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Harper's Finale

Page 7

by F. C. Clark

  ‘Sit down, the pair of you. Oh, Kate, I’m sure I read that you’re not allowed eggs,’ Rosie says.

  ‘Why?’ I ask.

  ‘I can’t remember – maybe salmonella. I’ve probably got it wrong.’

  ‘As long as they’re well cooked, they’re fine,’ Luke says. ‘No soft cheese, pâté, alcohol or caffeine.’

  I look at him in amazement.

  ‘I took the time last night to read up about pregnancy.’

  I lean in for a kiss. ‘Of course you did. I love you, Mr S.’

  ‘Back at you.’

  By late afternoon I feel exhausted, and lie on the sofa in Luke’s office, which is the room we spend most time in. The familiar background noise of him working and the crackling of the fire are perfect. The last few days almost feel dreamlike. I know it happened and I know the dream was in fact a nightmare. And the nightmare will need addressing, but not now.

  Thankfully Luke gave Rosie and Jerry a couple of days off, and Max is on standby. Waking from a snooze, I channel-hop and get distracted by some mindless TV while drinking more tea. The front door opens.

  ‘Oi, Princess Harper?’ Barney shouts from the hall as he lets himself in. I love my best friend with all my heart, but today I could do without his visit.

  Luke immediately gets up and goes into the hall. ‘Barney,’ he says.

  I listen from the sofa.

  ‘All right, Sutton, how’s it going? Bloody cold out… Where’s my girl?’


  Before Luke can answer, Barney appears in the office.

  ‘I’ve been calling you! Where have you been?’


  Within seconds he’s standing in front of me.

  ‘Holy fucking Mother of Mary, what the hell has happened to you?’ He crouches beside me.

  ‘Car accident,’ I respond. Luke arrives at my side.

  Barney looks at Luke then at me. ‘A car accident? Where was this?’

  ‘Sandbanks,’ I say.

  ‘In your car?’ he asks.

  ‘Yeah.’ I struggle with making eye contact, especially when I’m lying to my best friend.

  ‘Your car, the black Bentley with the marry me number plate? The very same car that’s on the driveway, looking pristine?’ He stands up and looks at Luke. ‘What the fuck happened to her, Sutton? Did you do this?’

  ‘What! Barney, no! Luke would never hurt me. I can’t believe you just said that.’ I try to stand. ‘Argh… Shit.’ My hand goes to my wound. ‘It would kill me if you thought Luke would do that. Jesus, you know what he’s like.’

  ‘Kate, sit down.’ Luke takes my arm and guides me back to the sofa. ‘Barney, if you think I would hurt Kate, then you need to leave.’

  ‘Forgive me for pointing out the fucking obvious, but I smell bullshit. What did you expect me to think? She looks like she’s done ten rounds with Mike bloody Tyson, and let’s face it, Luke, you can be a little – no, a lot – hot-headed and a pain in her arse. Whether you like it or not, she means the world to me.’

  ‘OK, enough! Barney, go and put the kettle on,’ I almost yell.

  The men glare at each other, protecting their territory. Barney stomps off to the kitchen, leaving me with a pissed-off husband.

  ‘You don’t need this stress,’ Luke says.

  I pull at his arm to join me on the sofa. ‘I know, but I can’t lie to him. Mum and Dad, possibly, even Rosie and Jerry, but he knows me too well. I need to tell him the truth. Besides, I don’t want him thinking you would hurt me.’

  ‘I don’t give a fuck what Barney thinks.’

  I stroke his cheek. ‘He cares about me. I’m his family, you know that.’ I lean towards him and kiss his lips.

  Then Barney returns and sees our display of affection.

  ‘Fuck it. Sorry, Sutton, I owe you an apology. I know you think the world of her. I’m just a bit shocked. She looks like shit… and…’

  ‘Thanks, Barney.’ I smile, grateful for his words. ‘Your critique is a bit harsh, though!’

  ‘Honestly, babe, you look rough.’

  As Luke stands up, Barney pulls him to his chest. ‘Sorry, mate, I saw red.’

  ‘It’s OK.’

  ‘Oi, hands off my husband.’ I laugh and pray the mood has lightened.

  ‘I might go in for seconds. That felt good, Sutton, or was it just me?’ Barney responds.

  Half an hour later, Barney picks his jaw up from the floor. Silence is rare from him. I should make the most of it.

  ‘Jesus Christ, babe… And to think I helped you by giving Max an empty box. I bet I was popular. Sorry, Luke, if I had known I wouldn’t have helped her,’ Barney says, keeping a tight grip of my hand.

  ‘Believe me, if I had known, I would never have gone to Sandbanks,’ I respond, feeling guilty.

  ‘Stupid question, but how’s Harry taking the news that her father is a sick fucker who murdered her mum and tried to rape her sister? Fucking hell, Kate, just saying it sends shivers down my spine. Poor Harry.’ Barney looks as devastated as I feel.

  ‘I don’t know. She hasn’t spoken to me, but she’s agreed to have a DNA test. I’m just praying I’ve got it wrong.’

  ‘She needs time to process the news,’ Luke says, trying to soften the blow.

  Once again I cry.

  ‘Don’t get upset, she’ll be in touch soon. You two are so bloody close, there’s no way this will come between you,’ Barney says, wiping my cheeks.

  ‘I hope so, Barney.’

  ‘So what have you told your mum and dad? I don’t want to put my foot in it when she pops in for a cuppa.’

  ‘Nothing, and I want it to stay that way. They went through so much when me and Harry found out about the adoption. Besides, Luke said Harry doesn’t want them to know either.’

  ‘My lips are sealed. Car accident, you said, at Sandbanks.’ Barney winks. ‘Treacherous roads down that way!’

  Luke looks at me, already regretting telling him. But I trust him with my life.

  ‘Who would have thought the superbitch would be your friend? What a bloody mess.’

  ‘I know! Imagine how odd it was for me, knowing she saved my life and might be Harry’s half-sister.’

  ‘Life moves in mysterious ways, babe. Well, your life does… Sutton, what the hell have you taken on?’

  ‘Nothing I can’t handle,’ Luke replies.

  ‘I can see that.’

  ‘Actually, we do have something to tell you.’ I take a breath. ‘You’re going to be an uncle.’

  ‘Fuck me gently.’ His hand rushes to his mouth with shock. ‘You’re knocked up.’

  I nod and giggle. ‘Yep.’

  ‘Bloody hell, out of something so shitty you have the best gift. Boy – no, I think a girl – definitely a girl.’

  ‘No one else knows yet, so don’t say a word. It’s still really early days.’

  ‘Are you joking? With parents like you two, controlling, stubborn and obsessed with each other, Christ, you should sell your DNA to the military – of course this baby will be fine!’

  That night, I leave Luke working. I can hear him discussing the hotel he is building in Dubai and I assume he is talking to Bradley Taylor, the architect Luke employed to take over from Zhan. I wonder what Bradley will say to the news of my pregnancy? Luke will gloat, that’s for sure, but then Luke has me and always will, unlike Bradley. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong woman.

  I slip under the duvet and make myself comfortable, then Luke enters the bedroom.

  ‘Do you think I’ll have a nightmare? Flashbacks?’ Last time I had a nightmare it was after the explosion at our home, but I did think Luke was dead, which was my most haunting memory.

  He strips and slides his naked body in next to me. ‘Your body deals with every trauma differently.
I think you’re too tired. Try not to worry about it.’

  ‘Maybe.’ I roll to my side that doesn’t hurt. Instantly my lips are drawn to his. It’s been the same since the day we met: I’m addicted to him. My hands travel to his hair and for the first time since Russia our kiss deepens.

  He pulls away and our eyes lock: dark and compassionate meet dark and grateful.

  ‘I know I’m nowhere near ready for sex, but I miss how close it makes me feel – does that sound stupid?’

  ‘It doesn’t. Although I would like to think there’s more to our relationship than sex… But when you’re under me I know where you are.’

  I take a deep breath.

  ‘What is it? Tell me,’ Luke asks.

  ‘Philip Cooper.’

  Luke brushes my hair away from my face.

  ‘I can’t help wondering… if he had raped me, then what… It would have affected us, I know it would.’ My eyes close as I battle with my emotions. ‘When he was between my legs…’ I shudder at the memory.

  Luke leans towards me and seals his mouth over mine, his soft tongue gently stroking mine. As he pulls away, his gaze stays with me. ‘Thank God, he never touched you, but if he had we would have dealt with it together. When I married you it was forever – there’s nothing in the world that could alter how I feel. I love you.’

  ‘I wanted to die, Luke. When I was naked on the bed, I begged for Katenka to take me.’

  He just looks at me.

  ‘I didn’t want to leave you, but I couldn’t bear for him to touch me.’

  ‘I understand,’ he says and closes his eyes for a moment. ‘You’re so strong, Kate, stronger than you realise.’

  ‘I don’t feel it.’

  ‘You handle me.’ He smiles, trying to lighten the mood. ‘And when you’re ready we will take it slowly. We have all the time in the world. Besides, I need you to get stronger. After all, you’re carrying my heir!’

  I can’t help laughing. ‘Your heir…’

  ‘I need to leave the Sutton legacy to someone.’

  ‘OK, let’s hope you don’t pass on your stubborn, controlling and irrational behaviour to your child!’

  ‘Maybe our child will be lucky enough to be born with a verbal filter.’

  ‘Don’t make me laugh, it hurts… I don’t care, he or she can have everything we have, good and bad. I just want the baby to be OK.’

  He kisses me goodnight. ‘Sleep, baby.’

  The next morning I manage to shower and dress myself. I walk into the office with two mugs of tea. I’m proud of this small achievement. This also proves to Luke that small parts of me are returning. I also want to fend for myself.

  I put his mug on the desk. ‘What are you working on?’

  ‘Various acquisitions, and of course the hotel… How are you feeling? I see you showered. May I ask why?’

  ‘Because I wanted to, and obviously I am capable … and look.’ I manage to open my bad eye – not for long, but it works.

  ‘Kate, don’t rush everything. Your body needs time to heal. Please listen to me.’

  ‘I hear you, husband. But I think we need to get back to normal… So, as of tomorrow I want you to go back to work.’

  ‘It’s too soon.’

  ‘For you or me? Besides, you know it’s a good idea – we need this. Yes, I love having you around, but it’s not real life.’

  ‘I’ll think about it.’ His hand wanders to the edge of my T-shirt and slips under it to stroke my clean, naked skin. Of course his fingers head towards one of my nipples. He squeezes gently then lets go.

  ‘Ouch – they feel sensitive.’

  ‘You’re pregnant, Kate.’

  ‘How much did you read on the internet?’ I shake my head, but at least one of us is prepared.


  I return his hand to my breast. ‘They’re only slightly sensitive. I still like you touching me.’

  He pulls away. ‘Not yet.’

  ‘I just want you to touch me, that’s all. It makes me feel safe.’

  ‘Do you need a job?’

  I scowl at his distraction tactic. ‘I don’t know, do I need a job?’

  He shifts me from his lap and guides me to the sofa, bringing various folders with him. ‘I was going to ask you before Russia.’ He sets the folders on the coffee table.

  ‘What are they?’

  He sits next to me and opens a file.

  ‘You have a good eye for design, and I trust your judgement more than anyone.’

  ‘You do?’

  ‘Yes, and I need some answers, ASAP.’

  I scan the pictures. ‘This is your hotel.’ I’m still blown away that my husband is building a hotel in Dubai!

  ‘Right – that’s what I need you to look at.’ He lays drawings and mood boards on the table. ‘I want your honest opinion on colours, materials, et cetera. I want you to cast your eye over the designs, Kate.’

  ‘You really want my input?’

  ‘Yes. This hotel is for all of us, and I want you to be a part of it.’ Tenderly, he touches my stomach.

  ‘Got it, boss.’

  ‘That’s music to my ears – you would fit in perfectly at Sutton Global.’

  ‘I already work at Sutton Global, in case you’ve forgotten. Which reminds me, I need to message everyone as they think I’ll be on honeymoon soon.’

  ‘Harper Jones wasn’t what I had in mind. Sutton Global would be better.’

  ‘You love that I’m there; you just don’t love fashion.’

  ‘True. There is a slight rush on these files. Will a week give you enough time?’

  ‘I think so. You’re definitely trying to keep me busy.’

  ‘I wanted your input anyway, and I can see you’re bored.’

  ‘Before I start, have you heard from Ivor and Alexis? I was going to call Harry, but I think you’re right about her needing time.’ What if she doesn’t want to speak to me?

  ‘I haven’t heard from Harry or Ivor. As for Alexis, she is due to return home tomorrow. The hospital called me this morning.’

  One out of three!

  We work for most of the day. Luke’s buying several businesses he can add to his growing empire – and mine. After a few hours, I drift off to sleep.

  ‘Kate.’ I feel a gentle stroke on my face. ‘Kate.’

  I open my eyes in disbelief. ‘Harry?’

  ‘Careful, let me help you.’

  ‘I’m fine.’

  She sits next to me on the sofa.

  ‘How are you feeling? And don’t tell me what you think I want to hear.’

  ‘Better than I did… What about you? I’ve been so worried. Harry, I’m so sorry.’ I start to cry, as I knew I would. All I want is to protect my sister.

  ‘Don’t, Kate.’ She starts to cry too.

  Raymond and Luke walk into the office, carrying mugs of tea.

  ‘Kate, how are you?’ Raymond, Harry’s French husband, asks, sitting close to Harry.


  ‘Luke said you were badly hurt, but I didn’t expect this,’ she says.

  ‘I’ll be fine. The bruises are fading and I can almost open my eye.’

  ‘Bloody hell, Kate, I can’t believe what happened to you. I should have come to see you straight away.’ Harry looks at her hands, lying loosely on her lap.

  ‘You needed time.’

  ‘I couldn’t face you, that’s the honest truth… Finding out who my real father is, and finding out how I’d been conceived, was a real shock. It made me question everything. But knowing that he nearly—’

  ‘He didn’t. I wish I could change things and make it better for you. Besides, we don’t know if he’s—’

  ‘We do,’ Luke says.

  ‘It’s true, I am his,’ Harry say

  I take Harry’s hands.

  ‘I don’t know what to say. When did you find out?’ I look across at Luke. Why didn’t he tell me? Harry’s my sister. Why does he keep me in the dark?

  ‘I called Harry a couple of hours ago,’ he says.

  ‘What? Thanks a lot, Luke!’

  Defensively, he holds his hands up.

  ‘Kate, I asked him not to tell you. I wanted to tell you myself.’

  ‘Raymond, I want you to look at this artwork for the hotel,’ Luke says, giving Harry and me some space.

  ‘Kate, I don’t blame you for any of this; it’s just a bloody shock. Your dad shot my dad… Jesus Christ, you couldn’t make this up.’ She takes a breath. ‘Luke said Alexis is flying home tomorrow.’

  I run my thumb across Harry’s knuckles, trying to reassure her.

  ‘So now I have another sister. How do you feel about that?’

  ‘Fine. Besides, she saved my life, I can’t thank her enough.’

  ‘Bloody hell, I’m related to the superbitch. This just keeps getting better.’

  ‘In the grand scheme of things, we got off lightly, Harry.’

  ‘How so?’ Harry asks.

  ‘Philip has raped Alexis since she was twelve.’

  ‘Holy shit.’ Her face falls with the realisation that maybe she is the lucky one. ‘How did you find out?’

  ‘The moment he touched her, something seemed bloody odd, then she told me.’

  ‘Sick bastard… Poor Alexis. What about her mum?’

  ‘Apparently she died in a mental institute when Alexis was ten.’

  ‘Well, there’s a surprise, being married to that sick bastard would make anyone go nuts.’

  ‘Luke said you don’t want Mum and Dad to know?’ I say.

  ‘God, no, they’ve only just got over the fact that we found out we were adopted. I can’t go through that again. Besides, they don’t know him. As for Alexis, I’ll figure out a way to introduce her.’

  Harry reaches for my mug and passes it to me.

  ‘What if they find out?’ I ask.

  ‘They won’t, and if they do I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I spoke to them yesterday. They think you’re still at Sandbanks. I told Mum not to call as you needed some time alone with Luke – a sort of mini-moon, because Luke had to cancel Bora Bora due to work. Perhaps you’ll have a minor collision today?’


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