Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World, #1)

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Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World, #1) Page 15

by Brandy Nacole

  I wonder how hard last night was on him. From the looks of him, I would say it was pretty harsh. He’s only eighteen or nineteen. Not sure of his exact age but I know it’s around my age. Lycans start showing signs of their turning around fourteen or fifteen. The effects of the wolf really hit hard when they turn eighteen. I don’t fully understand the age thing, but I do know that it is impossible for them to transform into their wolf form before the first full transformation on their eighteenth birthday. Ethan’s probably still trying to come to terms with the transformation.

  I’m about to ask Ethan if Jobe is welcoming or narrow-minded like Aldrick, when Coy interrupts our conversation.

  “So a Lycan can choose immortality?”

  Ethan and I nod at the same time.


  Ethan looks uneasy as he answers Coy’s question. “If a Lycan chooses immortality they must first kill an innocent soul.”

  Coy’s stunned expression tells me he didn’t expect that. “What do you mean by innocent soul?”

  “Well, most would think a human is the innocent soul needed, but that is not the case. There are humans that aren’t so innocent. There had also been the theory that a virgin would be an innocent soul, but that’s not the case either. An innocent soul is someone of pure heart. They put others before themselves and act for a greater purpose. They have no evil thoughts and bring no harm to others. One Lycan even killed a Vampire who was an innocent soul—though it’s hard to imagine—and gained immortality.”

  Ethan doesn’t see it, he’s too wrapped in the thought of an innocent Vampire, but I do. Coy’s face falls with an all-consuming rage.

  “So you’re telling me that you choose to take out one of the few good people in this world to sustain your own life, and leave behind a world full of people who could care less about others?” He’s shaking his head with disgust. “And here I thought the Vampires were the monsters.”

  Danika looks around to see if anyone might have overheard Coy’s ranting. From the look on Coy’s face, he could care less. His focus is solely on Ethan. Luckily everyone’s carrying on about their business, too wrapped up in their own drama and excitement.

  Ethan’s eyes flash, his anger rising as he regards Coy. “Excuse me?” he asks with venom and disbelief, no doubt because Coy has basically insinuated that Lycans are worse than Vampires. Ethan rises from his chair, towering over Coy. “How could you even compare us to those filthy leeches?”

  Coy goes to stand up, but I stop him. “Back off, Ethan, it is kind of crappy.”

  But Ethan doesn’t back down. He flexes his jaw as he clenches his fists. “For your information, most choose to live a normal life span. We are more caring than you know.”

  This time, when Coy tries to stand, I don’t stop him. It’s better to let these things work themselves out.

  “Oh yeah, well it doesn’t seem that Jobe or his Beta think that?”

  I scoot to the edge of my seat, preparing myself in case fists go flying. “Jobe’s change was an accident. He and another Lycan heard two Vampires taunting some girls in an alley. Jobe told the girls to leave but the Vampires grabbed them. The Vampires were about to bite the girls when Jobe changed into his wolf form. He circled around the Vampire trying to get a handle on the situation.

  “Jobe finally lunged at the Vampire, but at the last second, the vamp moved out of the way. One of the girls was directly behind the Vampire and Jobe hit her. He didn’t bite her but when he landed on her, he snapped her neck. Right then he made the transformation into an immortal. Her soul entered his body and gave him immortality. So not all choose this life, sometimes it’s just given to them.”

  Danika places her hand on Ethan’s white-knuckled fist. He jerks at her touch. When he looks down at their hands and then over at her, I see the fight leave him. He slowly exhales, closing his eyes as he takes his seat once again. I wonder if there are some lingering effects from the moon last night.

  “Yeah, but he didn’t kill her intentionally. It was an accident. So how did he gain immortality if he didn’t choose to take the life?” I ask. I’m not in the argument but it does leave me curious.

  “I never said becoming an immortal couldn’t happen by chance. It can and has happened several times. Many have been trapped into immortality, and haunted because of mistakes they’ve made. Jobe lives with his every day.

  “He even had a tattoo of the girl’s name put on his arm so he would never forget the day her life ended and his began—in torment. It’s not all black and white, you know. When we start coming into our full powers, it’s hard to control ourselves at first. Things happen.”

  Ethan looks over at Danika with longing. I wonder if this is another black and white moment he was speaking about, being in love with someone he’s not permitted to be with.

  Coy lowers himself back into his chair. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have just jumped to conclusions like that.” Coy glances down at the table. “But there are those who choose to turn, right?”

  Ethan looks over at Coy with shame clouding his face. “Yes. Jobe’s brother was one of them. His greed and arrogance grew over time, getting the better of him. That’s why Jobe eliminated him.”

  “So have you chosen?” I ask, hoping that I already know the answer.

  Ethan jerks, stunned by my question. He looks at me with disbelief. “I can’t believe you’re asking me that. Do you honestly think I would kill an innocent person for myself? I mean I know we don’t know each other but still.” He looks truly offended, it seems even though the question came from me, it still stings.

  “No, I was just curious. I was pretty sure you would say no but still. Just double checking.” I take a sip of my coffee, which is now cold. Yuck.

  Everyone sits in total silence now, the conversation halted. My curiosity dwindling. I still have a few questions but none of importance.

  Ethan takes a drink of his coffee and makes a bitter face. I guess his coffee was stale and cold too.

  “There are things you need to know before we join the pack today. Jobe is the Alpha and Zaire is the Beta. We will be meeting with them with no other witnesses. They don’t go by Lord or Alpha, just their names.

  “They’re very protective about the pack, so you probably won’t see too many other Lycans once we get there. I figure most of them will be sleeping anyway. For the most part, Jobe and Zaire are civil and laid-back, so just keep calm and talk to them like you would anyone else.” Ethan looks at Danika, silently looking for some unspoken answer. She smiles and urges him on. Looking back at me, Ethan has a small blush on his cheeks.

  “There’s something else. I’m not sure how it will affect you, Racquel, but most female Lycans feel… attracted to the Alpha and Beta.”

  “What do you mean by ‘attracted’?” This does not sound good.

  “Well… most, um… become very aware of Jobe and Zaire’s… allure.”

  Coy stiffens at my side as I look at Ethan stunned. So what’s he saying? I could fall to my knees drooling over their hotness? Hopefully that won’t happen to me. I’m not full Lycan so I’m sure it won’t. Fingers crossed.

  Ethan stands, bending and twisting his body until every muscle is stretched, every bone popped. “We better get going. It’s an hour drive to the camp. If you have any more questions you can ask on the way.”

  “How are we getting there?” I ask him, stretching my own stiff body. Seeing someone stretch is like seeing someone yawn, it becomes a chain reaction.

  “I rented us a car,” Danika says, standing.

  Soon we’re in a shoebox-sized car, trying to maneuver our way through London. Traffic is at a dead stop, with cars bumper to bumper for as far as I can see. Danika says something about a parade for the new princess. I know this is big news for the humans, but for us it’s just a time-consuming pain.

  Danika is sitting up front with Ethan. They’re casually chatting about the sights, pointing out this and that like any couple sight-seeing. Coy and I are in the back. Our
shoulders all but touch in this undersized car. Without wanting to draw attention to the fact that I’m uncomfortable at our closeness, I try casually leaning against the door and laying my head on the window. I prefer the beating I’m getting from the road’s bumps to any closeness between me and Coy.

  But Coy notices my discomfort as my head bounces off the glass with each bump. He takes off the jacket Ethan lent him. “Here you go. Don’t want you getting brain damage.”

  With a little reluctance, I take it.

  “You know you could lean on my shoulder. It would probably be a lot more comfortable.”

  “I’m fine, but thanks,” I say, leaning against his jacket.

  “Well if you change your mind, it’s available for the next hour or so.”

  He pulls out another tour guide, this one of Paris. I’ll be glad when this mess is over so he can move on with his life, even if the thought makes my chest tighten. Why I feel this way, I don’t know.

  I soon close my eyes and enjoy the feel of the sun through the window. The heat radiates through the glass, warming my skin. Danika and Ethan chat away in the front. Their voices soon fade as I drift off to sleep.


  I’m jolted awake, the car bouncing from side to side as we hit bumps in the road. The car’s barely moving forward as we drive down a dirt road with trees lining the way. As I watch the trees pass, I realize I’m no longer leaning against the door. Instead, my head is lying on Coy’s shoulder. I quickly sit up, groggily murmuring an apology.

  Coy stretches out his arm. “It’s okay. You looked uncomfortable, so I moved you. You didn’t even stir.”

  “Where are we?” I ask, peering out the window. The forest is thick and dark even though it’s the middle of the day.

  “We’re here,” Ethan says as he slowly glides the car down the beaten path.

  Well that’s helpful. I start to comment on his evasive remark, when I see an opening up ahead. Two huge iron wolf statues frame the end of the trail. As we pass over a cattle guard, the car is jolted from side to side. The iron wolves—depicted as if they’re howling at the moon—tower over our car as we pass. On the other side of the gate is an open field with a big fire pit in the center. Log benches surround the empty pit.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “I told you that most of the Lycans would probably be asleep. The full moon exhausts us,” Ethan explains, stopping the car. “I’m still tired myself, but with Danika’s help I was able to control myself pretty well last night.” Danika and Ethan glance at one another for the briefest of moments before Ethan turns, opening his door.

  We are all eager to exit the car. I’m in serious need of some space and fresh air. My muscles thank me for the stretch as I look over the grounds, taking in my surroundings. There’s not much to take in, just an open field, surrounded by trees. A small cave opening sits toward the back of the field.

  I notice that Danika is still in the car. Leaning back inside, I ask, “You coming?”

  Danika has her eyes fixed on the open expanse of field in front of her. “I can’t.”

  I stand back up and look at Ethan, exasperated. “Why not?”

  “It’s her turn. Like with me and the Vampires, it’s forbidden for Witches to enter Lycan land. She’s safe in the car, but she can’t get out.” A torn expresses passes over his face as he looks from the car to the opening of the cave.

  “This is so freaking messed up,” I say outraged. Can this really get any more ridiculous? “You can’t get out at the Vampire lair because you’re a Lycan, now she can’t get out because she’s a Witch. Well, what about me? I’m part of all those Shadows and I’m not being exiled.” I never knew about these dumb rules because in our small town, everyone mingles. I’m beginning to wonder who holds more prejudice, the Shadows themselves, or just their leaders?

  “The Lycans don’t trust Witches, especially since they are so open to helping Vampires. Jobe knows she is with us, but he forbids her from coming inside. Lycans are not supposed to befriend Witches at all. Jobe knows that we mingle in our communities, but we’re still not supposed to befriend a Witch.”

  I roll my eyes at the stupidity the Shadows put each other through.

  “This isn’t something to take lightly, Racquel. Lycans have been put to death for loving Witches.” Ethan’s voice carries a burden so heavy that even I feel weighted down by what he said.

  I move closer to Ethan. “After this is over we will fix that. They can’t control who you love.” I try meeting his eyes but he turns away. After a few seconds he takes off toward the cave.

  “Let’s go,” Ethan says, his voice hard.

  I lower my head back down to look at Danika. “Lock the doors and keep your eyes open. If you see anything suspicious just drive to someplace safe nearby, then text me or Ethan.” She nods as I shut the door.

  I walk behind Ethan through the field with Coy matching my steps at my side. “Do you think it’s wise for Coy to be coming?” I ask Ethan.

  “He’s fine. Jobe wants to meet him.”

  “Why?” I don’t mean for this to sound harsh, although I know it does. I’m just suspicious as to why the Alpha of all the Lycans wants to meet an ordinary human.

  “I don’t know. I’m just following orders. No matter how many of us there are, we can never escape the Alpha’s order.”

  As we approach the cave, I let out some of my disbelief on how the Lycans live. “I seriously can’t believe that the camp is in a cave.”

  “The Lycans don’t depend on the Witches to protect them like the Vampires do. They chose this place so they could isolate themselves from others,” Ethan says.

  “Wouldn’t they be trapped if they were attacked?” I ask. I understand wanting to isolate yourself so you feel safe, but trapping yourself defeats the purpose.

  “There are other exits,” Ethan says as we approach the mouth of the cave.

  We enter through the opening and are met by two other Lycans. One is a woman, her beauty scarred with time, but still notable. A long, deep scar stands out against her jaw, the dark red contrasting against her golden skin.

  The other Lycan is a handsome-looking man with short black hair and a heavy tan. This is how all Lycans look. Unbelievably beautiful or handsome with black or sometimes dark auburn hair, with light chocolate or a dark golden wheat eyes, and plenty of muscle. I guess you can say the gods had a thing for perfection, or at least their version of it anyway. Personally, I think it makes for a bland world.

  “Hi, I’m Accalia, and this is Cade. Welcome,” Accalia says, looking at me with open curiosity. Her nostrils flare like she’s sniffing the air, wanting to taste my scent. I shiver at the thought. I don’t like the idea of someone having my scent imprinted in their mind. “I can sense the Vampire and Witch within you. But I can also sense the Lycan. You are very peculiar and complex.”

  What do you say to that, thank you? I avoid the comment and go with the basics. “I’m Racquel and this is Coy,” I say gesturing to Coy, who awkwardly smiles in acknowledgement.

  “Coy, yes the human that escaped the lair. You’re lucky,” Accalia says.

  “It’s all thanks to Racquel,” he says, smiling at me.

  “As I recall Danika had the biggest influence on that,” I add. Accalia acknowledges my deference to Danika, but with clear distaste.

  “So I have heard.” Accalia turns to Ethan. “How have you been my son?” Son? Maybe that’s how they refer to each other. I mean they say they are all about family. ‘We’re all brothers and sister, fathers and mothers,’ blah, blah, blah.

  “Fine, mother, and you?”

  There’s still a possibility they are talking as a Lycan family, but calling her mother kind of casts doubt on that thought.

  “Fine. How’s your sister?”

  “Trying to adjust. She could really use your guidance. I’m not much help to her.”

  Apparently this is the real deal, which makes sense as to why Ethan’s acting shy and nervous all of a sudden. As
he addresses his mother, the stone he’s kicking around has more of his attention.

  “She’ll be alright. Your father will help her adjust,” she says, shrugging it off with little worry. Accalia and Cade turn back toward the cave. “This way.”

  My tongue is bleeding from trying to hold back the bazillion questions I have. Did his parents split up? How long has Ethan been without a mother? How could she just leave her children like that? And what’s up with her daughter? It sounds like she’s having a rough time.

  Ethan turns to me. “I see the questions on your face. I’ll tell you the whole story later but just to ease your curiosity, female Lycans leave their children after the younglings have reached two years of age. Some roam alone or live with other females, but most come back here.”

  Okay, I know he’s trying to ease my mind but I really wish he hadn’t. Somehow Ethan always does this to me. He gives me half-answers that leave me waiting for a later time. I start to ask a question but he just shakes his head and says, “Later.”

  I let out a heavy sigh and continue to follow Accalia and Cade. Torches light the way, illuminating the damp rock walls of the cave. It’s like what I had imagined before visiting the Covenant and Vampire lair. After visiting them, I had thrown all my theories out the window on what the original colonies looked like. All except for the doors.

  “You have doors in a cave?” I ask in astonishment. I bet those hinges were a pickle to install.

  “We are not barbarians. We like our privacy. We also have natural springs in the bathroom for bathing. We still live modestly but in closer quarters,” Accalia says.

  Yeah, okay, that makes a big difference.

  We walk down the stone path. The pathways are narrow but wide enough to walk side-by-side. We don’t see much except closed doors, damp cave walls, and burning torches.

  Accalia abruptly stops, gesturing to one of the closed doors. “This will be your room for the night.”


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