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Page 19

by Anna Antonia

  Already missing his arms around her, Victoria apologized and tried to get him to lie back down. “I’m sorry. You can go back to bed.”

  “It’s too late, kitten. I’m up.” Adrian twisted and kissed the top of her head before standing. “I’ll be gentleman and go into the other room to take a shower.”

  Victoria got a perfect view of Adrian’s perfectly muscled and naked backside. When he turned to the side she saw he was already hard. Victoria chewed her lip, hungering for him and all the wonderful things they could together in bed.

  “Maybe I don’t want you to be a gentleman.”

  “Maybe I don’t either, but that’s the way it’s going to be.” He laughed when Victoria couldn’t quite hide her pout. “Oh, you’re so cute. I should take a picture of this. Kitten, I’m leaving you so I don’t make love to you for hours and end up making you late. I know how you can be about work.”

  Ridiculously pleased, she murmured, “Oh.”

  “Oh indeed.” Adrian ruffled her hair and commanded, “Thank me for my kindness, kitten.”

  “Thank you, Adrian.”

  Pleased, he sauntered out of the room. Victoria was about to get out of bed and grab her phone when he poked his head back in. “You know, you can leave the door unlocked when you’re in the shower—just in case you don’t mind…you know.”

  Victoria laughed. “Maybe I will, Mr. Hawthorne.”

  “See that you do, Ms. Montford.”

  Once she was free and clear to take her phone into the bathroom, Victoria quickly dialed home. Kathy picked up on the second ring. “Hey!”

  “Hey, Kathy. How’s my girl? Is she up?”

  “Right here ready to eat her sunshine pancakes. Hold on a minute, Victoria. Somebody wants to talk to you.” Kathy pulled away from the phone to address the high-pitched voice in the background saying over and over again, “Is that Mommy?”

  Victoria leaned against the marble wall. Happiness melted over her as she waited for Adriana to get on the phone.


  “Hi, baby pumpkin. How’d you sleep?”

  “Good, Mommy. I miss you. How many sleep-agains until you come home?”

  “One more, baby.”

  “I can’t wait! Mommy?”

  “Yes, baby?”

  “Why are you talking so quiet?”

  Guilt zinged Victoria. “I’m still a little tired.”

  “But it’s time to be awake, Mommy. Dora is on.”

  “I know.”

  “Are you watching it?”

  “No, but I knew you’d be watching. Is it good?”

  Adriana quieted for a moment, gaze probably glued to the TV, before she sang, “I have to go now, Mommy. I have to eat and then get my pack-pack ready for school and the show’s almost over.”

  Victoria smiled, wishing she could hug her little girl right then and there. “Okay, baby pumpkin. Have a good day at school, all right?”

  “I will. You have a good day at your work con…conf…”



  “I will. Let me talk to Grammie, please.”

  “Okay! Bye, Mommy!”

  “Bye, Adriana.” Victoria then spent the next minute or so hearing about her daughter’s upcoming day and Kathy’s plans before getting off the phone. She’d been tempted to tell Kathy where she was, but when the opportunity didn’t present itself Victoria chose not to push it.

  She was due to fly back home tomorrow morning so there’d be plenty of time to share what she’d been up to with Kathy when she picked up Adriana after work. As much as it still surprised Victoria that she was here, Kathy probably wouldn’t be surprised.

  She knew and understood how much Victoria still loved Adrian. After all, Kathy still loved Victor Montford. So much so she hadn’t even gone on one date in all the years Victoria’s father had been gone. Strangely enough it was the loss of their men that had finally brought them close together, not as stepmother and stepdaughter, but woman to woman.

  Kathy will probably be thrilled for us and be positive Adrian and I will be getting back together. If only I could be half as optimistic as her.

  Victoria put her phone back in her purse. She quickly finished the first part of her bathroom routine, finding a spare, unopened toothbrush where Adrian usually kept them, and then darted in the shower before making sure to unlock the door.

  Standing there under the wonderful water pressure, Victoria went over her limited options.

  What’s the best way to bring this up to him? Oh hey, by the way, no biggie but I had your baby and didn’t tell you about it. We’re cool, right?

  That would obviously be the worst way. So what would be better?

  The glass door opened up. Adrian stepped in, completely naked and more than ready to distract her from the increasingly unhappy thoughts crashing in her mind.

  Victoria looked down at his already-sheathed shaft. “I see you’re prepared.”

  Adrian’s hands slid greedily over her body. “Always.”

  It was wildly erotic to feel the water falling over them while their bodies melded sweetly together. Victoria gasped his name into his mouth as she frantically came over and over again on his beautiful cock.

  But what was even more beautiful was when Adrian groaned against her back, “Oh God! I fucking love you so much, Victoria! Only you. Always you.”

  He held onto her as if he never wanted to let her go. Victoria closed her eyes and stood there for as long as he needed, but feeling that hope was all she could hold onto.

  When Adrian cupped her face and kissed her, Victoria frantically traded promises with God.

  Tonight. I’ll tell him tonight after my workday is over. So please let me have one more day. Let me have that, okay?

  Victoria did her best to go through the motions of a woman so thoroughly besotted that she had no room for other thoughts. But like a pebble in her luxurious shoe, her falseness rubbed incessantly.

  She laughingly let Adrian tease her over height and even sat on the counter at his direction while she blow-dried her hair. Victoria asked for Adrian to bring in her purse and applied her makeup while he watched. She was normal. Innocent.

  And lying for the last time.

  Victoria went to the foot of Adrian’s bed after he came out from his dressing room, looking rakishly handsome and perfect just as she remembered.

  “Will I do?” Adrian asked with a wink and a smile.

  “You’re gorgeous as always.” Victoria didn’t need to straighten his black tie but she used the excuse to touch him.

  “Kitten, the longer you stand there naked the more I’m going to assume you don’t really want to go to your conference.”

  “What am I going to wear?” She picked up her dress from the floor. “It’s hopelessly wrinkled and anyone who takes one look at me will know how I spent last night.”

  “Is that a problem?” Adrian asked with a naughty smirk on his face. His arms went around her waist and he tugged her to him.

  Victoria was unable to resist feeling desire for Adrian even though they’d just made love in the shower. Cuddled against him, she was determined to get through the workday one last time before turning their world upside down.

  Still, she murmured with longing, “I wish I didn’t have to go back to the hotel. I wish I could stay here in bed with you all day.”

  “Why can’t you?”

  She groaned and dropped her head back. “I have Day Two of the conference and you have a busy day ahead of you too, I’m sure.”

  “So? We can play hooky, kitten. It’ll be fun. You’ll call off sick and so will I and to prove we’re not complete liars, we’ll stay in bed all day.”

  The word “liars” yanked Victoria out of the clouds and back to earth. Her clay feet returned and she feverishly thought of how she’d almost spilled to him the night before. Maybe it would’ve been better to get it over with than having a taste of happiness.

  Although she’d been so close t
o telling him about Adriana over drinks last night, Victoria instead took the easy way out he’d provided.

  Worse, she was grateful that Adrian seemed to have completely forgotten about the confession she’d been on the verge of giving just so she’d have more time with him.

  “We haven’t seen each other in four years. Let’s enjoy our time together and save the confessions for later. What do you say?”

  Later was going to come whether she liked it or not. Victoria knew that even with a workday postponement, she still couldn’t figure out the right words to say to him tonight.

  Adrian sensed her change in mood. He looked down at her with a frown. “What’s wrong, kitten? You don’t like the idea?”

  She forced a smile to her lips. “I love the idea. Really. But, I can’t miss out on the conference since it’s what they sent me up here for.” Victoria smoothed her hand across his chest. “Besides, knowing you’ll be at work will help me concentrate on getting things done instead of dwelling on what I can’t have.”

  The words were too close to the sadness always present in her heart. Not wanting Adrian to probe further, Victoria took a step back and asked, “Do you mind if I borrow an iron? I can probably knock out the worst of the wrinkles in no time. I just need to look presentable enough to get to my room.”

  Adrian’s serious gaze studied her. He opened his mouth as if to challenge the forced gaiety in her tone. Instead, he shook his head slightly. “There’s no need.”

  “Why not? I can try to look for it if you don’t know where it is. I’m pretty sure your housekeeper will have one tucked away somewhere.”

  Adrian shook his head again. “Come with me.” He didn’t give her a chance to say anything before he took her hand and led her out in the hallway into a guestroom. Although it was clean and dust-free, Victoria’s intuition told her no one ever used this room.

  Still not saying a word, Adrian led her to the other side of the room and opened up a door leading into a small walk-in closet. He reached in and turned on the light. “You can probably find something here.”

  Victoria blinked in shock. It was all her clothes, grouped neatly by color and function. Even all her shoes were lined up on the wall rack by color and type. The room didn’t smell musty at all, as if it was regularly aired out or maybe that wasn’t a problem when you lived in a multi-million dollar penthouse.

  “Your jewelry is in the vault—if you want to wear any of it.”

  Adrian sounded a touch gruff, even embarrassed. Victoria turned to him, still amazed. “You kept it all?”

  “Would it have been better if I threw it all away?”

  He sounds defensive. Yep, he’s definitely embarrassed.

  “No. I’m just surprised. I would’ve thought you wouldn’t want any reminders. I mean, you redecorated your whole place. I just assumed—”

  “Yes, well, you do that a lot.” Adrian walked past her and looked through her clothes until he found a charcoal pantsuit and pulled it out. “I know it’s not fresh off the runway, but it’s still stylish and should suffice until you get to your room.”

  Victoria gave the outfit little regard. Her attention was completely focused on the man holding it aloft. Adrian’s shuttered gaze gave no indication to what was hiding in his thoughts, but Victoria knew.

  She knew that gaze because it was the same one she showed the world every day. It was one that said she was strong and in control even when she was feeling the most vulnerable and scared.

  “Thank you, Adrian.”

  He shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

  Victoria closed the distance between them. “No, you’re wrong. It’s everything. You saved my clothes for a reason.”

  Fear streaked across his arresting features. He tried to cover it up with a lazy smile. “Maybe I did.”

  “You never stopped hoping that I’d be back. You told me that last night and I was still scared to really believe you. I’m sorry, Adrian.”

  He clenched his jaw and shoved the pantsuit back on the rack. Victoria took a step back, afraid that she’d offended him, and busily tried to come up with the right words to explain herself. Adrian stopped her with one hand.

  “Do you believe me now?”


  A large shudder wracked his frame. Adrian dropped his head back, his throat working crazily. “You understand what this means then?” When she didn’t answer him fast enough, he snapped his attention back to Victoria. “Do you?”

  “I do. I really, really do.” She ran her fingertips down his clenched jaw. “You’ve always been so good to me. I wish I could’ve understood it then.”

  Adrian snatched her hand and kissed Victoria’s palm with barely restrained fervor. “As long as you understand it now, then it doesn’t matter.” After he kissed her hand again, Adrian said, “I don’t want this to be just one night and then we go our separate ways. I want to start over with you again. Will you see me again, kitten?”

  Victoria’s heart seemingly expanded with bittersweet joy. She wanted that more than anything else in the world. Being able to be with Adrian again, every day and night, was like a dream come true.

  You can’t wait for tonight. You have to tell him now. He deserves to know.

  She lifted her other hand and cupped Adrian’s cheek while he waited for her answer. What would he do when she told him about Adriana? Would he understand or would it come too late like hers did?

  What am I going to do if he hates me? How will I live with it after being back in his heart and living with his love?

  Feeling the seconds ticking down, Victoria took courage and began with “Adrian, there’s nothing more that I want than to start over with you. I’ve never stopped loving you and I love you more than ever.”

  The tension visibly seemed out of him. Unfortunately, Victoria put it right back when she said, “But first I want you to take me back to my hotel room. Can you do that for me?’


  “I have something to show you.”


  The world as he’d built in less than a day disappeared from beneath his feet. Adrian sensed everything they’d experienced over the last twelve hours was about to be torn asunder. It was in the look in her eyes, the sadness that lingered like perfume. Victoria was afraid and had obviously surrendered to her secret.

  No, I won’t accept this.

  “Tell me now.”

  Victoria shook her head. “I can’t. I have to tell you there.”

  Adrian burned to yell his frustration. He felt himself shut down, to go back to his emotional default in face of Victoria’s desertion.

  “Please, Adrian. Just come with me.”

  He looked at her, gaze memorizing every inch of her face as if he hadn’t remembered it a thousand times before.

  “Fine. We leave in five minutes.”

  Adrian left her alone in the closet, unable to stand there another second all the while knowing instinctually that whatever it was she was going to show him was going to destroy their chances of going back to the way they were.


  Victoria was glad that they were at her hotel room door. The ride over had been excruciating. Adrian refused to say a word to her and she was too jittery to try to make small talk. He gave the driver instructions to wait for them before escorting her inside.

  Victoria shifted her purse and the bag containing Adriana’s origami paper so she could slide the plastic card in and open the door. “Please come in.”

  Adrian’s wary gaze took in the tiny room with one glance before stepping inside. Once she closed the door behind him he bit out, “What’s so important you had to bring me here to tell me?”

  She’d spent all so much of their time trying to come up with a way to tell him and now all she could was point to the small, utilitarian nightstand.

  The picture sat in its silver frame. Victoria watched as Adrian walked to it. Perspiration dotted her forehead as the time for truth finally came upon her.

  Nothing would ev
er be the same after this.

  Although terror rattled inside her chest with each breath, Victoria couldn’t deny the relief running through her. It was finally going to be over. She closed her eyes in prayer and hoped that Adrian would find a way to forgive her for her silence.

  Adrian picked up the picture. His gaze focused on the shot of Adriana holding her kitten and smiling like Christmas had come early. His dark brows snapped into a deep frown. He turned to her and asked the one question that mattered above all others, “Who is this?”

  Victoria clasped her hands and took a deep breath.


  “Victoria, who is this?” Adrian’s hand tightened around the picture frame. “Tell me!”

  She closed her eyes. Her skin paled, reminding Adrian of the white roses he once gave her in Paris.

  “My daughter.”

  Adrian’s breath appeared as a punch of air. She had a daughter? Victoria had borne someone’s child?

  Fine tremors raced through his body. Adrian couldn’t stop the inferno of betrayal boiling in his gut. He knew it wasn’t logical or even fair. He knew it, but that didn’t stop him from feeling that Victoria had once again ripped his heart out.

  Damn you, Victoria Montford. Damn you for doing this to me, for having this kind of power over me!

  Adrian somehow managed to keep calm, but only by the slimmest of strings. “You have a child. I see. Now I know why you had to show me. I wouldn’t have believed it otherwise.” He carefully set the frame down on the bedside table. “It looks like you’re missing one.”


  His lips quirked upwards at the prim word. “Your husband. His isn’t here. Unless, you hid him because you knew I’d make my way here. Oh wait. Maybe that’s the surprise. Well, go on. Tell me all about him.”

  “Adrian, you’ve got it wrong.”

  “Do I?” He ignored Victoria’s haunted expression. He leaned back against the wall and observed her through hooded lids. “Why don’t you tell me, in explicit detail please, exactly what I have wrong?”

  “I’m not married.”



  Adrian’s blood pounded through his veins in fierce relief. He’d never slept with a married woman. Adrian would’ve loathed himself to have taken part in adultery, but he would’ve loathed himself more to know it wouldn’t have taken much for Victoria to convince him to do it again.


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