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Resisting His Irish Spitfire: A Howls Romance (Shifters of Sanctuary Book 1)

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by Kasey Belle

  Resisting His Irish Spitfire

  The Shifters of Sanctuary

  Kasey Belle

  Copyright 2018

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  Resisting His Irish Spitfire (A Howls Romance): The Shifters of Sanctuary, Book 1

  Text Copyright © 2017 Kasey Belle

  First E-book Publication: March 2018

  Cover and art copyright © 2018 Anna Josey/Sin City Book Art

  Digital Formatting by Kasey Belle

  ALL RIGHT RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  About The Author


  Please Stalk Me

  Other Works

  “A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks.

  When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely

  and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we’re pretending to be.

  Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us,

  with that one person we’re safe in our own paradise.”

  — Richard Bach


  Kandahar, Afghanistan

  Koda blinked and tried to make sense of what just happened. He was on his back in the sand looking up at the cloudless blue. Scorching hot debris fell from the sky landed on and around him. The ringing in his ears distorted his world. He could make out the muffled bursts of gunfire, theirs and the enemy’s. Some men in his unit barked orders while others cried out for help. Black smoke billowed from what was once a Humvee. Chaos surrounded him and his entire body felt as if it were on fire.

  He attempted to push himself up, but pain shot through him. Koda clamped his jaw together and held in his screams of agony as the excruciating pain threatened to pull him under. He closed his eyes taking measured breaths in and out through his nose as he fought sudden nausea.


  He couldn’t make out who called his name although the voice sounded familiar. Koda felt someone drop next to him on his right side and opened his eyes. Hendo, their medic and one of Koda’s best friends, leaned over him. “Hey Hendo,” he croaked. “What happened?”

  “IED. Hang in there, man.” Hendo gave him a reassuring smile, but he couldn’t hide the worry in his normally mischievous hazel eyes. “I’m gonna give you something for the pain. I’ll have you floating in a minute.”

  Koda wished he could tell Hendo, he’d need a shit ton more morphine than the pre-measured syringes held to affect him due to Koda’s shifter metabolism. Sly, the Team’s engineer, joined Hendo and kneeled on Koda’s left. They both ran their hands over him assessing the damage. Koda wanted to growl at them. There was no need for their concern. He would be fine. Unfortunately, Koda couldn’t say a word. They didn’t know what he was. He’d play the game until he could figure out how to shift undetected and heal himself. Hopefully that would be soon because fuck he was in a shit-ton of pain.

  “You still with me, Koda?”

  Koda’s eyes popped open. He hadn’t realized he closed them.

  “Good man.” Hendo patted his shoulder then began pulling supplies from his bag. “Evac’s coming. You’re going home, Koda.”

  His buddy’s words took him by surprise. Why the fuck would they send him home for a few burns and a bit of shrapnel? Yeah, his injuries hurt like a motherfucker. He had been blown from a Humvee by a roadside bomb for fuck’s sake. Pain was to be expected when something like that happened to a person, even a shifter like Koda. “Go help someone who needs it. I’m going to be fine. No need to go home.”

  Hendo offered him a crooked grin that didn’t meet his eyes. “Of course you’ll be fine. I’m afraid the Army won’t agree with you about the not going home part, though. Sorry, man. Hey, just think, the nurses back in the states will be fawnin’ all over you.”

  “And his pretty blue eyes.” Sly chuckled and batted his lashes. “They’ll fight over who gets to give you a sponge bath. Gotta love that. Fucking lucky bastard.”

  Koda’s sluggish brain couldn’t keep up with Hendo and Sly’s conversation. So, he took a moment to study his closest friends. Tension lined their eyes and mouths. Hendo and Sly constantly exchanged worried glances as they continued to work on him. Sly looked damn near ready to cry. Hendo looked resigned. Why? What did they know that he didn’t? Dread filled Koda. “What aren’t you telling me, boys?”

  “Nothing.” Hendo stated too quick for his liking. Koda’s wolf sensed the lie. “You’re gonna be fine.”

  “You said that already. More than once.” He glanced at Sly. He wouldn’t meet Koda’s eyes. However, Koda noticed Sly’s eyes darted towards his feet. Koda went to push himself up onto his elbows.

  Hendo pressed on his shoulder in an attempt to hold him down. “Just lay still. Let me work.”

  “I want see what’s got Sly so interested down there.” He nodded at his feet. “Move your ha
nd, Hendo.”

  “Dude.” Hendo shook his head and stared at him with a pained expression. “Don’t. Trust me. Just… don’t.”

  No. No. No. Koda pushed Hendo’s hand away and leaned up on his elbows looking down the length of his body. His heart stopped when he saw what had them so worried. His left boot was gone along with the foot that was in it. Koda dropped to his back and his wolf emitted a mournful howl.

  “It’ll be alright, Koda.” Sly placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. It didn’t help.

  Maybe if it had happened to Sly it would be okay, but not for Koda. “You don’t understand,” he gritted out between his teeth. The pain meds were wearing off and Koda felt Hendo doing something to what was left of his leg.

  “You’re right. I don’t,” Sly stated. “But I know other guys who’ve gone home modified and live normal lives. You’re one of the strongest men I know, Dakoda Stone. You’re a fucking 18B. You won’t let one less foot stop you.”

  Koda snorted and closed his eyes, effectively shutting out him out. There would be no normal life for him. Oh yeah, he could get a prosthetic and do most of the things he normally did on two legs, but not on four. A wolf couldn’t run and keep up with the pack on only three legs. His wolf’s sorrowful howl filled his mind. “I’m so sorry, Wolf.”

  “Not your fault, Koda.”

  But it was.

  Koda was never left alone long enough to shift. No, shifting wouldn’t have fixed his leg―he was a wolf not a starfish―but, shifting would’ve healed his wounds, lessened or eliminated the scarring, and stopped the constant influx of pain. Unfortunately, he had to rely only on his enhanced healing abilities, which was too slow for his liking and left him with scars. The burn scars to his chest, thigh, arm were the worst.

  The medical staff, however, were quite impressed with how quickly Koda healed. They told him he should thank his parents for good genetics. If they only knew. Thank fuck they didn’t. He’d end up on the receiving end of some government experiment on how to create the perfect soldier or some shit. He’d seen that movie and knew how it ended. No thank you. The government had taken enough from him. Like the pride in his father’s eyes and happiness in his mother’s.

  For weeks Koda wished for death, but his wolf wouldn’t let him reach out and take it. Wolf wouldn’t let him give up. The furry bastard still had fight left in him. Koda didn’t understand why or how that was possible. Wolf had lost much more than Koda. At least his alter-ego agreed they couldn’t remain with the pack. It wasn’t as though Koda held a prominent position. His brother Stephan was first born, the heir to the throne so to speak. Koda was the spare.

  Before the war irrevocably changed his life, Koda would have taken over as pack alpha if something ever happened to his father and brother, but that honor died a loud and painful death thanks to the Taliban and an IED. He was no longer worthy as an alpha or a mate. Koda couldn’t successfully defend against a challenge to his position or the pack. He couldn’t protect a mate or any offspring they may have. Even though, he was Thorne and Margaret Stone’s son, Koda no longer had a place in his pack that didn’t revolve around pity, sideways glances, and whispered conversations.

  Wolf believed they would create a new life and find a new purpose. Koda wasn’t so sure. However, as long as it was solitary, he was willing to give it a try. He would find a way to live with their new normal because Wolf wouldn’t allow him any other option. The asshole.

  Chapter 1

  Five Years Later

  Koda dropped the ax and split the wood in half. He tossed the two pieces on the growing pile and placed another log on the stump. Chop. Toss. Repeat. The repetitive action soothed him, quieted his sometimes too loud mind. The cellphone in his pocket chimed, letting him know someone had accessed the gate. The only people with a code were the few men he had working around the sanctuary, and his men were accounted for, which left Doc. He grinned. Koda liked the old man. Doc Halstead was good people.

  Koda leaned the ax against the side of the cabin and used his sleeve to wipe his sweaty face. He went to greet his visitor curious as to why the man stopped by. Doc tossed him a wave as he pulled in front of Koda’s home.

  He met Doc halfway shaking the hand he offered. “Hey, Doc. What brings you by? One of the men call you?”

  “No, nothing like that. I wanted to speak with you.” Doc shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked on the balls of his feet.

  Koda didn’t like the feeling that settled in his gut at the old man’s cryptic words. “What’s wrong?”

  “Not a thing. At least as far as I’m concerned.” He cocked an eyebrow. “You on the other hand are another matter...”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Doc held up his hands in surrender. “Now don’t go getting your boxers in a knot, Koda. I have news and I know how much you don’t like change.”

  He really didn’t. “I don’t see the need to change shit that’s working. Nothing wrong with that.”

  “In most cases, no.” Doc glanced from Koda to his front door then back again.

  Koda rolled his eyes. “I guess I should invite you in for some coffee?”

  Doc smirked. “That would be nice. Thank you.” Doc’s lanky form stepped around him and walked up the porch steps. He let himself in and Koda shook his head. Doc was the only person who’d ever get away with something like that. Koda followed behind like a good pup.

  He told Doc to take a seat at the kitchen table then made his way over to the coffee maker. He poured two mugs of coffee adding sugar to Doc’s. Koda placed the mugs on the table then sat in the chair across from the old man. He braced himself. “What’s the news?”

  “I’ve decided to semi-retire.” Shit. “I’ve taken on a partner.” Double shit.

  “Stop scowling, Dakoda. I’m not done yet. At least wait until I’m finished so you can construct a properly informed negative opinion.” Doc took a sip of the steaming dark brew. “Dr. Quinn went to UC Davis, top veterinary school in the country. I mentored El. It hurts my ego to admit it, but El is twice the doctor I am.” He nodded with evident pride.

  Was Koda supposed to be impressed? Doc went to Colorado State, and he was a damn fine vet. Did the extra dollars this Dr. Quinn spent automatically make him more skilled? Koda doubted that. “It’s not possible this new vet is better than you,” Koda growled.

  The old man snickered. “While I appreciate the resounding endorsement, it is true. El is a true healer and will be a great asset here. Rehabbing the worst of the worst is Dr. Quinn’s specialty.”

  “Look, I’m sure this Dr. Quinn person is capable, but you’re the only asset this place needs, Doc.” Koda ran a hand through his hair. “You know how things work around here.”

  “And another doctor can learn.” Doc gave him a sympathetic smile. “I’ve known you a lot of years, Dakoda.”

  “Since I was ten, and I brought you that injured owl I found on the side of the road.”

  “I know working with someone new won’t be easy for you. That’s why I didn’t just spring El on you. I’m an old man, Dakoda.” Doc held up his hand to silence Koda when he started to argue with that statement. “I am. I’ve got grandkids I don’t see as often as I like. Betty and I want to travel more and visit the kids and their little ones. I can’t do that chained to a practice. I wouldn’t have brought El on if I didn’t think it was the best thing for my patients.”

  Koda blew out a breath. He knew he was pouting like a child, but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t like strangers on his land, especially someone who thought they could come in here and tell him how to care for his animals or try and change how he did things. Not that he knew for sure this new guy would act that way, but still… “When does this new partner start?”

  “Today, actually.” Doc glanced at his watch. “El should be here any minute now.”

  Koda’s mouth dropped open in shock. “What?” He shouted just as his phone chimed letting him know someone had accessed the gate. He
sent an accusatory glare at Doc which only made the old man’s grin grow.

  “Did you really think I would give you a chance to come up with an excuse why Dr. Quinn shouldn’t come out here? Like I said, I’ve known you a long time and know your M.O.” Doc pushed away from the table. “Come on, son. You’ll like Dr. Quinn. Trust me.”

  Koda grumbled as he followed Doc out the door. He eyed the black Tahoe coming up the drive. He stared in disbelief when he caught sight of the female driver. He ground his teeth. “You failed to mention Dr. Quinn was a woman.”

  Doc shrugged nonchalantly. “Her chromosomes shouldn’t matter.”

  “You did it deliberately.”

  Doc shrugged again, but this time a smug grin tugged at the old man’s lips. The SUV pulled next to Doc’s truck and parked. The woman opened the door and hopped out. She literally jumped from her seat. Doc expected her to work with his animals, especially the wolves? They outweighed her by at least eighty pounds.

  She smiled and waved at Doc. “Hey Doc. I waited the allotted amount of time.” She glanced at Koda and frowned, but he noticed the mirth didn’t leave her eyes. Damn, she was beautiful. Her vibrant red hair highlighted her porcelain skin, wide emerald eyes, lush lips, and the smattering of freckles across her nose. “Is it safe or do I need to come back?”

  “It’s fine, honey.”

  She slammed the door and made her way over.

  “Don’t mind Koda. The frown is perpetual. He’s all bark.”

  Don’t count on it, old man. Dr. Quinn stepped closer and Koda caught her scent, lavender and crisp ocean air.

  Mate! His wolf howled in celebration.

  “She isn’t meant for us.” Koda’s instantly hard dick called him a liar as did his wolf.

  “Fuck you. She is too.” His wolf pushed at him. “Mine.”

  “Dakoda Stone.” Doc’s voice pulled him out of his head. “I’d like you to meet Dr. Ella Quinn.”

  Ella’s pouty rose colored lips curved into a wide smile. She held out her hand. Koda nodded refusing to take it. He couldn’t touch her.


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