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Harper's Finale

Page 3

by F. C. Clark

  ‘Will we fit?’

  I begin to dig out the soil. ‘It’s loose and dry.’ The dirt breaks away fairly easy. ‘It’ll do for tonight.’

  ‘What do you want me to do?’

  ‘Get some branches that we can use as camouflage in case the scumbags come to find us.’


  She walks away while I continue to make the hole a little less crappy, but it is mud and tree roots, so there’s a limit to what I can do! It’s pitch-black – apart from the stars that light the night sky for us.

  ‘I need your help,’ I say, and lift up my sweatshirt to assess my wound.

  Alexis leans closer and gently touches my skin. ‘Jesus, Kate, that looks bad.’

  ‘It hurts like hell.’ I look down. Even though it is dark, I can just about make out the wound across my ribs. It must be three inches long.

  ‘You need stitches.’

  ‘Shit, it kills. I need to bandage it.’ I look at Alexis. ‘Take off your belt.’

  I slip off my sweatshirt and T-shirt. I then fold my T-shirt in half and half again – a makeshift bandage.

  ‘Tie your belt around me.’ I hold the T-shirt over the laceration and Alexis ties the belt. ‘Ow. Jesus Christ, that hurts like hell.’

  ‘Sorry. Is that tight enough?’

  I nod and blow air through pursed lips. I try to slip Luke’s Abercrombie hoodie on, but as soon as I raise my arms the pain kicks in.

  ‘Let me.’ Alexis slips it over my head and then carefully manoeuvres my arms one at a time. ‘OK?’

  ‘Yeah, I’m just so cold.’

  ‘Me too.’

  We crawl into the tree hollow. It’s tiny, and we have to sit with our knees drawn up. I rest the gun next to me and continue to keep a watchful eye.

  I rub my grubby hands against my forehead. ‘Bloody hell, this is fucked up. I’ve been married for five days… Five bloody days and now I’m in Russia – again, with you – superbitch – as my rescue partner.’

  ‘Superbitch!’ Alexis whips back.

  ‘Come on, you know that’s what I called you. To be fair, you deserved it.’

  She smirks. ‘I can be a little… forward.’

  ‘Forward? Christ, Alexis, you targeted me from the onset. You hated me. Now I know where you learned that.’

  Her face drops.

  ‘Crap. Sorry, I didn’t mean—’ I reach for her hand. ‘You’re nothing like your – him. It was a slip of the tongue.’

  ‘You’re right,’ she says and closes her eyes.

  ‘No, he’s worse than evil. You have a sharp tongue. There’s a difference.’

  ‘Kate Harper, sorry, Kate Sutton, are you trying to make me feel better?’


  Alexis releases a small smile. This friendship has to be the most bizarre alliance I have ever formed.

  She takes a deep breath. ‘I did love Luke once. I know you think I still do, and there is a small part of me that always will, but you make him happy.’

  ‘Oh.’ What the hell do I say to that? ‘Your families have been friends for years; you could have ended up together.’

  ‘I don’t think marriage has ever crossed my mind.’

  ‘Luke knows you slept with Ollie. I sort of told him in Dubai.’ Even in the darkness I can see she looks alarmed – almost as much as Luke, when he found out she took Ollie’s virginity for a joke. ‘Besides, you did have your mouth stuck to Luke’s face.’

  ‘Poor judgement, and I was drunk.’

  ‘I know, water under the bridge.’

  ‘I can imagine Luke’s reaction… The Sutton brothers stick together. They always have.’

  ‘He was furious.’ That’s an understatement; it was a Luke Sutton ‘code red’ moment, one I won’t forget. Bizarrely, it led to him planning our wedding a week later.

  ‘Do I regret it? Yes. But I was young and carefree.’

  ‘Declan told me,’ I say.

  ‘Declan hates me, and Ollie avoids me at all costs. I don’t blame either of them… I assumed Luke would have found out – well, he knows now.’

  ‘Ollie is nothing like his brothers. Luke wants to run the world and Declan is… a shag monster.’

  ‘Suits him,’ she says.

  ‘Did you know Ollie tried to…’ My words trail off.

  ‘Commit suicide? We all knew, but no one spoke about it.’

  ‘Declan blames some of it on you, and that’s why he—’

  ‘He hates me. I deserve it, Kate!’

  ‘Shit – I shouldn’t have said anything. Look, it was a long time ago and Ollie’s happy now.’

  ‘Kate, I’m sorry that my father…’ She swallows. ‘He should never have brought you here.’ She looks down. ‘Taking your mother from you is unforgivable. I can’t change what’s happened, but I have honestly never felt so empty.’

  ‘It’s not your fault; he’s sick in the head. Alexis, you saved my life! He was going to…’ I can’t say the words out loud, ever, but even in the darkness I can see the painful look in her eyes. She saved me, but who rescued her? ‘I’m so confused. I thought my mum committed suicide.’

  ‘But D—’ She can’t finish his name. Besides, he’s not worthy of the title.

  ‘I’ve seen her death certificate and it says suicide. You know George Williams?’

  ‘As in Matthew’s father? He’s a coroner.’

  I nod. ‘He signed her report, and Joseph Morley kept a copy.’

  ‘Why? I know he’s a judge, but why would he keep a copy of every case?’

  ‘It doesn’t make sense – a bit like Philip didn’t know I existed.’

  ‘He didn’t. Believe me, he was shocked when he found out.’

  ‘They all grew up together, right?’ I ask.

  She nods. ‘George, Joseph and – him.’

  I take her hand. God, this is so painful for her.

  ‘Plus Luke’s dad,’ she says.

  ‘Yeah, Luke told me they all went to the same school. One thing’s for certain: someone’s lied.’

  ‘After today, you can see that my dad’s capable of anything. He must have something on George and Joseph – they aren’t bad, not like him. There must be more to it.’

  ‘None of this makes sense,’ I say.

  ‘What about your Russian father?’ she asks.

  ‘Ivor Varizin? Luke thinks he’s watching me. He turned up at our wedding in Venice, I know he watched us get married. Well, he was hiding, I just happened to catch sight of him.’

  ‘Do you think he knows you’re here?’

  ‘I bloody hope so. I mean, if you’re stalking me, at least have the decency to stalk me when I need rescuing.’

  Alexis smiles. ‘I get why Luke likes you, Kate. Maybe I always have.’

  How can I answer that?

  ‘Philip said you’re like your mum. Where is she?’ I ask, but now I wonder about my question.

  ‘The last time I saw her was in a psychiatric ward. I remember it so clearly. I was wearing the most beautiful yellow sundress with daises. Sh-she went mad, lashing out and harming herself. That was the last time I saw her. I guess I was six, maybe seven.’

  ‘Oh God, I’m so sorry.’

  ‘Don’t be. I barely remember her. I was ten when she died. Dad told me when he put me to bed one evening. He was so matter-of-fact about it that I accepted the news as though he had told me to brush my teeth.’

  ‘That’s so sad.’

  ‘It was a long time ago. Anyway, you only recently found out you were adopted. That must have been difficult.’

  ‘It was. “Oh, by the way, you’re twenty-seven, your parents are Russian and now you’ve been given a shitload of money, plus your mum is dead, but don’t worry, she’s left you her business too.”’ I lean my head against the tree. ‘Sor
ry! I just can’t believe my life has turned on its arse in a year.’ I take a deep breath and look at her. ‘How long has he been abusing you?’

  She drops her chin.

  ‘Shit – you don’t have to answer. Sorry.’ I draw her closer, and the stabbing pain in my ribs takes my breath away.

  The moonlight seeping through the foliage is reflected in her eyes, revealing the depth of her sadness in the iridescent droplets of water trickling down her cheeks.

  ‘Alexis, don’t answer, it’s too personal, I’m completely out of line putting you on the spot.’

  ‘It’s OK,’ she whispers, and sighs. ‘The first time he raped me, I was twelve and I’d just bought my first bra. I was so proud. All I could think about was my new bra.’

  Jesus – I feel sick. It’s painful, but I hug her. She tries to pull away but I hold her trembling body until she feels warmer.

  ‘Sick fucking bastard… You poor love.’

  ‘I don’t want your pity, Kate.’

  ‘It’s not pity. I’m furious he’s got away with it. It will never happen again, I promise you… Luke will find us and he’ll kill him.’

  She starts to cry. Her cries increase until they fill the tree hollow. They’re pitiful cries, like you would expect to hear from a child, not a woman. How long has she held on to this pain?

  ‘Shh, let it go. I’m so sorry I’ve dragged you into this,’ I say.

  ‘I would rather die than feel him touch me again.’ Her voice is low and her tears continue to flow – driven by a sense of relief, perhaps.

  ‘He will never touch you again, I promise you.’

  I have no idea how long I have held her, but she is sound asleep.

  My shoulders relax slightly but I feel weak – due mainly to blood loss and, of course, fear. What will happen if he finds us?

  Exhausted, I close my eyes. At least, one shuts, but the other is swollen and was already closed. In my mind’s eye, I see Katenka. My heart aches knowing what she went through. I just lived the last chapter of her life and survived. I feel totally humbled that she protected Harry and me from him. Philip Cooper. He murdered her.

  Thoughts race through my head, and suddenly it hits me. Holy fuck! No. I run over the facts of Philip’s story. Katenka was in New York, he raped her and she fled to London. I was a baby at this point… She then bought a house, met Malcolm Harper. The next time she visited Malcolm she had two children, so the likelihood is that she was already pregnant when she met Malcolm… Holy shit. Philip Cooper must be Harry’s father.

  You have to be kidding. How can he be part of my sister? Denial is my first reaction, but I know my gut instinct is right: the dates and timing make sense. Oh God, this will kill her…

  Is knowledge power? No, it’s not. Knowledge is overrated and leaves you feeling crappy.

  ‘Please, Katenka. Mum. Help me.’ Tears roll down my cheeks at the thought of her and how she died. Forgiveness for Cooper is not in my soul.

  My thoughts return to Luke. I can feel in my heart he’s trying to find me. I look at my wrist. Where are you? I need help. Please find me.

  The sound of a twig breaking wakes me. I peek out of the tree hollow. It’s daylight. A small deer walks past. It’s quite surreal to witness nature so close – it’s even more surreal that yesterday was not a dream. Reality kicks in as I look to my right and see Alexis asleep.

  I brush her hair from her face. ‘Alexis.’

  She stirs.

  ‘It’s time to go.’

  She lifts her head. ‘Oh my God, Kate, you look like shit.’ Her assessment is probably on point.

  ‘Well, that’s handy, because I feel like shit.’ My hand rests against my blood-soaked wound.

  ‘Your eye.’ She gently touches my swollen socket. ‘Can you open it?’

  ‘No, it hurts too much. Anyway, I don’t want to burst your bubble but you’re not looking so hot yourself.’

  We smile.

  ‘I’m freezing,’ she says.

  ‘Me too. It’s early – we’ll warm up once we start moving. OK, we need a plan – other than to get the hell out of here. I think we should head for the main road, look for a house or a garage. Christ, I need a coffee and a doctor.’ Plus a miracle.

  We sit for a couple of minutes enjoying the peace, knowing how long today will be.

  I crawl out of the hole. Alexis follows. Trying to stand is a little challenging.

  ‘Steady – lean on me,’ Alexis says and holds me close.

  ‘I’m fine.’

  She steps away and I manage to remain stable. ‘Luke – please find us,’ I mutter.

  ‘Kate, no one knows where we are.’

  ‘Trust me, he’ll find us.’

  She takes a breath. She might think I’m being irrational, but what she does not know is that Luke has the ability to track me 24/7, with the help of his Secret Service friends.

  ‘Ready?’ I remove the gun from my jeans and check the safety. ‘Let’s not forget the exchange is today. Philip’s crew won’t be alone. Today will be another peachy day in paradise…’

  ‘Paradise!’ she repeats.

  Silently, we tread along the grassy bank, heading away from the stream. The wood is dense and the ground is littered with tree stumps and thorny bushes. I can barely see out of one eye, which is still swollen shut, and feel almost too weak to walk.

  How long have we walked? The sun is directly above us; it must be midday, although it feels like we have been walking for days.

  We are silent, so the sound of a male voice stops us dead in our tracks. Nervously, I hold the gun. Thankfully, we are shielded by a mass of bushes and I can’t see who’s speaking. Then a man comes into view. He’s one of the scumbags from the house. I look at Alexis.

  ‘Nothing. Over,’ he says.

  Another voice echoes through the forest.

  ‘They have to be there. We have two hours before the handover. Find them!’ Philip Cooper screams over the radio, making us jump.

  The man stops and looks towards our hiding spot. Alexis looks at me, using her fingers to mime walking, then points to the gun. I shake my head and mouth ‘no’. It’s too late. She appears from the bush.

  He strides towards her and yanks her arm. ‘One down, one to go. Now where’s your mate?’

  ‘I don’t know. We got separated last night. Do you have any water?’

  Wow – not bad, Alexis!

  Quietly, I edge round to the other side of the bush and creep behind the man. I raise my gun and swing it with all my strength. It cracks against his head, and he slumps to the ground. I almost collapse too.

  I hold my side and take deep breaths. ‘Shit, Alexis, he could have killed you.’

  ‘Yes, but he didn’t.’

  ‘Grab his radio and gun, and check to see if he has a phone.’

  She searches his pockets and passes me his gun and radio.

  I bend down, which hurts like hell, but I need to find a pulse.

  ‘He’s alive.’

  ‘Should we kill him?’ Alexis asks.

  I shake my head. ‘I know he would kill us, but I can’t kill him. Plus, the noise. We need to keep moving.’

  The radio bellows in my hand. I shriek.

  ‘Continue north. Peterson, where are you? Over.’

  ‘I’m guessing he’s Peterson. Sleep well, Peterson… Let’s go,’ I say and offer Alexis his gun.

  She shakes her head. ‘I don’t know how to use it.’

  ‘Take it. The safety is off. You just point and pull the trigger. Please, you may need it.’

  ‘OK.’ Reluctantly, she takes it from me.

  We continue our journey in silence. I am beginning to feel light-headed. I look down at my sweatshirt. I’m certain there’s more blood. I need a doctor.

  After a while the trees become sparse and
the ground becomes more open. The thick foliage helped us to be less conspicuous; now we need to remain alert.

  I stop for a moment, resting my hands on my thighs.

  Alexis comes to my side. ‘Kate?’

  ‘I need a minute.’

  ‘You look pale – we need to get you to a doctor.’

  I nod. ‘I’m fine. Let’s go.’

  ‘You’re not, you’re too weak.’

  ‘We don’t have a choice… I can’t spend another night here.’ I can’t.

  Although the warm sun shines through the gaps between the trees, the air is cool. I wrap my arms around myself.

  Another hour passes. Our surroundings look familiar. Alexis stops, holding her hand in the air.

  ‘A car,’ I whisper. ‘We must be near the road.’ Thank God. ‘Let’s walk along the edge… just in case it’s Philip’s men or the Russians!’


  Then we hear it: the thump of heavy footsteps.

  I turn to see burly men heading our way. Oh, fuck.

  ‘Run, Alexis!’

  We run, but we are weak and too slow for the men who are charging after us.

  A bullet whines past me and hits a tree. Now the open space means we’re mice in their game of cat and mouse – we don’t stand a chance.

  ‘Stop, or we will shoot!’ a male voice bellows.

  My legs freeze, as do Alexis’s. She reaches for my hand.

  ‘Turn around slowly,’ the husky voice commands.

  We turn to face four of Philip’s men.

  He reaches for his radio. ‘We have them. Over.’ His cold eyes scan us. He frisks us and removes our weapons.

  From a distance I watch Philip charge towards us. His smirk is chilling.

  ‘Thought you’d be able to get away? For two strong women, you are both fucking useless.’

  ‘Something happen to your face?’ I can’t help myself. My life hangs in the balance, so I may as well go down fighting.

  ‘I suggest you shut the fuck up or your other eye will look the same.’

  ‘Kill me, I don’t care. You’re a fucked-up weasel who hurts women – you must be so proud of yourself.’ I look at the burly men surrounding him. ‘You call yourself men? Listen to the shit that comes out of his mouth. Grow a pair of balls, for Christ’s sake.’


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