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I Knew Bear Were Trouble: A Shifters in Love Fun and Flirty Romance (Bewitched by the Bear Book 5)

Page 3

by V. Vaughn

  I stop talking to take a much-needed breath of air, and Seth grabs the opening. He squeezes my hand. "Communicating with animals is just as amazing. Don't sell yourself short. Do you realize that you'll be able to talk to my bear?"

  "Whoa." I gaze up at him as the magnitude of what he said sinks in. I know that werebear communicate telepathically with each other once they bond through a bite and that the same can happen when a witch and a werebear are soul mates. At least, it has for the two relationships I know about. But in theory, I should be able to do it now. "I never thought about that." I wonder if I can talk to him, but I'm too afraid to try it and freak him out. Or maybe it's because it would freak me out.

  "Nina?" Seth gazes at me with concern. "Are you okay?"

  He grabs my elbow to steady me when I trip over a crack in the sidewalk, and I nod as we approach my apartment. "I'm fine." I point. "That's where I live."

  Seth steps in front of me and stops. He smiles down at me. "So, this is the point where I ask when I can see you again."

  Heat rushes to my cheeks as I smile back. "I'm free most nights."

  "Would tomorrow be too soon?"

  I shake my head as my heart begins to beat faster. Seth places his hands on my arms, and I hold my breath as I wonder if he's about to kiss me. And then he lowers his face toward mine. I turn my head and—our noses bump. I pull back in horror, but Seth persists, so I turn the other way, and I manage to smash our noses again.

  "I'm so sorry! I'm such a dork."

  "Nina." Seth takes my face in his hands to hold me still. "Shhh." He leans in and places his lips on mine.

  I thought his hand was hot against mine earlier, but it was nothing compared to his lips. They practically scorch mine, and he lights the rest of me on fire. My entire being heats up as if Seth's kiss has opened up a portal, letting a piece of his soul enter me. He fills me with a delirious sensation of floating along in bliss, and it's like nothing I've ever experienced.

  The moment he pulls away, my hand flies up to my mouth, and I touch my lips to make sure what happened was real. "Wow."

  Seth licks his lips. "Wow."

  He appears just as dazed as I am, and that gives me the confidence to reach out and grab his shirt to pull him down for another kiss. I tug a little too hard, though, and our mouths slam together, crushing my lip against my teeth. I ignore the pain. My need to taste him is much greater. I open up my mouth to his, and our tongues meld together. My awkward beginning fades fast because I've definitely got this kiss right. And I never want it to end.

  This time when we break apart, Seth's chest heaves as he catches his breath. And when he does, he's the one that lets words tumble out of his mouth. "That was amazing. You are amazing. I've never—this is amazing. I mean—" He rakes a hand through his hair and grins when he notices my smile is just as huge.

  Maybe it's because that was the best kiss of my life, or because right now, Seth is being the dork, but I'm not nervous. I don't feel the least bit awkward when I say, "That was amazing." I step backward toward the steps to my door. "Tomorrow isn't going to be soon enough." I give him a quick wave. "I'll see you then." I turn and walk to my door, and I even manage to get the key into the lock smoothly before I open it.

  I glance over my shoulder to see Seth standing on the sidewalk, staring at me. His shirt is askew, his hair is standing on end, and his expression is bewildered. It's something I never thought I'd see from a guy who just kissed me, and my heart leaps with joy when he says, "Good night, Nina."

  "Good night, Seth." I step inside and shut the door with a solid thud. If this is what it's like to date for real, I'm so in. I look at Sammy, who throws up her hands in a silent question, and I let out a squeal as I rush over and jump into her arms.

  She topples over backward, and we both land on the ground. It isn't a painful fall, and she laughs as I hug her tight. "So it went well."

  I squat to get up, and once I'm standing again, I reach out my hand to help my roommate. "I was so cool at the end, Sammy. You would have been proud."

  Sammy squints at me. "Is that a fat lip?"

  I run my tongue over my top lip. "Oh. Yeah. So maybe not completely cool. But close."

  She chuckles. "Let's make tea, and you can tell me all about it."

  I follow Sammy into the kitchen and walk over to the cabinet to pull down our favorite nighttime blend of tea. "Seth's a warrior."

  "Really? I thought they were all beyond huge in human form."

  It's true Seth isn't as large as the guys he introduced me to, and I giggle when a vision of him in a black martial arts uniform pops into my head. "Maybe he's the ninja type."

  Sammy shakes her head at me as water rushes into the teapot, and I wait until she's done so she can hear.

  "He found out I was a witch after I saved a bird, and he wasn't freaked out. And oh my god." I let out a big sigh as I lean against the kitchen counter and gaze up at the ceiling. "The kiss…"

  "Earth to Nina. You're leaving out a whole lot of details. Start from the beginning and tell me everything."

  I tell Sammy about the date and then close my eyes when I get to the part where he kisses me, and I relive the joy that rushed through me again in my mind before I speak. I look at her. "We did that nose-bumping thing until he made me hold still. And oh boy…" My teeth clack when I smack my head on the ceiling.

  "You're levitating again," says Sammy as she reaches up and tugs me by the hips to set me back on my feet. “So, it was quite the kiss."

  "It was the most amazing one I've ever had. It was like the rush of alcohol when you first feel buzzed mixed with the way sugar tastes and getting the best news ever." I shake my head because that description only touches on what I experienced. "And more. I wanted to laugh and cry a happy cry and never let him go." I shrug because I know it sounds ridiculous. And judging by the way Sammy scowls, I think I'm confusing her. "It's hard to describe. Sorry."

  "No. I get it," she says. "Do you know what this means?"

  I frown at her.

  "He really is your soul mate."

  My jaw drops. "No way."

  Sammy nods as I clench my fists and let out a little noise of excitement. "We have to call Elise."


  To say Elise was excited last night when I told her I think Seth is my soul mate is an understatement. She even started looking up bridesmaid dresses online before we got off the phone. I'm pretty excited too. I turn to check out my butt in the mirror. Seth and I are going apple picking this afternoon. I adjust my scarf, and satisfied I'm wearing the right thing, I make my way to the kitchen to try to find a distraction before Seth arrives.

  An orange juice container is cold in my hand as I take it out of the fridge to pour myself a glass. I have to admit that finding a soul mate wasn't something I thought would happen for me. And now that it has, I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to deal with it. Sweet citrus fills my mouth as I take a sip of my drink.

  Maybe I shouldn't put so much stock in the idea that Seth has to love me as my soul mate no matter what I do, but it's helping with my nerves. When cold liquid hits my stomach, I tense up, though, because if he has no choice, he might feel trapped. Warriors are the cool kids of the clan, and they don't end up with the weirdos like me.

  I turn to the thud of Sammy's footsteps as she enters the kitchen.

  She looks at me with a mischievous smile. "You've got Seth in the palm of your hand. Did you know he's outside, pacing back and forth?"


  Sammy grabs an apple from a bowl on the counter and inspects it as she says, "He keeps checking his phone, and I bet it's because he's early and doesn't want you to know."

  "No way! That's something I'd do."

  "I know." She bites into her apple with a crunch.

  "Should I go out there?"

  She shakes her head as she grimaces. "Not until you promise to bring me home apples that taste better than this one."

  "Deal." Sammy's doing her thesis on reading levels and working
at the school next week, so I tease her. "But aren't you testing students in the first grade this week? If you're nice, maybe one of your students will bring you one."

  She smiles. "What I really want is your apple pie."

  "Me too." I glance toward the door because what I actually want is to go out to Seth.

  Sammy says, "Go."

  I let out a sigh of relief as I grab my phone and stick it in my pocket. When I open the door, Sammy calls out, "Lots of apples, Nina. I want pie for a month!"

  It makes me smile, which turns to a huge grin when I see Seth.

  "Sorry," he says. "I know I'm early."

  "I don't mind. I was ready early too."

  He smiles. "My car's up ahead," Seth says as he starts to walk.

  The street is lined with river birch trees, and the leaves have changed to shades of red and yellow because of the cool night temperatures. I pull the sleeves of my sweater down over my hands to ward off the chill because it's cooler than I expected. "I've never been apple picking before. This feels so Maine. I'm sure there are places to go near my town, but it wasn't a thing like it is here."

  "You missed out." Seth stops by a Jeep and opens the door for me as his smile lights up his eyes. "Lucky for you, we're going to do it all. There's a corn maze, apple cider donuts you have to try, and we can even go on a hayride."

  "Wow," I say once Seth gets behind the wheel. "I'm getting the whole experience." The car is warm from the heat of the sun, and I lean back to soak it up from the seat.

  Seth asks, "Did I hear something about apple pie from your roommate?"

  I chuckle. "That was Sammy. She wanted to make sure I bring back enough apples to make lots of pie."

  He glances at me as we move down the road. "I like apple pie."

  "Is that a hint you'd like me to make you one?"

  "Would you?"

  I laugh, and it occurs to me I'm completely relaxed and myself right now. But even better, I know in my heart this is how it's supposed to be. "How about we make it together?"

  He frowns. "I'm a terrible baker."

  I notice the sign for the apple orchard, and Seth's blinker ticks as he slows down to turn. We end up on a dirt road, and I hold on to a handle as the Jeep bounces over the bumpy surface.

  I say, "Pie is easy. I promise."

  There are quite a few cars in the parking lot, and I see a lot of families milling around since it's the weekend. After we get bags to collect our apples, Seth leads me to the rows of trees marked by apple variety and we stop at the Cortlands.

  "I'm not sure if you know this," he says, "but these are some of the best for pie."

  My first reaction is to say I'm aware, but one thing I've learned from Sammy is that it's nice to let others shine and not be a know-it-all. I squint at him as I smile. "Hmmm. Are you sure about that? I need very specific types of apples for baking."

  A twig snaps, and he tugs an apple off a branch. "This is sweet and has a texture that doesn't get mushy when cooked."

  I raise my eyebrows at him and wonder how he knows so much about apples. Seth holds the fruit out to me, and I lean in to take a bite. Sweet juice fills my mouth as I chew.


  Seth leans in close, and I gulp my mouthful down before he kisses me. He licks his lips when he pulls away.

  "Yup. Very sweet." He winks at me before he turns to begin picking apples. "Besides Cortlands, we'll need something tart, don't you think?"

  I chuckle. "You know an awful lot about making pie for someone who can't cook." An apple plops into my bag as I drop it.

  He says, "I can cook. But following a recipe isn't my thing, so baking doesn't always go well."

  "Ah." I think about my chemistry background and remember the students who struggled most in lab were the ones who weren't willing to be meticulous with their measurements. "So you're the creative type."

  Seth has been picking at twice my speed and has two bagsful, so he reaches over and places apples in mine. "If you mean I'll open a bottle of wine for us to drink, play music, and perhaps avoid measuring spoons while I make dinner, then yes."

  Warmth fills me as I imagine the scene. My bag is full now, so I ask, "Where to next, Johnny Appleseed?"

  Seth grabs my bag and leads me up the hill. "Did you know that he planted apple trees that were used mainly for making hard cider?" He takes my hand as we climb. "The fruit was very sour and nothing like what we eat today. He also refused to graft, which is how we get such tasty versions."

  "Wow. You really do know your stuff."

  Seth frowns. "Sorry. I got carried away, didn't I?"

  I realize that, once again, I blurted out something hurtful without intending to. "No. My gosh, I'm the one who's sorry. I like hearing what you know."

  "It's okay."

  I sigh, because I think I let myself be too comfortable around Seth. "Actually, it's not. My need to express every thought is something I've been working on changing."

  Seth stops and turns to face me. "Don't do that, Nina."

  "Do what?"

  "Get down on yourself for who you are." He rubs my arm with his free hand and speaks softly. "I like you because you're unaffected and honest. I don't want a tempered version of you."

  I fiddle with the button on his Henley shirt. "But I'm so awkward and usually end up being unintentionally rude."

  "You're perfect, Nina."

  I look up to meet his gaze and see that Seth is being sincere. The rush of feelings I have for him floods my heart, and I smile. I think he really does like me for who I am, and I'm not sure how I got so lucky. So I let myself say what I'm thinking. "You're pretty perfect too."


  After we get to the top of the hill, Seth takes us to where the Golden Delicious apples are, and along with a few other varieties, we end up with six full bags of fruit by the time we're done. My thighs flex tightly as we walk back down the steep hill. "I think we've got enough apples for two months' worth of pie," I say.

  Seth chuckles. "Maybe for witches, but have you forgotten how much pizza I ate last night?"

  "I—" The uneven ground makes me stumble, and I fall to my knees while my bags of apples thud on the ground.

  Seth stops moving to rush to me. "Are you okay?"

  "The apples!" I cry out because many of the ones that spilled out of my bags are rolling down the hill. I scramble to my feet and begin to run to save them.

  Seth joins me and gets to them faster, but when he tries to stop, the momentum from the pitch of the hill must be too much, because he doesn't halt in time. He steps on an apple, and I gasp when his arms fly up in an attempt to hold on to his balance. It doesn't work, and he goes down. Hard.

  "Seth!" I move quickly to drop by his side. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?"

  He squeezes his eyes shut and lets out a strangled noise. "I'm fine." He opens his emerald-green eyes to look at me. "But my ego is suffering right now."

  "Aw." I flash to when I made a fool of myself in front of him and reach out to smooth his hair back. "I think it's cute that even a warrior falls."

  He closes his eyes again as he lets out a groan. I know better than anyone how it feels to be embarrassed like this, and I think Seth needs to be distracted from his self-loathing, so I lean down and kiss him. It's the right thing to do, because he responds by cradling my head and kissing me back.

  When Seth lifts up on his elbow, I think about how we're in a place where small children are and resist the urge to push Seth to the ground and lie on top of him. It's a good thing, too, because we hear a sweet little voice.

  "Hi, Mr. Brewster."

  Seth jerks away from me, and I see a boy who appears to be about five. His blue eyes seem too big for his face as he blinks at us.

  "Hey, Stuart," says Seth. He chuckles as he smooths down his hair and picks up an apple. "Would you look at the mess we made? Now we have to pick up all the apples."

  "Stuart!" A woman comes rushing over and grabs the boy's hand as her expression relaxes with her apparent relie
f. She looks at us as Seth scrambles to his feet. "Mr. Brewster." She smiles. "I should have known."

  "Hi, Karen," says Seth as I stand up too. When the mother glances at me, he quickly says, "This is my friend Nina. We had a little mishap."

  Friend? I give her a little wave and notice the smirk on her face. Karen's also playing with her hair, and I flash to the body-language video my therapist had me study to learn visual cues. I recall that women who play with their hair are flirting. Oh my god! Is there something between Seth and this mother? I study her closer and wonder if her grin is saying, "Nice try, but he's clearly into me."

  I frown as I look at Seth to see his reaction.

  He appears uncomfortable as Karen says, "We'll leave you to your mishap."

  Seth lets out a nervous chuckle. "See you later, Stuart."

  "Bye, Mr. Brewster," the boy says before his mother leads him away.

  "Was that your chaperone?" I snap at Seth as soon as they're out of earshot.


  He reaches over, and I flinch back.

  "Whoa, Nina. I'm just trying to get the leaf out of your hair that Karen was trying to tell you about."

  "Leaf?" I reach up, and the surface of a yellow leaf is smooth in my fingers when I pluck it out of my hair. "Oh." Heat rushes to my face. "Of course."

  Seth grins at me. "You were jealous."

  I shrug. "And now I'm embarrassed."

  "I know what fixes that." Seth leans in and kisses me quickly. "It's cute when a witch gets jealous."

  I roll my eyes at him and push at his chest. "Cute. So how do you know Stuart and Karen?"

  He sighs. "I work at the school."

  He loves kids. I smile as I imagine him as the father of our children. And I envision us apple picking with our own little boy someday. I'm not sure why Seth thinks working with children is something to be bashful about, though, and wonder if he's worried it tarnishes his warrior reputation even more than when he fell. "I think it's great you work with children. It shows your nurturing side."


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