Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World, #1)

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Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World, #1) Page 23

by Brandy Nacole

  I gasp, suddenly soaking wet. I hear my name being called as if from far away. Someone slaps me, the pain vibrating through the side of my face. I still can’t see past my flaring red temper, the only thing that catches my attention is quick movement.

  Grabbing the hand that is about to strike me again, I shove whoever is hitting me to the floor as I stand. I go to move forward but I’m grabbed from behind, my arms pinned behind my back.

  “Racquel, stop it.” I hear a voice of reason. A voice I recognize. Blinking past the rage, everything comes into focus. Danika lies on the floor in front of me. She looks up at me with fear. Jared is standing beside her, glaring at me with his own disbelief. He reaches down and helps Danika up but doesn’t take his gaze off me. Coy is the one holding me, his grasp tight and firm.

  “Racquel?” His tone is unsure and questioning.

  I slump in his arms, my body quaking. I close my eyes, trying to get a grip on myself but can’t. My breathing is rapid and I feel like I’m suffocating.

  “Racquel, look at me,” Coy pleads, crouching down in front of me. I keep my eyes closed as I try to gather myself. Coys’ grasp on my arms tighten as he roughly shakes me. “Look at me.”

  I open my eyes, feeling the sting of tears. “I’m sorry.” I look over at Danika, who is now standing behind Jared. I sob, feeling so ashamed for my action toward her. I know Cerelia had planted the seed but I’m the one who allowed it to grow. “Wh-what happened?” I choke out the words, still trembling. My eyes still sting from my unshed tears, but I will them away.

  “I’m guessing Cerelia got to you again.” From the look on Danika’s face I can tell she’s scared but trying to stay calm. “We’ve been trying to wake you, but you wouldn’t respond. Racquel, I need to know what happened. What was the dream about?”

  I think back to the dream. I can’t tell them. This time it was too personal. If I tell them even a little bit of the dream, there will be more questions. Then I will have to tell them more about me and my past. I decide that if it happens again I’ll tell them but for now I’ll keep it to myself.

  “It was the same as before.”

  Danika is shaking her head. “That was not like it was before. Before, I could feel your fear of what was happening. This time it was all hatred and evil. What happened?”

  I decide to tell her a little. “It was the same but this time they were trying to push their hatred on me. They wanted me to join them and their cause.”

  “What kind of cause?”

  “I’m not sure. They didn’t go into detail. All our mystery man said was that if I didn’t join him it would end in death for me.”

  Everyone falls silent as we look at one another. What do you say to someone who just told you they were threatened with a promise of death? After a minute, Danika finally breaks the agonizing silence. “I need to go check on Ethan,” she mumbles, giving me one last worried glance, before walking away.

  Jared watches her go, his brow raised as he lets out a whistle. “Well that was interesting. If anything we will have some cozy memories to look back on.”

  I give Jared my best “not now” look. He holds up his hands as he backs up to the couch he was sitting on before. He picks up a magazine, acting more interested in the drunken actress on the front page than the troubles in front of him.

  Coy sits in the chair beside me. He moves his hands up my back, slowly rubbing in small circles to calm me.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  I nod, scared that my voice will carry the note of fear that still lingers in me. The vents above us kick on, causing me to shiver, my clothes completely soaked.

  I stand up, wrapping my arms around my waist for warmth. “I’m going to change,” I announce, grabbing my bag and heading for the bathroom. Once inside I crumple to the floor.

  I lie there, shaking and cold, as images run through my head. I can’t believe I let Cerelia get to me like that. But how did she dig my memories up like that only to taunt me with them? And why? Why did they want me to relive all that? None of this was making sense.

  I pick myself up off the floor and change. Looking in the mirror at my tear-stained face, the anger returns. This time it’s directed at Cerelia and her mystery man. I make a silent promise to myself. Once I find them, I’m going to show them what my rage can really do. They’re going to learn not to mess with me.

  I walk back into the plane’s cabin and sit by Coy. He looks at me with concern but I wave it off. “So what did you find out about the formulas?”

  Thankfully, he gets the hint that I don’t want to talk about what happened.

  “Not much. They really don’t make any sense. Obviously there’s more to it than just this one piece of paper. I did find a sentence at the bottom in Latin that translated, ‘the combining of Lycans and—’ the rest of it was ripped away. Those formulas were for atom bonding, carbon chains, etc. It could mean anything.”

  I give him an appreciative smile. “Thanks for looking.”

  “No problem.” We settle back in our seats to stare at the TV. A hamburger commercial is playing, causing my stomach to protest as my mouth waters. We still haven’t stocked the plane; hopefully we can grab a bite to eat soon after we land.

  I pick up the piece of paper lying on Coy’s lap and put it back in my backpack. I wonder why someone wrote all that down and stuffed it under a board in my closet. If it didn’t really mean anything, why hide it? The Latin translation was bugging me. ‘The combining of Lycan and—’ What was that supposed to mean? Was it connected to what was going on now? If so, why was it in my house?

  Coy moves his hand from behind my back and rests it on my hand. “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” I guess he held out as long as he could before bringing up my episode. “You really had me scared.”

  He was scared? Let me tell ya, I was beyond scared. But I couldn’t tell him that. I can’t tell anyone what had happened in that dream, how all those dark feelings surfaced and how good it felt to let them loose. To start ripping and shredding into those that hurt me.

  If I told him or anyone that, then they would truly be afraid of me. We already have enough problems as it is dealing with Cerelia and this cloaked man. We don’t need my dreams and emotional states causing additional problems.

  So I put on my best ‘don’t worry about me’ smile. Taking Coy’s hand, I look him in the eye and reassure him I’m fine. But inside I am far from it.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Exhilaration rushes over me as I soar over the vast landscape of Canada. I try pin-pointing the Shape-shifters’ colony below, re-calling Danika’s description of what it might look like, to make sure I look past any glamour’s set in place.

  When we arrived in Wrigley, Canada, which took some enormous piloting skills as a snow storm started firing up, the group disembarked and left the airport not knowing exactly where to go. Danika had few geographical clues as to where the Shape-shifters might be. All she knew was they were located somewhere in the Northwestern Territory of Canada.

  After a brief discussion, we decided that it would be best to split up, me taking to the sky and them traveling the countryside by vehicle. Before I took flight, Jared asked about my shifting. “So it’s true then? You can shift into any form?” I could see his curiosity but underneath that, a bit of amusement.

  “Supposedly, but the only thing my body seems keen for is changing into the eagle,” I said dismissively, not really finding my shifting ability a cause for interest. I was more occupied with finding a nice quiet spot to shift without being seen. I didn’t need everyone seeing my rear end.

  Jared stepped closer to me with a big smile splayed across his face. “So can you relieve yourself while in bird form?”

  Totally taken aback by his question, I stopped my search and stared at him, shocked. “Excuse me?”

  “The question isn’t that hard, Racquel. Could you poop on a person if you wanted to?”

  “Jared,” Ethan’s voice emitted a warning, “we have more im
portant matters to worry about other than knowing how Racquel relieves herself.”

  “I’m just saying it could make for a good surprise,” Jared said, his smile widened. “Picture it, we’re surrounded by enemies, there’s no room for escape. Then all of a sudden, BAM! Bird poo comes flying out of the sky right into our enemy’s faces. Not only would it be amusing, but it would create an opening for us to be on the offensive instead of the defensive.” He walked in a circle with his hand on his chin, deep in amused thoughts. “I can see the headline now, ‘taken by bird poo surprise.’” I shake my head at his analogy but laugh a little inwardly. It’s not like I would have answered his question but it would be amusing if that happened.

  Shifting my thoughts, I concentrate on the landscape below, which is really beautiful but aggravating all the same, as I continue searching the country-side for any signs of a small encampment. If I was just here lounging about sightseeing it would be amazing. But when I’m trying to find a hidden clan that doesn’t want to be found, it’s all a little bothersome.

  The snow-peaked mountains and plains that surround them are easy to rule out. They are open, with no glamour hiding a colony packed full of roaming animals and humans. I couldn’t even imagine wanting to glamour a snow-peaked mountain, let alone live there. It’s the dense forest that’s the problem.

  After hours of circling and circling, I soon decide that this area may be impossible for me. I find Danika and the group easily enough. They had rented a bright red SUV for my convenience. From the sky, a vehicle that big and bright stands out amongst the brown and green shades below.

  I swoop down in front of the car, this being the signal we had decided to use for me to tell them I needed a break or had news. The car stops and I land close but stay hidden behind the safety of the bushes and trees.

  “Racquel?” Danika is walking toward the general area that I landed, clothes in hand. “Racquel?”

  “Over here.” Standing in the buff is one of the most dreadful and embarrassing problems with shape-changing. Even though I was covered by bushes and leaves, I still covered myself with my hands, feeling exposed. Usually I keep my clothes handy and close, but flying all over the countryside not knowing where I was going to land left me little choice but to have them brought to me.

  Danika tosses me my clothes then returns to the car. I dress quickly, and emerge from the thicket. The group is now all standing around stretching, except for Jared. Vampires are known to be able to sit or stand without moving for long periods of time. Their muscles never ache to be stretched or protest with stiffness.

  Jared sticks his head out the car window. His mischievous smile is broad—like usual—as I approach. “You know, there’s no need to hide your changing, it’s a natural delight. I would have loved to see the transformation myself. I bet it is quite a spectacle.”

  I ignore him—like usual—as I make my way over to Coy. He glances at Jared as if he wants to say something but then decides against it.

  “How are you feeling? Do you need something to drink?” I know he isn’t asking if I need some water but rather something with a redder tint.

  “I wish you wouldn’t assume that every time I use my powers in any manner, I need to suck the life out of someone.” Even if it wasn’t intended that way, it felt as if he was judging me. I try walking past him but he catches me by the arm.

  “You know I didn’t mean it like that. I just worry about you.” It’s still surreal to see concern like that displayed on Coy’s face, directed at me. I feel my old fears trying to rise but I quickly squash them down.

  “I know, but I’m not a full Vampire, and don’t have a need for blood every five seconds.”

  His face blanks, revealing nothing, as he grabs my hand and leads me over to a stump where I more than willingly sit. I can’t help but wonder if Coy’s hiding something. Why would he close himself off when I told him I was fine? Could he really be that worried about me, or is there more to it?

  Danika and Ethan walk over to join us. Danika’s face is set with frustration, as she nibbles on her lip. Ethan looks severely exhausted. I hope we’re not causing his injuries to worsen.

  “Have any luck? Any signs at all?” I ask Danika since she’s the one who can see through glamours more easily.

  “Does it look like it?” Her haughty tone is accompanied by a gesture around us. I know she’s tired and frustrated but there’s no need for the hostility.

  I start to rise but Danika cuts me off. “Don’t even start, Racquel, I’m not in the mood.”

  I sit back down, not because of her wacked-out attitude, but because of the tired ache creeping all over my body. “Well your PMS mood is not helping our search. If you cannot handle this anymore, just say the words and I’m gone.”

  Coy looks at me in dismay. “You would just leave,” he says, snapping his fingers. “Just like that?”

  “I already told everyone. If that’s what I must do, then I will.” The wounded look that crosses over his face, twist something inside me. “That is not what I want, but I’m not going to force anyone to come along.”

  “How noble of you, Racquel. Turn your nasty remarks back on us.” Danika’s face is tight with aggravation as she looks down on me.

  This time I do stand.

  “What is your problem? Feeling a little low? Must be hard realizing you’re not a strong enough Witch to find a whole freaking group of Shape-shifters. How pitiful is that?” She steps forward as if she’s going to hit me. Ethan puts his hand on her stomach, giving her a little push back.

  “We don’t have time for this nonsense,” he says. “Let’s just talk about what we’ve seen today and plan our next course of action.” Danika and I continue to glare at one another. If she thinks I’m backing down first, we’re going to be here awhile.

  She finally sighs and backs off. “He’s right.”

  Now who’s trying to be noble?

  Danika takes another deep breath and then fills me in on their day’s events. Which doesn’t lead to much of anything, other than the fact that there are few roads that go through the mountainside.

  “So what do we do now?” Hopelessness echoes in Ethan’s tone. Danika pulls out a map, looking it over.

  “I say we plan a course of action. We know that they are located somewhere around this general area.” She makes a circle motion around the Mackenzie Mountains all the way up to the ocean. “Racquel, what do you think?”

  I take a glance over at the map. If I were a shifter living in the wild, I would stay near natural resources and away from open areas or cities. In this part of Canada, there are a lot of those places and I’m not sure where to turn, but a decision has to be made.

  “Let’s head on up to Echo Bay. If we have no luck there, then we continue northward to Tukloyaktuk.”

  “Sounds good but what about this area? We haven’t even checked the Southeastern part of the territory.” Looking at the area Danika has pointed out, I find myself torn. What if we go in the wrong direction? We could spend more time than necessary searching the wrong areas.

  “Do you want to split up again? Some of us head north, the rest of us head east?”

  “I think that would be very unwise, strange one.” I jump as Jared’s breath warms my ear. When did he get out of the car?

  I turn, putting space between us as I give him a cold stare. “And why is that?”

  “Say we are attacked again. Would either small group be able to fight those creatures?” He points his slim, dead-white finger at Coy. “And whoever takes him is for sure dead. Now do we really want to take those chances?”

  “He’s right, we can’t split up.” I look over at Ethan, his eyes closed as if just admitting that Jared was right was like pouring acid over his body. Ethan opens his eyes and points at the map. “Looking at this, though, I dare say it makes more sense going north rather than east.”

  Danika rolls up the map. “Well, I can only hope we’re right, but what more can we do?” Tucking it under her arm, she
turns to me. “Racquel, do you feel like flying over the terrain to Echo Bay? Maybe you could see something along the way.”

  Even though my body is screaming in agony, wanting nothing more than to rest, I start to agree. The sacrifice well worth the possible gain. But Coy intercedes. “She needs to rest. She can ride with us up there and then take a look around.” His voice holds no room for argument, as he wraps me in his arms protectively. I don’t have the strength in me to protest.

  Danika raises her eyebrows, stunned, as she takes in his protective hold on me. “Okay then, let’s go.”

  Ethan tries to get behind the driver’s seat but Danika stops him. They argue for a few minutes before Ethan complies and gets in on the passenger side. The rest of us pile into the back. Jared smiles over at me as Coy glares at him. This is going to be fun. But after only a few minutes of driving, I’m taken under by a bone deep tiredness.


  The sky is thick with dark looming clouds. I have been flying all around the lake and through the forest around it for hours. Trying to make out objects far below is easier when the sun wasn’t out. The sun always made things too bright and hard to distinguish. Cloud cover is the best and I had been lucky earlier. A light cast of cloud cover had hung over the Mackenzie Mountains. But it would seem my luck is running out. The clouds have slowly begun to thicken, and a heavy fog has rolled in as well.

  I kept my search going for a while, not wanting to give up, hoping through sheer luck that the clouds would pass and the fog would lift. Now I’m faced with a heavy shear of rain falling from the dark overcast.

  I can tell the rain has set in for the day, the clouds are covering over the territory like a blanket. With the fog and the rain I have no choice but to forget my search in the air. My only option is to join the others on land and hope the ground search is more successful.

  Finding the SUV in these conditions is going to be difficult, even with its bright red to catch my eye. I keep swooping and diving toward the ground, hoping to catch a glimpse of my group. The rain is making even this small task difficult. My wings are getting heavy as every drop of rain soaks into my feathers. My muscles begin to ache from the strain. I know if I don’t find them quick, I will have to land and find shelter. Naked.


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