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Witch Me (Blood Chord Book 3)

Page 11

by Alex Owens

  Finally, the progress bar on the pop-up reached the end and gave me a thumbs-up. I quickly unhooked the device and slid it into my back pocket; it was too warm to go back in the boobs for the ride home.

  Before I put the computer back to sleep and while Clive was still gone, I pulled a small thumb drive out of my pants and inserted it into the computer’s USB slot. With the system unlocked, I had no trouble finding the files I was looking for. A few quick clicks, and that transfer was done as well.

  Clive was heading back toward me, so I pocketed the thumb drive and hoped he hadn’t noticed. If he did, I’m sure he would assume I’d skimmed a little something for my troubles, but that couldn’t be the farthest thing from the truth. Simply put, I was attempting to balance out my karma. I may live in the dark, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t let a little light into the world every now and again.

  “The hallway is clear—,“ Clive started.

  The squealing of tires on asphalt made us both freeze. Automatically, I sprinted to the front windows and peered down. Clive was right behind me.

  “Shit, someone called for back-up.” I stated the obvious.

  Blocking the front entrance to the building, parked askew, were two huge, black SUV’s. When the doors flew open, at least a dozen armed men jumped out of the vehicles and most of them jogged towards the building’s main entrance. A splinter group of four men headed down the street and turned into the small alley, which fed into the larger alley behind the building. That was where we’d entered, which sucked because it meant that both exits were burned.

  Well, fuck a duck. Now what? Fighting a dozen armed men wasn’t an option. Worst case scenario, they get lucky and manage to kill us. Only slightly better would be getting riddled full of bullet holes. That would hurt like a sonofabitch and make me go all Dracula to heal myself. I’d already had my blood bath for the night, thank you very much.

  I looked to Clive and he shrugged. Right, it was my show. So I’d better get it on the road. The men were likely hitting the elevators and stairs by now. Going down wasn’t happening, so I saw no other option but to go up. I pointed to the back corner of the room.

  While downloading the files, I’d noticed a small window, barely big enough to fit a grown person through, and iron bars a bit beyond the glass. I was hoping it was a fire escape leading up; because I knew the security was too tight to have one that lead down to street level. It would be a vulnerable entry point and these people were too smart for that.

  We hurried to the back of the room and I unlatched the window and shoved it up, poking my head out. Yep, I was right.

  “Follow me, and hurry,” I whispered.

  I wiggled out onto the small platform and started climbing the ladder embedded in the wall, towards the roof. I heard Clive cussing to himself below, so I assumed the climb out was a little harder for him than it had been for me, due to his size. I reached the top of the ladder, climbed over the ledge and turned to see Clive right behind me. Below, through the open window, I could hear the doors to the room crash open. We had seconds to get away, maybe less.

  At the back of the building, I saw our escape. Heights again, I thought and shuddered. Thanks to Clive and our little training session, the fear was easier to ignore. Just a little, but I’d take any help I could get right then.

  “There,” I pointed and took off in a sprint. I reached the little brick enclosure that housed the rooftop door access and inspected the back edge of the structure. A black snake of cabling had been anchored securely into the bricks. It ran off, over the edge of the building, and down across the alley. I peered over to see where the cable ended and it was affixed to the other building midway between the first and second floor. I’d have preferred a better landing, but beggars can’t be choosers.

  I pulled off my hoodie and held onto one of the arms, tossing it over the cable to essentially make myself a zip line. I stepped up and onto the edge of the building, wrapping the sleeves up in my fisted hands. I turned back to look at Clive.

  “Seriously?” He said.

  “Unless you have a better idea? Tick tock, time’s a wasting.” When he didn’t respond, I continued. “I’m going to say we have about three seconds until they make it up here, so I’d suggest you pull off your belt and follow me down. Oh, don’t forget to jump when you’re about fifteen to twenty feet from the end. Between the one-story drop and the rate of acceleration, I’d hate for you to smash that pretty face of yours into the bricks.”

  With that, I stepped off the ledge and hoped I didn’t end up as a blood stain on the pavement below. Because that would blow monkeys.

  Chapter Twelve

  At the door to his room, Clive grabbed me and pulled me into a hard kiss.

  “You did good tonight, babe,” he whispered against my lips. “But you are fucking certifiable.”

  I grunted, my way of thanking him while ignoring that he’d questioned my sanity and called me babe in one breath. That was new. It sounded like he was trying out pet names for me. You know, like one would for a girlfriend. But I didn’t have time to think about that.

  He pushed me up against the door with a thud, hands roaming over my body. Working his way up under my tank, Clive clutched my ribs and lifted me, just a little, so that my toes brushed the floor. I moaned into his mouth, nipping at his bottom lip. He pulled back, kissing his way over my cheek, behind my ear and then down the path of my jugular. My whole body shivered.

  “Why do I like that so much?” I mumbled.

  “You know why,” he replied, sucking on the hollow between my neck and collar bone.

  I could barely think to respond. “Because you want to bite me?”

  Clive nipped at my skin. “No. You’re close, but not close enough.”

  I stayed silent, so Clive continued.

  “It affects you that way because of where your jugular leads, baby.” He licked over my collar bone, down the middle of my chest and placed a soft kiss directly over my heart.

  Clive was saying, in so many words, that I cared for him more than I let on. Perhaps he was right, but I wasn’t ready to have that conversation. Words failed me, so actions would have to do.

  I grabbed a handful of Clive’s hair and pulled him into one hell of a kiss. It left me weak in the knees. I wanted the bed, like yesterday, so I reached behind my back and twisted the door knob. We fell into the room in a heap, a tangle of limbs and perverse noises.

  Laughter boomed from somewhere behind us. I tilted my head back and spied Gregor. He lay on the bed, spread eagle, with a giant red bow tied around his cock.

  “Our reward for a job well done, I presume?” I looked back to Clive, raising an eyebrow.

  Hunger flickered over his face and his groin grew and pressed into my belly. He looked to me, then over at Gregor, then back to me. He seemed to be unsure of what to do, so I settled it for him.

  “Well, what are you waiting for Chief? Pick me up, throw me on the bed and let’s get this party started.” I slapped Clive on the ass hard enough that it stung my hand.

  In my defense, I have no idea where that whore-ish bravado came from, but Clive responded to it eagerly so I’d definitely keep it in mind for future reference.

  At once I felt myself being lifted up, followed by two quick steps and I was airborne. I landed on the bed and my clothes were torn away from my body in a flash. At the rate I was going through clothes, I’d better start buying two of everything that I liked. And charging it to Clive’s account.

  I laid there, so turned on that I couldn’t stand it, with Clive looming between my legs and Gregor kneeling beside my face—his thick cock bobbing inches from my forehead—nothing like a dick tickling your face to make one’s girly bits go all tingly.

  But before I could get that beautiful meat into my mouth, Gregor backed away from me. I leaned up, propping myself up on my elbows to see where he was going.

  The first thing I noticed was two hard cocks, swinging into each other, as Clive and Gregor embraced. The second t
hing I noticed was the way that Clive gripped Gregor’s ass, the skin pinking beneath his strong hands. The third thing that I noticed was the way Gregor held Clive’s face in his hands as they kissed, which was more like a clashing of faces and lips.


  Now would be a good time to mention that the fourth thing I noticed was how unbelievably wet I’d gotten from watching them together. My hips even moved of their own accord. Now that was a surprise to me; I’d been on the fence about how I’d feel if and when the situation presented itself. I hadn’t had to worry about that at all.

  It was absolutely fascinating to watch Clive and Gregor together. I’d wondered who topped whom, but after seeing how they were together I knew that neither of them took the bottom for too long. Two alphas they were, and neither one wanted to submit to the other permanently.

  A low, dangerous hiss escaped from my mouth and it startled me. I’d never had that happen before. It was primal, animalistic, and I fucking loved it.

  “Someone’s likes what she sees,” Gregor said, taking Clive’s hard cock in his hand and stroking it, “but I think she’s feeling left out.”

  Clive ran his hand up my leg slowly, flexing his hips under Gregor’s firm hand. His hold tightened on my leg and Gregor’s ass as he groaned. Clive backed away slightly and passed his fingertips over my mound. I arched off the bed, desperate for another touch. He moved his hand farther down, over my knee cap and over my shin.

  Dammit, I would not beg.

  “Patience, little grasshopper.” Clive leaned over and kiss me tenderly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gregor’s hand run down over Clive’s backside, before disappearing into the crease. Clive’s cock jumped against my breast and the tingling in my body started anew.

  My hand closed over Clive’s impressive length, and my fingers traveled over the silky sheath of him. He was so hard and hot and long—it made my mouth water. Seeing the way I licked my lips, Clive moved up on the bed, so that my face was close enough to take what I wanted from him. I leaned up and over, wrapping my lips around Clive in a slow, deliberate way. He groaned as I covered him with my mouth.

  Gregor came up behind Clive and reached around, holding the base of Clive’s cock for me, so all I had to do was suck, and lick, and roll my tongue. Clive’s hips flexed in rhythm with my mouth, his legs sliding further apart at some invisible command from Gregor.

  When Gregor spit in his own hand, I suspected what was to come, but it was confirmed a few seconds later when Clive practically quaked in my mouth. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall, watching Gregor slip into Clive’s ass. While Clive’s cock thrust into my mouth.

  Clive’s hips moved faster, pumping into my mouth robustly. That amount of force only a non-human could take. His shadow, Gregor, moved in time, the muscles of his forearms and chest rock-hard as he fucked my man.

  Wait, my man? We’re going to pretend I didn’t say that. Right.

  Without warning, Clive came in my mouth. Judging by the violent cry that came out of Gregor, I was willing to bet he’d finished as well.

  “Hey! No fair,” I complained, after swallowing of course.

  “Vampires, remember. You should have been paying attention,” Clive smiled sweetly and started kissing down the length of my body. “But don’t worry—stamina of stallions and all that. We’ll be ready again in no time.”

  “Well, then. What are you waiting for? Let this bitch up for a ride.” I said, smirking.

  Clive and Gregor shared a wordless exchange for a beat, then Gregor laid down beside me gracefully. Clive quickly picked me up, spun me around so that my back was to his chest, and seated me perfectly on top of Gregor’s waiting cock. Only the tip of him pushed inside—Clive held me, kept me from sinking down to the hilt. Gradually, he gave me another inch, then another, before lifting me off of Gregor completely. Delicious torture, it was.

  Clive slipped his hands upwards, from my hips to my breasts, squeezing them just enough to be on the right side of painful. Still, he held me suspended in the air. My legs spread, my body practically hummed for the moment Clive would lower me again.

  He made me wait for it. He licked my neck, nipped the back of my shoulder and just when I could take no more, he lowered me onto Gregor once again. Just the tip, but my body clenched around it just the same.

  As Clive relaxed his grasp on me, I felt Gregor slide fully into me, the sweet friction pooling in my lower abdomen like molten silver. I rocked my hips, riding the length of him, but I was not oblivious to the press of Clive on my backside. He was hot and hard, so I was surprised when I felt him pull away.

  I rode Gregor slowly, deliciously, and within moments Clive had returned with a small bottle in his hand. He positioned himself behind me and I felt something slick and cold run down the crack of my ass.

  “Just say the word, and I’ll stop,” Clive said in my ear.

  “Wait,” I panicked and clenched everything. Gregor groaned as my body locked down over his cock. “What’s the word?”

  Even I could hear the panic in my own voice. Both of the guys tried to hide their smiles, but I was not amused either way.

  “I think stop will be sufficient.” Gregor thumbed my nipples, momentarily distracting me.

  I nodded, not sure what else to do, and felt Clive slip his cock up and down over my backside. He toyed with my little rosette a bit, then slid his cock again over my ass, making me rock my hips faster.

  “Slow,” Gregor said, letting me know not to rush things.

  Clive slipped a finger into my ass and other than the initial intrusion, which was an odd sensation, it didn’t feel half bad. I pressed back into Clive’s hand for a beat, then slid up and down on Gregor’s cock, putting a swivel in my hips.

  Gregor bit me on one of my breasts, suckling blood. Little lightning bolts of pleasure traveled down into my abdomen. I felt my whole body quiver as he sucked my breast into his mouth.

  Clive bit me on the shoulder, sending sparks of longing through my body. Distracted, I didn’t notice that Clive had positioned himself against my one-way street until I felt a delicious stinging sensation as he pushed his way into me, slowly. Gregor stilled as well, his cock twitching inside of me.

  It was too much. Too much pressure, too tight, too forbidden. Too fucking fantastic.

  Then Clive reached around and pressed on my clit, his fingers slipping back and forth, stroking Gregor’s cock as well. I went from tense and afraid to a state of liquid need in the flick of a finger, and Clive eased himself the rest of the way inside of me.

  The two dueling cocks, both buried in me, practically rubbing against each other, was enough to make me lose all thought and reason. I rocked my hips, urging both men to give themselves over to the pleasure. I was so close, so very close, and I wanted them right there with me.

  “Claire,” Clive grunted out, “Are you blocking?”

  Right, I’d almost forgotten about that again. If the way I felt in that moment was any indication, the residents at Manor de Clive were about to get a hell of a surprise. And that would not do, not again.

  It was hard to think, but I had to. I’d checked my shields earlier, and they seemed to be in working order, so I wasn’t sure that I could block the freebie-orgasm. The only other option I had was to try and drink it down, so to speak. I quickly uncorked the mental bottle in my head, ready to fill it with as much of the pleasure as I possible could. I only hoped that it was enough to tamp down the overflow.

  And we were about to find out.

  The pace and tempo increased a-hundred-fold; a normal woman would have been battered and broken by the clashing of bone on bone, flesh to flesh. Teeth on skin. Blood dripping from my lips, smeared on my shoulder, painted on Gregor’s clenched lips.

  But as for me, I only wanted more.

  “Harder,” I growled, tossing my head. I felt my hair cascade down over my back. Clive fisted all of it into one hand and pulled hard, canting my bead back so that I could look him in the eyes
. Gregor pulled himself up to my exposed neck and bit down hard.

  Jesus-H-Roosevelt-Christ. I didn’t think there was a bottle big enough in the world to hold all of the power we were generating. Even my own vision was flickering like a flame in the wind. Fuck-tastic, it was.

  Without warning, everything went blissfully dark in one brilliant, numbing flash of light.

  I floated weightless, untethered.

  I can’t describe it any better than that. Only two things existed in that moment—my consciousness and the infinite dark—but I wasn’t afraid. Rather, it was all so very peaceful and relaxing, like floating in zero-gravity, wrapped in blanket with a blindfold on. Of course, putting it that way sounds stupid, but it’s the best I can come up with.

  Gradually, I became more aware of my body. Specifically the weight of it, the fact that I had limbs and a physical presence, the gravity which kept me rooted. Something brushed my face, then my arms and legs.

  The darkness slowly faded to gray and my eyes opened just a bit, letting in a slip of light. A dark shadow passed over my face and I forced my eyes open further, blinking as they adjusted to the brightness.

  “Oh, thank God.” Clive kissed me full on the mouth. “What the hell happened? You scared me to death.”

  I cracked a smile, “To death, you say?”

  “Shut up, I’m serious. One minute we were, well, you know... and the next you went limp and collapsed.”

  “I have no idea what that was, but I’m fine. I’m better than fine.” I smiled to reassure Clive and propped myself up on my elbows. “Where’s Gregor? Shit, do I go all Exorcist before or after the big O? Please tell me there was a big finish?”

  “Gregor was giving me a hard time, so I kicked him out—told him to make a sweep of the compound to see if anyone else was knocked out. And yes, everyone finished, even you judging by the pulse of power that blew through the room right as you cried out, then fell forward.”

  “Huh.” I had to ponder that one a minute. Had I somehow manage to give myself something akin to magical whiplash? I needed to check on my mental bottle, it would be a shame if I’d not even managed to harness some of that power. Something else Clive said gave me pause, though.


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