushed around to catch a door already opening.

  Adrian watched, transfixed, as an exquisite vision took the driver’s hand and stepped out. It looked like a grownup version of Victoria from the top of her perfectly-curled hair, down past her nipped-in waist, and all the way to her sexy heels.

  There was no doubt that this beautiful woman was the girl he had been waiting for. Even longer than tonight. Adrian, who had the envious experience of dating some of the most glamorous women in the world, had never, ever felt his heart tighten like this.

  He took a step back.

  Victoria turned to the young man and gave him a quick hug. Adrian’s expression hardened immediately at the sight. He didn’t like seeing her touching any man but him. Adrian wasn’t a jealous man, and he couldn’t be considering he never made a long-term claim on any of the women he’d ever seen, but this…

  He didn’t like it. At all.

  Adrian’s strides ate up the distance between them faster than a shot. She turned towards him before he reached her. His aggressive, animalistic instincts receded at the wide smile she gifted him.

  “Adrian!” She spared another grateful look at the man next to her. “Thanks again for everything, Anthony. You saved me tonight.”

  “No pro
blem. You got my number. Call me if you need me to take you home.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Adrian broke in before Victoria could answer. “I’ll send her home.” He then reached into his wallet, folded a crisp bill, and shook the other man’s hand. “For your troubles.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Anthony tipped his head at Adrian, closed the door, and then slid back into the luxury vehicle. Adrian didn’t want to dwell on the relief he felt once the other man left. The foreign feelings of jealousy still ran hot and Adrian suspected it would take a while for him to calm down.

  Victoria, unaware of his primal feelings said, “I’m so sorry to keep you waiting, Adrian.”

  He noted the breathless quality of her voice and wondered if it was the same excitement for him that he felt for her.

  “I didn’t have to wait long.” Adrian opted to keep his previous worries to himself. It didn’t matter anymore now that she was with him.

  She touched his arm, relief heavy in her voice. “Thank goodness. Anthony drove like a champ to get here and he would’ve made it by eight, but one of the intersections was blocked. Still he did pretty well, don’t you think?”

  Adrian leaned down, unable to resist kissing her cheek for one second longer. “He got you to me and for that he deserves a trophy.”

  Victoria blushed. Adrian silently swore he’d never tire of seeing them color her cheeks so prettily. “Maybe that tip would suffice? Thank you by the way. I was so focused on getting here that I forgot to do it. How much did you give him? I can pay you back.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s my pleasure, Victoria, to take care of it for you.” Adrian held out his arm and waited until she slid hers around it. “Ready to go, my lady?”



  Victoria didn’t want the night to end. Ever. And they’d only just started.

  Adrian didn’t have them take a cab, but instead had a private driver shuttle them around. Being in a car made Victoria miss having hers. Granted, she didn’t have a Mercedes, but her green Mustang had been a fun car to drive.

  Their conversation consisted of small talk.

  “Tell me about your driver, Victoria.”

  She grinned. “Oh. I never met him until tonight. He’s a friend of my roommate. Jenny. She really came through for me today.”


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