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Bad Blood

Page 4

by Everly, Faith

  “I guess so.”

  “It means once we’re inside, you are under my protection. Don’t so much as think about striking up conversation with anyone besides me. Understood?”

  “No worries there.”

  “And do not ask questions, whatever you do.” He took me by the shoulders and that weird, dark, arousing sensation threatened to envelop me again. This was hardly the time, but I couldn’t control the reaction he stirred in me any more than I could control the way Dominic and Kristoff had made me feel.

  Only it was about ten times stronger with him.

  “You are about to see and hear things you’ve never experienced before. Whatever you believe is the most shocking thing you’ve seen in your years of living on the dark side of this city is nothing compared to what we might encounter inside. Stay close to me.”

  “I’ll sew myself to your side.”

  A flash of a smile. “That would work. Are you ready?”


  “I know.” He took my hand, then raised the other to knock on the door. “We work with what we have.”

  * * *


  I’d questioned myself repeatedly during the walk to the old church. Was this the best course of action? How much danger would I expose her to?

  Only the certainty that nearly all of our bloodline would be either at the manse or out in the woods, feasting on unwitting humans, granted even an ounce of certainty that this would not turn disastrous. There was no reason for another supernatural to know I traveled with this girl. No one to scent her for who she was.

  I rapped against the door and waited a heartbeat before it opened a crack. A pair of amber eyes peered out from the darkness. “Password?”

  “For the love of the gods, Beatrix. You know who I am.”

  The door opened wider to reveal the petite, ebony-skinned vampire who’d guarded the door to this and countless other dens for longer than I’d been alive. Bejeweled lashes fluttered over her otherworldly eyes. “Gabriel. As beautiful as ever, I see.”

  “I enjoy your new hair color. Fuchsia suits you.”

  She touched a self-conscious hand to it, then showed her fangs when she smiled. “Thank you.”

  Her smile faded at the sight of Sophie. “I see. You’re taken for the evening.”

  Not that the two of us had ever done more than casually flirt, but she managed to sound jealous just the same. “You know who my heart belongs to,” I winked before leading Sophie inside. To her credit, she hadn’t spoken a word and had in fact leaned against me as if she needed support.

  She would have were she truly in my thrall.

  Though she might truly have needed me to hold her up at the sight of Bea’s outlandish appearance.

  And the fangs.

  “This one? Just a snack,” I grinned before starting down the stairs to what had once been the church’s basement.

  Now, it was anything but holy.

  As I’d expected, more than a dozen humans stood on raised platforms. They were naked, their bodies on display under white lights which revealed every scar, every blemish. Vampires strolled the room, eyeing one specimen after another, taking notes, greeting each other with air kisses as they crossed paths.

  “What the…” Sophie’s hand tightened around mine while a vampire couple prodded the slightly rounded gut of a man in his early thirties.

  “No questions,” I reminded her. “Be dazed.”

  “I am. For real.”

  I nodded in passing to a few casual acquaintances as we wandered the room, looking over the night’s selection. Men, women. All skin colors, all sizes. All of them offering themselves as food to discerning vampires.

  She came to a stop. I pretended to linger, then, as if one of the evening’s auction items caught my fancy. “What?” I grunted, lowering my head and brushing her ear with my lips.

  “They’re chained up.”

  “Cuffed at the ankle.”


  “Damn it, Sophie.”

  “Why, though?”

  It was the tremor in her voice that did me in. That underlying hint of vulnerability which she tried so hard every day to conceal.

  This was all so new to her. I couldn’t expect her to understand. Especially when she still identified with humans.

  “So no one can rush in and take them,” I explained in the softest whisper possible while still being heard. “The organizers don’t appreciate having their auction items stolen before money is exchanged.”

  “But they’re being held here?”

  I wished she wouldn’t look at me the way she did. Troubled, anxious, confused. How I longed to take all of that away. To kiss her furrowed brow until it went smooth. To assure her all would be well.

  “They come of their free will,” I explained. “They want to be here. Some humans want nothing more than to live under the protection of the vampire who feeds from them. A pet, in essence.”

  “I can’t believe anyone would want to be a pet.” Her jaw hardened.

  I glanced around us. It didn’t seem we’d attracted attention, but that was bound to change unless she controlled herself. “Let me ask you something. Did you ever make the acquaintance of a truly unfortunate person? Who it seemed Fate was determined to grind into dust?”

  “Hi. You’ve met me.”

  “My point is, there are far worse fates than existing as a pet, my dear. Once purchased they’ll be cared for. Fed, bathed, even spoiled to keep the blood fresh and sweet. Whatever they want, whatever they need, with nothing expected in exchange but their life essence from time to time, which as you know regenerates itself.”

  I nodded toward a curtained doorway. “This isn’t why we’ve come. We have to move on. Stop being so… you and follow my instructions.”

  It would only get worse from here.



  What the hell did I let him get me into?

  An auction was one thing. Once he’d explained the whole system, I could almost understand its allure—even if I couldn’t imagine ever wanting to be one of those naked people waiting to be purchased and kept as a pet.

  I’d done some demeaning things in my life, but that was beyond me.

  Still, if it was a matter of life or death… living comfortably or slowly starving…

  Somewhere in the back of my mind, in a place I would have to come back to at some point but couldn’t afford to visit just then, I wondered if Gabriel had kept me from sinking any deeper than I had back when he was watching me. If he had kept the wolf from my door.

  So to speak.

  At the moment, I was holding his hand as he led me through a burgundy curtain and into a place a little more familiar to me. At least in spirit.

  “A club.” I could manage this. I had practically lived in clubs for a few years.

  “Something like that.” He draped an arm around my waist and let his hand rest on my hip. “Stay close. No speaking to others. Don’t even make eye contact, or it might be seen as an invitation.”

  No pressure or anything.

  This was no normal club. I would’ve been able to sense that right off even if I didn’t understand that at least three-quarters of the people here weren’t human.

  Bodies moved on the dance floor, sliding and grinding. Writhing to the beat of wordless music. I couldn’t even make out a melody. Random notes floated over a driving, pounding beat.

  Red and purple and blue lights shone down on the dancers. Most of them—the vampires—were exquisite, almost too beautiful to look at. Too beautiful to be human. Though even the humans were beautiful, like they’d been picked especially for this night.

  I guessed they probably had been.

  After taking all of this in with a couple of quick glances I kept my eyes downcast, letting him steer me around the perimeter of the room. It was inky black in the corners, but I could make out enough movement to know there were pretty primal things going on there. The scent of sex hung in the air.

  Gabriel’s hand brushed my ass. I stiffened. “Relax.”

  “Don’t touch my ass.”

  “You’re mine, remember?” He yanked me closer, turning me around when he did so my body faced his. He trailed one finger down my cheek before cupping my chin, holding me in place with the other hand firmly pressed against my lower back. “Behave yourself. Or else.”

  Son of a bitch. I should’ve been scared, right? The way anybody in their right mind would be.

  Maybe I should’ve wanted to shove him away, too. He didn’t have any right to touch me like that. Or at all.

  That was what my common sense told me.

  My body had other ideas.

  So did the rest of my mind, for that matter. The part that wasn’t so sensible. Which was most of it.

  This was deeply wrong. For so many reasons.

  Why did it feel so good? Why did he feel so good? Why did our bodies fit together so perfectly? My curves against his firm muscles. He filled my senses, all of them, until I couldn’t think of anyone or anything else. He was all there was in the world.

  “Do I make myself clear?” He lowered his head until his lips brushed against mine, feather-light, and so fast I might’ve imagined it.

  I dipped my chin. He let go of my face but kept a hand on my lower back to guide me. I felt like I had spun around in circles a few times and now had to walk a straight line. Easy peasy.

  “Hey there, gorgeous.” A girl with huge tits in a low-cut leather vest and nothing else underneath rubbed against Gabriel’s free arm. Her waist-length hair was silver, shining. She licked her glistening, ruby lips. “Where’ve you been lately? I think about that last night we spent together every time I—”

  “Hi, Velma. I’ve been busy.” He pulled me a little closer. I kept my eyes lower than Velma’s, which meant I had to stare at her chest. I mean, it wasn’t bad. At all. Just not my thing.

  “Getting ready for the Summit? I thought your uncle wanted you there.”

  “I do what I please. Besides, it won’t take place until tomorrow. Plenty of time for fun before then.”

  “We could have fun. I could even play with this one while you watch, if that’s what you’re in the mood for.” She traced a line down my arm with one black, shiny nail.

  “Now that’s an idea.” He nuzzled my throat while I reflected on how this must be what a deer in headlights felt like. Except a deer didn’t have to worry about having their blood sucked out by two vampires.

  At least nobody expected me to talk. For once, I was glad to keep my mouth shut.

  “On second thought…” Gabriel touched my cheek, turned my face his way. “I don’t think I’m in the mood to play with my food tonight.”

  His tongue played over my lips before dipping inside my mouth. I didn’t have to try hard to pretend to be into it.

  The man had practiced kissing for a long, long time and it had paid off. I went weak, helpless, while wetness pooled in my panties. I was so ready for him. I needed him. I needed more.

  It was so wrong. The last thing I needed was wet panties. I had to be sharp. I had to think fast. I had to be ready to run if the time came for it.

  How was I supposed to keep myself together when he was so damn irresistible?

  “Suit yourself,” Velma sighed. “It’s been a while since I’ve tasted a fresh, ripe thing like her. It would’ve been fun to watch.”

  I barely heard this, as Gabriel was still nuzzling me and only his arm around me kept me from slumping to the floor. “Hang in there, sweetheart,” he whispered in my ear before pulling back with a slow, knowing smile. The bastard. He knew what he was doing to me and he loved it.

  Damn it, so did I. Way too much. To the point where I was ready to look for an empty spot in a corner and see whether a human could live through sexing a vampire.

  “Why are we even here?” I glanced around. Lots of bodies sliding against each other. Lots of dazed humans of all kinds, like the ones I had seen on those platforms. Waiting to be purchased.

  I went cold inside. No matter what he said, I couldn’t believe it was okay for humans to offer themselves to vampires as food. Standing up there, presenting themselves to strangers, giving up all self-respect and power in their lives. They wouldn’t be able to make their own decisions ever again. They’d belong to an undead supernatural creature. Something without a soul.

  Did Gabriel not have a soul? What about Graz? I had a hard time believing so when I remembered the way they’d looked at each other. With tenderness. Didn’t you have to possess a soul to feel that sort of tenderness?

  I might’ve been overthinking it, but who could blame me for feeling more than a little overwhelmed at everything I was learning? All of this had been going on for God only knew how long and I never had the first idea.

  What else wasn’t I aware of—yet?

  “Scent blocker,” he grunted, eyes scanning the dance floor. “An associate of mine has an office in the back and a way with obtaining illegal goods. We need to blend in first, though, so as to not attract attention.”

  Meanwhile, a pair of stunning redheaded vampires who might’ve been twins in their human lives looked him up and down like he was tonight’s special menu item as we passed. “Right. We blend in so well.”

  “I’m popular.” He looked down at me and there was that smile again. “For all sorts of reasons.”

  My face basically burst into flame. “I had a feeling.”

  “Come on. Let’s dance.” When I froze, he nudged me forward. “Remember. Blend in.”

  I wondered how much of this was necessary and how much was Gabriel screwing with my head. The people writhing around on the sunken floor in the center of the room weren’t dancing so much as they were engaging in prolonged foreplay.

  Was this part of their little ritual, if that was what it was in the first place? Like preparing their food before enjoying it? Instead of tenderizing and marinating, they were grinding and feeling up and groping.

  Sure. Totally chill and casual. I could handle this.

  We stood off to the side—at least he didn’t drag me out to the center of the floor for everybody to see—and his hands found my hips. He pulled me in until our bodies were flush. “Relax, morsel,” he growled.

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “You could try to have a little fun.” His eyes flashed red for an instant before his body started to move.

  Oh, fuck me to tears. He was sexy enough when he stood still.

  Once the slow, driving rhythm of the thumping music worked its way through him and got him swaying in time, it was like a sexplosion going off. I reached up, took hold of his thick shoulders if only to stay on my feet.

  His hands slid up my sides while he wedged a muscular thigh between mine, pressing it against my already aching pussy. I bore down on that pressure without thinking, letting my body take over for my overheated brain.

  “That’s right,” he breathed in my ear, seductive and full of promise. “Let go. I’m here. I’ll take care of you.”

  And he would. He always had. I could trust him.

  No, I couldn’t. I shook myself, meeting his eyes before narrowing mine. “You’re fucking with my head. Stop it. I don’t want this.”

  “Bullshit.” His lips touched my forehead, my cheek, leaving burning little kisses. Was this for show? Did he need to do that? “You want it where it counts. In your body. Your primal instincts are waking up to me. Recognizing me, recognizing your power. Who you truly are. Accept it. Embrace it.”

  One hand moved down to my ass and squeezed. I moaned, but the music swallowed the sound. Not that he couldn’t hear me. He chuckled, his hot breath touching my neck and making me shiver. He squeezed harder.

  It would be so easy to give in. To close my eyes and let my head fall back in abandon. The way the humans around me were doing. A girl close to us raised her arms and let her vampire strip off her shirt, leaving her topless.

  I watched as he spun her so she faced the other dancers.
His hands cupped her full tits, catching her nipples between his fingers and pinching until she moaned. Her head fell back against his chest, mouth open.

  He caught my eye and smiled. I looked away instantly—even now, practically panting for relief, I remembered Gabriel’s warning against eye contact. Good thing he was too busy slipping one hand down the front of the girl’s vinyl pants to care much about me.

  I shouldn’t watch. I knew it. I couldn’t help it.

  “You like that?” Gabriel breathed in my ear. “Does it turn you on? Being on display for everybody to watch?”

  Sure enough, a handful of the people around us had stopped dancing so they could watch, stroking each other and themselves while they did. That sex smell was stronger than ever, and a few moans were now audible over the music.

  The girl cried out, rolling her hips in circles while the tall, tattooed vampire fingered her. Something inside me cried out when she did. Longing, desperate, wanting to know that sort of complete abandon. My nipples hardened at the sight of hers—pink, hard, begging to be sucked. I wanted that. I wanted…

  Gabriel licked the side of my neck before nipping my earlobe. “I can smell your arousal,” he growled. “I know how wet you are. You are the queen. Our queen. You could indulge in this every night. Vampires would fight to the death for the honor of licking the sweetness from between your thighs. They would stroke themselves and each other, watching you being pleasured for hours on end. Worshipped.”

  Oh, my God. Yes. I could see it in my mind’s eye, playing on top of what was taking place in front of me. Hundreds of vampires watching, touching themselves at the sight and sound of me coming again and again. Taking turns to see who could pleasure me the most completely.

  A female vampire pressed herself against the girl, licking her lips before sliding her tongue inside. A tall, bare-chested man stepped up behind that one, grinding his cock against her ass. She pulled away from the human girl, now in the middle of a screaming orgasm, to kiss the man behind her while he opened her dress and bared perky tits for a third vampire to suck.

  I was in the middle of what was turning into a vampire orgy. It was surreal but so damn seductive. Drawing me in. Promising pleasure beyond my wildest dreams.


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