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Harper's Finale

Page 39

by F. C. Clark

  ‘He hasn’t moved since I left him.’ I glance across to the man lying on the floor. ‘Is he dead?’

  ‘I don’t care.’

  Luke taps Max’s face. Nothing. He lifts Max’s shirt. His body is covered in cuts and lacerations, which mirror Luke’s. I feel sick watching Luke push his fingers inside a wound, but the sound of Max coming to makes me happy.

  ‘There he is – nice of you to join us. Kate, get out of the way. Let me get him to his feet.’ Max is beyond useless and far too weak.

  ‘Luke, you can barely walk, let me help.’

  ‘Move away – try and remember you’re pregnant!’ he snaps.

  ‘Fine.’ I step away, feeling a little hurt.

  ‘Sullivan.’ Luke remains silent. I know he’s listening. ‘OK.’ He looks at me. ‘Kate, we need to head towards the main club the way you entered, via my office.’


  Somehow Luke pulls Max to standing, although he can only just walk himself.

  ‘Max, you need to walk,’ Luke almost pleads.

  ‘Yeah.’ His voice is barely a whisper.

  ‘Kate, door.’

  I open the door and peer left and right. ‘It’s clear.’

  We arrive at the hidden door. Now Luke has to climb the stairs. With a grunt, Luke lifts Max and throws him over his shoulder.

  ‘Luke… You can’t.’

  ‘Kate, stop talking and go.’

  I do. At the top of the staircase, I open the door and slide the bookcase across. Once inside Luke’s office, he drops Max on the sofa then almost collapses himself.

  ‘Fuck,’ he says and leans on the desk, trying to get his breath.

  ‘You’re too weak,’ I plead with him. ‘Can we wait here for Scott?’

  ‘Pass me the bottle of whisky.’

  I remove the lid and pass him the bottle. He downs a couple of mouthfuls and offers it to Max.

  ‘Take it – numb the pain for a few minutes.’

  ‘Here.’ I hold the bottle to his lips as he takes a few sips.

  ‘Speak to me,’ Luke says to James.

  I look at Luke and then at Max. They’re lucky to be alive. Any longer and… I can’t think about the possible outcome.

  ‘Once Sullivan gives us the all-clear, we need to get across to the stockroom the same way you came in, Kate.’

  I nod.

  My hand rests against Max’s shirt, which is soaked in blood. ‘Luke, he’s in a bad way.’

  ‘Tell me something I don’t know,’ he barks.

  ‘I’m just saying he needs a doctor,’ I bite back.

  Luke takes Max’s wrist and looks at his watch. ‘Blood pressure is low.’ He feels his forehead. ‘We need to get him out quickly. I think he will go into hypovolemic shock.’

  Luke reads my confused expression.

  ‘Possible internal bleeding.’

  ‘Oh!’ Oh fuck.

  ‘Over,’ Luke says. ‘Kate, we’re going. On your feet, Max, let’s get you home. Kate, get ready to open the door and close it behind us. Here, take the gun.’

  I take the gun and wait by the door.

  ‘On my count, OK? Sullivan, ready when you are.’ Luke waits. ‘OK. Open the door… Go, go, go.’

  Luke manages to drag Max across the VIP area and into the stockroom I was in earlier. Where the hell does he find the strength?

  ‘Kate, keep moving, you know the way.’

  As we reach the building next door, we are in complete darkness.

  ‘Be careful – the stairs,’ I say.

  ‘Kate, wait!’ Luke commands. ‘Sullivan.’ He listens while propping Max against the wall. ‘No visual.’ Luke looks at me. ‘Anderson is off the radar.’

  ‘And that means?’

  ‘We don’t know where he is.’

  ‘Has he left the building?’

  ‘Sullivan is re-checking the footage. Keep moving,’ Luke commands.

  Finally we make it to the bottom of the stairs and enter the next-door building. I close the door once Luke is through, and he drags Max towards the front door. Round the door we can see the smallest glimmer of light – freedom.

  ‘Going somewhere, boys?’ There’s the sound of a match flaring. ‘Do you think you can outsmart me?’

  Holy shit. Anderson.

  ‘Something about you doesn’t add up, Sutton… What’s with all these rabbit runs? Anyone would think you’re hiding something.’

  ‘Take me but let him go,’ Luke offers.

  ‘Shut the fuck up. Neither of you are going anywhere. I want to watch you both die.’

  My hand covers my mouth as I cling to the far wall.

  ‘I’m worth more to you alive,’ Luke says.

  ‘I don’t want your fucking money. I want to watch you suffer like your mate did when my boys kicked the shit out of him. Happy memories.’

  Luke is silent, but I know he’s furious inside at the mention of Paul.

  I hear a click as Anderson steps towards Luke and Max. All I can see are shadows, but I recognise the sound of a gun.

  ‘If you run, I’ll shoot your fucking kneecaps.’

  No! My heart pounds. Think, Kate. I have no choice. I raise my gun and quietly walk towards the shadows. I can just about make out where the three men are standing. Silently, I keep behind the unsuspecting Anderson. My hand trembles as I get closer. I’m three steps away.

  ‘Don’t move, you sick bastard.’

  He begins to laugh.

  ‘Drop your gun, or I’ll shoot you.’

  ‘So, Sutton, you’re not alone. Couldn’t manage to escape without the help of your cunt of a wife?’

  ‘Kate.’ I can hear panic in Luke’s voice.

  ‘Drop the gun now. As God is my witness, I will shoot you.’ Amazingly, my voice is strong. I nestle the barrel of my gun in the small of his back. ‘I said, drop your gun.’

  ‘Make me, bitch.’

  As he takes a step, I pull the trigger. Two sounds whirl in my head: the sound of the shot, and Luke shouting my name.

  The weak light from the doorframe highlights Anderson on the ground.

  ‘Oh my God.’ I begin to shake.

  ‘Kate.’ Luke lowers Max to the ground. ‘Kate, give me the gun.’

  ‘Luke, I…’ Tears roll down my cheeks.

  He crouches in the darkness. ‘He’s dead.’

  ‘I killed him! Luke…’

  ‘Listen. We need to leave quickly. Sullivan, are you listening?’ Luke takes the gun from my hands.

  ‘I killed him, are you sure he’s…’ I can’t finish the sentence.

  ‘Kate, go.’

  I nod and watch the shadowy figure of Max trying to get to his feet.

  ‘Kate,’ Max says. ‘Go now.’ He can just about string a sentence together.

  ‘Kate, give me the knife.’

  I pass it to Luke, and he bends down to the body.

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Removing the bullet.’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘It’s evidence. Just go with Max.’

  Max rests his arm over my shoulder and we slowly walk to the door, me supporting him. When I turn the handle, daylight hits my face. There is the welcome sight of Barney sitting in Rosie’s Ford Fiesta. He jumps out of the car.

  ‘Fuck me, look at the state of him. Jesus, Max.’

  ‘Get him in the car,’ I say. Barney manhandles Max onto the back seat.

  ‘Luke?’ Barney looks at me.

  ‘He’s coming.’

  ‘Bloody hell, babe, are you OK? You’re as white as a sheet.’

  I shake my head. A motorbike screeches along the road and stops beside us. The rider, who is dressed in black, removes his helmet and strides towards me. It’s Scott Parker.
r />   ‘Kate,’ he says.

  ‘Luke’s inside.’

  Scott takes me in his arms and kisses the top of my head. The first time he’s ever shown me any affection. ‘You did good.’

  Scott disappears and leaves me with Barney.

  ‘What happened?’ he asks.

  I look up at his face while tears of relief and shock roll down my cheeks.

  Within a few minutes, Luke and Scott appear.

  ‘Fucking hell, Sutton, look at the state of you.’

  Luke passes my gun to Scott. ‘Take this back with you and clean it. It goes in the safe in our room. Barney, turn the car around. Kate, keys to the door.’ I pass him the keys. ‘Get in the car.’ He turns to Scott, who hands Luke some green putty – I recognise it. It’s explosive – and a mobile phone.

  ‘Sullivan said to come prepared,’ Scott says.

  ‘What are you going to do?’ I ask, but I know what he is doing.

  Luke doesn’t answer. He takes the detonator from his pocket and places it in the familiar block of green putty. He then disappears inside the building with the putty and the phone.

  I slide in next to Max and watch Luke disappear. In seconds he reappears, locking the door of number twenty-two. He strides towards the car, jumps in and slams the door shut.

  ‘Drive!’ he shouts.

  As the car jerks forward, Luke bends over his mobile phone. I close my eyes and begin to count in my head. I can’t remember what number I reach when I hear the explosion.


  ‘Take a left here,’ Luke commands. A silent Barney grips the steering wheel. ‘First right, then right again at the end.’

  Barney nods.

  ‘Carry on until I tell you otherwise.’

  Luke directs Barney home. Instinct tells me Luke knows which roads have no CCTV; there’s no other reason for us to take the scenic route. I keep hold of Max’s hand and check his forehead with the other. He’s clammy.

  ‘Nearly home,’ I say, but Max remains silent. ‘Luke, he needs to go to hospital.’

  ‘No,’ he blurts.

  ‘You said he might have internal bleeding.’

  ‘Kate!’ he says, as though I’m irritating him.

  ‘I know you can patch him up, but—’ Strangely, the last time I witnessed Luke patching Max up was due to Anderson.

  ‘Just leave it,’ he snaps.

  What? His coldness is slicing through me like a knife.

  Barney glances at me in the rear-view mirror, clearly picking up on Luke’s hostility. My eyes sting, but I can’t cry, not now. Again I realise that I shot a man. He’s dead – gone forever. My mind begins to shut down.

  I look out of the window, thinking about the last half hour of my life, and knowing it will never be the same – how can it be? Barney draws Rosie’s car to a halt outside the palace. The front door is still ajar. I step aside as Barney and Luke help Max inside.

  Adam appears from the kitchen. ‘Christ. Let me take him. What the hell’s happened?’

  ‘I’m OK,’ Luke says.

  ‘You don’t look it. Anything I should know?’ Adam asks. ‘Lay him on the table. On three: one, two, three.’ By this time Scott is here too. He walks into the kitchen and helps to lift Max. ‘Gently.’ Adam looks at Luke. ‘I don’t like surprises. What am I looking for?’

  ‘Lacerations – he may have internal bleeding. No bullet wounds.’

  ‘I need some scissors,’ Adam says.

  I grab some from the kitchen drawer.

  ‘Barney, get me Luke’s medical bag.’

  ‘How’s Jerry?’ I ask.

  ‘He’s bruised, and just needs rest and painkillers, Kate.’ Adam looks at me. ‘What about you?’

  ‘I’m fine.’ No, I’m not OK.

  Luke watches me, saying nothing.

  Parker re-enters the kitchen. ‘SGI Security are working on the door now. I’ve called Samantha. She will be here soon,’ he says to Luke.

  Do they all know Dr Samantha Jacobs? I have so many questions for Luke – when he eventually speaks to me.

  Parker looks at his watch. ‘Barker will be here in forty minutes tops, plus security. I’ll go and clean Rosie’s car. I need all your clothes.’

  ‘Good.’ Luke heads to the table. ‘Have you found any internal bleeding?’ he asks Adam.

  ‘No. He’s bloody lucky. The knife just missed his left kidney. He’s lost a lot of blood; he’s probably been drifting in and out of consciousness.’

  ‘Does he need a transfusion?’

  ‘Do you want him to go to hospital?’ Adam says.

  Luke raises his brows and shake his head.

  ‘He can survive without one. Morphine would help.’

  Luke looks across at Parker, who leaves the room and returns a few moments later with two bottles of clear fluid.

  ‘Don’t ask,’ Scott says.

  ‘I won’t.’

  ‘Let’s just say I came prepared!’ Parker says to Adam.

  My legs feel weak. I rest on a stool, watching my home turn into a mini hospital. I can’t forget the elephant in the room: Anderson. His blood is on my hands. Barney joins me.

  ‘You OK, babe?’

  I look up at him. ‘I’m sorry about today. You and Adam needed some time together.’

  ‘It’s not your fault.’ He pulls my head to his chest. ‘I won’t forget today in a hurry, that’s for sure,’ he mumbles.

  ‘Me either.’ For obvious reasons.

  Across the room Luke offers me a cold glance then turns to greet Dr Samantha Jacobs. They chat and walk towards his office. I wonder what he’s telling her – and I wonder how familiar she is with this sort of behaviour.

  A couple of minutes later, Samantha returns to the kitchen.

  ‘Kate, can I have a word?’

  I slide off the stool and follow her to Luke’s office.

  ‘Take a seat.’ She gestures. ‘How are you?’

  I look down at my hands.

  ‘I’ve had better days.’ I say, and remove my jacket.

  She smiles sympathetically and removes a blood pressure cuff from her bag. ‘I just need to check your blood pressure. I assume you’ve had no more bleeding.’

  I shake my head as she wraps the cuff around my upper arm and inflates it. Physically I am here, sitting and breathing, but mentally I can feel my brain defragmenting, piece by piece, image by image.

  ‘That appears to be normal.’

  ‘Did Luke call you just to check on me?’

  ‘Not just you – although your friend is doing a sterling job.’

  I head for the door of the office and come face to face with Luke. We cross paths without a word. He simply closes the office door and shuts me out too. Why?

  As I return to the kitchen, Adam and Scott are helping to lift Max from the table and carry him to his apartment.

  ‘Is he OK?’ I look at Barney.

  ‘Adam said he’s bloody lucky.’

  ‘I’ll stay with him tonight. Luke is being a complete arsehole. He’s avoiding me. Why is he being so bloody nasty?’

  ‘Give him time. He probably thought he was going to die.’

  ‘So did I.’

  Scott Parker returns to the kitchen.

  ‘Is Adam staying with Max?’ I ask.

  ‘Until Valerie arrives,’ Barney says.

  ‘Your cupid plan worked. Max has himself a girlfriend.’ Barney pulls me closer.

  ‘I guess.’

  Parker walks towards the hall.

  ‘Scott?’ I call. He stops. I walk towards him. ‘Why is Luke acting like this?’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘He hasn’t said two words to me since I…’ My face falls. ‘You know what I’m saying. He’s scaring me.’

  ‘He has a lot on his mi

  He turns and walks away. Is that it? Is that really an explanation?

  My stomach churns and I know I’m going to vomit. I rush to the toilet and make it just in time. I rest for a few minutes, feeling weak.

  Barney taps on the door. ‘Kate.’

  ‘Give me a minute.’ Quickly I wash my face.

  ‘Luke needs us in the office – apparently it’s urgent,’ he says through the door.

  Jesus, I have nothing left to give. I can’t think about anything else. I’ve just killed a man. What does that make me? I’m a murderer.

  Finally I enter the office. Everyone watches me as I take the empty seat at the board table next to Barney.

  ‘We need to go over what happened today. It goes without saying that this discussion stays in this room.’ Luke says and gauges our reactions. ‘Good. For those of you who don’t know him’ – Luke gestures to his right at an unfamiliar man seated at the table – ‘this is Stanley Barker, my lawyer.’

  ‘Afternoon, everyone,’ Stanley responds.

  Luke looks at his watch. ‘SGI no longer exists. It’s been burned to the ground – with the bodies inside.’

  ‘Bloody good job.’ Barney praises Luke, but receives a glare telling him to shut the fuck up.

  ‘The CCTV has been wiped, here and…’

  I know where he’s going with this. ‘What about the streets leading to the club? The police will see you and Max arriving,’ I say.

  ‘The van drove into the loading bay, away from any CCTV, plus there is no evidence as SGI is no longer standing.’ He shrugs.

  ‘What about me and Barney?’

  Luke is holding his audience in the palm of his hand, but I feel like I’m slipping through his fingers.

  ‘The road you parked on has no CCTV,’ Luke snaps.

  ‘If you’re asked, say that you and Barney went for a drive. However, it will not come to that, I promise you, Mrs Sutton,’ Barker tries to reassure me. However, I need more.

  ‘What about Adam, Luke? He’s not used to this crazy shit – that makes two of us,’ Barney says.

  Again Luke glares at Barney. ‘I am grateful for his help, Barney. I will talk to him shortly and explain what he needs to know. The rest stays in this room. Got it?’

  Barney holds his hands up. ‘I’m already trying to forget about today.’


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