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Harper's Finale

Page 32

by F. C. Clark

  ‘I understand.’

  ‘I think we should wait for Harry to arrive,’ Luke says.

  ‘Yes,’ Katenka says.

  ‘She won’t be too long, as she has been working locally.’

  Katenka nods and remains silent.

  Once again the silence is deafening, but when I hear Harry talking to Max, I get up and bolt into the hall.

  ‘Harry.’ I fling my arms around her and draw her close to me.


  I pull away. ‘Max said it was an emergency, but not the babies or you… What’s going on?’

  ‘I need to show you something. Take a deep breath and remember we have each other.’

  ‘OK, now you’re scaring the shit out of me.’

  I take her hand and walk us through to the lounge, where Katenka is standing waiting.

  ‘Jesus Christ!’ Harry squeezes my fingers as though her life depends on it. ‘No.’ She shakes her head in disbelief. ‘No way, this can’t be happening.’


  I look at Harry. The colour drains from her face and tears shimmer in her eyes.

  Katenka holds us both and I inhale her sweet scent. Harry pulls away but keeps hold of my hand.

  ‘Ladies, please take a seat. Harry, I have called Raymond. He will be here shortly.’

  ‘Thanks, Luke.’ Harry and I sit side by side. ‘So, you did see her.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Am I the only person who’s confused?’ Harry looks at me, then at Katenka. ‘You’re dead, but you’re here… We know Philip killed you because…’ Her words hang in the air. ‘He told Kate what happened to you.’

  Then Raymond enters the room and goes over to Harry. ‘Hi, everyone.’ He offers a wave. ‘I am Raymond, Harry’s husband.’ He leans towards Katenka and takes her hand.

  ‘Hello,’ she says.

  Harry returns to my side.

  ‘Let me start, if I may,’ Luke says.

  Go ahead, Luke. If there was ever a time I needed you to take control, it’s now.

  ‘We all thought you were dead. I have a copy of your death certificate.’

  I give Harry a reassuring hug.

  Luke returns his gaze to Katenka.

  ‘We also know you fled to London from New York.’

  ‘Yes,’ she says. ‘With Katarina.’

  ‘But no one seemed to know that Kate existed,’ Luke says.

  ‘No. My husband, Ivor, had enemies in Russia, and was sent to prison for something he did not do. I could not risk Katarina’s life; I had to take her away. Russia was not safe, and then there was Philip Cooper… He was – evil. That is why I left New York.’ She pauses. ‘I moved to London but his threats did not stop. My home was broken into. He terrorised me, telling me he would hurt me, and…’

  ‘You should have gone to the police,’ Harry says.

  ‘In my world, they can be as evil as Philip Cooper. I did not know what he would do to me – us, and I was pregnant. When you arrived, Helenka, I became scared and that is why I paid for your details to be wiped from official records. Both girls were wiped.’

  ‘So you were frightened and gave the girls up for adoption to Malcolm and Susan?’ Luke asks.

  ‘Yes. Malcolm worked on my house. He was wonderful with Katarina, and then Helenka arrived…’ Her voice cracks. ‘I had no choice.’

  ‘You could have taken us with you – somewhere, anywhere,’ Harry says.

  ‘What life would that have been for you both? How could I have hidden two babies?’

  ‘I don’t think Kate would give up her babies.’ Harry is not backing down.

  ‘My choice was simple. Let you girls live free of fear, or live in fear with me. I made the right choice! As a mother, your instinct is to protect, even if that means giving away your most precious possessions. I hope one day you will understand that saying goodbye to you was so, so hard for me.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell Ivor? We could have lived with him.’ God, I feel so confused.

  ‘He was in prison and surrounded by bad people.’ She shakes her head. ‘All I wanted was for you to be safe and happy.’

  ‘I couldn’t do what you did, but I understand your reasons,’ I say. Harry wears a deadpan expression; she’s not budging.

  ‘Philip told Kate he visited you in London, and that’s where you were – apparently – murdered,’ Luke says.

  She nods. ‘We met in New York. I was only there for a short time, then I fled to London. That’s when he tried to kill me.’ Instinctively her hand goes to her neck. I know how she feels.

  I have no choice: my legs take me towards her. I look at Harry, who comes with me and we sit either side of Katenka. Carefully I peel her hands from her neck and take hold of them.

  She takes a breath – and perhaps she takes some strength from us. ‘He did try to kill me. I fell unconscious.’

  ‘And he thought you were dead?’ Luke says.

  She nods.

  ‘Your death certificate states you committed suicide.’

  I watch Luke trying to piece the puzzle together.

  ‘Yes. I do not know what happened after he tried to strangle me. Except, my eyes opened and two men were in the room, talking – Joseph Morley and George Williams.’

  ‘They wrote the reports and George Williams pronounced you dead, and—’ Luke responds.

  ‘How do you know all of this?’ Harry asks.

  ‘Charles Morley found some unfinished reports in his dad’s safe. He gave me a copy just before our wedding.’

  ‘Oh!’ Harry glares at me. ‘Keeping more secrets from me, Kate?’ She looks across at Luke.

  ‘Harry, stop and breathe,’ Raymond says.

  ‘It’s becoming a regular thing!’ Harry bites back.

  ‘Don’t be like that, Harry. I don’t keep things from you. It was the same report everyone had. Charles just wondered why his dad had kept it. I guessed one day I would ask his dad, that’s all.’

  ‘Please, carry on,’ Luke says.

  ‘Did they hurt you?’ I need to know.

  ‘No, no, never, they saved my life,’ she says.

  ‘How?’ Harry asks.

  ‘You have to understand that Philip was…’ She looks at her trembling fingers.

  I will rescue her. ‘A sick bastard.’

  ‘He tried to kill and rape Kate too… and his daughter Alexis – he abused her for years.’ Harry’s rage spews out of her.

  ‘Girls, I am sorry.’ Katenka squeezes our hands.

  ‘I assume you know he’s dead?’ Luke asks.

  Katenka nods.

  ‘Is that why you’re here?’ Once again my husband seems on point with his assessment.

  ‘Yes,’ she whispers.

  ‘I inherited your shares,’ I say.

  ‘Yes, on your twenty-seventh birthday,’ Katenka says.

  ‘Guess what? Philip wanted them. Some things don’t change,’ I say.

  ‘I could not change your shares. I just prayed that you were OK,’ Katenka says and looks down again.

  ‘We all own them now – I mean, Harry and Philip’s daughter.’

  She looks painfully sad. I take her hand.

  ‘So what happened to you? Where have you been?’ I still need some answers.

  ‘Philip called Joseph and George telling them he had killed someone. He had some information on them, and he blackmailed them into helping him. They had no choice.’

  ‘Christ, that’s loyalty for you,’ Harry says.

  ‘I never asked them questions; I am just thankful they saved me. All I know is that something happened when Joseph and George were young. Philip abused their friendship.’

  ‘They grew up together, my father included,’ Luke says.

  ‘It must have been bad for them to a
gree to cover up a murder.’ I would fall on a sword for my friends, but murder? ‘It makes sense now why they dealt with your case; they had to cover for you.’

  ‘George saw that I was still alive, but he told Philip to leave and he would deal with the body.’

  ‘Philip knew George could “lose” a body at the mortuary and no one would question the chief coroner…’ Luke says. ‘Joseph would file the case as suicide, leaving no paper trail.’

  ‘Yes. They saved my life – I owe them everything.’

  ‘Where did you go?’ Harry looks as tormented as me.

  ‘Joseph owns a cottage in Wales. They drove me there that night and stayed with me until I had settled in.’ She shakes her head. ‘Philip was evil. The men knew that if he thought I was still alive, he would try to kill me again.’

  ‘This is bloody madness! He took you away from us.’ My hatred for Cooper burns brightly.

  ‘So have you been in Wales ever since?’ Luke asks.


  ‘Charles asked me about an address in Wales. He found it with his dad’s paperwork and now it makes sense. Do Joseph and George know you’re here?’ I ask.

  ‘Yes, they came to see me after Philip died. They understand the pain I have been in since the day they drove me to Wales, and now I can find peace.’

  ‘Could they get into trouble?’ Raymond asks.

  ‘I would never allow that – I think they need to find peace too.’

  ‘Katenka, I can vouch for everyone in this room. What you have said will not be repeated,’ Luke declares.

  ‘Ivor!’ I blurt and Katenka looks at me, surprised. ‘He killed Philip saving me.’

  Her eyes fill with tears.

  ‘He loves you. You were the love of his life.’

  ‘Is he in your life?’ Her face comes alive.

  ‘He is now… Why didn’t you contact him?’ I ask.

  She looks down. ‘It was easier to accept my new life – alone.’

  ‘He misses you, every day.’ I take her hand.

  ‘What have you been doing all this time?’ Harry has no intention of indulging her love story.

  ‘I cook in a local café and care for an elderly woman who has been very kind to me.’

  ‘Why have you never tried to contact us? I know you say it’s because of Philip, but I don’t understand. Kate is pregnant and she would never abandon her children, I know she wouldn’t.’

  I can feel Harry’s pain – and I agree with her.

  ‘Helenka…’ Katenka smiles.

  ‘Harry – my name is Harry…’ She goes over and sits next to Raymond. He hugs her.

  ‘Harry, I mean you no harm. I will leave.’

  ‘No.’ I look at Harry. Back off, I tell her silently.

  ‘Let’s all take a break…’

  ‘Luke is right. I think we need a drink and some time to breathe,’ Raymond says.

  ‘Can I help?’ Katenka asks.

  Luke stands. ‘Yes, follow me.’

  He carries the tray and leaves the room, Katenka following.

  I lean against the bookcase. ‘How fucked up is this?’

  ‘You both need time,’ Raymond says.

  ‘Time? That’s a bloody understatement. How much time do you think I’ll need to not feel like the booby prize? I’m only here because my dead mum was raped, and guess what? She isn’t dead after all.’

  ‘Harry, don’t say that! If I didn’t have you…’ I shake my head.

  ‘I just feel numb, Kate.’

  ‘It doesn’t feel real, like we’re watching someone’s life,’ I say.

  I have an idea. I head to Luke’s office to find my phone. I know Ivor’s in London. Caller ID – Papa. I press send.

  ‘Kate?’ Ivor answers. I realise this is the first time I have called him.

  ‘Papa.’ My voice is faint.

  ‘What is wrong?’

  ‘I need you to come to my house – now. Please.’

  ‘You sound… Katarina, what is it?’

  ‘I’m fine, we’re fine, but Papa, please… If you love me, then you’ll come now.’

  I end the call.

  Katenka – the woman he lost – is here. He has to see her.

  ‘Kate.’ Luke moves towards me from the doorway.

  ‘I want to cry, and laugh, and scream… Please help me.’

  ‘Kate, I’m worried about you.’ He pulls me to his chest and kisses the top of my head before pulling away and framing my face with his hands. ‘I just want to make it better. Tell me what I can do.’

  ‘Just hold me, Luke, that’s the only place I feel safe.’

  He wraps me in his strong arms.

  ‘It feels like a dream. I’m waiting to wake up and realise she’s not real.’

  ‘I can see how much she loves you both.’ He pulls away, ‘She tried to keep you safe.’

  I nod. ‘I can’t take any more. I just want to run away with you.’

  ‘Sounds like a plan, Mrs Sutton.’ His warm smile makes me feel safe.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ I say.


  ‘Your life was swimming along nicely and then I turned up and…’

  ‘You’re my world, Kate.’

  ‘I know, but every turn I take, more shit follows me… We never seem to be free from it.’

  ‘But you’re my trouble.’

  ‘How did Katenka seem?’

  ‘Honestly?’ I nod. ‘She seems sad.’

  ‘I can’t imagine what she’s been through. Do you like her?’

  ‘I see you in her.’

  ‘Do you?’

  ‘You look like her. Her eyes are warm and honest – like yours. I have no doubt she is your mother.’

  Tears roll down my cheeks. ‘Luke, you mean the world to me.’

  ‘Good, may that never alter.’

  ‘No – never.’

  ‘We should go back to the others.’

  When Luke and I return to the lounge, Raymond is showing Katenka his and Harry’s wedding pictures on his phone, acquainting her with our lives. Except there will never be enough storage on our phones to familiarise her with the past twenty-five years.

  ‘Harry, you look beautiful… and look at the snow.’ She smiles at a photograph of us. In it, our happiness is evident – unlike this afternoon, when we are both so confused.

  ‘She looked stunning… We couldn’t believe it snowed, could we, Harry? Do you believe in angels?’ I say.

  Harry glances at me. I remember how we lay on the snow and watched the night sky, wondering if Katenka was with us. Harry remains silent. I know my sister, and I know she is hurting.

  ‘So, what now? Please tell me you’re not going to disappear again.’ I have to know.

  ‘I think you should both decide whether you want me in your life – not just you but also Malcolm and Susan.’

  ‘They’ve accepted Ivor,’ I say. Although I wonder how far their kindness will stretch…

  ‘Kate, let’s take one step at a time,’ Luke says.

  ‘OK. But they need to know you’re alive first,’ I say.

  Katenka looks away. Is she hiding something? Luke catches it too. He smiles. Is this what I do, maybe?

  ‘What is it?’ My hand reaches for hers.

  ‘Malcolm knows I’m alive.’

  ‘What?’ Harry takes a step forward. ‘Jesus Christ, this day just keeps getting better.’

  ‘I saw him, once… I always visit London on your birthdays. I have cards for you both – birthday and Christmas.’

  ‘Let’s get back to the fact Dad knows you’re alive,’ Harry blurts out.

  Jesus, Harry, rein it in. I glare at her.

  ‘I sat on a park bench and a man walked past me with two beautiful girls. For some reason, h
e stopped and looked at me. We were both shocked. Harry, it was your fourth birthday. You looked adorable running around with Katarina.’

  ‘Did you speak to Dad?’ I can’t believe he kept this from us! Oh, what am I saying? Of course I can believe he kept this from us.

  ‘Yes. He was very kind and allowed me to watch you play. I told him that someone tried to kill me, and I was in hiding, and never to tell anyone he had seen me. Please don’t be angry at him for keeping his promise.’

  I am distracted by the sound of the black door opening. It can mean only one thing. I rush out to the hall, where Max stands next to Ivor. I drag him to Luke’s office.

  ‘Kate.’ He frowns, looking worried.

  ‘You need to prepare yourself…’ I take a breath. ‘We have a surprise for you. Are you ready?’

  ‘You are not making sense.’

  ‘That’s nothing new, Papa, you’ll get used to it!’ I say and take his hand. Silently, he follows me towards the lounge – and Katenka.

  He walks through the door – and stops. It’s as if time stands still. Quickly he looks at me, then at Katenka. Cautiously, he walks towards the woman who has been waiting to be reunited with her husband for more than twenty-five years.

  Gently he runs his finger down her cheek. She leans to his touch. Their connection is plain to see. Tenderly, he kisses her forehead before pulling her to his chest. They stand, locked in an embrace.

  ‘My beautiful Katenka. I thought you were dead.’

  ‘I am so sorry.’ She whispers an apologetic response.

  Luke pulls me towards him, perhaps sensing I’m running on empty – and he couldn’t be more right.

  Eventually Katenka and Ivor sit together on the sofa. At no point does he release her hand. My heart breaks watching them rediscover each other. I understand how they feel. If Luke left me there would be no one else; no one could replace the intense feelings I have for him.

  ‘Ivor, this is a shock to all of us… Kate thought she saw Katenka last week,’ Luke explains.

  Ivor looks at Katenka.

  ‘I do not understand, but…’

  She strokes his cheek.

  ‘Papa, Philip thought he killed her but he hadn’t, and a friend helped Katenka to escape – and start a new life.’

  ‘Why did you not find me? I would have protected you from him.’

  ‘I think Katenka and Ivor need some time alone,’ Luke says.


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