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Jordan's Shadow

Page 13

by T. R. Cupak

“Oh, okay. So, Armen, he hasn’t tried to find me?” The worry was in Jordan’s voice, but she’s holding her composure. I’m so damn impressed with her and how she’s handling all of this.

  “Not to my knowledge, Miss Smith,” he answers.

  “If he contacts you, will you tell him you found me?”

  “Miss Smith, Merrick’s attorneys had me sign a confidentiality agreement. If word ever got out that I disclosed your whereabouts or knowing anything about you in general, I could lose everything, including my family, since I wouldn’t be able to support them. So, no, I would never disclose knowing anything about you, Miss Smith,” he affirms.

  “Thank you,” she whispers. Jordan looks relieved, but still unsure. “What now? Do I have to meet with my dad’s lawyers?”

  “You can meet with them via web conferencing. Anything you will need to sign can be done electronically. You will never have to leave your compound, if you don’t want to. It’s not my business, but I think you are hiding for a reason, and I believe they know that as well. Your privacy is safe with me, Miss Smith,” he assures her while standing. “Miss Smith, Mr. Knight, Monte, everything you need is here,” he hands Jordan a file, “and my business card is in there as well, if you ever have any further questions about Armen Montgomery.” He knows something, but what?

  Jordan stands and shakes his hand before Monte shows the man out.

  “How are you doing?” I had to ask her. She looks like she’s holding it together, but you never know with Jordan.

  “Good, considering what I just found out.” Jordan pauses and with a smile says, “Hi.”

  “Hi, Precious,” I reply back, placing a kiss to her lips. We never got the chance for a proper greeting when I returned to the house, so now is as good a time as any.

  “I’m tired. I think I will go to bed now,” she says before turning towards the hallway. “You coming?” The sexy little smile she gives me lets me know that she’s not asking, she’s telling me to join her.

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I need to fill Monte in on some details from Texas.”

  “Don’t make me wait too long.”

  Goddamn, she has me wrapped around her finger and I’m more than willing to stay here. This woman is going to be the death of me.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Is it horrible I had zero emotions when I learned of Vivian’s death? No, because she wasn’t my mother. Vivian was simply someone who tolerated my existence because of my cheating father. Was I scared shitless of the thought that Armen was the one looking for me? Hell yeah. A very small part of me wants to trust what the private investigator said about confidentiality, and keeping my new identity a secret; well, other than the part of reporting back to Merrick’s attorneys. But, there’s the other part of me, the bigger part—that now knows everyone has a price. Hunter proved that with my new doctor.

  What do I do? Do I take my inheritance, change my name—again, and then flee the country? Or, do I stay here, with the man who has embedded himself deep into my soul? Two crazies don’t make a right, and lord knows both Hunter and I are bat shit crazy, but we work. The dysfunctional relationship Hunter and I have built makes too much sense; we make too much sense. Hunter’s didn’t have to seek me out, but he did. His beautiful heart wanted to right his father’s wrong doing. That notion right there makes me want to say yes. Yes, to staying here, in this house, and making it our home. Yes, to giving myself to him and being his. Yes, to revenge.

  It’s been idyllic insanity of what my mind has been conjuring up while Hunter was in Texas. Dexter and the movie Eye for an Eye have inspired me to discuss our plan in further detail. We have a little over a month to prepare for Las Vegas. The irony of confronting two demons of the past, Arthur and Christian, in Sin City, actually has my heart racing in a good way. Those motherfuckers will get what they deserve. People say karma is a bitch, and to that I will agree; but if she’s the bitch, then what will that make me? Their worst fucking nightmare coming to life, that’s what.

  When I emerge from the en-suite, Hunter was sitting at the foot of the bed with two glasses of champagne.

  “Do you think I should be drinking?” I ask, hesitant to take my champagne flute.

  “It’s up to you, Precious. Champagne and wine were never your… problem.”

  “Hunter, alcohol is my problem.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry for tempting you. That was very inconsiderate of me,” he says apologetically and then stands.

  “Wait. A sip won’t hurt me.” At least I hope it won’t. All I need to do is listen to my body. If I feel like I want more when I don’t need more, then it’s a sign that I shouldn’t be drinking, so I take the glass.

  “Here’s to your health and wealth,” Hunter toasts while clinking our glasses together.

  Slowly sipping the chilled bubbly, I savor the dry fruitiness that wakes my tastes buds. It’s been almost two weeks since my last drink and I haven’t missed it. This is a treat and I will not let it become anything more than just a treat. Drugs and alcohol will not ruin my life.

  “What are you thinking about?” Hunter asks.

  “You, me—us,” I answer.


  “I’m not going anywhere, Hunter. As messed up as we both are, this is where we both belong. We were meant to be together.”

  “Precious, I—”

  “Shush, I’m not finished,” I interrupt him before continuing; “I also want to find my peace and truly believe your plan may give that to me. Let’s get those fuckers. Let’s make them pay for what they did to me.”

  “I’ve waited to hear those words for a long time and I know I was pressuring you into revenge, but Jordan, you have more time to think about it. I don’t want you to hate me later if it doesn’t give you closure.” The concern in Hunter’s voice lets me know he genuinely cares and is worried about how I feel once we’ve completed our task. He needs confirmation that I’m in this craziness with him.

  Standing, I take his glass and walk around to the nightstand, sitting both down, and then return to Hunter. I step between his legs, bending slightly, until our eyes are inches apart. Cupping his face with both hands I look him straight in the eyes before speaking, “Hunter, I want this with you. I’m not going to change my mind,” and seal my declaration with a kiss.

  Hunter grabs my hips, pulling me closer. He had already unbuttoned his dress shirt, so I slide the fabric down his broad shoulders, and over his swolled biceps before tossing it to the side once his hands were free. Reaching down for the hem of his undershirt, I grab the cotton fabric, sliding it up his intricately defined torso, enjoying the feeling of his taut skin against the backs of my fingers. His hands run up my rib cage, lifting my shirt as they go. Hunter moves to stand, so I take a step back, allowing him space, and once he is off the bed, my shirt is then removed from my body, leaving my bare breasts on display.

  “You’re beautiful,” is all he says before pulling me into his arms, bare breasts to bare chest. He places a kiss to my temple before doing a one-eighty turn, leaving my back to the bed. His thumbs hook into my yoga pants; Hunter lightly kisses between my breasts, trailing down to my stomach before stopping at my somewhat revealed pubic bone.

  He glances up at me, gives me a wink, and proceeds to remove my yoga pants followed by an instruction to sit on the bed, so I comply. Hunter places each of my feet onto the bed, spreading them out so my pussy is on display for him. My breath hitches when I feel his tongue glide up and down my slit. There’s tingling sensation within the walls of my vagine, and for the first time ever, I want to skip the foreplay. I’m desperate to have Hunter inside me, consummating our twisted relationship.

  “I need you inside me, Hunter—now.”

  “What? You don’t like how this feels?” he taunts just before his tongue dips between my lips, and into pussy.

  “Oh, fuck,” sputters from lips as I tightly grip the bedspread. The fire burns deep within my core. I’ve needed Hunter s
ince my masturbation session with his showerhead, but Texas needed him more. This is the first time we’ve had sex in almost two weeks. Right now, I need him more than my next breath. “Hunter, please. I want to feel you inside me,” I beg.

  “As you wish, Precious.” He stands and quickly removes the last of his clothes.

  I’ve scooted my way further onto the bed before Hunter crawls up between my legs. He rips open the gold packet and sheaths his solid member with the thin layer of latex before positioning himself at my entrance. Hunter works his hips leisurely, slowly pushing into me. Is he torturing me on purpose? I can’t take the teasing.

  “Dammit, Hunter, just fuck me already,” I command while using my legs to pull him further into me. The cocky smile he gives me makes me want to slap him, but I don’t. I could never do that. His face is too perfect to mark, even if it were just for a little bit.

  Hunter pulls back, leaving just the tip inside me, and then slams forward, filling me balls deep with all of his manliness. He pumps his hips over and over, hitting my clit perfectly. My toes curl from the feel of his rod sliding in and out of my slippery pussy.

  “Is this what you wanted,” he grunts out by ear.

  “Dear god, yes. Don’t-stop-,” I pant out between each thrust of his hips. “Hunter, I’m going to come.”

  “Come for me, baby… now,” he growls out like a feral animal. As my orgasm pulses through my body, I drag my nails down his sculpted back as he pushes deeper inside me, giving into his own release; both of us freefalling into a blissful state of euphoria.

  “That was… everything,” I tell Hunter when he pulls out of me, and then removes the condom. He turns back to face me before speaking.

  “I love you, Precious,” was his response.

  I know I love him too, but the words won’t come out. I’m not ready to say them, so I say the next best thing, “You breathe, I breathe.”

  Hunters eyes light up at my choice of words; he pulls me in, kissing me softly, sweetly, lovingly. My heart beats a little faster knowing this man loves me. I wrap myself around his body, deepening the kiss. Our bodies tangle together, rubbing against each other, reigniting the flame in my core; and for the first time ever, we make love.

  This is my life now, and I want it. I want Hunter.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Waking up with Jordan’s body blanketing mine is like waking up in paradise. She’s soft, warm, and fits perfectly in my arms. After making love last night, we were both spent. Come to think of it, we never ate dinner, which means I should probably feed my sleeping beauty. My plan was to take her out when I got home, but the private investigator changed all that. Once we got past the initial shock of what he had come to tell Jordan and we got answers to some important questions, it all worked out for the best.

  Jordan made me the happiest man alive, last night. She had a new-found strength and held her own. The scared girl is turning into a strong woman. But, that’s not what has my heart bursting at the seams. When I told her I loved her, she may have not said “I love you” back, but she did say “you breathe, I breathe”, which holds more meaning for me. In time the words “I love you” will come from that perfect mouth of hers, and when they do, I will ask her to marry me.

  Remembering we haven’t eaten, I roll to my right and grab my cell phone to text Monte. When the screen comes to life I see a text message from the Aussie.

  Arthur: Mate- Christian needs to get the fuck out of his house. We’re going to Vegas in two weeks. Make it happen.

  Goddamn him for changing the fucking plan… again.

  “Precious,” I whisper by her ear. “Rise and shine.”

  “Mm,” she hums out before rolling away and curling up into a ball. She didn’t have a nightmare last night, which isn’t normal, so I leave her to sleep.

  After my morning routine, I kiss Jordan on the forehead and head to the kitchen. I’m hoping there’s food here to prepare breakfast. I’m starving. When I enter the kitchen, Monte was replacing the coffee pot back in the machine.

  “Boss,” he greets.


  “How’s Jordan this morning?”

  “Still sleeping. Please tell me we have food to make breakfast?”

  “I’m on it,” he answers, setting his coffee mug on the center island.

  “Thanks,” I reply as my stomach grumbles. I grab a mug from the cabinet and pour myself a hot cup of coffee and sit on a bar stool at the breakfast bar and keep Monte company while he prepares breakfast. “So, Arthur moved up Vegas. Could you be ready in two weeks?”

  “Whatever you need, Boss. Is Jordan on board?” Monte asks skeptically.

  “Yes, I am,” Jordan announces as she walks into the kitchen and goes straight for the coffee. Monte is by the refrigerator, so he opens it, handing her some sort of cinnamon creamer. She pours what she needs and then hands the container back to Monte to put away. Some guys would read more into this exchange, but I don’t. Monte is her best friend. Hell, he’s her only friend. This is now the new normal.

  “So, two weeks,” she confirms, after taking a sip of her coffee.

  “It doesn’t have to be two weeks, Precious. If you want to wait, we can. We can always go to Australia later.” I wanted to offer her a secondary option. The last thing I need is for Jordan to get spooked.

  “No, two weeks is fine. I’ve never been to Vegas. Could we go earlier, to enjoy what Sin City has to offer?”

  “Of course. Whatever you want.”

  “Good,” she replies as she takes a seat next to me. “What’s for breakfast, Monte? I’m starving.”

  “Do you want Belgium waffles or crepes?” he asks us both.

  “Waffles,” we answer together.

  “Are you sharing a brain already?” he jokes.

  “Haha, very funny,” was my response to his jab at us.

  Jordan and I sit quietly drinking our coffee while Monte works in the kitchen. This is the calmest I’ve felt in years. There’s nothing lingering over my head anymore, and my woman is still here even after finding out all of my secrets.

  A faint ringing sound echoes through the open space. My phone is on vibrate, so I know it’s not mine. That’s when I look over to see Jordan reach into her hoodie pocket and pull out her phone.

  “Hello,” she says when answering the phone. Jordan listens to whomever is on the other end. “Yes, two-thirty is fine,” another moment of silence before she speaks again, “Um, email,” she pauses, glancing my direction as her cheeks blush before continuing, “the shadow at mail dot com.” Her embarrassment is adorable, but I try not to show any kind of reaction to further her feeling of awkwardness. Watching her flourish in her knew environment is a breath of fresh air. Then again, I was never really around her, that is until recently. Monte was close enough to keep his eye on her, but outside of our previous arrangement, I had no other contact with her. She could have easily been the woman I’m sitting next to, but I won’t ever know how she was when she was on her own.

  “The lawyer’s office,” she offers before I ask. “I have-”

  “We,” I correct her.

  “We have a two-thirty conference call. I didn’t want to assume you were available, Hunter.”

  “Even if I had something on my calendar, I would have made the time work,” I respond with a kiss to her cheek.

  Monte places our breakfast down in front of us. It’s never been in his job description to cook for me, but I’m glad he did this morning. The man is actually a decent chef.

  “Monte, this waffle is airy, and whatever this fruit compote is, it’s packed full of flavor,” Jordan sings out praises to him.

  “It’s nothing,” he responds with a shrug.

  Monte has never been one to accept compliments, but then again, I don’t think I’ve ever really given him any. Man, I’m a fucking asshole. Why in the hell he sticks around is beyond me? I would have told myself to fuck off right before quitting, if I were him. But that’s not his sty
le. Monte is family.

  “Yeah, man. This is fucking good,” I say, finally offering my friend some sort of compliment for a breakfast well done.

  “Thanks, Boss,” says the man of few words.

  The morning flew by. Jordan met with her doctor and received a partial clean bill of health. He advised that she should get more extensive blood panels done, an EKG, and maybe an ultrasound to check her liver and kidneys. He’s worried that there may be underlying issues that he isn’t catching considering her history of drug and alcohol abuse.

  Once the afternoon rolled around Jordan and I prepared for our conference call. There wasn’t a whole lot she had to answer, and nearly nothing to actually do. Her father’s instructions were detailed, precise, and left nothing to be misinterpreted.

  While we were still on the call, the attorney’s office sent a file over that required Jordan’s digital signature. They told her not to worry about her name. She was able to sign as Jordan Smith, since that is her legal name. I was worried that if they made her sign her given name that it might put her into a funk, but she told them she would sign however they needed her to. After everything was verified and her signature was on all of lines that required her to sign, Merrick’s lawyer told her that everything will be hers by the end of the week.

  Jordan Smith, former debutante gone escort, is an heiress to millions. Actually, if you include her father’s properties, vehicles, yacht, private jet, and anything else that could be liquidated, she is probably a billionaire. Goddamn, if that doesn’t make me feel more insecure.

  “Hey,” she says, grabbing my hand. “I won’t keep any of it if it’s going to come between us.”

  “Don’t be crazy. Everything your father left you is yours. You deserve to have the world, I just wanted to be the one to give it to you.” I wasn’t going to lie to her on how I felt about the money. I promised I would be truthful, no matter the consequence.

  “Hunter, that’s sweet, but I don’t need you to give me the world. Hell, I don’t need my dead father to give me the world. I’ve gone this long without either of your support. I’m here for you, not your money. Do you understand?”


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