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Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3)

Page 24

by Sky Purington

  “I do not chase women,” Kol mumbled. “Ever.”

  Amber buried her nose beneath the blankets, trying to ignore his spicy scent in the fur, trying like hell not to get aroused again.

  His deep voice kept on though, soft and tempting. “And I will not chase you.” A long pause passed. “But I want you. I want to marry you and I want you to bear my children.” He paused again, voice even lower. “You are unlike any other.”

  Her chest tightened and she squeezed her thighs, surprised by how arousing she found his heartfelt words.

  As if to bring things back to a playing field he was more familiar with, his voice became a low growl, his words more sensual. "I want you to stay here permanently so I can taste every part of you then start all over daily. I want the taste of you to remain on my tongue day in and day out. The scent of you when you want me. It could carry a man through war then straight on to Valhalla.”

  Amber couldn’t contain a ragged intake of breath. Nor could she stop the harsh flood of heat and desire that continued spreading through her body. Then she hung on the silence…waited. Anticipated. What would he say next? And did she really want to hear it? Yes. More than she could have imagined.

  But there was only silence.

  Too much of it.

  Which was fine. After all, this was what she wanted. Distance between them. Not too much connection. Definitely not the level of commitment he spoke of because honestly…this was Kol after all. They were alike. They didn’t do anything that serious.

  Did they?

  And certainly not love.

  But it sounded like he was of an entirely different mind now. He wanted to marry her? Have children? Her heart sped up and her palms grew clammy. What was she supposed to make of that? All she knew was that her body was responding far differently to the idea of marrying Kol than it ever had with Sean.

  A thrill she barely recognized had her worrying at her lower lip and staring at the double-edged axe hanging beside his bed for what felt like hours. Though the fire still crackled it was low and nearly out when she peeked over her shoulder.

  Kol sat in a chair, legs spread, arms draped, head leaned back. He was out cold.

  Amber rubbed the side of her neck and sat up, eyes glued to him. How could a man still look so sexy when so vulnerable? But that was Kol no matter the circumstances. He had a way of escaping all the drama when he slept. He stayed low stress despite all.

  Perched on the edge of the bed, her eyes roamed over him. His chiseled face, the way he allowed his strong body to go soft, how he became a gentle giant. In its own way, she found his unintentional openness even more drawing than his wakefulness.

  Lie back down. Go to sleep. Leave him be. He let you be. There’s nothing but trouble here.

  Yet, like a fool, she crouched in front of him.

  She could stand in front of the fire or she could go feel the wind on her face outside. Hell, she could curl back under the blankets but no…Amber wanted to watch him.

  Like this.

  Again, she felt the overwhelming desire to sketch him so grabbed paper and charcoal from the table and sat at his feet. Women could imagine so much about a man. The way he moved. The way he spoke. The way he thought. But there was something precious about watching a man sleep. Especially one so unguarded despite his rough exterior.

  Little tingles prickled her tattoo then faded. Her hand flew over the paper as her eyes trailed over what looked to be three days’ worth of hair growing over his nearly square jaw. The way his straight nose remained a masterpiece over lips that were curved and full, so damn kissable she wanted to lick her tongue over their edges. Even with his eyes closed, shadows outlined his deep brows, highlighting the stark handsomeness of his face.

  Kol wasn’t just a guy who suited her taste.

  No, he suited every woman’s taste.

  He was universally hot.

  And that was before he winked at you and flashed those baby browns and dimples.

  The more she studied him, the more she realized how much she would miss his face when she left. How much she’d miss him period. Those low, sensual chuckles he was so good at. The way he made her laugh. The excitement he made her feel. Just being around him was intoxicating.

  Startled, she realized he filled something inside of her she didn’t know was missing.

  What, she wasn’t entirely sure. Just that there was a new warmth that hadn’t been there before. Something she didn’t want to lose. Something that took away the edge of emptiness she had felt for so long.

  Since the night her parents split up.

  Confused, Amber tensed.

  Her eyes dropped to what she had sketched. Not him sleeping but them together after he had saved her. Those tender moments after the enemy ship sunk when he wrapped a fur around them and tucked her against his chest. No fear existed then. Just a sense that he would always be there for her, that she could depend on him.

  Though seemingly sound asleep, Kol must have sensed her emotions, perhaps even her thoughts, because he murmured, “You can always depend on me, Amber.” Her eyes rose to his, instantly caught by the sincerity in them as he continued. “And I won’t betray you.” He clenched his jaw, leaned forward and cupped her cheek. “You have not only my vow but my dragon’s.”

  Her chest was so tight, speaking was difficult. “We don’t do just one person. We talked about that. How can you commit like this? What changed?”

  “What changed?” Kol contemplated her, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes before he slowly set aside her sketch and knelt on the floor. His knees braced on either side of hers as he cupped her cheeks. “I fell in love.” He shook his head. “Now the idea of any woman except you seems impossible.”

  Amber tried to respond but couldn’t. All of a sudden she remembered standing in Sean’s house in Winter Harbor. Him searching for a level of commitment she just wasn’t capable of.

  Was she now?

  Kol gently pressed a finger against her lips and shook his head, a new wisdom in his eyes. “I only told you this so that you would know. I was angry before because I thought I needed you to share my feelings, that if I felt this way then you should too.” He cupped the sides of her neck, gaze unwavering. “But now that I’ve said it, I feel…different, better…somehow freer than before.” Kol stroked her hair. “You say it when and if you ever feel the same. No sooner.”

  He quirked his lip. “Because trust me, when you feel this for the first time you won’t be able to say anything else.”

  Amber might still be muddling through feelings and unsure what her heart was up to, but the genuineness of his words and intensity of his gaze had new heat curling through her. Instead of responding, she leaned forward and kissed him. She might not be able to tell him what he wanted to hear, but she could show him what she was feeling.

  At first she just brushed her lips against his. For a long time she kept the kiss soft, chaste, gentle, caring. Then she flicked her tongue, seeking entrance. When his lips parted, she deepened the kiss, not twisting tongues but lapping and tasting. She’d never kissed a man quite like this before. Like she wanted him to feel the words she couldn’t say. Like she wanted him to know she wasn’t empty inside anymore.

  That he was slowly filling her up.

  Yet the passion of the kiss soon had them both groaning. He tore his lips away just long enough to pull off her tunic before his mouth was on hers again. Heat gathered fast as their hungry tongues tangled.

  “I need to taste you,” he growled against her lips seconds before he scooped her up. Kol laid her back on a thick fur carpet in front of the fire as its flames magically flared back to life. He flashed a wolfish grin before he yanked off his tunic and her pants then whipped them aside. A split second later he was licking not her mouth but somewhere else entirely.

  Her eyes rolled back in her head as she dug her hands into his hair and pressed against his eager lips. Damn, the man knew how to use his fingers and tongue. Instantly immersed in blistering pl
easure, she tried to squirm but he grabbed her hips and locked her down. From there it was just an onslaught of sensations.




  She cried out as waves of ecstasy crashed over her. All the while he nibbled and licked, keeping her release going and going. Holy hell, she couldn’t form a coherent thought as he drove her on. An inescapable, perpetual nirvana made the room turn hazy. Colors blurred. The musky scent of arousal filled the air. This was a first. The endless crest of climaxes stumbling one after another. It was almost painful in its sharp, unrelenting pleasure.

  Amber had no idea how long he worked her flesh, but somewhere in her near incoherency she started to wonder if she was experiencing the infamous but elusive hour-long orgasm. She would have avidly told anyone that such a thing didn’t exist but… Heck, at this point her groans and moans were mixed with flat out screams.

  “Kol,” she finally whimpered, almost frightened by how far gone she was.

  A deep chuckle rumbled against her sensitive flesh moments before he flipped her so she was flat on her stomach. Then his hands fell on either side of her shoulders and he lowered until she felt the hard contours of his body against every inch of hers.

  “Your pants are gone,” she croaked, overly aware of his hot arousal against her backside.

  “A little bit of magic,” he said.

  Kol stretched her arms over her head then trailed his fingers lightly down her inner arm, sending shivers up her spine. He brushed aside her hair and feathered kisses along the side of her neck. She swore half her nerve endings were located there because tingles fanned out everywhere.

  “So responsive,” he murmured, promise in his voice. “I’ll find all of these spots then I’ll learn exactly how to touch them.”

  Oh, she didn’t doubt it for a second. There was every likelihood he would find spots she had no idea existed. For now he kept with the side of her neck and she writhed beneath him, frantic for the feel of him inside of her.

  Mercifully compliant, he wedged her legs apart, snaked one arm beneath her stomach and barely lifted her. Just enough so that he could press forward and give her the relief she so desperately craved.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned as he ever-so-slowly entered her.

  It seemed like forever before he seated himself fully. All the while, he kissed, nipped then blew on her neck before he ran his tongue over her shoulder then kissed his way back. Attentive and thorough in his seduction, his whispers of adoration were endless, making her feel so completely cherished.


  When he at last started to move in well-measured deep thrusts, his hard body sliding against hers, he continued to make her feel treasured. A touch here. A stroke there. As if he coaxed a fire back to life.

  A fire that was quickly starting to burn out of control the faster he moved.

  He kept her at a unique angle that sparked hypersensitive flesh deep inside and drove poignant pleasure into a blinding fervor. Soaked in sweat and passion, she knew he was losing control every bit as much as her.

  When he started murmuring her name over and over, the muscles in her belly and legs started to pulsate. She was going to crest hard and there was no stopping it. A low wail started in her throat. Either sensing her impending release or out of time himself, Kol suddenly leaned back, pulled her hips up, thrust hard, and roared.

  In direct response, an excruciatingly strong climax seized her and she buried her face in the fur. He lowered over her again until they were skin to skin, their breathing harsh before he turned them so he spooned her. One arm wrapped around her waist, the other cupping the top of her head, he curled around her.

  They stayed that way for a long time, silent and cuddled together before he turned her lips to his and kissed her softly. Though she couldn’t admit to love, either out of fear or lack of faith in it, she knew then that her body would never tire of this man. Feeling the touch of his lips and the strokes of his hands would never get old.

  No, as he rolled her beneath him and their desire again flared, she somehow knew with certainty that the physical chemistry they shared would never fade. And somehow she knew he sensed the same thing. For two who shared such a passion for sex, it was a tremendous revelation. One that she had little time to mull over as the night passed and they continued to make love.

  Ravenous, energetic, Kol was a remarkably robust and thorough lover. The only time she managed to slow him down were the several opportunities when she got the chance to taste him. And damn did she enjoy herself. Suffice it to say, there could be no doubt that he more than approved of her skills.

  She had no idea when they ended up on the bed. For that matter, she had no clue when they dozed off. Obviously sometime after the zillions of orgasms he managed to wring out of her. When her eyes cracked open, it was only because of her oldest sister’s voice.

  “Hey Sis,” Megan murmured.

  “Hey,” she whispered and looked around. Kol was gone and Veronica was sitting in a chair nursing Matthew. “What time is it?”

  “Late.” Megan brushed Amber’s hair back from her face. “There’s a tub of warm water waiting for you.”

  Amber sat up and moaned when every muscle in her body screamed at her.

  “Yeah, I’ll bet you’re sore.” Veronica snorted. “You two made the vast majority of Naðr’s kingdom proud last night.” She slid Amber a look. “I don’t think so many have ever toasted a couple a good night of romping.”

  “Oh God. On such a sad night no less. Real nice.” Amber knew she was blushing when she looked at Megan. “Were we really that loud?”

  Megan chuckled. “God yeah, and long after the celebrations ended.” Her sister squeezed her hand. “No worries. Vikings don’t see sex as inappropriate on a night of mourning, or on any other night for that matter. In their eyes, it’s just another way of thanking Odin for his endless blessings.”

  Veronica grinned, her eyes not judgmental in the least when they met Amber’s. “And wow did you and Kol celebrate Odin’s blessings better than most.”

  Megan shifted when Amber swung her legs over the side of the bed. It might be a few short steps, but it seemed like a football field in length as she just about waddled to her bath. She shook her head as her sisters outright laughed, then groaned in relief as she sunk into the soothing water.

  “So,” Megan began, blunt as ever after Amber immersed her entire head beneath the water and resurfaced. “We’re curious to know how the heck you’re handling the fact that Kol’s in love with you.”

  At first she was going to brush it off with a flippant remark about how it was likely a fleeting notion on his part, but the words died on her lips. Instead, she found herself being blatantly honest. “I don’t want to hurt him.” She shook her head, words raspy as she stared at the water. “It’ll break my heart.”

  Megan’s tone was soft. “Why would it break your heart?”

  Amber frowned. “Because he’s a great guy and doesn’t deserve it.” Then she just came out with what they were likely thinking. “Any more than Sean did.”

  “Did it break your heart when you and Sean ended things?” When Amber almost responded sharply, Megan held up her hand and shook her head. “I’m long past being aggravated that things didn’t work out the way I’d hoped between you two. Years past it actually. What I meant was is what you’re feeling toward Kol the same as what you felt for Sean?” There was only compassion in Megan’s eyes. “Be honest with yourself.”

  Amber sighed and rolled the soap over in her hand. The sad truth was she just wasn’t sure. Or was she? “I feel like there’s no right answer to this.”

  “Ask yourself this then,” Veronica murmured. “What exactly did you feel when it was over between you and Sean? Then what would you feel if Kol was here now and you ended it…walked away forever?”

  “I was incredibly sad when it was over between Sean and I,” Amber said. But she hadn’t been heartbroken. No, if anything there had been the faintes
t feeling of relief. “What would I feel if it was over between Kol and me?”

  She was about to give the obvious response that it would suck but couldn't say a word as the idea of never seeing him again truly took hold. She swallowed hard, surprised by the lump in her throat.

  “Amber?” Megan said softly.

  Her eyes shot to her sister’s and held, lost, her voice sounding completely foreign when she said, “I can’t imagine what it would feel like.”

  Megan’s words were tender. “No, I don’t suppose you can.”

  Amber shook her head and worked to pull herself out of a near stupor. She focused on bathing and changed the subject. “So Helga’s the number one enemy now, eh? What exactly does that mean?”

  Megan and Veronica’s eyes met briefly. They knew she needed the focus off of her and Kol.

  “Since Adlin and Grant are here to help fight, it doesn’t mean anything good. They’re extremely powerful wizards, the best the MacLomain clan has to offer, which says a lot. Whatever magic Helga’s got at her disposal is pretty damn kick-ass.”

  “But the Scotsmen are helping,” Veronica reminded. “Which tells me they want this pact fulfilled and for the brothers to be able to shift to their dragons without repercussions.”

  “Yes." Megan handed Amber a towel when she stood. “Honestly, I think Adlin always meant to help the brothers if shit went sideways. He strikes me the sort that protects his own and I see how strongly he cares about Naðr and his brothers. He might have helped them originally against Rennir but since then the brothers have seriously gone to bat for the MacLomains.” Megan’s eyes met Veronica’s. “And so have we for that matter.”

  Moving easier because of the bath, Amber fished out a fresh pair of pants and a tunic from her trunk. She slid them on, towel drying her hair as she eyed her sisters. “So this is a good thing right? Two wizards, a demi-god and a seer against one seer and a sleazy new Viking king with crap for brains.”

  “I think it’ll depend a lot on how much dark magic Helga managed to harness. From what I hear, though they’re both not evil, Adlin’s not as strong against the bad stuff as Grant. And you heard what the Unnamed One said. She’s low on fuel right now. I’m sort of getting the sense that Kjar is too considering his cautious nature lately.” Megan sighed. “So we’ll see soon enough just how much power we really have against the enemy.”


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