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Bite & Release

Page 14


  “So, how was your honeymoon?” I asked, looking at Trina while draining the remains of my brandy.

  “It was beautiful. Oh gosh, Fiji was amazing. White sand, teal blue ocean water, and it was so warm. Very romantic,” Trina laced her fingers through Quinn’s as she spoke.

  “Sex was great, huh?” I spit out, almost laughing. I could tell from Shea’s sudden posture shift that he was not receptive to hearing about his sister’s sex life. I bit back a chuckle when he glared at me, his eyes flashing me a warning, and even Quinn looked a tad bit stoic when he heard my scandalous question.

  Trina stood up and snatched my glass from my hand. “As a matter of fact, it was indescribably magical.” This comment earned a groan from both Shea and Quinn, neither of them willing to look each other in the eyes. Trina started moving towards the kitchen and I decided to follow her. I still had a bone to pick with her, not only about her spilling to Quinn but her keeping what really happened to Shea and possibly to her from me. I grabbed her by the elbow before she got to the kitchen.

  “You and I need to talk . . . soon,” I hissed, letting my hold loosen on her elbow.

  “If this is about me telling Quinn, he is my husband you know. Once I explained it to him, he understood.”

  “Fuck, Trina I don’t give a damn if your husband gets it or not, it’s irrelevant. I trusted you. It appears that trust may have been misplaced.” Trina gave me a hardened look.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Neither the time nor the place, Trina—we’re supposed to be celebrating your great happiness and joy,” I reminded her and frowned as I passed her to get into the kitchen. Trina’s mom was busy stirring pasta sauce with a large spoon in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. It smelled heavenly. Trina came in behind me and grabbed the brandy off the counter. She filled her glass then mine, handing it to me.

  “Will you girls set the table in the dining room? Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes,” Evie said as she hiccupped. Trina grabbed the china plates off the island and I took the silverware. The dining room was elegantly set up for tonight’s meal. A lace cloth adorned the table with a vase of beautiful roses. Evie had already set out pristine crystal goblets and cloth napkins. Silence filled the room as Trina and I arranged the dishes and silverware.

  “I don’t get why you’re so piss—” Trina started to say before I put my hand up in front of her face to stop her.

  “Not tonight and not here. Clearly, we need to have a talk, but tonight is for you and Quinn. There’s enough shit going on right now without us adding to it, so for tonight let’s just forget it.” Clearly confused, Trina gave me a partial smile and nodded in confirmation. Once the table was set, Evie started bringing in bowls of pasta and sauce. They were followed by garlic bread, two kinds of salads, and bottles of red wine. It looked and smelled delicious. Evie called to Shea and Quinn. The men made a quick stampede to the dining room and held our chairs. Evidently, both were gentlemen. Shea even seated his mother before he took his seat next to me. Everyone began passing plates around as Evie poured the wine.

  “So sweetie, tell us all about your honeymoon,” Evie said invitingly as she took a sip of her wine. I twirled pasta around my fork, waiting for Trina’s response. I felt Shea’s knee come up against mine, and I casually gave him the look. If he valued his life, he should stop any and all displays of anything that didn’t resemble friendship.

  “Mom, it was just breathtaking and so romantic, like out of a fairy tale. I think we took over three hundred photographs.” Trina grabbed a piece of bread and gingerly buttered it. “The people were really nice and the food was great. You know we had a private beach, we never had to wear clothes . . .”

  “Jesus, Trina, I so do not want to hear this. If you must share, do it with mom after I’ve gone, dammit.” Shea looked exasperated as he slammed his fork down on the edge of his plate. I just kept eating; I didn’t want to get involved, at least not with this. Tomorrow after work, Trina and I were having a sit down, mafia style. I was furious at her for keeping so much from me and sharing too much with Quinn.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Quinn place his hand on Trina’s arm. It was a gesture that appeared to bring a calmness and warmth to Trina. The love I saw in Trina’s eyes was reflected back into mine. I knew the depth of her feelings for Quinn because I felt it for her brother. My eyes wandered over to Evie, watching her refill her glass. I guess I shouldn’t have actually noticed, but I was fairly sure that was her third glass of wine since we sat down ten minutes ago. Everyone else seemed oblivious to her behavior. Trina’s mom did not look well. I hadn’t noticed it in the kitchen but she looked older, more worn.

  Suddenly, Evie’s wine glass spilled, saturating the linen tablecloth with a spreading red stain. Trina popped out of her chair and bolted for the kitchen, returning with a wet towel. She proceeded to blot as much of the spill as she could as her mom refilled her glass with more wine. Shea looked at me, and his frustration mirrored the look on Trina’s face.

  “It’s okay, mom, just a little accident. After dinner though, we need to soak this tablecloth in some cold water or the stain will probably set,” Trina reassured as she walked back into the kitchen with the wine-soaked towel. As Trina sat back down, Evie just waved her hand about.

  “Sorry, my glass just got away from me,” she said, giggling. It was apparent that she was drunk. I wanted so much to put my hand on top of Shea’s, if for no other reason than for moral support. The silence was bone chilling in the dining room. I thought I would be uncomfortable because of what Evie would say when she found out about Shea and me. But I’m fairly sure she was so hammered that Shea and I could fuck on the wine-stained tablecloth and probably get applause from her. What I was currently feeling in this room right now was contention. Once again I felt like an outsider, a stranger not in the loop. Something was going on that I was not privy to. I set my fork down, took a small sip of wine and wiped my lips with my napkin.

  “I don’t know why I’m like this. God help me . . . I’m so lonely. I miss Ri . . . ley.” Evie’s words were slurred as she took another huge gulp of wine. My eyes darted around the room and landed on Trina, then on Shea. Shea looked completely annoyed as he moved over to his mom. Both he and Trina pulled their mother out of her chair.

  “Come on, mom, time to go to bed,” Shea cajoled as he walked her out of the dining room. I heard soft sobbing coming from Evie as Shea led her away.

  “Sorry about my mom, you guys. She’s been drinking . . . way too much lately. I want her to go to AA but she just won’t go.” Trina’s face seethed with humiliation and frustration as tears formed in her eyes. She sat back down and Quinn scooted his chair right next to hers.

  Quinn wrapped his arms around her. “Sweetheart, it’ll be alright, we’ll figure something out.”

  “What the hell, Trina, how long has this been going on? And why does she miss my dad? I mean, your dad was the one who drank, right? I’m confused . . . when did your mom start drinking? I kind of had the feeling she was tea totalling, because I smelled it on her a couple of times, but I had no idea it was like this.” I stopped, realizing I was assaulting her with personal questions.

  “My mom didn’t start drinking heavily until after my father passed, but I think it began out of relief. And it’s not like she was a raging alcoholic, she would just drink a few glasses of wine or vodka here and there. To be honest, I never tried to stop her. After what she went through for all those years, she deserved to unwind, and some recreational drinking relaxed her.”

  Trina looked over as Shea walked into the room and sat back down.

  “When your dad got sick in May, she quit drinking all together. I think she wanted to be able to take care of him properly, but after he died . . . well, let’s just say tonight was nothing new. It was hard to leave for two weeks, and it kind of scared me, to be honest. I didn’t want to put the burden on Andrew, even though I knew he wouldn’t mind, so we hired a private nu
rse to stay with her, otherwise there would have been no way for us to go.” Trina hugged herself as she continued. “I guess I should have told you but, Jesus, telling you my mom is a drunk on top of all the crap with my dad, I could have only imagined what you’d think of our family.”

  I sat there attempting to soak in what Trina had just said, and I shook my head, baffled. “Okay, but that still doesn’t explain why she misses my dad. Can someone tell me what was going on between your mom and my dad?” In reality, I wasn’t even sure I wanted an answer to that question. Trina started to respond and Shea interrupted her.

  “It’s not what you think. Your dad was like my mom’s only friend. They were close for quite a few years, and when your dad got diagnosed in March, she took care of him, which not only helped him—I think it helped her too.” Shea bent his head towards mine, his forehead touching mine. “Baby, I think your dad was my mom’s lifeline.”

  “How did I not know any of this?” I retorted, fully noting that I had been kept in the dark about quite a few things, so this was no great surprise.

  “Ryan . . .” Trina started to say as I shushed her.

  “I know you didn’t want me to know all your skeletons, I get that. Never mind, we’ll just add this to the list of things we need to discuss . . . later,” I said, pushing away from the table. Shea reached over, pressed a kiss to my lips and warmth spiraled around my body, causing my sex to throb softly. I’d almost forgotten where we were as he deepened the kiss. I heard a throat clearing from across the table. He pulled away from me leaving me with swollen lips and a dreamy look on my face. Trina sat there with her mouth open and amusement in her eyes. Quinn just looked perplexed, as if he wasn’t sure how to process what he just witnessed. I straightened my bustier and ran my hands through my hair.

  “It was only a kiss,” I said to Trina in a somewhat embarrassed voice. I glared at Shea who was busy shoveling a great deal of pasta into his mouth. Well, it seemed like kissing made him hungry.

  “Damn, that wasn’t just a kiss. That was a KISS, and I mean tongue and all,” Trina said laughing. Shea’s fork slammed down on his plate as he stared at his sister.

  “What the hell, Trina? Just shut up. I do not need you critiquing my love life, considering I don’t want to hear about yours,” he huffed. Okay, tonight was getting really out of hand. First Trina’s mom was a lush and now the siblings were starting to brawl. I wish I had stayed home.

  “Why don’t we just all calm down,” I said, getting up and grabbing finished plates. “Let’s clean all of this up and call it a night. I’m sure we’ve all had enough drama for one night.” I started towards the kitchen door. Trina grabbed the remaining plates and followed behind. We both silently began to fill the dishwasher.

  “So, you took my advice and hooked up with my brother,” Trina said, as she poured detergent in the machine.” I stopped and wiped my hands on a towel.

  Yes, Trina had pissed me off because she kept things from me. I kind of felt betrayed, like she didn’t trust me. Of course, Shea loved me, so maybe that’s why he confided in me. But Trina and I had been friends for over fifteen years, and I had been a loyal friend. I had hoped for the same thing.

  “It’s slightly more than a hookup. We’ve been together since your wedding night,” I told her. Trina closed the dishwasher and turned it on.

  “So you two are a couple?” she asked, as she leaned against the dishwasher. I nodded in confirmation. “Have you told him about Garrison?”

  “No, not yet, I’m afraid,” I replied as my eyes darted around. I didn’t want Shea walking in on this conversation.

  “You should be—we both should be. When he finds out, he’ll know I knew.” Trina just stared at me with big eyes.

  “I’m hoping he’ll understand and forgive me.” I faced Trina. “I can’t lose him.” Her expression was one of agreement.

  “You have real feelings for him?”

  “I do. I don’t think I’ve ever had feelings like this for anyone before.”

  “It sounds to me like you love my brother.” I wasn’t sure I wanted to confess my love for Shea to Trina at this moment. I was still conflicted about her leaving out certain details about what had been going on the last thirteen years. Granted, I hadn’t been that forthcoming and told her every intimate detail about my life in New York, but she had left out valuable information. I was beginning to sense a pattern of delegating the truth when it came to Trina. She hadn’t really told me in depth how sick my dad really was, not until he was at death’s door. By the time I was able to process all of it and plan my great escape, it had been too late and my dad had passed.

  “To be honest, I don’t want to put a label on Shea and me, not right now,” I responded, laying the dishtowel across the sink.

  Just then, Shea strolled in with his jacket already on and mine in his hand. “All ready, babe?” he asked as he handed me my coat. I took it and started putting it on. “Are you going to be okay, Trina? I mean with mom,” Shea asked, turning towards Trina.

  “Yeah, nothing we haven’t all had to handle before,” Trina said, meeting Shea’s eyes. “She’s probably passed out by now, so I’ll check on her before we leave and call her tomorrow morning, see if I can bring her anything.” Trina began walking away and Shea grabbed her arm.

  “We need to revisit the conversation we had before the wedding. She can’t be left alone anymore, that’s for sure.” Trina nodded in agreement with Shea’s words as she walked back into living room, leaving us alone in the kitchen.

  “I’m sorry dinner was all drama. Honestly, I had hoped my mom could hold it together, at least for one night. With her, there’s no telling—she’s very unpredictable, and I have no idea what set her off tonight.” Shea ran his hand over his chin, and tense lines creased his forehead. I closed in on him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Why didn’t you say anything to me . . . about this?”

  Shea’s eyes reflected sadness, and his voice choked with grief. “Not a good way to start a relationship? You already knew what a sadistic prick my father was, so what should I have said? My mom’s a boozer and has gone off the deep end? Jesus.” Shea just stared at me, his eyes filled with anguish. “I guess I just didn’t want you to know how fucked up I really am.”

  “You aren’t your family, Shea. Nothing you could ever tell me will change the way I feel about you,” I said, leaning my head against his chest. His hand rested on the back of my head as he bent down and pressed a kiss to my hair.

  Chapter TWENTY-ONE

  As I stood pressed against him, I could feel his hard length caressing the top of my skirt. He pulled me closer into him as his lips brushed my ear.

  “I really want to fuck you right now. I shouldn’t, with everything that’s gone on tonight, but I want too . . . badly,” he groaned. My pulse spiked as heat flushed my body and face. If Trina and Quinn weren’t out in the living room, I’d just hike up my skirt and let Shea have his way. “You want me too, I can tell by the flush on your cheeks.” His hands grabbed my ass cheeks and squeezed. Yes, oh yes, did I want him. We had better leave right now, because I was getting close to unzipping his pants and having dessert. I licked my lips just thinking about it.

  “If you keep doing that with your lips, we’ll never make it home.” He pushed me back slightly and began buttoning up my jacket. I adored it when he said home, regardless if it was his apartment or my house, if he was there, that meant home.

  “Your house is only two minutes away. Let’s go . . . I can’t think of anything right now but being inside you.”

  Good grief, if he kept saying shit like that I was going to come right here in his mother’s kitchen. I’d worn a very tiny, thin, elegant thong, which was so wet now it felt like a string between two very swollen lips. I grabbed his hand and we walked into the living room.

  “Trina, Quinn, we’re calling it a night. If you need help or anything with mom, call me. I’ll be at Ryan’s.” Trina looked up at us both with a very smug lo
ok on her face. Quinn was hard to read as he shook Shea’s hand. “Sorry about tonight, man, but you’re familiar with the drill,” Shea said to Quinn.

  “Yes, it’s unfortunate that the dinner didn’t go as planned. Hopefully, in the very near future, we can situate your mother in some kind of assisted living facility so she can get the care she needs.” Quinn paused and frustration filled his face. “I hate seeing what this does to your sister.”

  “I know—believe me, I know,” Shea replied, guiding me towards the front door.

  “Have fun, you two,” Trina called out. I could hear the snicker in her voice.

  “Oh, we will,” Shea replied, turning his head towards his sister. I smacked him in the stomach for that little remark, as walked towards his Bronco.

  “Baby, you like it rough? I can work with that, you know,” he teased as he fastened my seat belt, and his hand brushed my left breast. I sucked in air at his touch, feeling my nipples tighten and my core clench. Even though it only took five minutes to get to my house, it felt like an hour. Anticipation was killing me, and I felt geared up like a silly schoolgirl waiting to get to second base. The sky was filled with ominous black clouds, and even though it smelled like rain, I knew, with the temperature being well below freezing, it was going to snow again. As I unlocked the door, Shea barreled past me, grabbed some firewood and chucked it into the fireplace. It was actually warm in the house; I think he just liked the ambience of a fire. I took off my coat, tossed it in the chair, and grabbed Shea by his sweater.

  “You want something?” He smiled as his blue eyes caught mine. I pulled him close to me as I began to unzip his jeans. Once I got that pesky zipper open, I hoisted my skirt up far enough so I could go down to my knees.

  “Oh . . . fuck.” Shea just looked at me, his eyes piercing me with a quiet expectation. I tugged his jeans down to his ankles; he was wearing ass hugging white briefs that left nothing to the imagination. I pressed a kiss to the inside of his thighs lightly, and then ran my tongue up to his underwear. Nothing turned me on more than seeing how massively hard and thick I made him, and when I tasted the damp spot seeping through his briefs, a moan left my lips. I momentarily gazed up at him, watching him as he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed and his face shadowed by the fire light. The way he looked was sublime. I released his length from his briefs and swiped the pre-cum off the tip with my tongue. I loved his taste, and even though I could scent a hint of body soap, the rest of him was all male musk. Shea wasn’t going to last long, I could tell from the steady pulsing in his cock and the tightening of the skin. I gingerly fondled his balls with my hands as I flicked my tongue along the sack. His body stiffened in response to my touch. I gently pumped him up and down as I licked my way from root to tip. He began fisting my hair as his breathing came in short, ragged pants.


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