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Harper's Finale

Page 10

by F. C. Clark

  After showering together, we lie naked on the bed. I hope the next part of his plan is to make love to me. Am I ready?

  He lies between my legs. I freeze. Memories unravel in my head, images of Philip in the same position as Luke.

  ‘Kate, look at me.’

  My glazed eyes meet his.

  ‘I said you weren’t ready.’

  ‘No, Luke,’ I whisper. ‘I need this… I want you to help me get rid of the images in my head. Only you can do that. Please, I can’t let him take this away from me too.’

  He changes position and we lie side by side. His soft lips begin at my jaw and move to my mouth, and his hand glides across my body, skimming my breast and moving slowly across my pubic bone. His touch sparks a yearning inside me. At last, he gently strokes my clit. His mouth breaks free of mine and he looks into my eyes – dark and protective meet dark and apprehensive.

  ‘Stay with me,’ he whispers. At no point does he stop tantalisingly stroking my clit. Occasionally he dips his fingers inside my sex. ‘Feel me touching you.’

  I nod.

  ‘Take hold of me.’

  I never argue with him in bed, and tonight I need him to take control. My hand moves to his erection, which rests against my hip.

  ‘This is what you do to me. Jesus, Kate, I will always want you. Work me, OK?’

  My grip tightens and I slide my hand up and down his thick shaft. His mouth returns to mine with passion. My breathing quickens – and so does his hand. I’m close. I’m losing myself to him. He pulls away from my mouth.

  ‘I know you need to come, then I’ll slide inside you.’

  My eyes rest on his. I can think of nothing else but him: his sexy, raspy voice and my need to come.

  ‘Oh God, Luke.’ My hand loses the ability to grip him.

  ‘Give it to me, Kate.’

  ‘Yes…’ is the only word to leave my lips. My eyes close and my body tenses as the shockwave of my orgasm rocks through me.

  Luke is already kneeling between my legs. I feel him slowly sinking inside me. He waits for my body and mind to relax.

  ‘Kate, look at me. Are you OK?’

  I bite my lip and nod.

  ‘I love you,’ he says.

  One hand is under the cheek of my arse, and he uses the other to support himself, ensuring he doesn’t make contact with my wound. My hands slide up his back towards his hair. I need to maintain as much contact as possible.

  It’s Luke – no one else.

  He maintains his pressure and speed, brushing the sweet spot inside me. Surprisingly, I am almost there. With a few more thrusts, he has me for the second time.

  ‘Luke, I need to come.’

  ‘I’m with you.’

  Luke pumps harder and loses himself inside me. Afterwards, we remain still and locked together, not just physically but emotionally. Tears fall from my eyes.

  Luke slides out of me and pulls me into his arms.

  ‘Shh, it’s OK,’ he says.

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘That was a huge milestone. I’m proud of you.’

  I look at him. ‘I needed you.’

  ‘You always have me, Kate.’ He smiles and kisses my nose.

  ‘Promise me, Luke?’

  ‘I’m never letting you go, baby.’


  By the time Friday arrives, I feel almost human. My eye opens, although not fully, and my bruising is beginning to fade.

  ‘Are you OK?’ I ask Harry as we sit at the boardroom table in my office at Sutton Global.

  ‘I’ve been trained to hate her, and now she’s my half-sister,’ she says.

  ‘I know it’s crazy, but she told me yesterday she’s looking forward to seeing you.’

  My office door opens and Luke strides towards us.

  ‘Hello, Harry, how are you?’

  ‘OK. But nervous about today.’

  ‘You’ll be fine,’ he says, then turns his attention to me. ‘Kate, I’ll wait for you outside Alexis’s apartment at four o’clock, OK?’

  ‘Four o’clock, got it. Crap, I feel sick.’

  Soon, we are sitting around Alexis’s coffee table. I feel awkward.

  ‘How was the shepherd’s pie?’ I break the silence.

  ‘It was lovely, thank you. All your meals have been lovely.’

  ‘You’ll get used to Kate feeding you. It’s what she does,’ Harry says.

  ‘I’m starting to see the bigger picture.’ Alexis smiles. ‘How are you, Harry? I know that seems a ridiculous question, but…’

  ‘Some days are better than others. I’ve gone from Malcolm being my dad, then to Ivor, then back to Malcolm followed by no dad, and now Philip Cooper, who’s dead. My sister’s dad shot my dad!’

  ‘Christ, Harry! You know how to break the ice,’ I say.

  Alexis chuckles. ‘Sorry, it’s not remotely funny but—’

  ‘Laugh or cry, right?’ Harry says.

  ‘You’re absolutely right. Is there anything you want to ask me about… him?’

  ‘No! I know he was your dad but I don’t want to…’ She stops.

  Alexis reaches across for Harry’s hand. ‘I understand.’

  ‘It sounds cold, but knowing what he’s done… To be honest, I’d rather just get to know you. Now you’re Alexis my half-sister, not the superbitch!’ Harry says.

  ‘Apparently so.’ Alexis smiles.

  ‘I think it’s time to put that pet name to bed, but you were a pain in the arse.’ I try to exonerate myself.

  ‘Kate, you were new, and I could see how much Luke was into you.’ Alexis throws me a revelation. ‘I believe you told me to crawl under a rock when we first met.’

  I chuckle. ‘God, that feels like a lifetime ago.’

  ‘I had never seen Luke look at anyone that way, not even Maddy. So when you turned up with him, people were curious about you – the woman who had made Luke Sutton settle down.’

  At four o’clock exactly, Max escorts me to the foyer of Alexis’s apartment. As we make our way to the parked Bentley, I see my delicious husband sitting in the back of the car. Thomas, Luke’s driver, hands the keys to Max.

  I open the door. ‘Hi.’

  ‘How was it?’

  I slide towards him, needing to feel close.

  ‘I think it’s going to be OK. I’ve left them to it.’ I look at him.

  ‘Good. How are you feeling?’ He squeezes my hand.

  ‘Nervous… Really nervous. Actually, I’m shitting myself.’

  ‘We’ll deal with the outcome together.’

  Luke is on his phone for the entire journey. I’m grateful to be alone with my own thoughts, not just about this afternoon, but also about the baby. After half an hour, Max pulls up outside a clinic in Harley Street.

  Luke helps me out of the car. I follow him up the stone steps.

  He presses an intercom. ‘Mr and Mrs Sutton,’ he announces.

  The door unlocks and we walk in.

  ‘Good afternoon, Mr Sutton, Mrs Sutton.’

  I scan the room, which looks more like a business than a doctor’s waiting area. Normal for him, another first for me!

  ‘Good afternoon. We have an appointment with Dr Jacob, followed by the obstetrician.’

  ‘Yes, that’s correct. If you would like to take a seat, I’ll call you when Dr Jacob is ready for you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I say.

  We sit on a tan leather sofa. We’re the only people there. Luke rests his arm along the top of the sofa, allowing me the space to be close.

  ‘Would you like a drink?’ he asks me softly.

  I shake my head.

  The receptionist comes over. ‘Mr and Mrs Sutton, Dr Jacob is ready for you.’ She smiles. ‘Would you like to follow me?’

won’t be necessary. I know the way,’ Luke snaps and stands up. Why is he being so arsey? I wonder. Maybe he’s anxious.

  ‘Ready?’ he says.


  We arrive at a door and Luke taps against the wood.

  ‘Come in,’ a voice calls.

  Luke opens the door. I enter first. Dr Jacob stands. She’s maybe in her late thirties, tall with dark mid-length hair, wearing a tight-fitting grey suit with a white shirt. Although we briefly met at Luke’s parents’ house on Valentine’s night, I didn’t realise how attractive she was.

  She holds out her hand. ‘Hello, Kate.’

  I shake her hand. ‘Hi.’

  ‘Please take a seat. Luke, how are you?’

  ‘Well, and you?’

  She offers a friendly smile. ‘No doctor wants to be busy, but I am… Read into that what you will.’ She sits in the black swivel chair, placing her hands neatly on her lap. ‘Kate, I have known Luke for some time so please call me Samantha.’


  ‘I have read your notes and of course I have spoken to Luke throughout the week. Everything you tell me stays within these four walls. Patient confidentiality – OK?’

  I nod.

  ‘Good, so how are you feeling?’

  ‘Better now.’

  She smiles warmly. ‘So – no pain?’

  ‘Not any more.’

  ‘Can you hop onto my couch so I can have a look at your wound? I know Luke has been attending to you, which means you have been in good hands.’ She undoubtedly has history with him. I wonder what wounds she has patched up for him.

  I remove my black shirt and lie on the couch. Samantha cleans her hands and begins to check my cut.

  ‘Please tell me if at any point you feel pain.’

  I nod. I watch Luke as she examines both sides of my stomach, paying particular attention to my wound.

  ‘Argh… That’s sore.’

  ‘You still have some bruising, which will take time to heal.’ She removes the gauze. ‘Good, it looks clean. I think you should leave the dressing off at home and allow some air to circulate to the area. The stitches have almost dissolved. Luke has been taking good care of you.’

  ‘Can I have a bath? I’m fed up with showers.’

  She smiles. ‘I don’t see why not. OK, get dressed. I’ll check your eye and blood pressure.’

  After a full check-up, we take our seats again.

  ‘Your blood pressure is good and your eye is healing well… You’re not ready to run a marathon or lift anything heavy, but within another week or so you should be feeling almost back to normal.’

  ‘The pregnancy?’ Luke cuts to the chase.

  ‘Yes, the pregnancy. Dr Karen Jenkins is waiting for you in the ultrasound suite.’ She looks at me. ‘Kate, Luke said that you were worried about the pregnancy.’

  ‘I’m just worried about the baby being healthy.’

  ‘Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.’

  Luke takes my hand and squeezes it tightly.

  ‘Right then, let me take you to Dr Jenkins. Kate, please try to relax.’

  Relax – is she kidding?

  Luke and I follow Samantha Jacobs to the rear of the building. She opens the door to a low-lit room.

  ‘Karen, this is Kate and Luke Sutton.’

  ‘Hello, pleased to meet you both. Kate, if you would like to take a seat on the bed, we can have a chat before I begin.’

  Once again I nod.

  ‘Luke.’ She gestures for him to sit on a chair next to me.

  ‘I will leave you both in Karen’s capable hands.’

  ‘Kate, this will be painless, I promise.’

  ‘I’m really nervous.’

  ‘Of course, that’s natural. Right then, I need to ask you some questions before we start. When was your last period?’

  ‘I’m not sure.’

  ‘Dubai, two weeks ago,’ Luke says, offering my cycle chart.

  I take a deep breath. ‘I bled for a day, then it stopped. Normally my period lasts for a few days. I thought maybe the stress of getting married was to blame.’ I watch Luke’s expression alter; he knows there could be another reason for my bleed. Him.

  ‘That’s fine. I will do a transvaginal scan.’

  I swallow.

  ‘Kate, could you slip on a gown and remove your trousers and underwear, then lie down on the couch.’

  Silently I step behind a screen and follow her instructions. I sit on the bed.

  ‘Samantha said that you were in an accident.’

  ‘Yes,’ I say.

  ‘We are worried that the accident may have had an impact on the baby.’ Reassuringly, Luke takes my hand.

  ‘Let’s take a look. Kate, lie back and place your feet in the stirrups.’

  Again I follow her instructions while Luke watches her closely. She slides on a pair of latex gloves and picks up the scanner. The colour drains from my face.

  ‘Kate, it won’t hurt, but it might be a little un-comfortable. If at any point you want me to stop, just say, OK?’ Dr Jenkins says.


  My eyes dart to Luke’s as his gaze flits between Dr Jenkins and me. My heart is thumping. I almost hold my breath while she inserts the probe and looks at the screen. The wait is killing me. As ever, Luke reads my mind. He leans down and presses his lips to my forehead.

  After a while she clears her throat. ‘OK, let me show you.’

  ‘Is there something wrong?’ I blurt.

  She turns the screen towards us and enlarges a grainy image. I can’t quite make it out – a grey area with two smaller circles.

  ‘Kate, you are definitely pregnant.’

  Luke kisses me and wipes away the tear that runs down my cheek. He looks the way I feel – relieved and excited.

  ‘I can’t believe it, Luke.’

  ‘Kate, I’m so happy.’

  ‘Here you can see a very small flicker next to this circle – that’s the yolk sac. Kate, you’re seven weeks and four, maybe, five days pregnant.’ She uses her pen to tap the screen. ‘There are two small flickers. I’m pleased to say you are expecting twins!’

  ‘Holy—’ I stop myself. Twins!

  ‘Twins,’ Luke says. ‘How accurate is that?’

  ‘Very accurate. The heartbeats are strong, and there are definitely two. Kate, I think the blood loss you experienced was some spotting. Many pregnant women experience this.’

  ‘Will I bleed again?’

  ‘Not necessarily, but if you do then contact me immediately. Have you had any more bleeding since?’


  ‘Well, don’t worry.’

  ‘But you didn’t listen for a heartbeat.’ My lack of knowledge is obvious.

  ‘It’s a little too early for that. I want to see you in three and a half weeks, when you’re around eleven weeks. We will be able to see a clearer image then. I will also need to run some blood tests. Nothing to worry about. But we will monitor you closely, as twins can bring problems. Once again, this is quite normal.’

  Oh, crap. I’ve just realised that I will have to push two out!

  ‘Twins,’ Luke repeats.

  ‘Yes, Luke, twins.’ She laughs. ‘It will be fine.’

  Dr Jenkins lifts my feet out of the stirrups and returns the couch to an upright position.

  ‘Kate, this pack is for you.’ She sits a folder next to me. ‘It contains various pamphlets that should answer any questions you may have, and a list of dos and don’ts. Do either of you have any questions?’

  ‘Am I allowed to lock my wife up to keep her safe?’ Luke smirks at me.

  ‘I understand your worries, Luke. Obviously, Kate, you need to take care of yourself – no skydiving or anything that may put you at risk, but Luke, remember that Kate is pregn
ant, not ill. There is a difference.’

  ‘With twins.’

  That’s the third time he’s said that. He’s obviously shocked.

  ‘Can we still have sex?’ I blurt.

  ‘Of course. Quite often women’s sex drive increases during pregnancy.’

  I look across at Luke. I don’t think that’s possible, given the fact he makes me melt – constantly.

  ‘It won’t damage the baby?’ God, I feel stupid.

  ‘No, not at all. Babies are well protected. Just carry on as normal.’

  Luke takes my hand as we exit the building and silently walk down the stone steps. I’m still in shock. I have no idea what to say.

  Max opens the door for us. ‘Everything OK?’ he says.

  ‘Twins,’ I blabber.

  Max chuckles. ‘Seriously, did everything go OK?’ He looks at Luke.

  ‘Twins,’ Luke repeats.

  ‘Bloody hell.’ He whistles.

  My brows shoot up. ‘I know, we’re in shock.’

  ‘I’m so happy for you both.’

  ‘The Sutton family is about to grow, Max. I hope you’re good at night feeds?’

  I slide in first, closely followed by the father of my babies… Holy crap, babies?

  Luke takes my hand and squeezes my fingers. ‘Are you OK?’

  ‘I guess. What about you? I don’t think we’re ready for two babies… Bloody hell, I’ve just accepted I’m pregnant, and now there is more than one.’

  He looks blank. ‘Why didn’t you tell me about your bleeding in Dubai?’

  ‘I told you my period was due – I assumed that was it.’

  I know his memory of that night still haunts him, and probably always will. The sex was rough and intense, but I knew what he needed and I allowed him to use me.

  ‘Clearly it wasn’t your period. It was my fault.’ He looks out of the window, rubbing his hand along his jaw. ‘You were already pregnant, and taking you the way I did…’

  He turns to me: dark and repentant meet dark and forgiving.

  ‘Luke, it didn’t even occur to me I was pregnant. I bled for a day. Honestly, I thought it was just a weird period. A lot has happened since that night. A night that I played a part in. Please let’s not go over it again. So you were a little rough and I bled. Anyway, the babies are fine.’


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